I am wrapping my head around feature detector algorithms. I've studied the options that I have: SIFT, SURF, BRISK, FREAK etc. All of them seem fairly complex in terms of underlying mathematics. On the contrary, I want to take one step at a time therefore I am looking for a simple method which doesn't need to be as good as SURF for example. Which algorithm would you recommend to learn and implement?
The first thing too keep in mind is the difference between a detector and a descriptor. A detector is an algorithm for detecting interest points in an image, which are typically either corners or centers of blob-like structures. Then, if you need to match these points across images, you compute descriptors, which are some kind of vectors of values that represent the patches around the interest points.
This should help clear up some confusion. For example, "good features to track", aka the min-eigen corner detector, is an interest point detector. FREAK is a feature descriptor. SIFT, SURF, and BRISK include both a detector and a descriptor. In general, however, you can mix and match detectors and descriptors.
So for starters, you should look at the corner detectors like GFTT and Harris, and also the Laplacian blob detector. Most of the more recent interest point detectors are faster ways of detecting corners or blobs.
For descriptors, start with SIFT. It may seem a bit scary, but this was the first descriptor that has worked, and it is the inspiration and the benchmark for all the others.
If you are trying to start simple, then perhaps the simplest feature descriptor is to take a NxN square around the detected feature and concat all the pixel values. This doesn't work well in practice because it is very sensitive to small changes in lighting, rotation, scale, etc -- but you can test your implementation with two translated versions of an image.
The simplest feature descriptor that "actually works" seems to be the BRIEF descriptor (http://cvlabwww.epfl.ch/~lepetit/papers/calonder_eccv10.pdf), which randomly compares pairs of nearby pixel values to build up a binary descriptor. Note that it isn't scale- or rotation-invariant however: for that you need one of the many extensions such as AKAZE, BRISK, FREAK, or ORB.
I think you can try GFTT : Good features to tracj based on shi-tomasi definitions and equations. Its very old and I think easy to read too.
In my opinion, SIFT. See vlfeat.org for the code they developed which is free to use, and they have several tutorials for an easy implementation.
Given an image of the region containing the lips and other "noise" (teeth, skin), how can we isolate and recolor only the lips (simulating a "lipstick" effect)?
Attached is a photo describing the lips/mouth states.
What we have tried so far is a three-part process:
Color matching the lips using a stable point on the lips (provided by internal API).
Use this color as the base color for the lips isolation.
Recolor the lips (lipstick behavior)
We tried a few algorithms like hue difference, HSV difference, ∆and E after converting them to CIE color space. Unfortunately, nothing has panned out or has produced artifacts due to the skin's relative similarity in color to the lips and the discoloration from shadows cast by the nose and mouth.
What are we missing? Is there a better way to approach it?
We are looking for a solution/direction from a classic Computer Vision color algorithm, not a solution from the Machine Learning/Depp Learning domain. Thanks!
You probably won't like this answer, but your question is ill-posed (there is no measurable solution that is better than others, there are only peoples' opinions.)
In this case, the best answer you can hope for then is usually:
Ask an expert for a large set of examples that would be acceptable in practice.
Your problem can easily be solved by an appropriate artist (who you trust will produce usable results) with access to the right tools (for example photoshop,) but a single artist (or even a group of them) can't possibly scale to millions (or whatever large number you care about) of examples.
To address the short-coming of the artist-based solution, you can use the following strategy:
Collect a sufficiently large set of before and after images created by artists, who you deem trustworthy.
Apply your favorite machine learning algorithm to learn a mapping from the before to the after images. There are many possible choices, and it almost really doesn't matter which you choose as long as you know how to use it well.
Note, the above two steps are usually not one-and-done, as most algorithms are. Usually, you will come across pathological or not-well behaved examples to your ML solution above in using the product. The key is to collect these examples, pass them through the artist and retrain or update your ML model. Repeat this enough times and you will produce a state-of-the-art solution to your problem.
Whether you have the funding, time, motivation and resources to accomplish this is another matter.
You should try semantic segmentation techniques that would definitely give you very good results and it would be a generalized concept.
In image processing, each of the following methods can be used to get the orientation of a blob region:
Using second order central moments
Using PCA to find the axis
Using distance transform to get the skeleton and axis
Other techniques, like fitting the contour of the region with an ellipse.
When should I consider using a specific method? How do they compare, in terms of accuracy and performance?
I'll give you a vague general answer, and I'm sure others will give you more details. This issue comes up all the time in image processing. There are N ways to solve my problem, which one should I use? The answer is, start with the simplest one that you understand the best. For most people, that's probably 1 or 2 in your example. In most cases, they will be nearly identical and sufficient. If for some reason the techniques don't work on your data, you have now learned for yourself, a case where the techniques fail. Now, you need to start exploring other techniques. This is where the hard work comes in, in being a image processing practitioner. There are no silver bullets, there's a grab bag of techniques that work in specific contexts, which you have to learn and figure out. When you learn this for yourself, you will become god like among your peers.
For this specific example, if your data is roughly ellipsoidal, all these techniques will be similar results. As your data moves away from ellipsoidal, (say spider like) the PCA/Second order moments / contours will start to give poor results. The skeleton approaches become more robust, but mapping a complex skeleton to a single axis / orientation can become a very difficult problem, and may require more apriori knowledge about the blob.
I am developing software that depends on musical chords detection. I know some algorithms for pitch detection, with techniques based on cepstral analysis or autocorrelation, but they are mainly focused on monophonic material recognition. But I need to work with some polyphonic recognition, that is, multiple pitches at the same time, like in a chord; does anyone know some good studies or solutions on that matter?
I am currently developing some algorithms based on the FFT, but if anyone has an idea on some algorithms or techniques that I can use, it would be of great help.
This is quite a good Open Source Project:
It detects chords based on a chromagram - a good solution, breaks down a window of the whole spectrum onto an array of pitch classes (size: 12) with float values. Then, chords can be detected by a Hidden Markov Model.
.. should provide you with everything you need. :)
The author of Capo, a transcription program for the Mac, has a pretty in-depth blog. The entry "A Note on Auto Tabbing" has some good jumping off points:
I started researching different methods of automatic transcription in mid-2009, because I was curious about how far along this technology was, and if it could be integrated into a future version of Capo.
Each of these automatic transcription algorithms start out with some kind of intermediate represenation of the audio data, and then they transfer that into a symbolic form (i.e. note onsets, and durations).
This is where I encountered some computationally expensive spectral representations (The Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT), Constant Q Transform (CQT), and others.) I implemented all of these spectral transforms so that I could also implement the algorithms presented by the papers I was reading. This would give me an idea of whether they would work in practice.
Capo has some impressive technology. The standout feature is that its main view is not a frequency spectrogram like most other audio programs. It presents the audio like a piano roll, with the notes visible to the naked eye.
(source: supermegaultragroovy.com)
(Note: The hard note bars were drawn by a user. The fuzzy spots underneath are what Capo displays.)
There's significant overlap between chord detection and key detection, and so you may find some of my previous answer to that question useful, as it has a few links to papers and theses. Getting a good polyphonic recogniser is incredibly difficult.
My own viewpoint on this is that applying polyphonic recognition to extract the notes and then trying to detect chords from the notes is the wrong way to go about it. The reason is that it's an ambiguous problem. If you have two complex tones exactly an octave apart then it's impossible to detect whether there are one or two notes playing (unless you have extra context such as knowing the harmonic profile). Every harmonic of C5 is also a harmonic of C4 (and of C3, C2, etc). So if you try a major chord in a polyphonic recogniser then you are likely to get out a whole sequence of notes that are harmonically related to your chord, but not necessarily the notes you played. If you use an autocorrelation-based pitch detection method then you'll see this effect quite clearly.
Instead, I think it's better to look for the patterns that are made by certain chord shapes (Major, Minor, 7th, etc).
See my answer to this question:
How can I do real-time pitch detection in .Net?
The reference to this IEEE paper is mainly what you're looking for: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/Xplore/login.jsp?reload=true&url=/iel5/89/18967/00876309.pdf?arnumber=876309
The harmonics are throwing you off. Plus, humans can find fundamentals in sound even when the fundamental isn't present! Think of reading, but by covering half of the letters. The brain fills in the gaps.
The context of other sounds in the mix, and what came before, is very important to how we perceive notes.
This is a very difficult pattern matching problem, probably suitable for an AI technique such as training neural nets or genetic algorithms.
Basically, at every point in time, you guess the number of notes being play, the notes, the instruments that played the notes, the amplitudes, and the duration of the note. Then you sum the magnitudes of all the harmonics and overtones that all those instruments would generate when played at that volume at that point in thier envelope (attack, decay, etc.). Subtract the sum of all those harmonics from the spectrum of you signal, then minimize the difference over all possibilities. Pattern recognition of the thump/squeak/pluck transient noise/etc. at the very onset of the note might also be important. Then do some decision analysis to make sure your choices make sense (e.g. a clarinet didn't suddenly change into a trumpet playing another note and back again 80 mS later), to minimize the error probability.
If you can constrain your choices (e.g. only 2 flutes playing only quarter notes, etc.), especially to instruments with very limited overtone energy, it makes the problem a lot easier.
Also http://www.schmittmachine.com/dywapitchtrack.html
The dywapitchtrack library computes the pitch of an audio stream in real time. The pitch is the main frequency of the waveform (the 'note' being played or sung). It is expressed as a float in Hz.
And http://clam-project.org/ may help a little.
This post is a bit old, but I thought I'd add the following paper to the discussion:
Klapuri,Anssi; Multipitch Analysis of Polyphonic Music and Speech Signals Using an Auditory Model; IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUDIO, SPEECH, AND LANGUAGE PROCESSING, VOL. 16, NO. 2, FEBRUARY 2008 255
The paper acts somewhat like a literature review of multipitch analysis and discusses a method based on an auditory model:
(The image is from the paper. I don't know if I have to get permission to post it.)
I would like to get some sort of distance measure between two pieces of audio. For example, I want to compare the sound of an animal to the sound of a human mimicking that animal, and then return a score of how similar the sounds were.
It seems like a difficult problem. What would be the best way to approach it? I was thinking to extract a couple of features from the audio signals and then do a Euclidian distance or cosine similarity (or something like that) on those features. What kind of features would be easy to extract and useful to determine the perceptual difference between sounds?
(I saw somewhere that Shazam uses hashing, but that's a different problem because there the two pieces of audio being compared are fundamentally the same, but one has more noise. Here, the two pieces of audio are not the same, they are just perceptually similar.)
The process for comparing a set of sounds for similarities is called Content Based Audio Indexing, Retrieval, and Fingerprinting in computer science research.
One method of doing this is to:
Run several bits of signal processing on each audio file to extract features, such as pitch over time, frequency spectrum, autocorrelation, dynamic range, transients, etc.
Put all the features for each audio file into a multi-dimensional array and dump each multi-dimensional array into a database
Use optimization techniques (such as gradient descent) to find the best match for a given audio file in your database of multi-dimensional data.
The trick to making this work well is which features to pick. Doing this automatically and getting good results can be tricky. The guys at Pandora do this really well, and in my opinion they have the best similarity matching around. They encode their vectors by hand though, by having people listen to music and rate them in many different ways. See their Music Genome Project and List of Music Genome Project attributes for more info.
For automatic distance measurements, there are several projects that do stuff like this, including marsysas, MusicBrainz, and EchoNest.
Echonest has one of the simplest APIs I've seen in this space. Very easy to get started.
I'd suggest looking into spectrum analysis. Whilst this isn't as straightforward as you're most likely wanting, I'd expect that decomposing the audio into it's underlying frequencies would provide some very useful data to analyse. Check out this link
Your first step will definitely be taking a Fourier Transform(FT) of the sound waves. If you perform an FT on the data with respect to Frequency over Time1, you'll be able to compare how often certain key frequencies are hit over the course of the noise.
Perhaps you could also subtract one wave from the other, to get a sort of stepwise difference function. Assuming the mock-noise follows the same frequency and pitch trends2 as the original noise, you could calculate the line of best fit to the points of the difference function. Comparing the best fit line against a line of best fit taken of the original sound wave, you could average out a trend line to use as the basis of comparison. Granted, this would be a very loose comparison method.
- 1. hz/ms, perhaps? I'm not familiar with the unit magnitude being worked with here, I generally work in the femto- to nano- range.
- 2. So long as ∀ΔT, ΔPitch/ΔT & ΔFrequency/ΔT are within some tolerance x.
- Edited for formatting, and because I actually forgot to finish writing the full answer.
I'm writing a comparatively straightforward raytracer/path tracer in D (http://dsource.org/projects/stacy), but even with full optimization it still needs several thousand processor cycles per ray. Is there anything else I can do to speed it up? More generally, do you know of good optimizations / faster approaches for ray tracing?
Edit: this is what I'm already doing.
Code is already running highly parallel
temporary data is structured in a cache-efficient fashion as well as aligned to 16b
Screen divided into 32x32-tiles
Destination array is arranged in such a way that all subsequent pixels in a tile are sequential in memory
Basic scene graph optimizations are performed
Common combinations of objects (plane-plane CSG as in boxes) are replaced with preoptimized objects
Vector struct capable of taking advantage of GDC's automatic vectorization support
Subsequent hits on a ray are found via lazy evaluation; this prevents needless calculations for CSG
Triangles neither supported nor priority. Plain primitives only, as well as CSG operations and basic material properties
Bounding is supported
The typical first order improvement of raytracer speed is some sort of spatial partitioning scheme. Based only on your project outline page, it seems you haven't done this.
Probably the most usual approach is an octree, but the best approach may well be a combination of methods (e.g. spatial partitioning trees and things like mailboxing). Bounding box/sphere tests are a quick cheap and nasty approach, but you should note two things: 1) they don't help much in many situations and 2) if your objects are already simple primitives, you aren't going to gain much (and might even lose). You can more easily (than octree) implement a regular grid for spatial partitioning, but it will only work really well for scenes that are somewhat uniformly distributed (in terms of surface locations)
A lot depends on the complexity of the objects you represent, your internal design (i.e. do you allow local transforms, referenced copies of objects, implicit surfaces, etc), as well as how accurate you're trying to be. If you are writing a global illumination algorithm with implicit surfaces the tradeoffs may be a bit different than if you are writing a basic raytracer for mesh objects or whatever. I haven't looked at your design in detail so I'm not sure what, if any, of the above you've already thought about.
Like any performance optimization process, you're going to have to measure first to find where you're actually spending the time, then improving things (algorithmically by preference, then code bumming by necessity)
One thing I learned with my ray tracer is that a lot of the old rules don't apply anymore. For example, many ray tracing algorithms do a lot of testing to get an "early out" of a computationally expensive calculation. In some cases, I found it was much better to eliminate the extra tests and always run the calculation to completion. Arithmetic is fast on a modern machine, but a missed branch prediction is expensive. I got something like a 30% speed-up on my ray-polygon intersection test by rewriting it with minimal conditional branches.
Sometimes the best approach is counter-intuitive. For example, I found that many scenes with a few large objects ran much faster when I broke them down into a large number of smaller objects. Depending on the scene geometry, this can allow your spatial subdivision algorithm to throw out a lot of intersection tests. And let's face it, intersection tests can be made only so fast. You have to eliminate them to get a significant speed-up.
Hierarchical bounding volumes help a lot, but I finally grokked the kd-tree, and got a HUGE increase in speed. Of course, building the tree has a cost that may make it prohibitive for real-time animation.
Watch for synchronization bottlenecks.
You've got to profile to be sure to focus your attention in the right place.
Is there anything else I can do to speed it up?
D, depending on the implementation and compiler, puts forth reasonably good performance. As you haven't explained what ray tracing methods and optimizations you're using already, then I can't give you much help there.
The next step, then, is to run a timing analysis on the program, and recode the most frequently used code or slowest code than impacts performance the most in assembly.
More generally, check out the resources in these questions:
Literature and Tutorials for Writing a Ray Tracer
Anyone know of a really good book about Ray Tracing?
Computer Graphics: Raytracing and Programming 3D Renders
raytracing with CUDA
I really like the idea of using a graphics card (a massively parallel computer) to do some of the work.
There are many other raytracing related resources on this site, some of which are listed in the sidebar of this question, most of which can be found in the raytracing tag.
I don't know D at all, so I'm not able to look at the code and find specific optimizations, but I can speak generally.
It really depends on your requirements. One of the simplest optimizations is just to reduce the number of reflections/refractions that any particular ray can follow, but then you start to lose out on the "perfect result".
Raytracing is also an "embarrassingly parallel" problem, so if you have the resources (such as a multi-core processor), you could look into calculating multiple pixels in parallel.
Beyond that, you'll probably just have to profile and figure out what exactly is taking so long, then try to optimize that. Is it the intersection detection? Then work on optimizing the code for that, and so on.
Some suggestions.
Use bounding objects to fail fast.
Project the scene at a first step (as common graphic cards do) and use raytracing only for light calculations.
Parallelize the code.
Raytrace every other pixel. Get the color in between by interpolation. If the colors vary greatly (you are on an edge of an object), raytrace the pixel in between. It is cheating, but on simple scenes it can almost double the performance while you sacrifice some image quality.
Render the scene on GPU, then load it back. This will give you the first ray/scene hit at GPU speeds. If you do not have many reflective surfaces in the scene, this would reduce most of your work to plain old rendering. Rendering CSG on GPU is unfortunately not completely straightforward.
Read source code of PovRay for inspiration. :)
You have first to make sure that you use very fast algorithms (implementing them can be a real pain, but what do you want to do and how far want you to go and how fast should it be, that's a kind of a tradeof).
some more hints from me
- don't use mailboxing techniques, in papers it is sometimes discussed that they don't scale that well with the actual architectures because of the counting overhead
- don't use BSP/Octtrees, they are relative slow.
- don't use the GPU for Raytracing, it is far too slow for advanced effects like reflection and shadows and refraction and photon-mapping and so on ( i use it only for shading, but this is my beer)
For a complete static scene kd-Trees are unbeatable and for dynamic scenes there are clever algorithms there that scale very well on a quadcore (i am not sure about the performance above).
And of course, for a realy good performance you need to use very much SSE code (with of course not too much jumps) but for not "that good" performance (im talking here about 10-15% maybe) compiler-intrinsics are enougth to implement your SSE stuff.
And some decent Papers about some Algorithms i was talking about:
"Fast Ray/Axis-Aligned Bounding Box - Overlap Tests using Ray Slopes"
( very fast very good paralelisizable (SSE) AABB-Ray hit test )( note, the code in the paper is not all code, just google for the title of the paper, youll find it)
"Ray Tracing Deformable Scenes using Dynamic Bounding Volume Hierarchies"
if you know how the above algorithm works then this is a much greater algorithm:
"The Use of Precomputed Triangle Clusters for Accelerated Ray Tracing in Dynamic Scenes"
I'm also using the pluecker-test to determine fast (not thaat accurate, but well, you can't have all) if i hit a polygon, works very pretty with SSE and above.
So my conclusion is that there are so many great papers out there about so much Topics that do relate to raytracing (How to build fast, efficient trees and how to shade (BRDF models) and so on and so on), it is an realy amazing and interesting field of "experimentating", but you need to have also much sparetime because it is so damn complicated but funny.
My first question is - are you trying to optimize the tracing of one single still screen,
or is this about optimizing the tracing of multiple screens in order to calculate an animation ?
Optimizing for a single shot is one thing, if you want to calculate successive frames in an animation there are lots of new things to think about / optimize.
You could
use an SAH-optimized bounding volume hierarchy...
...eventually using packet traversal,
introduce importance sampling,
access the tiles ordered by Morton code for better cache coherency, and
much more - but those were the suggestions I could immediately think of. In more words:
You can build an optimized hierarchy based on statistics in order to quickly identify candidate nodes when intersecting geometry. In your case you'll have to combine the automatic hierarchy with the modeling hierarchy, that is either constrain the build or have it eventually clone modeling information.
"Packet traversal" means you use SIMD instructions to compute 4 parallel scalars, each of an own ray for traversing the hierarchy (which is typically the hot spot) in order to squeeze the most performance out of the hardware.
You can perform some per-ray-statistics in order to control the sampling rate (number of secondary rays shot) based on the contribution to the resulting pixel color.
Using an area curve on the tile allows you to decrease the average space distance between the pixels and thus the probability that your performance benefits from cache hits.