How to avoid running surefire unit test with 'mvn site' - maven

whenever I run 'mvn site' all my surefire unit tests gets executed. Is there any way to avoid running surefire unit tests while running mvn site.
My pom is as mentioned below. I am using the below pom in parent project and all the modules are children of this pom.
<!--For Unit tests -->
<!--For executing Integration tests in integration-test phase -->
<!--For generating unit and integration test reports -->
<!--Disable all default reports -->

As per plugin documentation, use report-only
surefire-report:report-only: Creates a nicely formatted Surefire Test Report in html format. This goal does not run the tests, it only builds the reports. This is a workaround for

Try with mvn -DskipTests=true site.


Splitting unit and integration tests with Maven

I'm setting up a CD pipeline in Jenkins and I want to run my unit tests and integration tests in two different steps. The plan is to have my pipeline script look something like this and have them run separately:
stage('Unit tests') {
steps {
withMaven(maven: 'Maven 3.6.2') {
sh 'mvn test -P coverage'
stage('Integration tests') {
steps {
withMaven(maven: 'Maven 3.6.2') {
sh 'mvn test -P coverage'
I have tried using the surefire plugin as described here:, and running 'mvn test' does run only the unit test as it should, but 'mvn integration-test' runs both unit and integration tests.
I have also tried using the failsafe plugin as described here: Maven separate Unit Test and Integration Tests, but 'mvn verify' runs both unit and integration tests no matter which options I enter.
How can I make my pipeline execute the unit tests and integration tests in two different steps?
Pom with surefire:
<artifactId>maven-surefire-plugin</artifactId> <!-- surefire plugin version managed by Spring Boot -->
Pom with surefire and failsafe:
This solved it for me:
Below is example pom.xml which works with the following commands:
mvn clean verify -DskipUTs=true : Runs only integration tests (tests ending in "IT")
mvn clean verify -DskipITs=true : Runs only unit tests (tests ending in "Test")
mvn clean verify -DskipTests=true : Skips all tests
<artifactId>maven-surefire-plugin</artifactId> <!-- surefire plugin version managed by Spring Boot -->

Maven Integration Testing Command

I created Maven project using Java for automation testing. When i run mvn verify it does not open any browser. What wrong with it? I can easily run testng class from eclipse but i need to run for CI/CD.
Please help. Thanks.

Run maven project-info-reports:dependencies with a pom.xml

I want to include my dependencies.html into a warfile in a multi module project. When i run mvn project-info-reports:dependencies the folder site gets created with the dependencies.html file in it. Is there a way to do this with a pom.xml file?
Things that did not work have been:
or this one:
There is no error message in the logs, it just gets skipped. Am i doing something wrong here or is it just not meant to execute with the pom.xml?

Running two maven profiles

My profiles in pom.xml
So first we have got shared plugins and then two different profiles.
When i try to run them with one command
mvn clean install -P runHeadlessly,runWithHead
Only plugin with xvfb id gets executed, any ideas?
(did not post the part with default property variables)
You have defined two profiles:
First profile, runWithHead, defines an execution of the maven-surefire-plugin without specifying any goal element (within a goals section), hence an empty execution
Second profile, runHeadlessly, defines an execution and goal of the selenium-maven-plugin plugin AND again an empty execution of the maven-surefire-plugin
As such, both profiles are executed, but effectively only the xvfb of the xvfb execution of the selenium-maven-plugin would be performed.
Since the maven-surefire-plugin has only one goal, test, try to add the following to both executions:
Also note: you are configuring additional executions of the maven-surefire-plugin on top of the default default-test execution which will also be executed. Hence, enabling both profiles you will end up with three executions of this plugin.

How to run concordion test with maven?

I am wondering how to set up maven to run concordion tests having a naming convention. The tests are on the classpath in src/test/specs. I would like to do it in a separate profile.
Thanks for the help.
I finally set the tests up is by creating a different profile to run the acceptance tests.
An example given here:
<argLine>-Xms1024m -Xmx1024m</argLine>
You can use the maven failsafe plugin to run unit Concordion tests in the integration-test phase. Its similar to the surefire plugin.
