How does oracle estimate the space required for a bulk insert - oracle

When I do a bulk insert in an oracle db, (e.g 1 million rows), before starting the insert ,does oracle calculate how much space is required for the new rows and somehow 'block' that space so no other process can insert anything in that space?

No. You'll run into ORA-01653: unable to extend table xxx by yyy in tablespace zzz
You'd have to compute this manually and create large enough initial and/or next extents using the storage clause.
Refer to the Oracle documentation of Conventional and Direct Path Loads

Answer discussed by ASKTOM: A Must Read


Merge Query in oracle throws "ORA-01652: unable to extend temp segment by 64 in tablespace TEMP"

We are using a one-time merge query in oracle 12c which fetches around "22633334" records of data and updates it in the target table, but every time when the query run's it throws "ORA-01652: unable to extend temp segment by 64 in tablespace TEMP" issue, the DBA has already extended it to 60 GB. Can anyone tell me how this can be resolved or what would be the ideal temp space to be allocated for this volume of data?
Oracle uses that space to build temporary result sets and perform sorts. The amount of space required depends on the precise explain plain of your query (check it out and it should give you some clues), but could be several times the actual amount of data in the tables if there are joins. The number of records matters not at all; it's about the size of the records and what Oracle is trying to do with them. You want to avoid full table scans, unnecessary sorts, and that sort of thing. Make sure your table statistics are up to date. In the end, it needs what it needs and all you can do is increase your TEMP tablespace size until it works.

Oracle - clean LOB files - recovering disk space

I have a friend who has a website and asked me for help.
I often use MySQL databases but never Oracle databases.
And unfortunately he has an Oracle database, so I can't find a solution.
The available disk space is slowly decreasing... I delete a lot of lines from the table but that doesn't solve his problem.
The database continues to take up disk space slowly.
I read that LOB files do not return disk space, even if you delete data.
How can I reorganize LOB files easily with a simple request?
(or/and) How can I recover disk space on Oracle?
The BLOB column exists within the table blocks along with data even after deletion. It is only marked as unused. You can use the following command to free up space from the BLOB table:
Now, Table must have released some space and it is now available to be used within the tablespace.
Further, you can just alter the data file and reduce the size of the data file accordingly to free up space from Disk. (Note: Space allocated to the data file will not be automatically reduced. It must be done manually)

How to improve single insert performance in oracle

In my business case, I need insert one row and can't use batch insert . So I want to know what the throughput can made by Oracle. I try these ways:
Effective way
I use multi-thread, each thread owns one connection to insert data
I use ssd to store oracle datafile
Ineffective way
I use multi table to store data in one schema
I use table partition
I use multi schema to store data
Turn up data file block size
Use append hint in insert SQL
In the end the best TPS is 1w/s+
Oracle 11g
Single insert data size 1k
CPU i7, 64GB memory
Oracle is highly optimized for anything from one row inserts to batches of hundreds of rows. You do not mention whether you are having performance problems with this one row insert nor how long the insert takes. For such a simple operation, you don't need to worry about any of those details. If you have thousands of web-based users inserting one row into a table every minute, no problem. If you are committing your work at the appropriate time, and you don't have a huge number of indexes, a single row insert should not take more than a few milliseconds.
In SQL*Plus try the commands
set autotrace on explain statistics
set timing on
and run your insert statement.
Edit your question to include the results of the explain plan. And be sure to indent the results 4 spaces.

How to shrink secure file LOBs in Oracle

I noticed today that SQL command that is used to shrink LOBs in oracle does not work in 12c.
This returns oracle error
ORA-10635: Invalid segment or tablespace type
In the oracle documentation it is mentioned that the SHRINK option is not supported for SecureFiles LOBs.
I want to know how blob compresses in secure files. Does oracle handles that internally?
Note: this is, unlike how it can be read, a move lob operation. It is a move TABLE operation, and while at it, moving a lob too.
This is why it invalidates indexes, - because it moves the whole table not just the lob. And of course it can take a very long time and it will consume 2x space during the operation, because oracle makes a copy of the data and only after it's complete it frees the old segments.
If you want to shrink LOBs using SecureFiles, use this statement:
Be careful using it - this command invalidates all indexes on SAMPLE_TABLE, so you should rebuild them after you're finished with LOBs:

What is the fastest way to insert data into an Oracle table?

I am writing a data conversion in PL/SQL that processes data and loads it into a table. According to the PL/SQL Profiler, one of the slowest parts of the conversion is the actual insert into the target table. The table has a single index.
To prepare the data for load, I populate a variable using the rowtype of the table, then insert it into the table like this:
insert into mytable values r_myRow;
It seems that I could gain performance by doing the following:
Turn logging off during the insert
Insert multiple records at once
Are these methods advisable? If so, what is the syntax?
It's much better to insert a few hundred rows at a time, using PL/SQL tables and FORALL to bind into insert statement. For details on this see here.
Also be careful with how you construct the PL/SQL tables. If at all possible, prefer to instead do all your transforms directly in SQL using "INSERT INTO t1 SELECT ..." as doing row-by-row operations in PL/SQL will still be slower than SQL.
In either case, you can also use direct-path inserts by using INSERT /*+APPEND*/, which basically bypasses the DB cache and directly allocates and writes new blocks to data files. This can also reduce the amount of logging, depending on how you use it. This also has some implications, so please read the fine manual first.
Finally, if you are truncating and rebuilding the table it may be worthwhile to first drop (or mark unusable) and later rebuild indexes.
Regular insert statements are the slowest way to get data in a table and not meant for bulk inserts. The following article references a lot of different techniques for improving performance:
Drop the index, then insert the rows, then re-create the index.
If dropping the index doesn't speed things up enough, you need the Oracle SQL*Loader:
Suppose you have taken eid,ename,sal,job. So create a table first as:
SQL>create table tablename(eid number, ename varchar2(20),sal number,job char(10));
Now insert data:-
SQL>insert into tablename values(&eid,'&ename',&sal,'&job');
Check this link
main points to consider for your
case is to use Append hint as this
will directly append into the table
instead of using freelist. If you can afford to turn off logging than use append with nologging hint to do it
Use a bulk insert instead instead of iterating in PL/SQL
Use sqlloaded to load the data directly into the table if you are getting data from a file feed
Here are my recommendations on fast insert.
Trigger - Disable any triggers associated with a table. Enable after Inserts are complete.
Index - Drop Index and re-create it after your Inserts are complete.
Stale stats - Re-analyze table and index stats.
Index de-fragmentation - Rebuild Index if needed
Use No Logging -Insert using INSERT APPEND (Oracle only). This approach is very risky approach, no redo logs are generated therefore you can’t do a rollback - make a backup of table before you start and don't try on live tables. Check if your db has similar option
Parallel Insert: Running parallel insert will get the job faster.
Use Bulk Insert
Constraints - Not much overhead during inserts but still a good idea to check, if it is still slow after even after step 1
You can learn more on
Maybe one of your best option is to avoid Oracle as much as possible actually.
I've been baffled by this myself, but very often a Java process can outperform many of the Oracle's utilities which either use OCI (read: SQL Plus) or will take up so much of your time to get right (read: SQL*Loader).
This doesn't prevent you to use specific hints either (like /APPEND/).
I've been pleasantly surprised each time I've turned to that kind of solution.
