Remote Deploy to WebSphere 8.5 using maven - maven

I would like to control a remote deployment of a maven generated EAR over to an existing WAS instance not running on the build server.
Ideally, I would like to do this within Maven so that I can remote deploy in say the integration-test phase then proceed to run some JMeters in the verify phase. I guess this is pretty standard.
I have looked around and am unable to find a sensible way to do this in WAS 8.5.
There are a few posts:
Remote Deployment to WAS 6.1
and others around the web, including IBM. None seem to offer a way to achieve a remote deploy to WAS 8.5
Does anybody have a solution?
Further confirmation from IBM that no official maven solution exists can be found here:
WAS 8.5 - Using Ant to automate tasks

AFAIK there is no Maven plugin for full-fledged WAS 8.5, only for WAS Liberty Profile. But that one does not support deployment to remote server.
Remote deployment can be done using WsAdmin Ant Task & Maven AntRun Plugin

<host>${local or remote address}</host>
Updated on 5/29/2014
Developer of this plugin states on github, "1.0.1 and 1.0.2 is not working, please don't use them!", so I've updated this answer to show version 1.0.3.
Updated on 1/27/2015
Updated to '1.0.8'.

You will soon be able to automatically deploy to WebSphere remotely using Jenkins. You can create a maven project and have Jenkins automatically deploy to WebSphere with the plugin listed below. If you're interested, follow it since I'll be taking feature requests for a limited time.

we're using was6-maven-plugin to perform both local and remote deployments to WAS 7. Internally this plugin uses ant tasks from wsadmin so I guess it would also work with WAS 8.5.


liferay-maven-plugin + direct-deploy configuration for DXP

I'm currently on Liferay 6.2 (with Tomcat), and I can configure the liferay-maven-plugin in my Liferay hook project's maven pom.xml as below, in order to pre-process my hook WAR for hot deployment (using the direct-deploy goal of the plugin).
I'm now trying to migrate this hook to Liferay 7.2.1 CE. There is no plan to redesign this as an OSGI module at the moment i.e. it would continue to be packaged as a WAR. So how would my new direct-deploy configuration look like, with Liferay 7.2.1? Specifically:
a) Can I continue using the same Maven plugin? I see from this doc that the liferay-maven-plugin has been "removed", yet my understanding from other help pages is that this plugin should not be used only with the newer, OSGI-module style plugins (the latter makes more sense to me).
b) If I can continue using the same Maven plugin, which version of the plugin works with 7.2.1? Also, which liferayVersion value should I use here? I tried a bunch of combinations and none of them worked.
For instance, I first tried liferayVersion 7.2.1 but the build failed while running the direct-deploy goal, since Maven didn't find a com.liferay.portal:portal-web artifact with that version. So I tried the latest version of that artifact from Maven Central, which is 7.0.2, as my liferayVersion. But the build failed again, this time because it couldn't locate the corresponding version of com.liferay.portal:portal-service. There's no 7.x version of portal-service though, which makes sense because it's been replaced with the portal-kernel artifact. Not specifying liferayVersion doesn't work either.
I received a response in a Liferay forum which suggests that the liferay-maven-plugin has indeed been removed in Liferay 7.x, and so the only option left is to copy the WAR to Liferay's deploy folder and let it do the pre-processing at deploy time (as opposed to doing this at build time, with the Maven plugin). Given the lack of alternatives at this point, that seems to be the only way forward (and it works).

Incomplete WAR automatically uploaded by Maven

To ease up the deployment process of my Jave EE application, I instructed Maven to automatically copy the resulting WAR file to the application server.
<execution><!-- Run our version calculation script -->
<id>Copy to Application Server</id>
scp /home/user/.m2/repository/com/wolf/apix/1.0/apix-1.0.war user#srv-web:/opt/wildfly-8.2.0.Final/standalone/deployments/apix.war
Unfortunately, this fails! The WAR is successfully transmitted to the application server, but it's mixed with old and new code. My assumption is that Maven tries to send it while still being in the WAR creation process, because when I run the copy script manually after the deployment, everything works fine with it on the application server.
My question is, what do I have to change, so that Maven only accesses the WAR file when its creation / manipulation is complete?
Your plugin is being executed prematurely in the generate-sources phase
Run it in the last phase by changing the phase to deploy
In addition running the plugin in the correct phase, as suggested by 6ton, you might also want to consider using the Maven WildFly plugin, which specifically designed to solve your problem. That way, you can get rid of that nasty, nasty script.
I would recommend to separate the build process and the deployment process cause the deploy life cycle phase is intended to upload the artifacts to a remote repository.

WSO2ESB - Building a CAR file with Maven

Using WSO2 Developer Studio (version 3.7.0), I have created a WSO2 ESB proxy service with a sequence in a "ESB Config Project", this proxy service using a wsdl file located in a "Registry Resources Project". I also created a "Composite Application Project" to generate my .car file (including proxy service, sequence and resources), and deployed this file in my WSO2 ESB installation with success.
Now I am trying to generate (then deploy) the .car file using maven command.
I first tried this solution :
When executing command "mvn clean install" on my ESB Config Project, I get this error :
[ERROR] The goal you specified requires a project to execute but there is no POM in this directory ([ESB Config Project Path]\target\capp).
Please verify you invoked Maven from the correct directory. -> [Help 1]
Indeed, the install goal is configured to be executed in "target/capp" directory :
Then I tried to create a "Maven Multi Module Project", as suggested here : maven build for WSo2 artifacts, but I did not found any solution to make it work :
following the steps from this documentation (, I created a "Maven Multi Module Project", and selected my Config, Resources and Composite projects as children. Then I launched the "mvn clean install" command, but still getting the error on ESB Config Project (no POM in target/capp folder).
Actually, I just did not found any information about these errors, and do not understand why the WSO2 documented solution did not work for me.
Does anyone have a suggestion about that ? How does WSO2 Developer Studio generate the .car file ?
I found another answer for this problem. The exec-maven-plugin version seems to be buggy. The WSO2 Developer Studio 3.7.0 add a buggy version (1.2) when creating the project. You just have to change the artifact from:
See this as a complementary information:
exec-maven-plugin says cannot run specified program, even though it is on the PATH
I finally succeded in generating a .car file and creating a maven multi module project.
I was trying to create all my maven projects with WSO2 Developer Studio 3.7.0, although the sample said to use version 3.2.0. As the WSO2's maven plugins versions change, it now works fine for me, executing maven install with plugin v2.0.4.
And a maven multi module project is finally just a maven project with modules, so it is OK.

SoapUI Maven plugin has weird dependencies

I'm trying to use the SoapUI Maven plugin as shown here:
I can't add the eviware repository, since I'm behind a corporate firewall (only the browser can connect to the outside world) and have to use the local artifactory repo (which mirrors maven central).
So I tried downloading the appropriate jars and poms from the eviware repo and adding them to the local artifactory. Now it seems I've gone down the rabbit hole, the SoapUI plugin has more and more dependencies that I need to add. At first I didn't mind, but we're looking at tens of jars now, and most of them seem to be things that should be in maven central. But then I saw that most of these have altered group-IDs - for example there is a jetty dependency that uses "jetty" as group-ID instead of the canonical "org.mortbay.jetty". And this seems to be the case for many of these dependencies.
So my question has two sides: What are the SoapUI folks doing here? This seems fishy to me, or am I overlooking something?
And second, can I somehow make the plugin use the canonical jars instead of having to chase all the stuff that's in eviware's repository?
Have a look on this soapui forum, I explain why soapui uses weird maven coordinates and what could be done to use regular ones.
I have already complained about the problem on this post and I am sure that SoapUI dev are aware of the problem. Sadly, there is no current work to fix it.
I have tried relentlessly to use the maven-soapui-plugin, but It didn't work for me. However the maven-soapui-extension-plugin mentioned by pppeater and developed by redfish above has worked fine when I tried it. I have used artifactory as my repo manager.
First configure the plugin on your pom
<projectFile>${basedir}/src/test/soapui/airline-sample-soapui- project.xml</projectFile>
You still need to add the soapui plugin to your repo manager remote repositories and virtual repositories list using the url
Just came across this plugin: which notes: "starting from soapui 3.6.1, almost all SmartBear plugin versions have missing dependencies. This is fixed in maven-soapui-extension-plugin"
It also appears to address some Groovy dependencies which others have noted as an issue with the plugin.

maven cargo plugin configuration for Jboss as 7.1.0

I am trying to configure the maven cargo plugin for deployment on existing jboss 7.1.0 on my local machine. I am able to start the server by
mvn cargo :run command. It is using the jboss-modules.jar to start the server. I want to configure it in such a way that it executes the standalone.bat inside the bin to start the server. I have my datasource configured in standalone.conf.bat and hence I need to execute the standalone.bat to start and deploy the war.. My configuration looks like this..
Is there any property in cargo configuration to set to call the standalone.bat to start the server?
The question is a bit outdated, however with the current release of JBoss Maven plugin it is actually possible to start and stop the application server using mvn jboss-as:start and mvn jboss-as:shutdown commands. I have added a Maven JBoss tutorial time ago describing exactly this.
