Dynamic tuple in Pig? - hadoop

I obtained data with tuple in pig
Can I receive this?

To start off, I'm going to correct your terminology and you should be treating (0) and (1,2) as bags, not tuples. Tuples are intended to be fixed-length data structures that represent some sort of entity. Say (name, address, year of birth), for example. If you have a list of similar objects, like {(apple), (orange), (banana)}, you want a bag.
There doesn't exist behavior that allows you to "zip" up multiple bags/lists. The reason for this is from a design perspective, Pig treats bags as unordered lists, hence the term "bag" not "list". This assumption really helps out with parallelism since you don't have to be considered with order. Therefore, it's really hard to match up 1 with first.
What you could try to do is write an eval function UDF that takes in two bags as parameters, and then zips up the two lists, and then returns back one back with the bags zipped.


Seeking appropriate clustering algorithm

I'm analyzing the GDELT dataset and I want to determine thematic clusters. Simplifying considerably, GDELT parses news articles and extracts events. As part of that, it recognizes, let's say, 250 "themes" and tags each "event" it records in a column a semi-colon separated list of all themes identified in the article.
With that preamble, I've extracted, for 2016, a list of approximately 350,000 semi-colon separated theme lists, such as these two:
As you can see, both of these lists both contain "TAX_FNACT" and "CRISISLEX_CRISISLEXREC". Thus, "TAX_FNACT;CRISISLEX_CRISISLEXREC" is a 2-item cluster. A better understanding of GDELT informs us that it isn't a particularly useful cluster, but it is one nevertheless.
What I'd like to do, ideally, is compose a dictionary of lists. The key for the dictionary is the number of items in the cluster and value is a list of tuples of all theme clusters with that "key" number of elements paired with the number of times that cluster appeared. This ideal algorithm would run until it identified the largest cluster.
Does an algorithm already exist that I can use for this purpose and if so, what is it named? If I had to guess, I would imagine we've created something to extract x-item clusters and then I would just loop from 2->? until I don't get any results.
Clustering won't work well here.
What you describe looks rather like frequent itemset mining. Where the task is to find frequent combinations of 'items' in lists.

How to search in polynomial hash table in ascending order in C?

I there guys,
i'm developing a small program in C, that reads strings from a .txt file with 2 letters and 3 numbers format. Like this
I developed a polynomial hash function, that calculates an hash key like this
hash key(k) = k1 + k2*A² + k3*A^3... +Kn*A^n
where k1 is the 1º letter of the word, k2 the 2º (...) and A is a prime number to improve the number of collisions, in my case its 11.
Ok, so i got the table generated, i can search in the table no problem, but only if i got the full word... That i could figure it out.
But what if i only want to use the first letter? Is it possible to search in the hash table, and get the elements started by for example 'A' without going through every element?
In order to have more functionality you have to introduce more data structures. It all depends on how deep you want to go, which depends on what exactly you need to code to do.
I suspect that you want some kind of filtering for the user. When user enters "A" it should be given all strings that have "A" at the start, and when afterwards it enters "B" the list should be filtered down to all strings starting with "AB".
If this is the case then you don't need over-complicated structures. Just iterate through the list and give the user the appropriate sublist. Humans are slow, and they won't notice the difference between 3 ms response and 300 ms response.
If your hash function is well designed, every place in the table is capable of storing a string beginning with any prefix, so this approach is doomed from the start.
It sounds like what you really want might be a trie.

Can pig relational operators work on bags

I am running through the example given in Programming Pig. Take a look at the --analyze_stock.pig example.
I am basically confused about how relational operators are working on bags, I have read that relational operators can work only on relations.
daily = load 'NYSE_daily' as (exchange:chararray, symbol:chararray,
date:chararray, open:float, high:float, low:float,
close:float, volume:int, adj_close:float);
grpd = group daily by symbol;
After running these two statements if i run
describe grpd
The output i get is
{group: chararray,daily: {(exchange: chararray,symbol: chararray,date: chararray,open: float,high: float,low: float,close: float,volume: int,adj_close: float)}}
This clearly shows that daily is a bag
The next statement in the script is
analyzed = foreach grpd {
sorted = order daily by date;
generate group, analyze(sorted);
Here the order (relational operator) is being applied on daily (bag) based on the describe statement above.
I realize that in all probability that my concepts are a little weak here, would appreciate if someone could help me out.
Remember that a bag is an unordered collection of tuples. Also remember that the records in a Pig relation are tuples. That means that a relation is actually just a big bag. That means that conceptually, anything you can do to a whole relation you can also do to a smaller bag in a single record. This is done using a nested foreach.
In practice, they are not identical -- when dealing with a bag, there are not map-reduce cycles involved; it's more like using a UDF. Consequently, not every operator can be used this way. Note that the source I linked to is out-of-date on this point: you can now use, e.g., GROUP BY as well.

list-of-list vs. hash-of-hashes

I need to store feature vectors associated with string-string pairs. The string-string pairs encode an input-output relationship. There will be a relatively small number of inputs X (e.g. 5), and for each input x, there will be a relatively small number outputs Y|x (e.g. 10).
The question is, what data structure is fastest?
Additional relevant information:
The outputs are generally different for each input, and it cannot be assumed that each X has the same number of outputs.
Lookup will be done "many" times (perhaps 1000).
Inputs will be sampled equally frequently, but for each input, usually one or 2 outputs will be accessed frequently, and the remainder will be accessed infrequently or not at all.
At present, I am considering three possibilities:
list-of-lists: access outer list with index (representing input X[i]), access inner list with index (representing output Y[i][j]).
hash-of-hashes: same as above.
flat hash: key = (input,output).
If you have strings, it's unclear how you would look up the index to use a list of lists efficiently without utilizing hashing anyway. If you can pass around something that keeps the reference to the index (e.g. if the set of outputs is fixed, and you can define an enumeration of them), instead of the string a list of lists would be faster (assuming you mean list in the 'not necessarily linked list' sense, with O(1) element access). Otherwise you may as well just hash directly and save yourself the effort.
If not, that leaves hash of hashes v. flat hash. What's your access pattern like? Are you always going to ask for X,Y, or would you ever need to access all outputs for X? Hash(X+Y) is likely roughly equivalent to hash(X) + hash(Y) (both are going to generally walk over all the letters to generate the hash. So individual hashes is more flexible, at a slight (almost certainly negligible) overhead. From 3, it sounds like you might need the hash of hashes, anyhow.

Hadoop and Cassandra processing rows in sorted order

I want to fill a Cassandra database with a list of strings that I then process using Hadoop. What I want to do it run through all the strings in order using a Hadoop cluster and record how much overlap there is between each string in order to find the Longest Common Substring.
My question is, will the InputFormat object allow me to read out the data in a sorted order or will my strings be read out "randomly" (according to how Cassandra decides to distribute them) throughout every machine in the cluster? Is the MapReduce process designed to process each row by itself w/out the intent of looking at two rows consecutively like I'm asking for?
First of all, the Mappers will read the data in whatever order they get it from the InputFormat. I'm not a Cassandra expert, but I don't expect that will be in sorted order.
If you want sorted order, you should use an identity mapper (one that does nothing) whose output key is the string itself. Then they will be sorted before passed to the reduce step. But it gets a little more complicated since you can have more than one reducer. With only one reducer, everything is globally sorted. With more than one, each reducer's input is sorted, but the input across reducers might not be sorted. That is, adjacent strings might not go to the same reducer. You would need a custom partitioner to handle that.
Lastly, you mentioned that you're doing longest common substring- are you looking for the longest substring among each pair of strings? Among consecutive pairs of strings? Among all strings? Each of these possibilities will affect how you need to structure your MapReduce job.
