Cannot insert white spaces in string in the examples table - ruby

Scenario Outline:Where is the player
Given I navigate to Google
When I enter < player> in the search field
Then the text < keyword1> should be present
#current #football
| player | keyword1 |
| Rooney | Manchester |
| Gerrard | Liverpool |
| Terry | Chelsea |
#old #football
| player | keyword1 |
| Eric Cantona | Manchester |
If I write Cantona instead of Eric Cantona then it is working, but as soon as you run the program with white space inserted in a string it gives an error.

Try putting quotes around the Scenario Outline placeholders (and removing the leading space from the placeholder). For example:
Scenario Outline: Where is the player
Given I navigate to Google
When I enter "<player>" in the search field
Then the text "<keyword1>" should be present

The problem is that your step definition is only looking for a single word:
When /^I enter (\w+) in the search field$/ do | player |
Cucumber uses regular expressions to match steps to their definitions, and to capture the variables. Your step definition is looking for "I enter ", followed by a single word, followed by " in the search field".
You could change the "player" regex from (\w+) to something like ([\w\s]+). That would match words and white space and should match the multi word example.
When /^I enter ([\w\s]+) in the search field$/ do | player |
Alternatively if you surround your variables with quotes (as suggested by orde) then Cucumber should generate step definitions which match anything inside the quotes using a (.*) group.


Titleize text with jq

How can I titleize text (capitalize each word) with jq?
Expected transformation: "lorum ipsum" → "Lorum Ipsum"
Given a string you consider calling a word, you may uppercase its first character by converting it into an array (./""), modifying the first element (first|=ascii_upcase) and joining all elements back together (add) like so
./"" | first |= ascii_upcase | add
Similarly, given a string of words, split it into an array of words, apply the above to each element using map and join them back together. Depending on what you (or the input data requires you to) consider a word, splitting the string might differ. Given your input example ("lorum ipsum"), using a single space character as word separator will suffice. I'll set it in a variable (--arg ws ' ') and use it for splitting (./$ws) and joining (join($ws)):
echo '"lorum ipsum"' | jq --arg ws ' ' '
./$ws | map(
./"" | first |= ascii_upcase | add
) | join($ws)
this may be achieved with gsub, ascii_upcase, and named capture groups:
$ echo '"lorum ipsum"' | jq 'gsub("(?<x>[A-z])(?<y>[A-z]+)"; "\(.x|ascii_upcase)\(.y)")'
"Lorum Ipsum"
You can use nawk for loop, toupper, sub and substr as below:
echo 'lorum ipsum' | nawk '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++)sub(/./,toupper(substr($i,1,1)),$i)}1'

How to convert a line into camel case?

This picks all the text on single line after a pattern match, and converts it to camel case using non-alphanumeric as separator, remove the spaces at the beginning and at the end of the resulting string, (1) this don't replace if it has 2 consecutive non-alphanumeric chars, e.g "2, " in the below example, (2) is there a way to do everything using sed command instead of using grep, cut, sed and tr?
$ echo " hello
title: this is-the_test string with number 2, to-test CAMEL String
end! " | grep -o 'title:.*' | cut -f2 -d: | sed -r 's/([^[:alnum:]])([0-9a-zA-Z])/\U\2/g' | tr -d ' '
To answer your first question, change [^[:alnum:]] to [^[:alnum:]]+ to mach one ore more non-alnum chars.
You may combine all the commands into a GNU sed solution like
sed -En '/.*title: *(.*[[:alnum:]]).*/{s//\1/;s/([^[:alnum:]]+|^)([0-9a-zA-Z])/\U\2/gp}'
See the online demo
-En - POSIX ERE syntax is on (E) and default line output supressed with n
/.*title: *(.*[[:alnum:]]).*/ - matches a line having title: capturing all after it up to the last alnum char into Group 1 and matching the rest of the line
{s//\1/;s/([^[:alnum:]]+|^)([0-9a-zA-Z])/\U\2/gp} - if the line is matched,
s//\1/ - remove all but Group 1 pattern (received above)
s/([^[:alnum:]]+|^)([0-9a-zA-Z])/\U\2/ - match and capture start of string or 1+ non-alnum chars into Group 1 (with ([^[:alnum:]]+|^)) and then capture an alnum char into Group 2 (with ([0-9a-zA-Z])) and replace with uppercased Group 2 contents (with \U\2).

What ##*/ does in bash? [duplicate]

I have a string like this:
I need to extract the username (joebloggs) from this string and store it in a variable.
The format of the string will always be the same with exception of joebloggs and domain.example so I am thinking the string can be split twice using cut?
The first split would split by : and we would store the first part in a variable to pass to the second split function.
The second split would split by / and store the last word (joebloggs) into a variable
I know how to do this in PHP using arrays and splits but I am a bit lost in bash.
To extract joebloggs from this string in bash using parameter expansion without any extra processes...
NAME=${MYVAR%:*} # retain the part before the colon
NAME=${NAME##*/} # retain the part after the last slash
echo $NAME
Doesn't depend on joebloggs being at a particular depth in the path.
An overview of a few parameter expansion modes, for reference...
${MYVAR#pattern} # delete shortest match of pattern from the beginning
${MYVAR##pattern} # delete longest match of pattern from the beginning
${MYVAR%pattern} # delete shortest match of pattern from the end
${MYVAR%%pattern} # delete longest match of pattern from the end
So # means match from the beginning (think of a comment line) and % means from the end. One instance means shortest and two instances means longest.
You can get substrings based on position using numbers:
${MYVAR:3} # Remove the first three chars (leaving 4..end)
${MYVAR::3} # Return the first three characters
${MYVAR:3:5} # The next five characters after removing the first 3 (chars 4-9)
You can also replace particular strings or patterns using:
The pattern is in the same format as file-name matching, so * (any characters) is common, often followed by a particular symbol like / or .
Given a variable like
Remove the path leaving file name (all characters up to a slash):
echo ${MYVAR##*/}
Remove the file name, leaving the path (delete shortest match after last /):
echo ${MYVAR%/*}
Get just the file extension (remove all before last period):
echo ${MYVAR##*.}
NOTE: To do two operations, you can't combine them, but have to assign to an intermediate variable. So to get the file name without path or extension:
NAME=${MYVAR##*/} # remove part before last slash
echo ${NAME%.*} # from the new var remove the part after the last period
Define a function like this:
getUserName() {
echo $1 | cut -d : -f 1 | xargs basename
And pass the string as a parameter:
userName=$(getUserName "/var/cpanel/users/joebloggs:DNS9=domain.example")
echo $userName
What about sed? That will work in a single command:
sed 's#.*/\([^:]*\).*#\1#' <<<$string
The # are being used for regex dividers instead of / since the string has / in it.
.*/ grabs the string up to the last backslash.
\( .. \) marks a capture group. This is \([^:]*\).
The [^:] says any character _except a colon, and the * means zero or more.
.* means the rest of the line.
\1 means substitute what was found in the first (and only) capture group. This is the name.
Here's the breakdown matching the string with the regular expression:
/var/cpanel/users/ joebloggs :DNS9=domain.example joebloggs
sed 's#.*/ \([^:]*\) .* #\1 #'
Using a single Awk:
... | awk -F '[/:]' '{print $5}'
That is, using as field separator either / or :, the username is always in field 5.
To store it in a variable:
username=$(... | awk -F '[/:]' '{print $5}')
A more flexible implementation with sed that doesn't require username to be field 5:
... | sed -e s/:.*// -e s?.*/??
That is, delete everything from : and beyond, and then delete everything up until the last /. sed is probably faster too than awk, so this alternative is definitely better.
Using a single sed
echo "/var/cpanel/users/joebloggs:DNS9=domain.example" | sed 's/.*\/\(.*\):.*/\1/'
I like to chain together awk using different delimitators set with the -F argument. First, split the string on /users/ and then on :
echo $txt | awk -F"/users/" '{print$2}' | awk -F: '{print $1}'
$2 gives the text after the delim, $1 the text before it.
I know I'm a little late to the party and there's already good answers, but here's my method of doing something like this.
echo ${DIR} | rev | cut -d'/' -f 1 | rev | cut -d':' -f1

given string and its substring, how could I add white space before substring using unix

Assume the substring is unique, for example, given string,
"123 main streetHuntington, WV"
How could I locate the Huntington and add a white space before it.
"123 main street Huntington, WV"
If you are parsing arbitrary addresses, this is a very hard problem.
Assuming you're not just trying to put a space in that specific string, you might want to add a space before an uppercase letter that is preceded by a lower case letter.
sed -r 's/([[:lower:]])([[:upper:]])/\1 \2/g'
# perl
echo "123 main streetHuntington, WV" | perl -ne 's/(Huntington)/ $1/;print'
# sed
echo "123 main streetHuntington, WV" | sed 's/\(Huntington\)/ \1/'

Print word between two characters by going backward in the line

I having problems in extracting the word from a line. What i want is that it picks the first word before the symbol # but after the /. Which is the only delimiter that stand out.
A line looks like this:
I want the word Programming.
To get that line i am using this which narrows it down.
sed -n '/.*picasa.*.jpg/p' 5743548866439293105
So i want it to pretty much find # and then go backward until it hit the first /. Then print it out. In this case the word should be Programming but could be anything.
I want it to be as short as possible and have experimented with
sed -n '/.*picasa.*.jpg/p' 5743548866439293105 | awk '$0=$2' FS="/" RS="[$#]"
You can do that with sed (slightly shortened for formatting but works on your original string as well):
pax> echo ',["' | sed 's/^[^#]*\/\([^#]*\)#.*$/\1/'
Explaining in more detail:
/---+------------------> greedy capture up to '/'.
/ |
| | /------+---------> capture the stuff between '/' and '#'.
| |/ |
| || | /-+-----> everything from '#' to end of line.
| || |/ |
| || || |
\+---> replace with captured group.
It basically searches for an entire line that has the pattern you want (first # following a /), whilst capturing (with the \( and \) brackets) just the stuff between / and #.
The substitution then replaces the entire line with just that captured text you're interested in (via \1).
Using grep with some Perl regex extensions:
echo $string | grep -P -o "(?<=/)[^/]+(?=#)"
-P tells grep to use Perl extensions. -o tells grep to display only the matched text. To understand what gets matched, break the regex into three parts: (?<=/), [^/]+?, and (?=#). The first part says that the matched text must follow a '/', without including the '/' in the match. The second parts matches a string of non-'/' characters. The last part says that the matched text must be immediately followed by a '#', without including the '#' in the match.
Another grep, using the "\K" feature to "throw away" the match up to the last '/' before the '#':
# Match as much as possible up to a '/', but throw it away, then match as much as you can
# up to the first #
echo $string | grep -oP ".*/\K.+(?=#)"
Using cut and awk to get the first field (splitting on #) followed by the last field (splitting on /):
echo $string | cut -d# -f1 | awk -F/ '{print $NF}'
Using some temporary variables and bash's parameter expansion facilities:
$ FOO=["",1,["",1920,1200]
$ BAR=${FOO%#*} # Strip the last # and everything after
$ echo $BAR
$ BAZ=${BAR##*/} # Strip everything up to and including the last /
$ echo $BAZ
This might work for you:
sed '/.*\/\([^#]*\)#.*/{s//\1/;q};d' file
