Google spreadsheet validation if statement - validation

I've used validation to create a drop down list of things that will require different values. So in the next column I want to create a formula that checks if anything has been selected in the list (otherwise show nothing e.g ""). Then if a certain item has been selected, multiply it by a certain value, say 2 and then display the total.

=if(isblank(A1);"";A1*2) will return blank if A1 is blank and twice the value in A1 otherwise. If by a certain item you mean only one of the valid items is to be doubled, then please instead try =if(A1=x;A1*2;"") where x is the 'certain item' value.


Google Sheets - Removing the used items from drop-down lists

In Google Sheets I have a column containing a list of available Serial Numbers (say, column A).
Somewhere else (say, column B) a user must choose the serial number used among those listed in column A; I use Data Validation with a drop-down list in order to prevent the user to use a non-existent serial number.
My goal is to allow the user only choose the remaining available serial numbers, by removing from the drop-down list all the serial numbers already used.
By using the FILTER function, combined with MATCH and ISNA, I am able to create a column of available serial numbers (say, column C). The function used is:
Then I moved the Data Validation list of column B (where the user must select the serial number used) from column A (all serial numbers) to column C (filtered serial numbers). I also added the "Reject input" in the Data Validation form, so I can allow the user only to enter a value listed in column C.
It works, but all the previously entered serial numbers on column B have a small red triangle showing that data is not valid. Of course, this happens because all entered values are removed from the data validation list.
I could simply ignore the red triangles, but I don't like this solution that much, because it always looks like there's an error on the sheet, and when we will have many data inside it would be difficult to distinguish this problem from any others.
Is there a different way to solve?
with formula only you can use:
then hide columns and use validation:
where this is the result:
demo sheet
1st fx:
2nd and every next fx:
INDIRECT("C2:C"&ROW()-1); INDIRECT("C"&ROW()+1&":C")}, A$2:A)), A$2:A<>""))

Qlikview - show first and last selected value in list

I need to display first and last selected value in list. I have listbox and when I pick date I got this result in list
I want to get in one box min value selected but when I use minString(Data) I got 22/2022 instead 303/202. And for max I need to get 306/2022.
Can anyone help please?
To get the Qlik engine to ignore the selected values you need to set analysis.
Firstly, you should be using a max() not a maxstring(). Max() will evaluate the maximum numerical value. Maxstring() will evaluate the maximum ascii values of the string (I think, anyone can correct me).
Secondly, the value 306/2022 in that list is grey which means it is no longer included in the dataset used for the visualisations being displayed. The white values are the values that are included, this is why min(Date) is returing 22/2022. 22/2022 is the minimum available (white) value in that list. 303/2022 is the minimum value of the excluded values in grey.
If you want to be able to reference the values even when the selections have caused it to be excluded (turned them grey) you need to modify your max() to max({1}).
{1} means look at all the data not just the selected data.
max({1} Date)
will return 306/2022 no matter what the selections are.
If you want to return 303/2022. The minimum of the excluded values and have that change dynamically when making other selections let me know and I can show you but I will require you to explain why you would want to that before I try figure it out :)
You can try using the OnOpen document trigger.
enter image description here

How do I FILTER cells based on two drop-down list conditions?

I need a FILTER formula to get an output of the cells within the range of the two labels matching the conditions from the two drop-down lists.
For example, given the below sheet, I need the output to be what's highlighted, given the two conditions from the drop-down lists:
I also need to be able to add more date rows, expanding downward.
I've tried using QUERY:
=TRANSPOSE(QUERY(Accounts!B2:F, "SELECT * WHERE B="""&B2&""" ",1))
This only gives me the row of contents (apple, carrot, cake, steak, soda).
Here you can find my solution:
Note that when you merge cells, the value is only in the top one or the leftmost one. So if you have multiple rows for each data, you should multiplicate these cells.
I make additional column for this - first date I just copy and below it I insert a formula: (in H5)
=if(isblank(A5),H4,A5) - it says - if cell in column A is empty, take value from above, but if you find something there, put it here. Then I copy this formula down the sheet.
Then it gets easier.
To filter with data validation you have to first find right column using formulas INDEX and MATCH and then filter it against data values in additional column.
Does it work for you?

SSRS - Merge Repeating Texboxes w/ Distinct Row Values

Everything except for the name may or may not be different, but it doesn't matter.
How do you make it so the name and address (first column) can only show once if the value on multiple rows is the same? There is no way to merge the rows together due to the numbers of rows being generated from a group expression. But if there is another way to merge then can someone tell me how to do it? If not, then is there at least a way to blank out the second and third repeating names (and address)?
This is how you hide repeating values in a tablix column.
In design mode, click on the detail cell that you want to keep from repeating if the values are the same. In this case, you are referring to that one as the name and address column.
Look for the HideDuplicates property in the Properties pane. Set the value to the name of the dataset the tablix is using.
Now, when you run the report, that value should only show once. The other rows where the value had been repeating will be blank in that cell.
Set the borders appropriately (none, or solid) to make it look like the cells are merged. Doing the above alone will not merge the cells. Only a row group will do that.

How to sort only those rows which have no blank cell?

I have a Google Spreadsheet with two separate sheets. The first one is just a big list of names and data, and the second is supposed to be a sorted listing of all the data on the first sheet (sorted by, say, last name). Here is the current way I am defining the second sheet:
=sort(sheet1!A2:L100, sheet1!D2:D100, TRUE)
Which works fine for the most part, except for one issue: in sheet1, some of the cells in 4th column (column D) are blank. How can I change the formula so that the sorting ignores such rows which has a blank cell in column D?
The formulas i tried but got undesirable results :
=arrayformula(if(istext(sheet1!D2:D100), sort(sheet1!A2:L100, sheet1!D2:D100, true), ""))
It sorted as desired but with one issue - blank cells were not pushed at the end but scattered in between the rows.
=arrayformula(sort(filter(sheet1!A2:L100, istext(sheet1!D2:D100)),sheet1!D2:D100, true))
Though the filter part does its job perfectly but when coupled with sort, it is giving an error : Mismatched range lengths.
To filter out the rows with blank cells in column D, you could do something like #2, but as the error message suggested, the second argument would need to be filtered as well to ensure the ranges are the same length. Fortunately there is an easier way, and that is to use column indices rather than ranges:
Alternatively you can use the QUERY function for this sort of thing:
=QUERY(sheet1!A2:L100;"select * where D != '' order by D";0)
For anyone looking this, the accepted answer works great if filtering out blank cells that are truly blank, but if the cells contain formulas that evaluate to blank (""), ISTEXT will evaluate to TRUE and blanks will not be filtered out. I modified the accepted answer slightly to work in my situation, in which I had cells containing formulas (that evaluated to "") that I wanted to filter out:
=SORT(FILTER(sheet1!A2:L100,sheet1!D2:D100 <> ""),4,TRUE)
