Vim: Looking for Help to Create Custom Syntax Highlighting - syntax-highlighting

Here is what I got so far:
syntax match cfg_Comment '#.*$' contains=cfg_DocTag
syntax match cfg_DocTag '#\s*\zs[\\#]\l\+' contained
highlight default link cfg_Comment Comment
highlight default link cfg_DocTag SpecialComment
Works perfectly for something like:
# #brief The maximum.
# #type number
# #default 1
What I want to do next is to highlight the next word after #type with Type group. So I did the following:
syntax match cfg_Comment '#.*$' contains=cfg_DocTag,cfg_DocField_type
syntax match cfg_DocTag '#\s*\zs[\\#]\l\+' contained
syntax match cfg_DocTag_type '#type' containedin=cfg_DocTag nextgroup=cfg_DocField_type skipwhite
syntax match cfg_DocField_type '\a\+' contained
highlight default link cfg_Comment Comment
highlight default link cfg_DocTag SpecialComment
highlight default link cfg_DocField_type Type
There are 2 issues with this:
Now #type is not highlighted, and I get it because obviously I didn't specify the group for it, but I expected it to sort of inherit the color from its parent container cfg_DocTag.
Of course now everything in comments is of Type color and not just the word after #type, and I get it again because I specified that cfg_Comment is a container of cfg_DocField_type.
I know where the issues stem from, but I don't know how to elegantly solve them and write as less boilerplate code as possible.
Finally, can someone tell me why
syntax match cfg_DocTag_type '#type' containedin=cfg_DocTag nextgroup=cfg_DocField_type skipwhite
syntax keyword cfg_DocTag_type #type containedin=cfg_DocTag nextgroup=cfg_DocField_type skipwhite
are not the same? I.e. in the first case it's as I described above: #type is no longer highlighted since the group is not specified, but this is expected. But in the second case, it is highlighted even though the group is not specified, which is unexpected, so it feels like as a keyword it doesn't match at all. And it is easily provable with the simplest test case possible:
Highlighting works:
syntax match Test '#type'
highlight default link Test Keyword
Highlighting doesn't work:
syntax keyword Test #type
highlight default link Test Keyword
Following Ingo's answer the proposed solution indeed works. However what is interesting to me is why this one doesn't?
syntax match cfg_Comment '#.*$' contains=cfg_DocTag
syntax match cfg_DocTag '#\s*\zs[\\#]\l\+' contained
syntax match cfg_DocTag_type '#type' transparent containedin=cfg_DocTag nextgroup=cfg_DocField_type skipwhite
syntax match cfg_DocField_type '\a\+' contained
highlight default link cfg_Comment Comment
highlight default link cfg_DocTag SpecialComment
highlight default link cfg_DocField_type Type
This one would be perfect if only it worked. It frees us from duplication of the comment match, and does the natural inheritance. Omitting # before type does not change anything by the way, i.e. the inheriting effect stays intact. But why cfg_DocField_type is not highlighted? Any ideas?

You're quite close already. Your containment of cfg_DocTag_type in cfg_DocTag doesn't work because they would both match at the same position. Leaving off the leading # from the former would fix it, but the nextgroup=cfg_DocField_type still wouldn't match, because apparently the end of the match for cfg_DocTag (after the tag) makes Vim not apply the nextgroup.
What I've done is putting cfg_DocTag_type on the same level as cfg_DocTag, i.e. not contained in the latter. There's only the duplication of the pre-match #\s*\zs as a downside.
syntax match cfg_Comment '#.*$' contains=cfg_DocTag,cfg_DocTag_type
syntax match cfg_DocTag '#\s*\zs[\\#]\l\+' contained
syntax match cfg_DocTag_type '#\s*\zs#type' nextgroup=cfg_DocField_type skipwhite
syntax match cfg_DocField_type '\a\+' contained
highlight default link cfg_Comment Comment
highlight default link cfg_DocTag SpecialComment
highlight default link cfg_DocTag_type cfg_DocTag
highlight default link cfg_DocField_type Type
Re 1.: It is not contained; only if you leave off the #. Then, adding transparent would get you the inheriting effect.
Re "finally": I suspect that # is not part of 'iskeyword' (it's not by default), but it has to be for :syn keyword.
Protip: Syntax script development is easier when you install the SyntaxAttr.vim - Show syntax highlighting attributes of character under cursor plugin.


Monarch Syntax Highlighting and Multi-line Patterns

Right now I am trying to write a syntax highlighter for my custom language using Monarch. However, in my language (and many others), sometimes the syntax highlighting could change based on what's on the next line. For example, here is one such case in Javascript:
fn(foo // here, foo is an argument
=> bar)
fn(foo // but here, foo is an identifier
+ bar)
Unfortunately it seems like by default, monarch regexes work line by line. So I can't figure out how I would achieve this. Is there a way to enable multi-line regexes in Monarch? Or is there some other way to solve this?

Should arguments to a custom directive be escaped?

I have created a custom directive for a documentation project of mine which is built using Sphinx and reStructuredText. The directive is used like this:
.. xpath-try:: //xpath[#expression="here"]
This will render the XPath expression as a simple code block, but with the addition of a link that the user can click to execute the expression against a sample XML document and view the matches (example link, example rendered page).
My directive specifies that it does not have content, takes one mandatory argument (the xpath expression) and recognises a couple of options:
class XPathTryDirective(Directive):
has_content = False
required_arguments = 1
optional_arguments = 0
final_argument_whitespace = True
option_spec = {
'filename': directives.unchanged,
'ns_args': directives.unchanged,
def run(self):
xpath_expr = self.arguments[0]
node = xpath_try(xpath_expr, xpath_expr)
return [node]
Everything seems to be working exactly as intended except that if the XPath expression contains a * then the syntax highlighting in my editor (gVim) gets really messed up. If I escape the * with a backslash, then that makes my editor happy, but the backslash comes through in the output.
My questions are:
Are special characters in an argument to a directive supposed to be escaped?
If so, does the directive API provide a way to get the unescaped version?
Or is it working fine and the only problem is my editor is failing to highlight things correctly?
It may seem like a minor concern but as I'm a novice at rst, I find the highlighting to be very helpful.
Are special characters in an argument to a directive supposed to be escaped?
No, I think that there is no additional processing performed on arguments of rst directives. Which matches your observation: whatever you specify as an argument of the directive, you are able to get directly via self.arguments[0].
Or is it working fine and the only problem is my editor is failing to highlight things correctly?
Yes, this seems to be the case. Character * is used for emphasis/italics in rst and it gets more attention during syntax highlighting for some reason.
This means that the solution here would be to tweak or fix vim syntax file for restructuredtext.

vim own highlight with specific character

I want my vim to highlight in red some keywords from the Pouet group like 'if(' in my .c files.
I figured out how to highlight if with:
syn keyword Pouet if
(This is my ~/.vim/syntax/c.vim)
and with
highlight Pouet term=NONE cterm=NONE Ctermfg=160 ctermbg=NONE gui=NONE
(And this is a part of my .vimrc)
The problem is,this code doesn't work with special characters like '(' or maybe a space or many spaces.
My question is: how do I make sentences like 'if(' highlight in red ?
:syn keyword only works for keyword characters (as defined by the 'iskeyword' setting), and ( usually is not contained.
You have to use :syn match instead, e.g.:
:syn match Pouet "\<if("
This is fine if you define your syntax all on your own. If you want this in addition to the existing C syntax highlighting, you need to analyze the original syntax groups and add stuff like containedin=cConditional, maybe you even have to modify the original syntax definition.
An alternative is matchadd(), which goes on top of the syntax highlighting:
:call matchadd('Pouet', '\<if(')
The problem here is that these matches are window-local, not bound to the filetype like syntax highlighting, so when you split windows or edit another filetype in the current window, the highlighting will be gone / will persist. These problems can be worked around with autocmds, but now it's getting really complex.

matching regexp with contained keyword in vim

I am using vim, and I want to highlight the following construct (which is accepted in ifort, but rejected by xlf)
write(5,*), foo
note the comma before the foo variable. I tried the following
syn match fortranWriteComma "write\s*\(.?*,.?*\),"
This works well as long as instead of "write" I use anything else. Example
syn match fortranWriteComma "whatever\s*\(.?*,.?*\),"
this matches and correctly highlights
If I use write, the keyword recognition of write kicks in and does not perform any highlighting. How can I set vim to have the match prevail over the keyword recognition ?
I partially solved by redefining the keyword as a match
syn clear fortranReadWrite
syn keyword fortranReadWrite backspace close endfile inquire open print read rewind
syn match fortranWrite "write" contained
hi def link fortranWrite Keyword
syn match fortranWriteComma "write\s*(.*,.*)," contains=fortranWrite
hi def link fortranWriteComma Error
Unfortunately, this is still not perfect, as the "write" remains yellow, and only the parenthesized stuff becomes highlighted.
I could not fix this, but it's ok for my purposes. If anyone has a way of getting write in yellow in normal conditions, but everything red if the comma is added, please add it in comments so I can refine it.
Q. If I use write, the keyword recognition of write kicks in and does not perform any highlighting. How can I set vim to have the match prevail over the keyword recognition
A. I believe you should be able to have it both ways using a transparent syntax region:
In a C language file you would like to highlight the () text after a "while"
differently from the () text after a "for". In both of these there can be
nested () items, which should be highlighted in the same way. You must make
sure the () highlighting stops at the matching ). This is one way to do this:
:syntax region cWhile matchgroup=cWhile start=/while\s*(/ end=/)/
\ contains=cCondNest
:syntax region cFor matchgroup=cFor start=/for\s*(/ end=/)/
\ contains=cCondNest
:syntax region cCondNest start=/(/ end=/)/ contained transparent
Now you can give cWhile and cFor different highlighting. The cCondNest item
can appear in either of them, but take over the highlighting of the item it is
contained in. The "transparent" argument causes this.
Notice that the "matchgroup" argument has the same group as the item
itself. Why define it then? Well, the side effect of using a matchgroup is
that contained items are not found in the match with the start item then.
This avoids that the cCondNest group matches the ( just after the "while" or
"for". If this would happen, it would span the whole text until the matching
) and the region would continue after it. Now cCondNest only matches after
the match with the start pattern, thus after the first (.

Visual Studio - How to replace text preserving case

Using the find and replace dialog in Visual Studio (2010) is it possible to replace some text but to preserve the case of the text being replaced.
ie. I want to change 'foo' to 'bar' but in my code I have Foo, foo and FOO. I want the replacement to be Bar, bar, BAR respectively.
Is it possible? I suspect I need to use the regular expression functionality but I need assistance in doing so.
EDIT: I know I can set the match case option, but all that option does is limit the replace to text matching the case of the search term. This is how I am doing it at the moment, but it is tiresome having to do three replacements - foo, Foo and FOO
It is - simply expand the Find Options area of the Find and Replace dialog and check the Match Case checkbox.
Full documentation on the dialog can be found here:
Match case - Only displays instances of the Find what string that are matched both by content and by case. For example, a search for "MyObject" with Match case selected will return "MyObject" but not "myobject" or "MYOBJECT."
Edit: (following clarification)
I don't know of an easy way to do what you want. A RegEx could possibly be constructed that does this, but I suspect that doing 3 search and replace would be faster, easier and less error prone than a RegEx, in this case.
I think if you use "match case" = true then you can replace "Foo" to "Bar" and "foo" to "bar"
