The interface provided by the book "Introduction to Algorithm" of decreasing key in binomial heap is:
BINOMIAL-HEAP-DECREASE-KEY (H,x,k), where H is the pointer to the first root of the tree, x is the "index" of the node, whose key is to be decreased to k. And the time complexity is O(logn)
However, we usually use linked list to implement the binomial heap, where there is no direct access to x without performing a search, which in general is O(n).
One way to solve this problem is to keep a pointer for each node in the binomial heap, which then make the direct access to every node in O(1) but the space complexity is then O(n).
Does anybody know better solutions for this? Thanks!
A previous discussion can be found here.
If we store the heap in an array we can easily do that.
If root element is at index i, left child is at 2i and right child is at 2i+1.
In an array we store the elements from index 1.
If we store the heap elements like this, we can directly decrement the element at index x and heapify from x.
This way for heapify we take o(logn) time. For decrementing it is constant.
How to find nth Smallest element from Binary Search Tree
Constraints are :
time complexity must be O(1)
No extra space should be used
I have already tried 2 approaches.
Doing inorder traversal and finding nth element - Time complexity O(n)
Maintaining no. of small elements than current node and finding element with m small elements - Time complexity O(log n)
The only way I could think about is to change the data structure that holds the BST in memory. Should be simple if you actually consider every nodes as structure themselves (value, left_child and right_child) instead of storing them in a unordered array, you can store them in a ordered array. Thus the nth smallest element would be the nth element in your array. The extra computation will be at insertion and deletion. But it still would be more effective if you use for example a C++ set (log(n) for both insertion and deletion).
It mainly depends on your use case.
If you do not use data structure for handling the tree (based on array position) I don't think you cannot do it in something better than log(n).
I want to Find Maximum number of comparison when convert min-heap to max-heap with n node. i think convert min-heap to max-heap with O(n). it means there is no way and re-create the heap.
As a crude lower bound, given a tree with the (min- or max-) heap property, we have no prior idea about how the values at the leaves compare to one another. In a max heap, the values at the leaves all may be less than all values at the interior nodes. If the heap has the topology of a complete binary tree, then even finding the min requires at least roughly n/2 comparisons, where n is the number of tree nodes.
If you have a min-heap of known size then you can create a binary max-heap of its elements by filling an array from back to front with the values obtained by iteratively deleting the root node from the min-heap until it is exhausted. Under some circumstances this can even be done in place. Using the rule that the root node is element 0 and the children of node i are elements 2i and 2i+1, the (max-) heap condition will automatically be satisfied for the heap represented by the new array.
Each deletion from a min-heap of size m requires up to log(m) element comparisons to restore the heap condition, however. I think that adds up to O(n log n) comparisons for the whole job. I am doubtful that you can do it any with any lower complexity without adding conditions. In particular, if you do not perform genuine heap deletions (incurring the cost of restoring the heap condition), then I think you incur comparable additional costs to ensure that you end up with a heap in the end.
One standard implementation of the Dijkstra algorithm uses a heap to store distances from the starting node S to all unexplored nodes. The argument for using a heap is that we can efficiently pop the minimum distance from it, in O(log n). However, to maintain the invariant of the algorithm, one also needs to update some of the distances in the heap. This involves:
popping non-min elements from the heaps
computing the updated distances
inserting them back into the heap
I understand that popping non-min elements from a heap can be done in O(log n) if one knows the location of that element in the heap. However, I fail to understand how one can know this location in the case of the Dijkstra algorithm. It sounds like a binary search tree would be more appropriate.
More generally, my understanding is that the only thing that a heap can do better than a balanced binary search tree is to access (without removing) the min element. Is my understanding correct?
However, I fail to understand how one can know this location in the case of the Dijkstra algorithm.
You need an additional array that keeps track of where in the heap the elements live, or an extra data member inside the heap's elements. This has to be updated after each heap operation.
the only thing that a heap can do better than a balanced binary search tree is to access (without removing) the min element
Even a BST can be amended to keep a pointer to the min element in addition to the root pointer, giving O(1) access to the min (effectively amortizing the O(lg n) work over the other operations).
The only advantage of heaps in terms of worst-case complexity is the "heapify" algorithm, which turns an array into a heap by reshuffling its elements in-place, in linear time. For Dijkstra's, this doesn't matter, since it's going to do n heap operations of O(lg n) cost apiece anyway.
The real reason for heaps, then, is constants. A properly implemented heap is just a contiguous array of elements, while a BST is a pointer structure. Even when a BST is implemented inside an array (which can be done if the number of elements is known from the start, as in Dijkstra's), the pointers take up more memory, and navigating them takes more time than the integer operations that are used to navigate a heap.
I know that we can find the 2nd largest element in an array of size N in N+log(N)-2 using a "tournament" algorithm. Now I wonder if we can find the k-th largest element using a similar "tournament".
I know there is an O(N) "selection" algorithm to find the k-th largest element. It uses Quick Select with a "good" pivot, which can be found in O(N). We can build also a heap from the array in O(N) and retrieve k element from the heap.
I wonder if there is another approach.
I believe you can make this an O(N log k) algorithm: Iterate over the array, and maintain a min-heap of the largest k elements encountered so far. So the first k elements go directly into the heap. Every subsequent element will be compared against the tip of the heap, and if it is larger, the tip will be removed from the heap and the new element inserted, which is an O(log k) operation for a heap of size k. When the algorithm is done, and the sequence had a length of at least k, then the tip of the heap will have the kth largest element, and the rest of the heap the larger elements.
This approach has inferior worst-case behaviour than the median-of-medians O(n) solution, but will be much easier to implement and yield rather good behaviour for small k. So it might be well suited for many practical applications.
I have a problem here that requires to design a data structure that takes O(lg n) worst case for the following three operations:
a) Insertion: Insert the key into data structure only if it is not already there.
b) Deletion: delete the key if it is there!
c) Find kth smallest : find the ݇k-th smallest key in the data structure
I am wondering if I should use heap but I still don't have a clear idea about it.
I can easily get the first two part in O(lg n), even faster but not sure how to deal with the c) part.
Anyone has any idea please share.
Two solutions come in mind:
Use a balanced binary search tree (Red black, AVG, Splay,... any would do). You're already familiar with operation (1) and (2). For operation (3), just store an extra value at each node: the total number of nodes in that subtree. You could easily use this value to find the kth smallest element in O(log(n)).
For example, let say your tree is like follows - root A has 10 nodes, left child B has 3 nodes, right child C has 6 nodes (3 + 6 + 1 = 10), suppose you want to find the 8th smallest element, you know you should go to the right side.
Use a skip list. It also supports all your (1), (2), (3) operations for O(logn) on average but may be a bit longer to implement.
Well, if your data structure keeps the elements sorted, then it's easy to find the kth lowest element.
The worst-case cost of a Binary Search Tree for search and insertion is O(N) while the average-case cost is O(lgN).
Thus, I would recommend using a Red-Black Binary Search Tree which guarantees a worst-case complexity of O(lgN) for both search and insertion.
You can read more about red-black trees here and see an implementation of a Red-Black BST in Java here.
So in terms of finding the k-th smallest element using the above Red-Black BST implementation, you just need to call the select method, passing in the value of k. The select method also guarantees worst-case O(lgN).
One of the solution could be using the strategy of quick sort.
Step 1 : Pick the fist element as pivot element and take it to its correct place. (maximum n checks)
now when you reach the correct location for this element then you do a check
step 2.1 : if location >k
your element resides in the first sublist. so you are not interested in the second sublist.
step 2.2 if location
step 2.3 if location == k
you have got the element break the look/recursion
Step 3: repete the step 1 to 2.3 by using the appropriate sublist
Complexity of this solution is O(n log n)
Heap is not the right structure for finding the Kth smallest element of an array, simply because you would have to remove K-1 elements from the heap in order to get to the Kth element.
There is a much better approach to finding Kth smallest element, which relies on median-of-medians algorithm. Basically any partition algorithm would be good enough on average, but median-of-medians comes with the proof of worst-case O(N) time for finding the median. In general, this algorithm can be used to find any specific element, not only the median.
Here is the analysis and implementation of this algorithm in C#: Finding Kth Smallest Element in an Unsorted Array
P.S. On a related note, there are many many things that you can do in-place with arrays. Array is a wonderful data structure and only if you know how to organize its elements in a particular situation, you might get results extremely fast and without additional memory use.
Heap structure is a very good example, QuickSort algorithm as well. And here is one really funny example of using arrays efficiently (this problem comes from programming Olympics): Finding a Majority Element in an Array