Project war file does not occur in dist folder - spring

I run clean and build in netbeans web project.Past ,the war file was created in the dist folder. However I do same thing, but it was not created in dist folder. How can solve this problem?

Check the logs as it produces when you do clean and build using netbeans.It might show you the contexts and some paths it uses for creating a war.May be some of them might be missing.If it still does not help
try this
Stop the server.
Do clean and build and it will produce the war file now.
check the logs again.


Can i make changes to a file in maven builded without building it again?

I am having a maven project where it will build and run through JBOSS. But every time I make a change in any of the project files, I have to build the whole code again which will give a .war file. Is there a way to change the files without having to build the code again?
There may be a way to test your code changes without running a full Maven build, but you cannot change the resulting WAR without rebuilding it.

Maven compiles deleted files

I'm using IntelliJ and Maven. ANTLR has generated some files, I have deleted them and then generated new ones, now every time I clean and compile, Maven will generate the old files but not the new files... Any ideas, please? How is that possible? Those old files are not anywhere in the project anymore.
Activate more logs with a mvn -X clean install: you will see that way which files the ANTLR uses for its AST transformations.
The idea is to check that it is applied on the right source files.

how to deploy a custom sub-directory within the project with capistrano?

I couldn't find a way to do this yet with capistrano, but lets say I have a project like
so the intention is to deploy only what I have within the /build sub directory within the project.
I realize I can just move the capistrano files to the build directory, but the directory is build and dropped every time I compile the project, so I need to kept the capistrano files within the root dir of the project.
Any advice on how to do it in Capistrano?
I've always deployed the entire project and then pointed my webserver at the relevant subfolder. Alternately, you can write a custom task to rework the data in the release path.

jboss-as-maven-plugin: which directory does command "jboss-as:deploy" deploy an .ear to?

I am running jboss 7.1, maven 3, and a java ee6 application that generates an .ear
I am doing a mvn clean package jboss:as-deployand Jboss-as-maven-plugin 1.5 does its thing--I can view my app using http://localhost:8080...
just fine, but I want to know where the actual .ear is being put.
It is not in my jboss7.../standalone/deployments folder. So where is it? My app is obviously running in jboss 7.1 just fine, but I can't find the .ear file. I know that there is an .ear in Eclipse's 'target' directory, but that wasn't produced by jboss-as-maven-plugin is it? I hope you can understand my confusion--don't all .ear files need to be in the deployments directory? I also do see my .ear file inside my hidden .m2/repository directory, but does this have any interaction with jboss-as-maven-plugin? Maybe there is some hidden sym-linking between my Eclipse project's 'target' directory and the jboss7.1 standalone/deployment directory?
p.s. I am used to using a hard-deploy option with the other plugin jboss-maven that requires you to say jboss:hard-deploy which just copies the .ear to your deployments folder. Then jboss would pick up the new .ear and redeploy automatically. I get the sense that jboss-as-maven-plugin is the preferred plugin so that's why I am bothering.
The jboss-as-maven-plugin uses the deployment API so it doesn't copy the file to the deployments directory for the scanner to pick it up. It deploys just as if you deployed it from the web console or via CLI. The files should be located somewhere in the $JBOSS_HOME/standalone/data/ directory.
You're welcome to open an issue, for a discussion around it at least. I'm not sure how I feel about adding a goal for it, but here isn't the place to discuss that :)

deploy maven application in JBoss not work

I'm developing my first maven application and now i have this trouble, i performed the following commands
mvn compile
mvn package
mvn jboss-as-deploy
the deploy process ends without errors but in my JBOSS_HOME\standalone\deployments i don't find the .war
Try to set targetDir option (maybe the default is overriden in your environoment?). See
The $JBOSS_HOME/standalone/deployments directory is not where deployments are stored. If you look in that directory there is a README file that explains it's what the directory is used for.
The jboss-as-maven-plugin uses the deployment API's to deploy the content to the server. This generally ends up in $JBOSS_HOME/standalone/data/content for a standalone server. Though you really shouldn't be doing anything with files in that directory.
