Did Twitter discontinue API that broadcoasts tweets based on search tags? - ajax

I'm trying to display tweets coming from search tags and not by user, but couldn't get a result :(
Note: http://jsfiddle.net/YS3u4/90/ this doesn't work either.
var tag = "weather";
$.getJSON("https://twitter.com/search/tweets/" + tag + "?count=5&format=json&callback=?", function(data) {
$.each(data, function (index, item) {

The codes are fine. The problem is coming from Twitter's side. The sample link written in their API 1.1 documentation (the one that is searching for superbowl) is also throwing error.


Wordpress Custom Table Ajax Receiver

I'm fairly new to using WordPress AND AJAX for that matter. I need to have a Table in my admin area which is populated with enquiries to my site.
I have set up a custom table in the admin panel which is populated by an external database. This works fine. Once this has been populated I want to be able to change a select box to keep track of the status of certain enquiries.
I have inserted the select boxes and all seems well. At this point however, I want to use AJAX to post the changed state (in particular the index no. of the new selected option) back to my database to be populated.
I have found a number of examples to do with this and have spent a wee while trying to get my head around it but once the AJAX post is sent, I am not sure how OR where to deal with the receipt of this and have it update the database.
At the moment the url which the AJAX post points towards is the .php file in which my custom table is stored.
Could someone please explain what each aspect of the following code does, and what steps I seem to missing:
jQuery(function( $ ) {
$(".select-status").on( 'change', function() {
var $currentSelect = $(this);
var currentId = $currentSelect.attr('id');
var url = "/wp-content/plugins/custom-list-table-example/list-table-example.php"; // the script where you handle the form input.
type: 'POST',
url: url,
data: $currentSelect.serialize(),
success: function(data) {
error: function() {
alert('There was an error: Failed to update database');
Where select-status is the class given to each select box.
Any help would be massively appreciated.
This site gave me hope but I can't see if this is relevant or where I would implement the different parts within WordPress.

Whats different between AngularJS “Responsive” calls vs good old AJAX calls?

I was watching a free interactive course published at angularjs.org to learn Angular, Shaping up with Angular js.
On this course at the very first chapter they say, one of the main reasons to use AngularJS is, it can build “Responsive” web apps. (I know about "Responsive Design" but that's totally a different thing), and explaining it saying that, with Angular you don’t need to refresh your web page to update it with the data getting from the web server (They tell you this, like this is brand new tech!).
I think isn’t that the same thing we did for last 10 years using Ajax? Or is this something totally different?
Please help me to understand this coz I'm new to AngularJS.
From my view “Responsive” web apps. means type of application that updates View regards to model change (MVC).
Angular application UI is full of watchers. For each variable wrapped by {{}} in HTML, Angular creates new watcher and when we update during code running this value, Angular, by using digest cycle updates view respectively. Or ng-repeat directive that creates separate scope per list item and adds watcher as well.
On other hand in pure Javascript I need find my element by id and update it manually.
Consider following example in Fiddle
<li ng-click="loadGeo()">click 1</li>
<ul> <pre>
data: {{data|json}}
var app = angular.module('myModule', ['ngResource']);
app.controller('fessCntrl', function ($scope, Data) {
$scope.data = false;
$scope.loadGeo = function () {
.then(function (result) {
$scope.data = result.data.results[0];
}, function (result) {
alert("Error: No data returned");
app.factory('Data', ['$http', '$q', function ($http, $q) {
var address = 'Singapore, SG, Singapore, 153 Bukit Batok Street 1';
var URL = 'http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?address=' + address + '&sensor=true';
var factory = {
query: function () {
var data = $http({
method: 'GET',
url: URL
var deferred = $q.defer();
return deferred.promise;
return factory;
On start we have empty data: $scope.data = false;
We click on button, we get Geo data from factory and populate data with Geo output. Our GUI updates without any additional code.
This approach I would call “Responsive” web app
I suggest you to read this great post written by Josh David Miller:

Issues with angular $watch and retrieving data from database

I'm a novice programming trying to put together a web application with Angular, node.js, and the graph database neo4j.
I would like to load content from my database dynamically based on the user selecting (or rejecting) terms (clicking buttons). Every time a button is clicked the relevant term is added to an array (either exclude or include). The idea is a new call to the database would be made each time a new term is selected.
I'm stuck right now on how to go about making calls to the database to retrieve the content. I'm trying to watch the arrays for changes using $watch. Something is going wrong and I'm having issues troubleshooting the problem.
Here is the controller code:
angular.module('myApp.controllers', []).
controller('content',function($scope,$http, queryTerms, $watch){
//watch arrays of terms for changes and fetch results based on what is selected
$watch(function() { return angular.toJson( [ queryTerms.includedTerms, queryTerms.excludedTerms ] ) },
function() {
params: {includeTerms:queryTerms.includedTerms , excludeTerms:queryTerms.excludedTerms}
//feed content data to display for viewing
$scope.test = "Error :("
I'm getting the following error when I use $watch:
Error: Unknown provider: $watchProvider <- $watch
Is this a terrible stupid way to go about this in general? Any advice would be greatly appreciated- I'm learning as I'm going and so far the advice I've gotten on here has be amazing. Thanks!
Use $scope.$watch instead.
controller('content', function ($scope, $http, queryTerms) {
$scope.$watch(function () {
return angular.toJson([queryTerms.includedTerms, queryTerms.excludedTerms])

How to query cosm json feed using the cosm javascript library

I am new to web development and I have bit off more than I can chew.
So far, I successfully have created a website to query the latest data at cosm.com
Now I am trying to save the last 10 data points from the cosm.com feed to an array using the cosm javascript library. I can't get the right syntax and I can't find examples to guide me.
cosm.feed.history( 12068, duration:'30seconds', callback(data) );
UPDATE 2013-4-14
After implementing #bjpirt's solution, I noticed I wasn't getting 'every' value returned inside the specified duration.
Solved it by adding "interval:0" to the request.
cosm.datastream.history( cosmFeed1, cosmDataStream1, {duration:'60seconds', interval:0}, getHistory );
#lebreeze is correct with his advice. I got your JSFiddle working so that it is now fetching data from the Cosm API:
I had to make a few changes to get it working, any of which would have been causing you errors:
The feed ID and datastream ID were incorrect
You didn't have a callback function
The options weren't in a javascript object
Also, that feed doesn't seem to have been updated recently.
Here's the updated code which seems to be working fine now:
//read only key
var cosmFeed = 120687;
var cosmDataStream = "sensor_reading";
$(document).ready( function() {
var success = function(data){
for(var datapoint in data.datapoints){
var dp = data.datapoints[datapoint];
$('#stuff').append('<li>Value: ' + dp.value + ' At: ' + dp.at + '</li>');
//Print out the last 10 readings or so
cosm.datastream.history( cosmFeed, cosmDataStream, {duration:'1day'}, success );
It's difficult to get just the last x datapoints (that's something we should change in the API I think) - what you'd normally do is ask for a specific time period.
Hope this helps.
You may need to wrap your duration:'30seconds' json options in {}
Try something like:
<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.8.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="http://d23cj0cdvyoxg0.cloudfront.net/cosmjs-1.0.0.min.js"></script>
cosm.setKey( "APIKEY" );
cosm.feed.history(40360, {duration:'30seconds'}, function(data){

twitter share button tweet intent retrieving the data-url

I have multiple twitter share buttons on a page, I want to identify which button was used to do a tweet by using the data-url property so i can record the tweet counts.I am using the twitter intents. How can i get the page url that the tweet refers to? This must be a common requirement.
twttr.ready(function (twttr) {
twttr.events.bind('tweet', function (event) {
I solved it doing this, the event.target is an iframe , so i parse the url from the src tag using a regular expression.
twttr.ready(function (twttr) {
twttr.events.bind('tweet', function (event) {
var url = unescape(event.target.src.match("url=(.*?)(&|$)")[1]);
UpdateCounts("Tweet", url);
