How to differentiate between stock symbols with same name in Google stock API - google-api

I am using the following Google rest API to get stock data for a given symbol SYMBOL.<SYMBOL NAME>
But there are certain symbols like "TCS" which has multiple company names in different parts of the TECSYS Ltd in TSE and Tata Consultancy Services iN NSE.
How do I alter the query to get the TCS data in NSE stock Exchange.
Also is there any way to get the list of available symbols from Google?

This answer is in regard to #Ashwin 's bounty:
The URL provided by #Rockstart is part of Google's deprecated Finance / iGoogle API. It's been deprecated for several years.
However, as of July 2014, there is another method that still works - though it is also part of the deprecated finance API, so it probably won't stick around forever.
The method to get a specific stock is to add the stock exchange's name to the call:
As of the time I posted this answer, this response is returned:
// [ { "id": "348018767532275" ,"t" : "TCS" ,"e" : "NYSE" ,"l" : "20.67" ,
"l_fix" : "20.67" ,"l_cur" : "20.67" ,"s": "0" ,"ltt":"4:01PM EDT" ,
"lt" : "Jul 25, 4:01PM EDT" ,"lt_dts" : "2014-07-25T16:01:16Z" ,
"c" : "-0.33" ,"c_fix" : "-0.33" ,"cp" : "-1.57" ,"cp_fix" : "-1.57" ,
"ccol" : "chr" ,"pcls_fix" : "21" } ]

Regarding the second question, you may use
to get a list of symbols with "TCS" in their name, e.g.
"matches": [
"t": "TCS",
"n": "Tata Consultancy Services Limited",
"e": "NSE",
"id": "784961"
"t": "TCS",
"n": "Container Store Group Inc",
"e": "NYSE",
"id": "348018767532275"
And then you may use #Andy's call to get information about a symbol in a specific exchange.


Google Places API Difference between _id and place_id

Could someone please explain me the key difference between the attributes: _id and place_id?
I know: Place IDs uniquely identify a place in the Google Places database and on Google Maps.
But what does the attribute _key representing ?
Example Response Code from the Google Api:
"_id": "d5bcd8db4a52088350ffb502c31c6694918d3907",
"place_id": "ChIJb3D1a2mnkUcRxop5hdAGiwY",
"lat": 27.991789,
"lng": 3.865653,
"name": "We Are here",
"rating": 0,
"user_ratings_total": 0,
"types": [
I believe the _id field was deprecated and should disappear from responses shortly.
The Places fields reference, id, alt_id, and scope are deprecated as of September 3, 2019, and will be turned off on June 3, 2020.
The id and reference request parameters have been replaced by the place_id request parameter.
the alt_id and scope fields have no equivalent, as they were only used for the Place Add service which was turned off in July 2018.
I guess Google just renamed deprecated id field as _id.

Google places API - Can I separate out the output?

Hiting the endpoint:,name&inputtype=textquery&key=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Getting the result:
"candidates" : [
"formatted_address" : "New Jersey, USA",
"name" : "Hoboken"
"debug_log" : {
"line" : []
"status" : "OK"
What bugs me is that I can't find a way to separate out the region and country - Yes, I know I can parse the result myself. But is there an option I get shoot out to Google Places API to have the response separate out city/state(or region)/country in the returned JSON?
Something like:
"candidates" : [
"state" : "New Jersey",
"country" : "USA",
"name" : "Hoboken"
"debug_log" : {
"line" : []
"status" : "OK"
As far as I know, it isn't possible, you'll have to parse it. Places API is designed to search businesses and POIs at first place.
Google does have, however a geocoding API which seems to give out Postal Code, Country, State, Address, separetely.
There are also some free alternatives

How to returns all public tweets regarding for specific location using tweeter api

Is there an API call which will returns all recent public tweets regarding for specific location?
I tried GET trends/place but it's WOEID not worked for Sri Lanka and Cities.
(Sri Lanka WOEID is 23424778)
I don't want to use tweeter GET search/tweets.json endpoint because search based on certain key words.
Is there any solution for this?
Finally, I got the answer. We could not get trends on each and every location using tweeter API 1.1.
you have to check our closest trending place using this API call. For Austalia
the response like be this.
"country": "Australia",
"countryCode": "AU",
"name": "Australia",
"parentid": 1,
"placeType": {
"code": 12,
"name": "Country"
"url": "",
"woeid": 23424748
after that, you can use GET trends/place.
even though you cannot use GET trends/place for geo-based filtering you can use tweeter search endpoint. if you do not want to filter it by keyword ignore the q parameter and use geocodeparameter. for example,,80.554956,12mi
In here mi is miles.

Steam API all games

I've been reading forums and trying Steam APIs, I'm searching for an API which provides all Steam Games.
I found the API providing all SteamApps, and the Steam Store API which provides information for Apps (I'm looking for the type: 'game'), but for this, I need to call the store API once for each SteamApp... And the Store API is limited to 200 calls every 5 minutes! Is it the only solution?
All Apps API :
App details API :{APP_ID}
There is no "Steam API all games and all their details in one go".
You use GetAppList to get all the steam apps. Then you have to query each app with appdetails which will take a long time.
GetAppList :
"applist": {
"apps": [
{"appid": 10, "name": "Counter-Strike"},
{"appid": 20, "name": "Team Fortress Classic"},
{"appid": 30, "name": "Day of Defeat"},
{"appid": 40, "name": "Deathmatch Classic"}
appdetails :
"10": {
"success": true,
"data": {
"type": "game",
"name": "Counter-Strike",
"steam_appid": 10,
"required_age": 0,
"is_free": false,
"detailed_description": "...",
"about_the_game": "...",
"short_description": "...",
"developers": ["Valve"],
"publishers": ["Valve"],
There is a general API rate limit for each unique IP adress of 200 requests in five minutes which is one request every 1.5 seconds.
Another solution would be to use a third-party service such as SteamApis which offers more options but they are inevitably bound to what Steam offers in their API.
A common method here is to cache the results.
So for example, if your using something like PHP to query the results, you would do something like json_encode and json_decode with an array / object to hold the last results.
You can get fancy depending on what you want, but basically you'll need to cache and then perform an update of the oldest.

Google place api - application specific search

I am trying to do application specific places search with google place api. Here is how I am adding a place:
"location": {
"lat": 37.760538,
"lng": -121.900879
"accuracy": 50,
"name": "p2p",
"types": ["other"]
I get success response as shown below:
"id" : "dfe583b1ac058750cf524f958afc5e82ade455d7",
"place_id" : "qgYvCi0wMDAwMDBhNWE4OWU4NTMzOjgwOGZlZTBhNjI3OjBjNTU1OTU4M2Q2NDI5YmM",
"reference" : "CkQxAAAAsPE72V-jhHUjj6vPy2HdC__2MhAdXanL6mlFBA4bcayRabKyMlfKFiah7U2vkoCj1P_0w9ESFSv5mfDkyufaZhIQTHBHY_jPGRHEE3EmEAGElhoUXTSylMslwHSTK5tYdstW2rOZKbw",
"scope" : "APP",
"status" : "OK"
When I search for this place using radar search, I get ZERO_RESULTS.
"html_attributions": [ ],
"results": [ ],
"status": "ZERO_RESULTS"
Is there something that I am doing the right way? Please help.
Thanks & Regards,
Your scope is "APP". That means you can access it (via PlaceID) from the application that created the entry only. If the location passes Google's moderation process, then it will gain scope "GOOGLE" and be accessible from the general searches.
scope — Indicates the scope of the place_id. The possible values are:
APP: The place ID is recognised by your application only. This is because your
application added the place, and the place has not yet
passed the moderation process.
GOOGLE: The place ID is available to other applications and on Google Maps.
Note: The scope field is included only in Nearby Search results and
Place Details results. You can only retrieve app-scoped places via the
Nearby Search and the Place Details requests. If the scope field is
not present in a response, it is safe to assume the scope is GOOGLE.
