Making a bouncing effect using Tweener - gnome-shell

I would like to bounce my actor on y-axis for two
Seconds following a button release event.
I don't know how I can do that using Tweener.
Gnome shell 3.4.
Thanks for any help,

I gave up trying that effect. Instead using Tweener (, I simply set the opacity of the object from 0 to 255 in 'easeQuadEffect'.

GPaste Integration does what you want. Inspecting the code may be informative.
Search for "Tweener" in the gpaste_integration.js file.


three.js filmpass noise becomes weird after a while
// Old Film Look
filmPass = new THREE.FilmPass();
In this example you can see it and it's something I've been having in my own tests as well. I'm not sure if it's only tabbing out or if by leaving the computer idle it eventually turns like that.
The way to replicate it is to open the demo, leave the tab for a while and after 15 minutes or so, when you return to the tab, the noise will look displaced and forming patterns
. Chrome latest version.
My assumption is that the requestanimationframe is causing this issue, but I wouldn't know what to tweak to fix it.
Anyone got a pointer?
It appears adding a deltatime to the render alleviates the issue greatly.

P3D sketch not working in Python mode of Processing

I was translating a Java sketch to a Python sketch in Processing. It is using the P3D engine and it is not showing anything in the window while it is showing what I want in Java mode. When I run it just shows a blank black window instead of a grid. I can change its background color but I can not draw in the shapes or something window. Please help me! And I can not share its code as it is not an open source project.
It was my fault. It was a mistake in the code. I was making the grid using for loop and the variables that were needed for for loop were not defined properly it was not giving an error because the value of variables was 0. Sorry for wasting your time. Enjoy!

How can I adjust the gamma level of my display on Windows 7 w/ a script?

I was hoping to create a script or two to be able to adjust the gamma level of my display with the push of a button. Currently, the process is opening the display, clicking on Calibrate color, nexting my way through about 20 screens, and adjusting the value of the gamma.
Does anyone know of a way to shorten this process? I don't care which technology is used but I guess my intuition says powershell might be the way. I want to be able to switch the gamma level to 100% quickly and also to switch it back to the default value of 50% quickly.
So, essentially hoping for something like:
According to this article, you can edit in in registry:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ICM]
To edit registry using powershell:

how to create animation of sparkling effect for iphone using cocos2d or Quartz core

I am creating one application in that i want to give background effect like there are number of starts and something like we are in universe and some starts are getting lighted for few seconds then some other starts etc.
I got one open gles animation of Explosion , but I want that kind of effect using quartz core or Cocos2d so that I can implement other things easily.
if any one do have any idea or any sample for the sample please suggest me.
Thanks in advance
If I understand you question correctly (that is not quite clear) you can use some particle effect to simulate most of the "cosmic" lighting, starts, comets even galaxy.
Please have a look at , it is particle tutorial

Using QCView and iSight to capture image

I have a QCView that loads a Quartz file which gives you iSights feedback (basically like a QTCaptureView)
Everything displays fine
The button simply takes a snapshot using the following simple lines of code
- (void)takePicture:(id)sender {NSImage *currentImage = [outputView valueForOutputKey:#"ImageOutput"];
[[currentImage TIFFRepresentation] writeToFile:#"/Users/hendo13/Desktop/capture.tiff" atomically:NO];}
The exported image however has some very wonky colouring issues like so:
No filters of any sort have been applied. Does anyone know what is causing this?
It's inverted. You can use the CIInvert filter to correct it (assuming there's no way to correct the actual output of the QC view).
Oh, and I think the blue and green alpha channels are the wrong way around, too (possibly an endianness problem?). If you go with the CIInvert solution, you can use CIColorMatrix to rearrange the channels, swapping blue and green back to their proper places. Here's a tutorial I wrote for it—I wrote it for the user interface in Core Image Fun House, but using it programmatically shouldn't be too hard once you understand how the filter works.
