Xcode- Make Textview continue horizontally forever - cocoa

I am trying to make a basic text editor (For a School Project if you are wondering) and I want to make it work with different code. The problem is that I cant get TextView to go on forever horizontally. Similar to Notepad++. I have set it to have the ability scroll horizontally, but I cannot seem to make the text keep going on one line. This is for a Mac OS X application and I am using Xcode 5. Also, on a side note, if you by chance know how to number the rows, I would greatly appreciate that as well. Thank you!

Menu option: Xcode->Preferences
From there go to the "Text Editing" tab and check the box for "Line numbers" then in the Indentation subtab uncheck the box for "line wrapping"
To disable word wrap on an NSTextView see this SO answer


How do I turn off "column box select" in visual studio code?

I seem to be unable to turn off box/column select. In other words, if I try to select across multiple lines, I only get a box select, as opposed to the usual behavior where entire lines are selected as I add lines.
I am using version 1.48.2 on a mac.
I must have pressed option+shift or some other such code inadvertently and now I can only select boxes. I have looked at my keyboard shortcuts but I don't know what to look for...
Unfortunately searching for solutions via google or SE only produces results for how to turn it on, not off! I don't know what the opposite mode is. "line select" seems to be just to select the current line, not for entire lines across multiline selections.
example of current behavior. I want the entire line "spaceship..." to be selected.
Just found the answer myself looking for something else. There is a "Text Editor" setting called "Editor: Column Selection" that controls this. The default is off, but I must have turned it on somehow without realizing it. Thanks to anyone who may have taken time to read this....
Cmd+8 is the shortcut to toggle the setting

VS2012 Text Editor Width

Is it possible to change the width of the text editor in VS2012 - I've got a fairly wide screen and use fairly small text so I end up with a lot wasted real-estate in the middle of my screen.
I don't want to turn off word wrap - I just want the wrap to start further right on the line. If that makes sense!?
You can set this with HTML in Visual Studio 2012 but there is no global setting and it's missing in quite a few languages.
You can just put another "dummy" window next to the one you are writing in, so the actual editor window will be smaller. You can put it on the left if you want to pan the text to the right, and to the right if you want to shorten the lines.
I actually found the answer elsewhere; VS doesn't appear to provide this functionality but Resharper does. Resharper -> Options -> Code Editing -> C# -> Formatting Style -> Line Breaks and Wrapping -> Right margin (columns)
I put mine to 200 which fixed the issue
I know that this is not what you are looking for, but I believe it solves the same problem. I too have a fairly large screen and try to make use of it as optimally as possible.
I hate tabbing between code or design tabs and try to avoid that as much as possible.
VS has a feature that permits the user to create Horizontal or Vertical Tab groups and ever since I have started using it, I have found it very helpful. These options are present in the context menu by right clicking the tab or in the VS Window Menu (Menus are seen only if the tab groups feature is not active).
I have created a screenshot with Vertical Tab Groups created as shown below. In this example, I have a overview of both the designer and the code view at the same time.
We can use tab groups whenever there is a dependency such as comparing code, redesigning a module, etc. I know it takes a little time to get used to this feature but try it out and see :)

Is there any way to scroll beyond the last line in xcode?

I ask if there is any way to scroll beyond the last line in xcode, because I always end up pressing a lot of enters to the end of my files, so that I don't have to always type my code at the bottom of my window.
I have skimmed through the properties panel of XCode, and had a look at this forum. So far the answer looks negative, but I kept my hopes up. :)
Any ideas for tricking XCode to scroll beyond the last line? (I have XCode 4.5.2)
There is now a plugin for that !
Have a look at SCXcodeEditorInset !
Dont think there is a way to do this but if you are trying to edit the buttom of the code while having it near the top of your display, you can click the middle view button in xcode to bring up the console/watcher and then drag that up to the desirable spot. This does decrease the overall space of your editor but can sometimes be useful if you prefer this or just need to do that temporarily
What I do is, When you finished typing at the bottom, before you go to top, type some unnecessary code "asdf" as error then go where you want. you can come back clicking on top right red error panel.

Cocoa combo box like Safari

Using Cocoa, I'd like to create a "combo box" as seen in Safari - think "select your state" where you click it, it drops down and has every option listed, and you choose them. This differs from the standard NSComboBox because it doesn't have a blank line in it. And it's also not so totally ugly..
Like an NSPopUpButton?

Xcode 3.2 find and replace in selected text

Is it possible to find and replace in selected text in Snow Leopard Xcode 3.2? There always use to be an option for selected text. Really frustrating. Thanks.
Yeah, but it's a lot less obvious now. If you have the "Find" bar up, change the first dropdown menu to "Find & Replace". Then, if you hold option, the "Replace All" button turns into an "In Selection" button.
You can press Command+Ctrl+F to bring up directly the Find & Replace bar, and press Escape to remove it. I don't think there's anyway to activate the "Replace All" button using the keyboard, but then again there never was afaik.
In XCode 5 and earlier you can highlight a word and hit CMD+CTRL+E and then simply edit the word in line and it applies your edit to all occurrences of that word in the document.
Sometimes an image helps make things a little easier to grasp quickly. So this is to supplement the chosen answer.
And holding down Option:
