Can/Should NSSheets be used for text field input? - macos

I have a Cocoa app underway and I'm thinking about how to get people to enter and/or change text fields.
The main window is an NSTableView, and there are subordinate tables, where people will add/choose selections.
I was thinking that for both adding a new record, or selecting from a set, an NSSheet could work quite nicely. But I don't know if this is appropriate.
Finally, are there better ways to do this? Examples?

Ok, so as you wanted to add new record on the basis of user selection in the sheet. If really its requirement then it is fine, there is no any issue on using sheet.
But only problem is performance issue will be there. Because user has to first click on button and then sheet will appear and then enter into textfield and then again click on the ok button or cancel button so it seems like delaying in your application.


macOS: Selecting items from a list by typing on the keyboard

The NSTableView has a feature, called Type Selection, by which the user can type the first letters of a listed item and the view automatically selects the first hit and scrolls to it.
I like to have a similar functionality in a NSCollectionView, where I list images by name.
Before I start writing such code by myself, I wonder if there is an API that can help me with this.
I am especially worred about getting the timing right, as I want to have it use the same timing as the NSTableView does. I imagine that it even changes depending on the user's System Preferences for typing. Also, the NSTableView will select other items with the same typed prefix if waiting long enough. All this can get quite complicated if I want to get it right. I don't want to miss anything.

Update Gui without pressing submit in AHK

So I bet the has already been covered but I couldn't find it, so if you know where the answer is, simply point me in the right direction!
I have a GUI with two radio check boxes, and I would like to show/hide some commands based on which radio is selected. However, I would prefer not to have to create a new GUI, or have to click the Submit button to do so. Is there a way to trigger guicontrol without submitting the gui?
Ok, so I figured out how to accomplish what I'm trying to do, and so I'm posting it here for posterity sake! ;)
I realized that I could use GUI, Submit without closing the form if I appended it with nohide. So I created a glabel for both radio buttons, so when either one is selected they activate a subroutine which submits the form (without hiding it), and does whatever actions I want it to, such as show more commands, or insert text.

Create multiple page form in Cocoa

I want to create a form with iOS like transitions (in a Cocoa desktop application) between the form input. For instance, the user would input information to the form and click next to continue to input the remainder of the information. On the last form, the user would click submit. Upon clicking next, the form would have an animated transition, like on the iPhone before displaying the next set of forms. Sort of like how Turbo Tax ask a ton of questions before allowing you to submit that grouped information.
What would be the best approach to achieve this goal?
This is commonly referred to as a wizard.
You basically have two options:
Use a tabless tab view, following Apple's sample code in AnimatingTabView from
Manually swap the views in and out yourself.
There are pros and cons to both approaches. Which you choose will probably depend on your requirements. One issue with Core Animation on the desktop is lack of subpixel rendering for layer-backed views. This is mostly an issue with text display but some people find it not to be an issue.
I've needed this functionality a few times. I used this tutorial to get started.

Janus GridEX Problem

It's a longshot that anyone can help with this, but here goes. I inherited a VB6 app with a Janus GridEX control. It iterates through records, and is editable. Problem is, if I edit a cell and hit the button to go to the next record, the change is applied to the next record, not the one I was editing. It's like, I need it to finish up the edit before going to the next record. I've had this sort of problem before in VC++, and sometimes you have to "KillFocus" on the control you're on or something. I just don't know what to do here. I tried sending a carriage return, since if you return out of the edit cell, it works, but sending a carriage return manually doesn't work. What's the secret?
Is your grid bound or unbound?
It's hard to tell from your description, but I imagine that if your are having this problem then it's probably bound.
As the other answer asked, is the button the RecordNavigator that is built into the control or is it a separate button? The reason I bring this up again, is that I have seen issues in the VB6 applications I support where a toolbar will often intercept and interfere with how the JanusGrid should work.
To get around this limitation, I have added the following code in the click handler of any toolbars where there is also a JanusGrid control on the form.
If jsgxYourGridName.EditMode = jgexEditModeOn Then jsgxYourGridName.Update
This way any changes are immediately applied to the current row.
If this does not help, then I have also seen problems where the recordset that is bound to the grid gets out of sync with the internal recordset in the grid. You can check this by comparing the bookmark of the grid to the bookmark of the recordset.
Ie. mrsYourRecordset.Bookmark = jsgxYourGrid.ADORecordset.Bookmark
At one point I may have also used something like this.
jsgxYourGrid.ADORecordset.Bookmark = jsgxYourGrid.RowBookmark(jsgxYourGrid.RowIndex(jsgxYourGrid.Row))
Finally you can try setting a breakpoint in the BeforeUpdate, RowColChange and/or AfterColUpdate events of the grid, to see what record the grid is really on when clicking on the button.
It depends whether the button is internal to Janus GridEX or not. If it internal then just about the only thing you can do is look at the events the control exposes to see if there a sequence that can let you know that this problem occurs. Then you can try to take corrective action by restoring the row you moved to and put the edit in the row you left.
If the button is external to Janus then you can use the debug mode to trace sequence of statement that control the transfer of focus to the next row. It could be something out of order or a side effect of the particular sequence of commands. I have run into both with different controls.
Remember that you can edit while in debug mode so you can try different approaches and test until you find one that works.

How to design a linear GUI program

I'm making a simple Qt application. It has 4 screens/pages:
Start import
Select folder to import images to
Accept or reject each image in folder, and when no images left:
"No images left" and an OK button.
I can't figure out the best way to implement this. I started off with a QWidget, but this quickly got unmanageable.
Is a QWizard too constrained?
EDIT: Part of the problem with QWizard is it seems to always have "Back" and "Next" buttons. I don't want those as options in this program, so this leads me to believe that a wizard isn't exactly what I'm after.
I'm going to disagree slightly on using a QWizard here. It would be fairly easy to do, but in this case I think it might be easier to just use a QStackedWidget and swap the widget shown based on what you want the user to be able to do. This is likely what is done inside QWizard anyway, without some of the complication for running the buttons and moving back and forth. You also might want to take a look at the state machine stuff they're looking at adding soon, since you're application could so easily be split into states.
I think a QWizardPage is your best bet.
You can disable the 'back' on a QWizardPage by using setCommitPage(True) on it.
You'll also have to override nextId for the 'variable' amount of QWizardPages you want in between step 2 and 4.
here (basic) and here are examples of QWizards.
You can make QWizardPages for your screens and add them to a QWizard. With registerField() you can register fields to communicate between pages.
I didn't test this, but i guess you can control the button layout of QWizard with
Create a dialog with a "Start Import" button on top. When the user clicks this:
Populate a QFormLayout :
The layout should have a checkbox and the label is the name of the picture to import. I'm not sure of your requirements, but you could also display a thumbnail of the image.
The user just checks the images he wants.
Then at the bottom have a "Save..." button. When the user clicks this, a Save As dialog appears. You save all the checked images, discard the others.
If there are no images, change the "Save..." button text to "OK", and display a QLabel with the "No images left" string. You can switch between the QLabel and QFormLayout using a QStackedWidget.
Checkout this article on QFormLayout:
Option: Get rid of the "Start Import" button. Have the app automatically populate the QFormLayout on startup (possibly in constructor if its fast enough).
