How to make Case-In-Sensitive with Linq - linq

Also like to know:
what if; if i have a data that is not upper case? or have mixed of upper or lower case? how you will handle this?
i am trying to query my resultset
IQueryable<CategoryObject> filteredCategories = _catRepo.GetAllEmployees();
filteredCategories = filteredCategories.Where(c=> c.CategoryName.Contains("Blocks"));
However, i don't get any result becuase the CategoryName is For(Upper Case) in the database. I have no idea how to use contains to filter case insensitive string? I want basically if someone type like;
filteredCategories = filteredCategories.Where(c=> c.CategoryName.Contains("Blocks"));
filteredCategories = filteredCategories.Where(c=> c.CategoryName.Contains("blocks"));
filteredCategories = filteredCategories.Where(c=> c.CategoryName.Contains("blocKS"));
The result should be the same

filteredCategories = categoriesList.Where(c=> c.CategoryName.ToUpper().Contains("BLOCKS"));
That'll remove any case issues.

You can also try:
filteredCategories = categoriesList.Where(c=> c.CategoryName.IndexOf("blocks", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) != -1);

First way, as said before - use ToUpper():
var filterString = "bLoCkS"
filteredCategories = categoriesList.Where(c=> c.CategoryName.ToUpper().Contains(filterString.ToUpper()));
Another way - use Case Insensetive collation (Changing SQL Server collation to case insensitive from case sensitive?) in your database (table, field).


How to use #JDBCDBColumn for typ ahead in xpages

Using Notes 9 and extension library's data controls...
I want to use the #JDBCDbColumn() to get the type ahead values from an Oracle table.
Is that possible at all? Does it work the same way the standard DBColumn in the type ahead?
Note that the DBColumn is looking in a huge table, but I specify a where clause that should filter what the JDBCDBColumn returns.
Somehow, nothing happens. Work sfine with Notes data though, but I need to get this working with the Oracle data.
Update 1: Code I have...
"select distinct postal_code from cifadmin.postal_codes where postal_code like '"
+ getComponent("CodePostal").getValue() + "%'")
Update 2: Here is the code I have right now, but it doesn't return anything:
var CodePostal = getComponent("rsSearchQuery").getValue();
if(!!CodePostal) {
var params = [CodePostal];
var a = #JdbcDbColumn("oracle", "postal_codes", "postal_code", "postal_code like ?", params);
return #Unique(a);
} else {
return "--";
OK, I got it working thanks to all your comments and a bit of intuition!!!
Here is the working code:
var sql = "SELECT DISTINCT POSTAL_CODE FROM cifadmin.POSTAL_CODES WHERE POSTAL_CODE LIKE'" + getComponent("PostalCode").getValue() +"%' ORDER BY POSTAL_CODE";
var res = #JdbcExecuteQuery("oracle", sql);
var values = new Array();
while ( {
return values;
The thing that got it working was when I have forced 'values' as an array. Without that, it just doesn't work.
Picky and sensitive, XPages are!!!
Thanks to all for your help ;)
Just tested it the first time ever: works fine for me except I didn't use a WHERE clause in my sample and another type of DB here.
<xp:inputText id="inputText1" styleClass="form-control">
<xp:typeAhead mode="partial" minChars="1" ignoreCase="true">
<xp:this.valueList><![CDATA[#{javascript:#JdbcDbColumn("postgres", "xpagesdemo.names", "lastname")}]]></xp:this.valueList>
See live demo here:
Ben, I think you mean you want to put the wildcard to the end of the parameter? Not sure of your data and if you are entering an exact match? Did you try:
var params = [CodePostal+ "%"];
Also, not sure if you need to enter "cifadmin.postal_codes" for your table as you did in your sql?

Convert string value to entity in linq where query

I am using jqgrid in MVC 4. I have written a method for getting a list in linq.
In my function I am getting all values of jqgrid with search criteria i.e. Operator AND/OR
, operations Equals to, not equals to etc. Here I am also getting the column name like Name, City, State etc.
My problem is I can't pass the column name directly in linq query i.e. I have to use the column name as x => x.Name
switch (rule.field)
case "Name":
query = query.Where(x => x.Name.StartsWith(, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
case "Course":
query = query.Where(x => x.Course.StartsWith(, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
In rule.field I am getting column Name i.e. Name, city, state etc. I want to pass the column name which I am getting in rule.filed in LINQ query instead of x =>x.Name.
Is there any way to do it so I can avoid writing switch cases?
You can use System.Linq.Dynamic, which can be installed as a Nuget package along with string.Format. The syntax would then look something like..
var newquery = query.AsQueryable()
string.Format("{0}.ToUpper().StartsWith(#0)", rule.field)
You could always use reflection:
query = query.ToList().Where(p => {
var field = p.GetType().GetProperty(rule.field);
var value = (String) field.GetValue(p);
return value.StartsWith(, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
Warning: Reflection is slow. Only use this for short lists. Since you're dealing with UI rendering, I'm assuming this won't be a problem.
edit: My example is assuming all properties are indeed properties (and not fields), and that all properties are Strings. You may need to alter the code for your specific case.

TableServiceContext and dynamic query

I m trying to do something that look very simple but I hit massive difficulties when I want to make that more dynamic.
Expression<Func<TableServiceEntity, bool>> predicate = (e) => e.PartitionKey == "model" && (e.RowKey == "home" || e.RowKey == "shared");
I would like to pass an array of rowKey instead of having to hard code the predicate.
When I try to build an expression tree I receive a not supported exception I think it doesn't support invoking as part of the expression tree.
Does someone know how to build and expression tree exactly as the predicate to avoid the not supported exception?
Thank you by advance
So, you can build the query dynamically by using something like this (taken from PhluffyFotos sample):
Expression<Func<PhotoTagRow, bool>> search = null;
foreach (var tag in tags)
var id = tag.Trim().ToLowerInvariant();
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(id))
Expression<Func<PhotoTagRow, bool>> addendum = t => t.PartitionKey == id;
if (search == null)
search = addendum;
search = Expression.Lambda<Func<PhotoTagRow, bool>>(Expression.OrElse(search.Body, addendum.Body), search.Parameters);
Now, once you have 'search' you can just pass that as the predicate in your Where clause.
However, I want to convince you not to do this. I am answering your question, but telling you that it is a bad idea to do a multiple '|' OR clause in Table storage. The reason is that today at least, these queries cannot be optimized and they cause a full table scan. The performance will be horrendous with any non-trivial amount of data. Furthermore, if you build your predicates dynamically like this you run the risk of blowing the URL limit (keep that in mind).
This code in PhluffyFotos shows how, but it is actually a bad practice (I know, I wrote it). It really should be optimized to run each OR clause separately in parallel. That is how you really should do it. AND clauses are ok, but OR clauses should be parallelized (use PLINQ or TPL) and you should aggregate the results. It will be much faster.
I believe what HTH said about this kind of query doing a full table scan is incorrect from the documentation I have read. Azure will perform a PARTITION scan rather than a TABLE scan which is a big difference in performance.
Here is my solution please read also the answer from HTH who pointed out that this is not a best practice.
var parameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(TableServiceEntity), "e");
var getPartitionKey = typeof(TableServiceEntity).GetProperty("PartitionKey").GetGetMethod();
var getRowKey = typeof(TableServiceEntity).GetProperty("RowKey").GetGetMethod();
var getPartition = Expression.Property(parameter, getPartitionKey);
var getRow = Expression.Property(parameter, getRowKey);
var constPartition = Expression.Constant("model", typeof(string));
var constRow1 = Expression.Constant("home", typeof(string));
var constRow2 = Expression.Constant("shared", typeof(string));
var equalPartition = Expression.Equal(getPartition, constPartition);
var equalRow1 = Expression.Equal(getRow, constRow1);
var equalRow2 = Expression.Equal(getRow, constRow2);
var and = Expression.AndAlso(equalPartition, Expression.OrElse(equalRow1, equalRow2));
return Expression.Lambda<Func<TableServiceEntity, bool>>(and, parameter);

? in Doctrine query means?

i wonder what this query means:
$blogPost = Doctrine_Query::create()->from('BlogPost p')->where('p.slug = ?', 'doctrine-released')->execute();
could someone explain the ? for me?
I am guessing, but I would bet money that the ? is just a way of saying 'there is a variable here and I will later populate it', just like normal binding in other SQL varieties. In your example, that would imply that the ? is expanded to 'doctrine-released' at execute time. In other words, the query becomes where p.slug = 'doctrine-released'
If there is a variable as the parameter then the '?' is used other wise '?' is not needed.
For example:
$blogPost = Doctrine_Query::create()->from('BlogPost p')->where('p.slug = ?', $doctrine-released)->execute();
and in case of a string as a param
$blogPost = Doctrine_Query::create()->from('BlogPost p')->where('p.slug' = 'doctrine-released')->execute();

Using LINQ to SQL and chained Replace

I have a need to replace multiple strings with others in a query
from p in dx.Table
where p.Field.Replace("A", "a").Replace("B", "b").ToLower() = SomeVar
select p
Which provides a nice single SQL statement with the relevant REPLACE() sql commands.
All good :)
I need to do this in a few queries around the application... So i'm looking for some help in this regard; that will work as above as a single SQL hit/command on the server
It seems from looking around i can't use RegEx as there is no SQL eq
Being a LINQ newbie is there a nice way for me to do this?
eg is it possible to get it as a IQueryable "var result" say and pass that to a function to add needed .Replace()'s and pass back? Can i get a quick example of how if so?
EDIT: This seems to work! does it look like it would be a problem?
var data = from p in dx.Videos select p;
data = AddReplacements(data, checkMediaItem);
theitem = data.FirstOrDefault();
public IQueryable<Video> AddReplacements(IQueryable<Video> DataSet, string checkMediaItem)
return DataSet.Where(p =>
p.Title.Replace(" ", "-").Replace("&", "-").Replace("?", "-") == checkMediaItem);
Wouldn't it be more performant to reverse what you are trying to do here, ie reformat the string you are checking against rather than reformatting the data in the database?
public IQueryable<Video> AddReplacements(IQueryable<Video> DataSet, string checkMediaItem)
var str = checkMediaItem.Replace("-", "?").Replace("&", "-").Replace("-", " "));
return DataSet.Where(p => p.Title == str);
Thus you are now comparing the field in the database with a set value, rather than scanning the table and transforming the data in each row and comparing that.
