Is it possible to configure alerts for exceeding google API quotas? - google-api

I've been using the Google Cloud Console to manage API keys and settings. Some of the keys will be for commercially released products, so obviously we need to keep track of our API call quota.
Is it possible to set up alerts (email or otherwise) for nearing or exceeding the quota? We would prefer not to wait until a support request comes in, or try to remember to check the console every day.


Google Calendar API - 403 User Rate Limit Exceeded

We have a (verified) application integration with Google Calendar API.
For most of our users, it works perfectly fine. However, we have one particular user account that attempts to synchronize our application's calendar with their Google Calendar. The sync fails with the following message sent back to us via our Google libraries:
Could not sync events to Google Calendar:\nError calling POST (403) Rate Limit Exceeded
This corresponds to the documentation on usage limits.
We have already raised the per-user quota in the development console twice, and neither time did Google's developer console indicate our users were approaching anywhere near to the number of requests that would have led to an issue; we have bumped it significantly anyway.
The other suggestion on this page is the following:
If one user is making a lot of requests on behalf of many users of a G Suite domain, consider a Service Account with authority delegation (setting the quotaUser parameter).
Most of users likely do not have a GSuite domain, so this option is off the table.
Are there any other suggestions for how to handle this situation? Is there anything we can look at to resolve this issue for this user? Would using backoff necessarily resolve this situation? We are uncertain if this user's limit is only for their Google Calendar integration with our software, or if it's possible it relates to other Google services the user might utilizing (in which case backoff on our end would not make a difference). How can we determine the best course of action on this issue?

Webhook for Google Tasks

I have integrated Google Tasks APIs into my web application. The requirement is to sync the task between web application and Google.
So far, the Task in my web application is created and synced with the Google Tasks using the Google Tasks API. I want to add logic for syncing the tasks from Google Task to my web application. I have to call the Google Tasks APIs for each task periodically (let say, every 5 minutes) to check the task details and compare across the tasks in the web application and sync it. Calling Google Tasks API periodically consumes too many API calls and the per day quota is 50,000 calls as per google document. This exceeds or will exceed easily.
Quota Limit mentioned here
Requesting to increase quota is an option. But that can be done only if we know the exact or approx API call we require for the day. As it is difficult to estimate the count, I do not prefer to request for more quota.
I want an alternate solution like using a webhook that notifies me if any modification is made on Google Tasks. With that help I can retrieve only modified Google Task and sync back to my web application. This will subsequently consume fewer API calls.
I did some research for the webhook and I found this. But I am looking for the webhook provided by Google itself, similar to what they provide for google sheet.
Please help if anyone have integrated webhook for Google Tasks.

Keeping to Google API quotas with client-side applications

Google APIs can have usage limits, both on a per-user and a per-application basis. For example, the GMail API free tier is limited to a billion daily quota units across all users of your application.
This works for well-designed server-side applications, which can centrally ensure they obey these usage limits. However, I’m not sure how this is supposed to work for client-side apps. As Google’s documentation says,
Installed apps are distributed to individual devices, and it is assumed that these apps cannot keep secrets.
These apps are still supposed to use a client_secret and credentials, but these are assumed to not be confidential despite the name. However, just saying they aren’t secret doesn’t prevent abuse; a user of the app can take the credentials file and use it for a different purpose, perhaps one that uses the APIs more. What can an application developer do to prevent people doing this from burning through all the available quota?
Edit for clarification:
The use case that prompted this is a purely desktop app that doesn’t connect to any service except GMail (see If it weren’t for a global quota for all users of the app, there would be no reason to worry about individual users at all; they don’t connect to any service except GMail itself.
You could write a server app (a Cloud Function would work) which holds the secrets. Clients call your endpoint with some form of identifier and you return an Access Token. If your users have a browser, they can auth each time; if not you would need to request a Refresh Token which you store and use that to generate an AT.

Can Google Calendar API be used to create scalable scheduling service?

I need to create a scheduler for my own SaaS, and I'm trying to understand whether Google Calendar API is a fit for that. Basically I could have hundreds of thousands of calendars. Each calendar may be a user of my service, but not a Google user. It seems that perhaps I could use resource calendars under my Google Cloud service account. My biggest concern is whether my usage will fall within the Calendar API's service quotas, either automatically or by requesting a quota increase?
Yes service accounts will fall within quota usage limits. There is also a limit about creating more then 25 calendars in a day causing the user to end up in read mode for the rest of the day.
Google Calendar API Usage Limits
The Google Calendar API has a courtesy limit of 1,000,000 queries per day.
To view or change usage limits for your project, or to request an increase to your quota, do the following:
If you don't already have a billing account for your project, then create one.
Visit the Enabled APIs page of the API library in the API Console, and select an API from the list.
To view and change quota-related settings, select Quotas. To view usage statistics, select Usage.
On the one hand, you could work around the quota issues by sharding your users across multiple Service Accounts. You would probably also want to shard them across multiple App IDs.
On the other hand, don't do it. In my experience, using Google APIs outside their intended use case doesn't end well.

How to skip verification process for Google API Projects that works only in the sandbox mode?

Google started the OAuth developer verification process a few months back which forces the developers having OAuth applications to apply for verifications if they don't want their users to see a warning screen and to have an unlimited number of users using the OAuth flow.
I'm facing a problem due to this verification process when I have to use the projects in a local environment. There is no way I can verify the apps for local environments since the policies and T&Cs cannot be hosted.
Q1. Is there any way to skip the verification process and sandbox the OAuth application?
Q2. What is the exact limit for the accounts? (Since I use 5-10 Gmail accounts, but do multiple signups per day from those accounts and I still hit the limit quite often)
Q1. Is there any way to skip the verification process and sandbox the OAuth application?
If you check the side of the consent screen it answers some of your questions.
you can learn more here
Q2. What is the exact limit for the accounts? (Since I use 5-10 Gmail accounts, but do multiple signups per day from those accounts and I still hit the limit quite often)
If you add these accounts as users on the project in the developer console they should be able to use it while you are testing.
