Automatically moving email from Deleted Items folder to another folder - outlook

My company uses a cloud Exchange system that deletes emails when they have been in the Deleted Items folder for 30 days (we use Outlook 2010 clients). I want a script that would move all email from the Deleted Items folder to a second folder called "Trash". I was able to find most of the following script online but it isn't working for me and I'm not sure what is missing/incorrect. Any help is appreciated...
Sub MoveDeletedItems()
Dim oSource As Outlook.MAPIFolder
Dim oTarget As OutlookMAPIFolder
Dim oDummy As Object
Dim oToMove As Object
Dim colItems As Outlook.Items
Dim i As Long
Set oSource = Application.Session.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderDeletedItems)
Set oTarget = oSource.Folders.Folder("Trash")
Set colItems = oSource.Items
For i = colItems.Count To 1 Step -1
Set oToMove = colItems(i)
Set oDummy = oToMove.Move(oTarget)
End Sub

Fist you have a lot of stuff going on you dont need
Here is an example with comments that can be run as a macro within outlook.
Sub MoveDeletedItems()
'setup some error checking
On Error GoTo err_rpt
Dim oSource As Outlook.MAPIFolder
Dim oTarget As Outlook.MAPIFolder
Dim oItem
'get the deleted Items folder
Set oSource = Application.Session.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderDeletedItems)
'get the folder under the Deleted Items folder called Trash
Set oTarget = oSource.Folders("Trash")
'loop through all the items in the source folder
For Each oMailItem In oSource.Items
'move the item to the target folder
oItem.Move oTarget
If Err.Number > 0 Then
MsgBox Err.Description
End If
'release the folders
Set oTarget = Nothing
Set oSource = Nothing
End Sub


Excel-VBA - if new folder added to path, add new line in Sheet with new folder name

I use a macro, which reads folder names from a path and incorporates the folder names into an excel sheet. This is the code:
Sub Example1()
Dim objFSO As Object
Dim objFolder As Object
Dim objSubFolder As Object
Dim i As Integer
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder("Path")
i = 13
For Each objSubFolder In objFolder.subfolders
Cells(i + 1, 1) = objSubFolder.Name
i = i + 1
Next objSubFolder
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
What I want to know is this: if I add a new folder and thus a new name, is it possible, that my code inserts a new row with this new folder name in my excel sheet in column "A"?
Here are two screenshots to clarify my problem:
No.1: Baseline
No.2: After adding a new folder
As you can see, if a write something in the cell next to the entry "AUTOSAR" and add a folder with the name "ABBA"and let the code run again, the text, which was linked to "AUTOSAR", is now next to "ABBA". This is why I need the code to insert a new row, when a new folder is added in the path.
Change code like this
For Each objSubFolder In objFolder.subfolders
Range("a" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp)(2) = objSubFolder.Name
Next objSubFolder

Zip all files in folder except the zip archive itself

I am using this code to zip all files in a folder into a newly created .zip file:
Dim FileNameZip, FolderName
Dim filename As String, DefPath As String
Dim oApp As Object
(defining all paths needed)
'Create empty Zip File
NewZip (FileNameZip)
Set oApp = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
'Copy the files to the compressed folder
oApp.Namespace(FileNameZip).CopyHere oApp.Namespace(FolderName).items
'Keep script waiting until Compressing is done
On Error Resume Next
Do Until oApp.Namespace(FileNameZip).items.Count = oApp.Namespace(FolderName).items.Count
Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:01"))
This works without problems as long as my target folder is different from the folder where my files are.
But I have a problem when I try to take all files from a folder, put them into .zip and have the archive generated in the same folder - it creates the archive and then tries to put it into itself, which of course fails.
I am looking for a way to zip all files from a folder except this one newly created.
I looked here: but this looks very Outlook-specific and I have no idea how to apply this to a Windows folder.
Rather than add all files at once, which will include the zip file you create, loop through the files with the FileSystemObject and compare their names against the zip file name before adding to the zip:
Sub AddFilesToZip()
Dim fso As Object, zipFile As Object, objShell As Object
Dim fsoFolder As Object, fsoFile As Object
Dim timerStart As Single
Dim folderPath As String, zipName As String
folderPath = "C:\Users\darre\Desktop\New folder\" ' folder to zip
zipName = "" ' name of the zip file
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") ' create an fso to loop through the files
Set zipFile = fso.CreateTextFile(folderPath & zipName) ' create the zip file
zipFile.WriteLine Chr(80) & Chr(75) & Chr(5) & Chr(6) & String(18, 0)
Set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
Set fsoFolder = fso.GetFolder(folderPath)
For Each fsoFile In fsoFolder.Files ' loop through the files...
If <> zipName Then ' and check it's not the zip file before adding them
objShell.Namespace("" & folderPath & zipName).CopyHere fsoFile.Path
timerStart = Timer
Do While Timer < timerStart + 2
Application.StatusBar = "Zipping, please wait..."
End If
' clean up
Application.StatusBar = ""
Set fsoFile = Nothing
Set fsoFolder = Nothing
Set objShell = Nothing
Set zipFile = Nothing
Set fso = Nothing
MsgBox "Zipped", vbInformation
End Sub
I would create the zip file in the temporary folder and finally move it to the destination folder. Two notes worth mentioning:
1- The approach of looping until the Item counts are the same in the folder and the zip file is risky, because if the zipping fails for an individual item, it results in an infinite loop. For this reason it's preferable to loop as long as the zip file is locked by the shell.
2- I will use early binding with the Shell because late-binding the Shell32.Application seems to have issues on some installations. Add a reference to Microsoft Shell Controls and Automation
Sub compressFolder(folderToCompress As String, targetZip As String)
If Len(Dir(targetZip)) > 0 Then Kill targetZip
' Create a temporary zip file in the temp folder
Dim tempZip As String: tempZip = Environ$("temp") & "\" & ""
CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").CreateTextFile(tempZip, True).Write _
Chr$(80) & Chr$(75) & Chr$(5) & Chr$(6) & String(18, 0)
' compress the folder into the temporary zip file
With New Shell ' For late binding: With CreateObject("Shell32.Application")
.Namespace(tempZip).CopyHere .Namespace(folderToCompress).Items
End With
' Move the temp zip to target. Loop until the move succeeds. It won't
' succeed until the zip completes because zip file is locked by the shell
On Error Resume Next
Do Until Len(Dir(targetZip)) > 0
Application.Wait Now + TimeSerial(0, 0, 1)
Name tempZip As targetZip
End Sub
Sub someTest()
compressFolder "C:\SO\SOZip", "C:\SO\SOZip\"
End Sub
I found zipping via VBA to be hard to control without third party tools, the below may not be a direct answer but may aid as a solution. The below is an excerpt of the code I used to generate epubs which are not much more than zip files with a different extension. This zipping section never failed in hundreds of runs.
Public Function Zip_Create(ByVal StrFilePath As String) As Boolean
Dim FSO As New FileSystemObject
Dim LngCounter As Long
If Not FSO.FileExists(StrFilePath) Then
'This makes the zip file, note the FilePath also caused issues
'it should be a local file, suggest root of a drive and then use FSO
'to open it
LngCounter = FreeFile
Open StrFilePath For Output As #LngCounter
Print #LngCounter, "PK" & Chr(5) & Chr(6) & String(18, vbNullChar)
Close #LngCounter
End If
Zip_Create = True
End Function
Public Function Zip_Insert(ByVal StrZipFilePath As String, ByVal StrObject As String) As Boolean
Dim BlnYesNo As Boolean
Dim LngCounter As Long
Dim LngCounter2 As Long
Dim ObjApp As Object
Dim ObjFldrItm As Object
Dim ObjFldrItms As Object
Dim StrContainer As String
Dim StrContainer2 As String
If Procs.Global_IsAPC Then
'Create the zip if needed
If Not FSA.File_Exists(StrZipFilePath) Then
If Not Zip_Create(StrZipFilePath) Then
Exit Function
End If
End If
'Connect to the OS Shell
Set ObjApp = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
'Pause, if it has just been created the next piece of
'code may not see it yet
LngCounter2 = Round(Timer) + 1
Do Until CLng(Timer) > LngCounter2
'Divide the path and file
StrContainer = Right(StrObject, Len(StrObject) - InStrRev(StrObject, "\"))
StrObject = Left(StrObject, Len(StrObject) - Len(StrContainer))
'Connect to the file (via the path)
Set ObjFldrItm = ObjApp.NameSpace(CVar(StrObject)).Items.Item(CVar(StrContainer))
'Pauses needed to avoid all crashes
LngCounter2 = CLng(Timer) + 1
Do Until CLng(Timer) > LngCounter2
'If it is a folder then check there are items to copy (so as to not cause and error message
BlnYesNo = True
If ObjFldrItm.IsFolder Then
If ObjFldrItm.GetFolder.Items.Count = 0 Then BlnYesNo = False
End If
If BlnYesNo Then
'Take note of how many items are in the Zip file
'Place item into the Zip file
ObjApp.NameSpace(CVar(StrZipFilePath)).CopyHere ObjFldrItm
'Pause to stop crashes
LngCounter2 = CLng(Timer) + 1
Do Until CLng(Timer) > LngCounter2
'Be Happy
Zip_Insert = True
End If
Set ObjFldrItm = Nothing
Set ObjApp = Nothing
End If
End Function

Too many iterations in loop

This script collects all files in a folder and renames the files by appending the number of lines to the file name. All files are .txt files. The method (since fso.MoveFile and fso.DeleteFile are too particular, generating permissions errors) is to
create the text files,
then create a collection of the files in the folder,
then copy each file into the same folder with a new name, and
finally to delete the original file that was copied.
The script works ok, unless there are no empty text files in the collection. What happens is, the collection gets rebuilt with the new files and the script once again renames the files. I know I can prevent this by checking each file for the existence of certain repeating character strings, but I'd like to know what's happening? Why does the script rebuild the file collection and run through them again renaming each one? This continues on until I kill the process.
Another interesting factoid is, if I happen to trap an empty text file, my message is displayed and the script stops there, but has still reprocessed the first file in the collection a second time. Note that the empty file just happens to be the last one in the collection, but the first filed is once again processed.
So, by design a created text file named 'ab0.txt' gets renamed to 'ab0-15.txt' since it has 15 lines of text in it. What happens is this newly renamed file looks like 'ab0-15-15-15-15-15-15-15-15-15-15.txt'
Questions: What's going on? And is there a better and more efficient way to accomplish this objective?
Here's the code pertinent to the issue:
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set oFolder = fso.GetFolder(strSaveTo)
Set colFiles = oFolder.Files
' Call Sub to copy and rename
ChangeFileName colFiles
MsgBox("File renaming complete.")
' Exit code
Sub ChangeFileName(collectionSet)
Const ForReading = 1
Dim oFile
For Each oFile In collectionSet
Set LineCnt = fso.OpenTextFile(oFile, ForReading)
If oFile.Size = 0 then
'if this msg is not included, weird things happen
MsgBox("The file named " & oFile & _
" is empty.You may want to verify and manually delete it.")
'[I had some code in here to delete the empty file, but nothing worked]
Do While LineCnt.AtEndOfStream <> True
lineVar = lineCnt.Line-1
strNewFile = strSaveTo & Left(, Len( & _
"-" & lineVar & ".txt"
fso.CopyFile oFile, strNewFile
fso.DeleteFile oFile, True
End If
End Sub
I've heard anecdotal evidence that the Files collection is "live", meaning that newly created files will be added to the collection and iterated over, but I can't find any documentation that says one way or the other. In any case, it's probably a good idea to copy the File objects in the collection to an array first before processing them:
Dim oFile
Dim fileArray()
Dim i
ReDim fileArray(collectionSet - 1)
i = 0
For Each oFile in collectionSet
Set fileArray(i) = oFile
i = i + 1
For Each oFile In fileArray
' Count lines and rename
It seems that collectionSet is the collection of files in the folder that you are trying to modify. The problem is that with each pass through the for-each loop you are adding files to this folder, some of which are fed back into the loop. What you need to do is the find a way to take a snapshot of the folder before you try to iterate over it. The way to do this would be to replace the folder collectionSet by a collection of strings which are the names of the files before you iterate over it, and modify your code to open the files by their name (instead of via a file object). That way the collection won't be expanding while you iterate over it.
You should create your vars in the scope they are used (e.g. your
file/folder objects are used in the sub.
Always explicit(ly) declare your vars.
You don't need to copy the file and rename it then do the delete.
Just rename it with the FileObject.Name property.
Here is an example:
Option Explicit 'always declare your vars!
Dim strFolder: strFolder = "c:\temp\Rename Test"
Dim strExtension: strExtension = "txt"
' Call Sub to rename the files in the folder
ChangeFileName strFolder, strExtension
Sub ChangeFileName(strFolder, strExtension)
Const ForReading = 1
Dim FSO: set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Dim objFolder: set objFolder = FSO.GetFolder(strFolder)
Dim colFiles: set colFiles = objFolder.Files
Dim objFile
Dim intCount
Dim strFileName
Dim objTextStream
For Each objFile In colFiles
msgbox "File: " & objfile.path & vbcrlf & FSO.GetExtensionName(objFile.path)
if UCase(FSO.GetExtensionName(objFile.Path)) = UCase(strExtension) and _
objFile.Size > 0 then
'set LineCnt = FSO.OpenTextFile(objFile, ForReading)
set objTextStream = objFile.OpenAsTextStream(ForReading,-2)
intCount = 0
strFileName = objFile.Name
Do While objTextStream.AtEndOfStream <> True
intCount = intCount + 1
objFile.Name = FSO.GetBaseName(objFile.Path) & "-" & _
intCount & "." & FSO.GetExtensionName(objFile.Path)
end if
End Sub

List most recent files in ASP Classic

I am redesigning our department website and our IT department does not support the intranet development. The server runs ASP Classic and is able to run VB scripts and Javascript to an extent (somethings work others don't).
So here is my problem:
I modified a simple code that I got from
to list all the PDF Files in a directory including sub directories but I am not sure how to sort it.
As of now it sorts it in alphabetical order per each folder it reads. I would like it to sort every file of every sub directory by the item.DateLastModified property I do not know if this possible.
I am thinking I would need to store the items in an array and then sort the array and print the data but I have no idea how to do that it has been 10 years since I took a programming course.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Current code I am using :
<% sub ListFolderContents(path)
dim fs, folder, file, item, url
set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
set folder = fs.GetFolder(path)
for each item in folder.SubFolders
'Display a list of files
for each item in folder.Files
url = MapURL(item.path)
if item.type = "PDF File" then
Response.Write("<dt>" & item.Name & "" _
& vbCrLf)
end if
Response.Write("</dt>" & vbCrLf)
end sub
function MapURL(path)
dim rootPath, url
'Convert a physical file path to a URL for hypertext links.
rootPath = Server.MapPath("/")
url = Right(path, Len(path) - Len(rootPath))
MapURL = Replace(url, "\", "/")
end function %>
The original is at
Well, it's your lucky day! I happen to have old code that I wrote for personal use ~10 years ago, so with little tweaking it can fit your case almost perfectly. The key is using a disconnected recordset to hold all the data, then sort by date last modified. The crawling itself is similar to what you already have, by recursion. Note that no need to create new folder instance in each iteration - it's waste of resources, since you already have the folder object in the loop.
Anyway, here it is:
Const adVarChar = 200
Const adInteger = 3
Const adDate = 7
Dim objFSO, oFolder, objRS
Sub ExtractAllFiles(oFolder)
Dim oSubFolder, oFile
'recurse all sub folders
For Each oSubFolder In oFolder.SubFolders
Call ExtractAllFiles(oSubFolder)
'loop through all the files found, add to the recordset
For Each oFile in oFolder.Files
objRS.Fields("Name").Value = oFile.Name
objRS.Fields("Url").Value = MapURL(oFile.Path)
objRS.Fields("Type") = oFile.Type
objRS.Fields("DateLastModified").Value = oFile.DateLastModified
End Sub
Sub ListFolderContents(sPath, sTypeToShow)
Set objFSO = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set oFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(sPath)
'create a disconnected recordset
Set objRS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
'append proper fields
objRS.Fields.Append "Name", adVarChar, 255
objRS.Fields.Append "Url", adVarChar, 255
objRS.Fields.Append "Type", adVarChar, 255
objRS.Fields.Append "DateLastModified", adDate
'extract all files in given path:
Call ExtractAllFiles(oFolder)
'sort and apply:
If Not(objRS.EOF) Then
objRS.Sort = "DateLastModified DESC"
End If
'loop through all the records:
Do Until objRS.EOF
If (Len(sTypeToShow)=0) Or (LCase(sTypeToShow)=LCase(objRS("Type"))) Then
Response.Write("<dt>" & objRS("Name") & " (Type: " & objRS("Type") & ", Last modified: " & objRS("DateLastModified") & ")</dt>" _
& vbCrLf)
End If
'clean up resources
Set oFolder = Nothing
Set objFSO = Nothing
Set objRS = Nothing
End Sub
To use it in your code, have such line in the HTML body:
<% Call ListFolderContents(Server.MapPath("."), "PDF File") %>
You can of course use different path and change the display to show only what you need.

VBS to Search for Multiple Files Recursively in C:\Users

I need to recursively search for multiple files through the C:\Users directory tree recursively.
If I find any of the specified files in any of the sub-directories, I want to echo out the full path.
Here is what I have:
Dim fso,folder,files,sFolder,newFolder
Dim arr1
arr1 = Array("myFile1.pdf","myFile2.pdf","myFile3.pdf","nutbag.rtf","whoa.txt")
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
sFolder = "C:\Users"
Set folder = fso.GetFolder(sFolder)
Set files = folder.SubFolders
For each folderIdx In files
IF (Instr(folderIdx.Name,"Default") <> 1) Then
If (Instr(folderIdx.Name,"All Users") <> 1) Then
newFolder = sfolder & "\" & folderIdx.Name
CopyUpdater fso.GetFolder(newFolder)
End If
End If
Sub CopyUpdater(fldr)
For Each f In fldr.Files
For Each i in arr1
If LCase(f.Name) = i Then
End If
For Each sf In fldr.SubFolders
CopyUpdater sf
End Sub
If I run it as 'Administrator', I get:
VBScript runtime error: Permission Denied
If I run it as 'Local System' user, I get:
VBScript runtime error: Path not found
If I add, 'On Error Resume Next' to the beginning to suppress the errors, I get nothing back.
I have placed a text file called 'whoa.txt' in numerous locations around the C:\Users sub-dirs.
My suspicion is that it is a Windows permissions thing, but I am unsure.
Thanks much.
First I didn't use your code, it confuses me what you are trying to accomplish.
Next you should run the script in Administrator mode command prompt. This should allow you to check if the file is there.
Then paste code below to a vbs file and cscript it. This code displays all the matched filenames.My idea is that instead of going through all files in any folder for a matching filename, check if those wanted files exists in that folder - this is generally faster as some folders contains hundreds of files if not thousands (check your Temp folder!).
Option Explicit
Const sRootFolder = "C:\Users"
Dim fso
Dim arr1
Dim oDict ' Key: Full filename, Item: Filename
Sub Main
arr1 = Array("myFile1.pdf", "myFile2.pdf", "myFile3.pdf", "nutbag.rtf", "whoa.txt")
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set oDict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
' Call Recursive Sub
' Display All Findings from Dictionary object
Set fso = Nothing
Set oDict = Nothing
End Sub
Sub FindWantedFiles(sFolder)
On Error Resume Next
Dim oFDR, oItem
' Check if wanted files are in this folder
For Each oItem In arr1
If fso.FileExists(sFolder & "\" & oItem) Then
oDict.Add sFolder & "\" & oItem, oItem
End If
' Recurse into it's sub folders
For Each oFDR In fso.GetFolder(sFolder).SubFolders
FindWantedFiles oFDR.Path
End Sub
Sub DisplayFindings()
Dim oKeys, oKey
oKeys = oDict.Keys
For Each oKey In oKeys
wscript.echo oKey
End Sub
