ElasticSearch: Matching multiple queries - ruby

I am using Tire (ElasticSearch Ruby gem), and want to match a few fields on the keyword "community marketing". However, I also want ElasticSearch to return me results for the keyword "communities marketing" as well. The standard analyzer does not parse/tokenize "communities" as "community" so they're separate keywords.
How do I get ElasticSearch to return me results for both "community marketing" and "communities marketing"? I prefer to do this in query time, rather than index time. I'm fine with ElasticSearch standard analyzer and prefer not to mess around with it.
fields = ["title", "popular_hash_tags"]
keyword = "communities marketing"
keyword2 = "community marketing"
s = Tire.search "articles" do
query do
match fields, keyword, :operator => "AND"
#NOW I also want to match keyword2??

I suggest digging through the query DSL of Elasticsearch. You will find a lot of interesting stuff.
For instance, the "should" clause of a bool filter.


How to prevent slow match / match_phrase queries for keywords in Kibana?

How can I achieve that a match query for certain fields is equivalent to a term query?
I have a larger index in Elastic covering events. Each event has an eventid field consisting of a random hex string (e.g. f4fc38c993c1a8273f9c40eedc9050b7) as well as some other fields. The eventid is indexed as keyword in Elastic.
If I query based on this field in Kibana, the query often runs into timeouts, because Kibana automatically generates a match query for eventid:f4fc38c993c1a8273f9c40eedc9050b7.
If I set a manual filter using { "query": { "term": { "eventid": "f4fc38c993c1a8273f9c40eedc9050b7" } } } (so a term instead of match query) I get a response quite quickly.
From my understanding, these should be pretty much equivalent, as keyword fields aren't analyzed, so the match query should be equivalent to a term query.
What am I missing?

Hibernate Search with nGram | How to instruct that nGram do no make grams during search time

I have defined my Analyzer as below
#AnalyzerDef(name = "ngram",
tokenizer = #TokenizerDef(factory = KeywordTokenizerFactory.class),
filters = {
//#TokenFilterDef(factory = StandardFilterFactory.class),
#TokenFilterDef(factory = LowerCaseFilterFactory.class),
#TokenFilterDef(factory = NGramFilterFactory.class, params = {
#Parameter(name = "minGramSize", value = "3"),
#Parameter(name = "maxGramSize", value = "255") }) }),
#AnalyzerDef(name = "ngram_query",
tokenizer = #TokenizerDef(factory = KeywordTokenizerFactory.class),
filters = {
//#TokenFilterDef(factory = StandardFilterFactory.class),
#TokenFilterDef(factory = LowerCaseFilterFactory.class)
#Analyzer(definition = "ngram")
public class EPCAsset extends Asset {
private String obturatorMaterial;
It perfectly makes n-grams term vectors during index time. But it also makes n-gram of search query during search time.
What i want is a way by which search query uses n-gram index to search without breaking the search term into grams.
Note: I have to use n-gram here because the requirement is to search anywhere in the text. either start or in middle. so edge-n-gram is not an option for me.
Input Data to be index ICQ 234
Then during index time its term vectors are
" 23"
" 234"
"cq "
"cq 2"
"cq 23"
"cq 234"
"icq "
"icq 2"
"icq 23"
"icq 234"
"q 2"
"q 23"
"q 234"
Now when I search icq it works perfectly. But it also works for icqabc As during search time it makes n-grams of search query. So is there a way that during search time it do not break the search term but use n-gram index for searching.
Here is my search query building
FullTextEntityManager fullTextEntityManager = Search
QueryBuilder qb = fullTextEntityManager.getSearchFactory().buildQueryBuilder()
Query query = qb.phrase().onField("obturatorMaterial").sentence("icqabc").createQuery();
FullTextQuery fullTextQuery = fullTextEntityManager.createFullTextQuery(query,
I am using elastic search as backend for Hibernate search.
I also has applied query time analyzer as per #yrodiere's answer but it give me error.
QueryBuilder qb = fullTextEntityManager.getSearchFactory().buildQueryBuilder()
org.hibernate.search.exception.SearchException: HSEARCH000353: Unknown analyzer: 'ngram_query'. Make sure you defined this analyzer.
As per this link overriderForField when using elasticsearch backed hibernate search
I am now able to define a query time 2nd analyzer and it solved the problem.
First, you should double check that an ngram filter really is what you want. I'm mentioning this because the ngram analyzer is generally used both at indexing and querying, so that it provides fuzzy matches. It's kind of the whole point of this analyzer.
Do you really need matches when the user types cq 2? Does it make sense? When implementing autocomplete, people generally prefer to only match documents containing words that start with the user input, so i would match, ic and icq would too, but not cq 2. If this seems to be what you want, you should have a look at the "edge_ngram" filter. It tends to improve the relevance of matches and also doesn't require as much disk space.
Now, even with the "edge_ngram" filter you will need to disable ngrams at query time. In Hibernate Search, this is done by "overriding" the analyzer.
First, define a second analyzer, identical to the one you use during indexing, but without the "ngram" or "edge_ngram" filter. Name it "ngram_query".
Then, use this to create your query builder:
QueryBuilder queryBuilder = fullTextEntityManager.getSearchFactory().buildQueryBuilder().forEntity(EPCAsset.class)
.overridesForField( "obturatorMaterial", "ngram_query" )
Use the query builder to create your query as usual.
Note that, if you rely on Hibernate Search to push the index schema and analyzers to Elasticsearch, you will have to use a hack in order for the query-only analyzer to be pushed: by default only the analyzers that are actually used during indexing are pushed. See https://discourse.hibernate.org/t/cannot-find-the-overridden-analyzer-when-using-overridesforfield/1043/4
Either you need to use search time analyzer and very likely it would be the keyword analyzer during search time. Or need to use term query instead of match query, which is analyzed means it uses the same analyzer used index time.
Read more about term query and match query for more information.
Edit :- https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/search-analyzer.html clearly talked about the use of search_analyzer, in case of edgeNGram tokenizer and autocomplete search which is exactly your use case.

Simple query without a specified field searching in whole ElasticSearch index

Say we have an ElasticSearch instance and one index. I now want to search the whole index for documents that contain a specific value. It's relevant to the search for this query over multiple fields, so I don't want to specify every field to search in.
My attempt so far (using NEST) is the following:
var res2 = client.Search<ElasticCompanyModelDTO>(s => s.Index("cvr-permanent").AllTypes().
Query(q => q
.Bool(bo => bo
.Must( sh => sh
However, the query above results in an empty query:
I get the following output, ### ES REQEUST ### {} , after applying the following debug on my connectionstring:
.OnRequestCompleted(details =>
Debug.WriteLine("### ES REQEUST ###");
if (details.RequestBodyInBytes != null) Debug.WriteLine(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(details.RequestBodyInBytes));
How do I do this? Why is my query wrong?
Your problem is that you must specify a single field to search as part of a TermQuery. In fact, all ElasticSearch queries require a field or fields to be specified as part of the query. If you want to search every field in your document, you can use the built-in "_all" field (unless you've disabled it in your mapping.)
You should be sure you really want a TermQuery, too, since that will only match exact strings in the text. This type of query is typically used when querying short, unanalyzed string fields (for example, a field containing an enumeration of known values like US state abbreviations.)
If you'd like to query longer full-text fields, consider the MultiMatchQuery (it lets you specify multiple fields, too.)
Try this
var res2 = client.Search<ElasticCompanyModelDTO>(s =>
.Query(qry => qry
.Bool(b => b
.Must(m => m
.QueryString(qs => qs
The existing answers rely on the presence of _all. In case anyone comes across this question at a later date, it is worth knowing that _all was removed in ElasticSearch 6.0
There's a really good video explaining the reasons behind this and the way the replacements work from ElasticOn starting at around 07:30 in.
In short, the _all query can be replaced by a simple_query_string and it will work with same way. The form for the _search API would be;
GET <index>/_search
"query": {
"simple_query_string" : {
"query": "<queryTerm>"
The NEST pages on Elastic's documentation for this query are here;

How to find all documents with specific string in field?(Elasticsearch)

I have a document with fields:
"provider": "AppStore",
"device_model": "iPad3,6[graphicsDeviceName: PowerVR SGX 554]",
"days_in_game": 34,
And I need to get all documents with iPad string in device_model!
Is it possible?
There are two types of search queries in Elasticsearch ie. term queries and match queries. The match first analyzes the query string, then looks for documents containing the words in the query and returns result depending upon how closely it matches.
What the term query does is basically a yes or no query and will return only the documents that have an exact match.
I think for your case a term query is better fit. And since field does not contain the exact word iPad but something like iPad3 you should use a prefix, wildcard or possibly a regexp query depending upon what your document actually contain(take a look at this)
You could use the following query:
"query": {
"prefix": {
"device_model": "iPad"

Is it possible to chain fquery filters in elastic search with exact matches?

I have been having trouble writing a method that will take in various search parameters in elasticsearch. I was working with queries that looked like this:
{term: {some_term: "foo"}},
{term: {is_visible: true}},
{term: {"term_two": "something"}}]
Using this syntax I thought I could chain these terms together and programatically generate these queries. I was using simple strings and if there was a term like "person_name" I could split the query into two and say "where person_name match 'JOHN'" and where person_name match 'SMITH'" getting accurate results.
However, I just came across the "fquery" upon asking this question:
Escaping slash in elasticsearch
I was not able to use this "and"/"term" filter searching a value with slashes in it, so I learned that I can use fquery to search for the full value, like this
"fquery": {
"query": {
"match": {
"by_line": "John Smith"
But how can I search like this for multiple items? IT seems that when i combine fquery and my filtered/filter/and/term queries, my "and" term queries are ignored. What is the best practice for making nested / chained queries using elastic search ?
As in the comment below, yes I can just add fquery to the "and" block like so
{:query=>{:match=>{:sub_location=>"New JErsey"}}}}]}}}
Why would elasticsearch also return results with "sub_location" = "new York"? I would like to only return "new jersey" here.
A match query analyzes the input and by default it is a boolean OR query if there are multiple terms after the analysis. In your case, "New JErsey" gets analyzed into the terms "new" and "jersey". The match query that you are using will search for documents in which the indexed value of field "sub_location" is either "new" or "jersey". That is why your query also matches documents where the value of field "sub_location" is "new York" because of the common term "new".
To only match for "new jersey", you can use the following version of the match query:
"query": {
"match": {
"sub_location": {
"query": "New JErsey",
"operator": "and"
This will not match documents where the value of field "sub_location" is "New York". But, it will match documents where the value of field "sub_location" is say "York New" because the query finally translates into a boolean query like "York" AND "New". If you are fine with this behaviour, well and good, else read further.
All these issues arise because you are using the default analyzer for the field "sub_location" which breaks tokens at word boundaries and indexes them. If you really do not care about partial matches and want to always match the entire string, you can make use of custom analyzers to use Keyword Tokenizer and Lowercase Token Filter. Mind you, going ahead with this approach will need you to re-index all your documents again.
