How to extract one column of a csv file - bash

If I have a csv file, is there a quick bash way to print out the contents of only any single column? It is safe to assume that each row has the same number of columns, but each column's content would have different length.

You could use awk for this. Change '$2' to the nth column you want.
awk -F "\"*,\"*" '{print $2}' textfile.csv

yes. cat mycsv.csv | cut -d ',' -f3 will print 3rd column.

The simplest way I was able to get this done was to just use csvtool. I had other use cases as well to use csvtool and it can handle the quotes or delimiters appropriately if they appear within the column data itself.
csvtool format '%(2)\n' input.csv
Replacing 2 with the column number will effectively extract the column data you are looking for.

Landed here looking to extract from a tab separated file. Thought I would add.
cat textfile.tsv | cut -f2 -s
Where -f2 extracts the 2, non-zero indexed column, or the second column.

Here is a csv file example with 2 columns
To get the first column, use:
cut -d, -f1 myTooth.csv
f stands for Field and d stands for delimiter
Running the above command will produce the following output.
To get the 2nd column only:
cut -d, -f2 myTooth.csv
And here is the output
Another use case:
Your csv input file contains 10 columns and you want columns 2 through 5 and columns 8, using comma as the separator".
cut uses -f (meaning "fields") to specify columns and -d (meaning "delimiter") to specify the separator. You need to specify the latter because some files may use spaces, tabs, or colons to separate columns.
cut -f 2-5,8 -d , myvalues.csv
cut is a command utility and here is some more examples:
cut -b list [-n] [file ...]
cut -c list [file ...]
cut -f list [-d delim] [-s] [file ...]

I think the easiest is using csvkit:
Gets the 2nd column:
csvcut -c 2 file.csv
However, there's also csvtool, and probably a number of other csv bash tools out there:
sudo apt-get install csvtool (for Debian-based systems)
This would return a column with the first row having 'ID' in it.
csvtool namedcol ID csv_file.csv
This would return the fourth row:
csvtool col 4 csv_file.csv
If you want to drop the header row:
csvtool col 4 csv_file.csv | sed '1d'

First we'll create a basic CSV
[dumb#one pts]$ cat > file
Then we get the 1st column
[dumb#one pts]$ awk -F , '{print $1}' file

Many answers for this questions are great and some have even looked into the corner cases.
I would like to add a simple answer that can be of daily use... where you mostly get into those corner cases (like having escaped commas or commas in quotes etc.,).
FS (Field Separator) is the variable whose value is dafaulted to
space. So awk by default splits at space for any line.
So using BEGIN (Execute before taking input) we can set this field to anything we want...
awk 'BEGIN {FS = ","}; {print $3}'
The above code will print the 3rd column in a csv file.

The other answers work well, but since you asked for a solution using just the bash shell, you can do this:
AirBoxOmega:~ d$ cat > file #First we'll create a basic CSV
And then you can pull out columns (the first in this example) like so:
AirBoxOmega:~ d$ while IFS=, read -a csv_line;do echo "${csv_line[0]}";done < file
So there's a couple of things going on here:
while IFS=, - this is saying to use a comma as the IFS (Internal Field Separator), which is what the shell uses to know what separates fields (blocks of text). So saying IFS=, is like saying "a,b" is the same as "a b" would be if the IFS=" " (which is what it is by default.)
read -a csv_line; - this is saying read in each line, one at a time and create an array where each element is called "csv_line" and send that to the "do" section of our while loop
do echo "${csv_line[0]}";done < file - now we're in the "do" phase, and we're saying echo the 0th element of the array "csv_line". This action is repeated on every line of the file. The < file part is just telling the while loop where to read from. NOTE: remember, in bash, arrays are 0 indexed, so the first column is the 0th element.
So there you have it, pulling out a column from a CSV in the shell. The other solutions are probably more practical, but this one is pure bash.

You could use GNU Awk, see this article of the user guide.
As an improvement to the solution presented in the article (in June 2015), the following gawk command allows double quotes inside double quoted fields; a double quote is marked by two consecutive double quotes ("") there. Furthermore, this allows empty fields, but even this can not handle multiline fields. The following example prints the 3rd column (via c=3) of textfile.csv:
gawk -- '
if (substr($c, 1, 1) == "\"") {
$c = substr($c, 2, length($c) - 2) # Get the text within the two quotes
gsub("\"\"", "\"", $c) # Normalize double quotes
print $c
' c=3 < <(dos2unix <textfile.csv)
Note the use of dos2unix to convert possible DOS style line breaks (CRLF i.e. "\r\n") and UTF-16 encoding (with byte order mark) to "\n" and UTF-8 (without byte order mark), respectively. Standard CSV files use CRLF as line break, see Wikipedia.
If the input may contain multiline fields, you can use the following script. Note the use of special string for separating records in output (since the default separator newline could occur within a record). Again, the following example prints the 3rd column (via c=3) of textfile.csv:
gawk -- '
RS="\0" # Read the whole input file as one record;
# assume there is no null character in input.
FS="" # Suppose this setting eases internal splitting work.
ORS="\n####\n" # Use a special output separator to show borders of a record.
nof=patsplit($0, a, /([^,"\n]*)|("(("")*[^"]*)*")/, seps)
for (i=1; i<=nof; i++){
if (field==c) {
if (substr(a[i], 1, 1) == "\"") {
a[i] = substr(a[i], 2, length(a[i]) - 2) # Get the text within
# the two quotes.
gsub(/""/, "\"", a[i]) # Normalize double quotes.
print a[i]
if (seps[i]!=",") field=0
' c=3 < <(dos2unix <textfile.csv)
There is another approach to the problem. csvquote can output contents of a CSV file modified so that special characters within field are transformed so that usual Unix text processing tools can be used to select certain column. For example the following code outputs the third column:
csvquote textfile.csv | cut -d ',' -f 3 | csvquote -u
csvquote can be used to process arbitrary large files.

I needed proper CSV parsing, not cut / awk and prayer. I'm trying this on a mac without csvtool, but macs do come with ruby, so you can do:
echo "require 'csv';'new.csv').each {|data| puts data[34]}" | ruby

I wonder why none of the answers so far have mentioned csvkit.
csvkit is a suite of command-line tools for converting to and working
with CSV
csvkit documentation
I use it exclusively for csv data management and so far I have not found a problem that I could not solve using cvskit.
To extract one or more columns from a cvs file you can use the csvcut utility that is part of the toolbox. To extract the second column use this command:
csvcut -c 2 filename_in.csv > filename_out.csv
csvcut reference page
If the strings in the csv are quoted, add the quote character with the q option:
csvcut -q '"' -c 2 filename_in.csv > filename_out.csv
Install with pip install csvkit or sudo apt install csvkit.

Simple solution using awk. Instead of "colNum" put the number of column you need to print.
cat fileName.csv | awk -F ";" '{ print $colNum }'

csvtool col 2 file.csv
where 2 is the column you are interested in
you can also do
csvtool col 1,2 file.csv
to do multiple columns

You can't do it without a full CSV parser.

If you know your data will not be quoted, then any solution that splits on , will work well (I tend to reach for cut -d, -f1 | sed 1d), as will any of the CSV manipulation tools.
If you want to produce another CSV file, then xsv, csvkit, csvtool, or other CSV manipulation tools are appropriate.
If you want to extract the contents of one single column of a CSV file, unquoting them so that they can be processed by subsequent commands, this Python 1-liner does the trick for CSV files with headers:
python -c 'import csv,sys'$'\n''for row in csv.DictReader(sys.stdin): print(row["message"])'
The "message" inside of the print function selects the column.
If the CSV file doesn't have headers:
python -c 'import csv,sys'$'\n''for row in csv.reader(sys.stdin): print(row[1])'
Python's CSV library supports all kinds of CSV dialects, so if your CSV file uses different conventions, it's possible to support them with relatively little change to the code.

Been using this code for a while, it is not "quick" unless you count "cutting and pasting from stackoverflow".
It uses ${##} and ${%%} operators in a loop instead of IFS. It calls 'err' and 'die', and supports only comma, dash, and pipe as SEP chars (that's all I needed).
err() { echo "${0##*/}: Error:" "$#" >&2; }
die() { err "$#"; exit 1; }
# Return Nth field in a csv string, fields numbered starting with 1
csv_fldN() { fldN , "$1" "$2"; }
# Return Nth field in string of fields separated
# by SEP, fields numbered starting with 1
fldN() {
local me="fldN: "
local sep="$1"
local fldnum="$2"
local vals="$3"
case "$sep" in
-|,|\|) ;;
*) die "$me: arg1 sep: unsupported separator '$sep'" ;;
case "$fldnum" in
[0-9]*) [ "$fldnum" -gt 0 ] || { err "$me: arg2 fldnum=$fldnum must be number greater or equal to 0."; return 1; } ;;
*) { err "$me: arg2 fldnum=$fldnum must be number"; return 1;} ;;
[ -z "$vals" ] && err "$me: missing arg2 vals: list of '$sep' separated values" && return 1
fldnum=$(($fldnum - 1))
while [ $fldnum -gt 0 ] ; do
fldnum=$(($fldnum - 1))
echo ${vals%%$sep*}
$ CSVLINE="example,fields with whitespace,field3"
$ $ for fno in $(seq 3); do echo field$fno: $(csv_fldN $fno "$CSVLINE"); done
field1: example
field2: fields with whitespace
field3: field3

You can also use while loop
while read name val; do
echo "............................"
echo Name: "$name"


Extracting file content using a for loop [duplicate]

I'm working on a long Bash script. I want to read cells from a CSV file into Bash variables. I can parse lines and the first column, but not any other column. Here's my code so far:
cat myfile.csv|while read line
read -d, col1 col2 < <(echo $line)
echo "I got:$col1|$col2"
It's only printing the first column. As an additional test, I tried the following:
read -d, x y < <(echo a,b,)
And $y is empty. So I tried:
read x y < <(echo a b)
And $y is b. Why?
You need to use IFS instead of -d:
while IFS=, read -r col1 col2
echo "I got:$col1|$col2"
done < myfile.csv
To skip a given number of header lines:
while IFS=, read -r col1 col2
if ((skip_headers))
echo "I got:$col1|$col2"
done < myfile.csv
Note that for general purpose CSV parsing you should use a specialized tool which can handle quoted fields with internal commas, among other issues that Bash can't handle by itself. Examples of such tools are cvstool and csvkit.
How to parse a CSV file in Bash?
Coming late to this question and as bash do offer new features, because this question stand about bash and because none of already posted answer show this powerful and compliant way of doing precisely this.
Parsing CSV files under bash, using loadable module
Conforming to RFC 4180, a string like this sample CSV row:
12,22.45,"Hello, ""man"".","A, b.",42
should be splitted as
1 12
2 22.45
3 Hello, "man".
4 A, b.
5 42
bash loadable .C compiled modules.
Under bash, you could create, edit, and use loadable c compiled modules. Once loaded, they work like any other builtin!! ( You may find more information at source tree. ;)
Current source tree (Oct 15 2021, bash V5.1-rc3) do contain a bunch of samples:
accept listen for and accept a remote network connection on a given port
asort Sort arrays in-place
basename Return non-directory portion of pathname.
cat cat(1) replacement with no options - the way cat was intended.
csv process one line of csv data and populate an indexed array.
dirname Return directory portion of pathname.
fdflags Change the flag associated with one of bash's open file descriptors.
finfo Print file info.
head Copy first part of files.
hello Obligatory "Hello World" / sample loadable.
tee Duplicate standard input.
template Example template for loadable builtin.
truefalse True and false builtins.
tty Return terminal name.
uname Print system information.
unlink Remove a directory entry.
whoami Print out username of current user.
There is an full working cvs parser ready to use in examples/loadables directory: csv.c!!
Under Debian GNU/Linux based system, you may have to install bash-builtins package by
apt install bash-builtins
Using loadable bash-builtins:
enable -f /usr/lib/bash/csv csv
From there, you could use csv as a bash builtin.
With my sample: 12,22.45,"Hello, ""man"".","A, b.",42
csv -a myArray '12,22.45,"Hello, ""man"".","A, b.",42'
printf "%s\n" "${myArray[#]}" | cat -n
1 12
2 22.45
3 Hello, "man".
4 A, b.
5 42
Then in a loop, processing a file.
while IFS= read -r line;do
csv -a aVar "$line"
printf "First two columns are: [ '%s' - '%s' ]\n" "${aVar[0]}" "${aVar[1]}"
done <myfile.csv
This way is clearly the quickest and strongest than using any other combination of bash builtins or fork to any binary.
Unfortunely, depending on your system implementation, if your version of bash was compiled without loadable, this may not work...
Complete sample with multiline CSV fields.
Conforming to RFC 4180, a string like this single CSV row:
12,22.45,"Hello ""man"",
This is a good day, today!","A, b.",42
should be splitted as
1 12
2 22.45
3 Hello "man",
This is a good day, today!
4 A, b.
5 42
Full sample script for parsing CSV containing multilines fields
Here is a small sample file with 1 headline, 4 columns and 3 rows. Because two fields do contain newline, the file are 6 lines length.
1234,Cpt1023,"Energy counter",34213
2343,Sns2123,"Temperatur sensor
to trigg for alarm",48.4
42,Eye1412,"Solar sensor ""Day /
And a small script able to parse this file correctly:
enable -f /usr/lib/bash/csv csv
exec {FD}<"$file"
read -ru $FD line
csv -a headline "$line"
printf -v fieldfmt '%-8s: "%%q"\\n' "${headline[#]}"
while read -ru $FD line;do
while csv -a row "$line" ; (( ${#row[#]} < numcols )) ;do
read -ru $FD sline || break
printf "$fieldfmt\\n" "${row[#]}"
This may render: (I've used printf "%q" to represent non-printables characters like newlines as $'\n')
Id : "1234"
Name : "Cpt1023"
Desc : "Energy\ counter"
Value : "34213"
Id : "2343"
Name : "Sns2123"
Desc : "$'Temperatur sensor\nto trigg for alarm'"
Value : "48.4"
Id : "42"
Name : "Eye1412"
Desc : "$'Solar sensor "Day /\nNight"'"
Value : "12199.21"
You could find a full working sample there: or
In this sample, I use head line to determine row width (number of columns). If you're head line could hold newlines, (or if your CSV use more than 1 head line). You will have to pass number or columns as argument to your script (and the number of head lines).
Of course, parsing CSV using this is not perfect! This work for many simple CSV files, but care about encoding and security!! For sample, this module won't be able to handle binary fields!
Read carefully csv.c source code comments and RFC 4180!
From the man page:
-d delim
The first character of delim is used to terminate the input line,
rather than newline.
You are using -d, which will terminate the input line on the comma. It will not read the rest of the line. That's why $y is empty.
We can parse csv files with quoted strings and delimited by say | with following code
while read -r line
field1=$(echo "$line" | awk -F'|' '{printf "%s", $1}' | tr -d '"')
field2=$(echo "$line" | awk -F'|' '{printf "%s", $2}' | tr -d '"')
echo "$field1 $field2"
done < "$csvFile"
awk parses the string fields to variables and tr removes the quote.
Slightly slower as awk is executed for each field.
In addition to the answer from #Dennis Williamson, it may be helpful to skip the first line when it contains the header of the CSV:
while IFS=, read -r col1 col2
echo "I got:$col1|$col2"
} < myfile.csv
If you want to read CSV file with some lines, so this the solution.
while IFS=, read -ra line
test $i -eq 1 && ((i=i+1)) && continue
for col_val in ${line[#]}
echo -n "$col_val|"
done < "$csvFile"

Unix bash - using cut to regex lines in a file, match regex result with another similar line

I have a text file: file.txt, with several thousand lines. It contains a lot of junk lines which I am not interested in, so I use the cut command to regex for the lines I am interested in first. For each entry I am interested in, it will be listed twice in the text file: Once in a "definition" section, another in a "value" section. I want to retrieve the first value from the "definition" section, and then for each entry found there find it's corresponding "value" section entry.
The first entry starts with ' gl_ ', while the 2nd entry would look like ' "gl_ ', starting with a '"'.
This is the code I have so far for looping through the text document, which then retrieves the values I am interested in and appends them to a .csv file:
while read -r line
if [[ $line == gl_* ]] ; then (param=$(cut -d'\' -f 1 $line) | def=$(cut -d'\' -f 2 $line) | type=$(cut -d'\' -f 4 $line) | prompt=$(cut -d'\' -f 8 $line))
while read -r glline
if [[ $glline == '"'$param* ]] ; then val=$(cut -d'\' -f 3 $glline) |
"$project";"$param";"$val";"$def";"$type";"$prompt" >> /filepath/file.csv
done < file.txt
done < file.txt
This seems to throw some syntax errors related to unexpected tokens near the first 'done' statement.
Example of text that needs to be parsed, and paired:
gl_one\User Defined\1\String\1\\1\Some Text
gl_two\User Defined\1\String\1\\1\Some Text also
gl_three\User Defined\1\Time\1\\1\Datetime now
So effectively, the while loop reads each line until it hits the first line that starts with 'gl_', which then stores that value (ie. gl_one) as a variable 'param'.
It then starts the nested while loop that looks for the line that starts with a ' " ' in front of the gl_, and is equivalent to the 'param' value. In other words, the
script should couple the lines gl_one and "gl_one, gl_two and "gl_two, gl_three and "gl_three.
The text file is large, and these are settings that have been defined this way. I need to collect the values for each gl_ parameter, to save them together in a .csv file with their corresponding "gl_ values.
Wanted regex output stored in variables would be something like this:
first while loop:
$param = gl_one, $def = User Defined, $type = String, $prompt = Some Text
second while loop:
$val = Value1
Then it stores these variables to the file.csv, with semi-colon separators.
Currently, I have an error for the first 'done' statement, which seems to indicate an issue with the quotation marks. Apart from this,
I am looking for general ideas and comments to the script. I.e, not entirely sure I am looking for the quotation mark parameters "gl_ correctly, or if the
semi-colons as .csv separators are added correctly.
Edit: Overall, the script runs now, but extremely slow due to the inner while loop. Is there any faster way to match the two lines together and add them to the .csv file?
Any ideas and comments?
This will generate a file containing the data you want:
cat file.txt | grep gl_ | sed -E "s/\"//" | sort | sed '$!N;s/\n/\\/' | awk -F'\' '{print $1"; "$5"; "$7"; "$NF}' > /filepath/file.csv
It uses grep to extract all lines containing 'gl_'
then sed to remove the leading '"' from the lines that contain one [I have assumed there are no further '"' in the line]
The lines are sorted
sed removes the return from each pair of lines
awk then prints
the required columns according to your requirements
Output routed to the file.
LANG=C sort -t\\ -sd -k1,1 <file.txt |\
sed '
/^gl_/{ # if definition
N; # append next line to buffer
s/\n"gl_[^\\]*//; # if value, strip first column
t; # and start next loop
D; # otherwise, delete the line
' |\
awk -F\\ -v p="$project" -v OFS=\; '{print p,$1,$10,$2,$4,$8 }' \
sort lines so gl_... appears immediately before "gl_... (LANG fixes LC_TYPE) - assumes definition appears before value
sed to help ensure matching definition and value (may still fail if duplicate/missing value), and tidy for awk
awk to pull out relevant fields

Convert multi-line csv to single line using Linux tools

I have a .csv file that contains double quoted multi-line fields. I need to convert the multi-line cell to a single line. It doesn't show in the sample data but I do not know which fields might be multi-line so any solution will need to check every field. I do know how many columns I'll have. The first line will also need to be skipped. I don't how much data so performance isn't a consideration.
I need something that I can run from a bash script on Linux. Preferably using tools such as awk or sed and not actual programming languages.
The data will be processed further with Logstash but it doesn't handle double quoted multi-line fields hence the need to do some pre-processing.
I tried something like this and it kind of works on one row but fails on multiple rows.
sed -e :0 -e '/,.*,.*,.*,.*,/b' -e N -e '1n;N;N;N;s/\n/ /g' -e b0 file.csv
CSV example
First name,Last name,Address,ZIP
The output I want is
First name,Last name,Address,ZIP
John,Doe,Country City Street,12345
Jane,Doe,Country City Street,67890
First my apologies for getting here 7 months late...
I came across a problem similar to yours today, with multiple fields with multi-line types. I was glad to find your question but at least for my case I have the complexity that, as more than one field is conflicting, quotes might open, close and open again on the same line... anyway, reading a lot and combining answers from different posts I came up with something like this:
First I count the quotes in a line, to do that, I take out everything but quotes and then use wc:
quotes=`echo $line | tr -cd '"' | wc -c` # Counts the quotes
If you think of a single multi-line field, knowing if the quotes are 1 or 2 is enough. In a more generic scenario like mine I have to know if the number of quotes is odd or even to know if the line completes the record or expects more information.
To check for even or odd you can use the mod operand (%), in general:
even % 2 = 0
odd % 2 = 1
For the first line:
Odd means that the line expects more information on the next line.
Even means the line is complete.
For the subsequent lines, I have to know the status of the previous one. for instance in your sample text:
First name,Last name,Address,ZIP
You can say line 1 (John,Doe,"Country) has 1 quote (odd) what means the status of the record is incomplete or open.
When you go to line 2, there is no quote (even). Nevertheless this does not mean the record is complete, you have to consider the previous status... so for the lines following the first one it will be:
Odd means that record status toggles (incomplete to complete).
Even means that record status remains as the previous line.
What I did was looping line by line while carrying the status of the last line to the next one:
cat file.csv | while read line; do
quotes=`echo $line | tr -cd '"' | wc -c` # Counts the quotes
incomplete=$((($quotes+$incomplete)%2)) # Check if Odd or Even to decide status
if [ $incomplete -eq 1 ]; then
echo -n "$line " >> new.csv # If line is incomplete join with next
echo "$line" >> new.csv # If line completes the record finish
Once this was executed, a file in your format generates a new.csv like this:
First name,Last name,Address,ZIP
John,Doe,"Country City Street",12345
I like one-liners as much as everyone, I wrote that script just for the sake of clarity, you can - arguably - write it in one line like:
i=0;cat file.csv|while read l;do i=$((($(echo $l|tr -cd '"'|wc -c)+$i)%2));[[ $i = 1 ]] && echo -n "$l " || echo "$l";done >new.csv
I would appreciate it if you could go back to your example and see if this works for your case (which you most likely already solved). Hopefully this can still help someone else down the road...
Recovering the multi-line fields
Every need is different, in my case I wanted the records in one line to further process the csv to add some bash-extracted data, but I would like to keep the csv as it was. To accomplish that, instead of joining the lines with a space I used a code - likely unique - that I could then search and replace:
i=0;cat file.csv|while read l;do i=$((($(echo $l|tr -cd '"'|wc -c)+$i)%2));[[ $i = 1 ]] && echo -n "$l ~newline~ " || echo "$l";done >new.csv
the code is ~newline~, this is totally arbitrary of course.
Then, after doing my processing, I took the csv text file and replaced the coded newlines with real newlines:
sed -i 's/ ~newline~ /\n/g' new.csv
Ternary operator:
Count char occurrences:
Other peculiar cases:
Run this:
i=0;cat file.csv|while read l;do i=$((($(echo $l|tr -cd '"'|wc -c)+$i)%2));[[ $i = 1 ]] && echo -n "$l " || echo "$l";done >new.csv
... and collect results in new.csv
I hope it helps!
If Perl is your option, please try the following:
perl -e '
while (<>) {
$str .= $_;
while ($str =~ /("(("")|[^"])*")|((^|(?<=,))[^,]*((?=,)|$))/g) {
if (($el = $&) =~ /^".*"$/s) {
$el =~ s/^"//s; $el =~ s/"$//s;
$el =~ s/""/"/g;
$el =~ s/\s+(?!$)/ /g;
push(#ary, $el);
foreach (#ary) {
print /\n$/ ? "$_" : "$_,";
}' sample.csv
First name,Last name,Address,ZIP
First name,Last name,Address,ZIP
John,Doe,Country City Street,12345
John,Doe,Country City Street,67890
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed ':a;s/[^,]\+/&/4;tb;N;ba;:b;s/\n\+/ /g;s/"//g' file
Test each line to see that it contains the correct number of fields (in the example that was 4). If there are not enough fields, append the next line and repeat the test. Otherwise, replace the newline(s) by spaces and finally remove the "'s.
N.B. This may be fraught with problems such as ,'s between "'s and quoted "'s.
Try cat -v file.csv. When the file was made with Excel, you might have some luck: When the newlines in a field are a simple \n and the newline at the end is a \r\n (which will look like ^M), parsing is simple.
# delete all newlines and replace the ^M with a new newline.
tr -d "\n" < file.csv| tr "\r" "\n"
# Above two steps with one command
tr "\n\r" " \n" < file.csv
When you want a space between the joined line, you need an additional step.
tr "\n\r" " \n" < file.csv | sed '2,$ s/^ //'
EDIT: #sjaak commented this didn't work is his case.
When your broken lines also have ^M you still can be a lucky (wo-)man.
When your broken field is always the first field in double quotes and you have GNU sed 4.2.2, you can join 2 lines when the first line has exactly one double quote.
sed -rz ':a;s/(\n|^)([^"]*)"([^"]*)\n/\1\2"\3 /;ta' file.csv
-z don't use \n as line endings
:a label for repeating the step after successful replacement
(\n|^) Search after a newline or the very first line
([^"]*) Substring without a "
ta Go back to label a and repeat
awk pattern matching is working.
answer in one line :
awk '/,"/{ORS=" "};/",/{ORS="\n"}{print $0}' YourFile
if you'd like to drop quotes, you could use:
awk '/,"/{ORS=" "};/",/{ORS="\n"}{print $0}' YourFile | sed 's/"//gw NewFile'
but I prefer to keep it.
to explain the code:
/Pattern/ : find pattern in current line.
ORS : indicates the output line record.
$0 : indicates the whole of the current line.
's/OldPattern/NewPattern/': substitude first OldPattern with NewPattern
/g : does the previous action for all OldPattern
/w : write the result to Newfile

Bash command to read a line based on the parameters I pass - perform column-based lookups

I have a file links.txt:
So, if i pass 1,4 as parameters to another file(, and should be stored in a variable.
sed '3!d' would print the 3rd line, but not the line that starts with 3. For that, you need sed '/^3 /!d'. The problem is you can't combine them for more lines, as this means "Delete everything that doesn't start with a 3", which means all other lines will be missed. So, use sed -n '/^3 /p' instead, i.e. don't print by default and tell sed what lines to print, not what lines to delete.
You can loop over the argument and create a sed script from them that prints the lines, then run sed using this output:
for id in "$#" ; do
echo "/^$id /p"
done | sed -nf- "$file"
Run as filename 3 4.
If you want to remove the id from the output, you can either use
cut -f2 -d' '
or you can modify the generated sed script to do the work
echo "/^$id /s/.* //p"
i.e. only print if the substitution was successful.
This loops through each argument and greps for it in the links file. The result is piped into cut where we specify the delimiter as a space with -d flag and the field number as 2 with -f flag. Finally this is appended to the array called files.
for arg in $#; do
files=("${files[#]}" `grep "^$arg" "$links" | cut -d" " -f2`)
echo ${files[#]}
$ ./ 1 4
As pointed out by mklement0, the solution above reads the file once per arg. The following first builds the pattern then reads the file just once.
for arg in ${#:2}; do
files=$(grep -E "$pattern" "$links" | cut -d" " -f2)
echo ${files[#]}
$ ./ 1 4
Here is another example with grep and cut:
for line in $(grep "$1\|$2" links.txt|cut -d' ' -f2)
echo $line
Example of usage:
./ 1 4
Why not just stores the values and call them at will:
while read -r num file
for arg
echo "${items[arg]}"
Now you can use the items array any time you like :)
The following awk solution:
preserves the argument order; that is, the results reflect the order in which the lookup values were specified (as opposed to the order in which the lookup values happen to occur in the file).
If that is not important (i.e., if outputting the results in file order is acceptable), the readarray technique below can be combined with this one-liner, which is a generalized variant of Panta's answer:
grep -f <(printf "^%s\n" "$#") links.txt | cut -d' ' -f2-
performs well, because the input file is only read once; the only requirement is that all key-value pairs fit into memory as a whole (as a single associative Awk array (dictionary)).
works with any lookup values that don't have embedded whitespace.
Similarly, the assumption is that the output column values (containing values such as in the sample input) have no embedded whitespace. awk doesn't handle quoted fields well, so more work would be needed.
readarray -t files < <(
awk -v idList="$*" '
BEGIN { count=split(idList, idArr); for (i in idArr) idDict[idArr[i]]++ }
$1 in idDict { idDict[$1] = $2 }
END { for (i=1; i<=count; ++i) print idDict[idArr[i]] }
' links.txt
# Print results.
printf '%s\n' "${files[#]}"
readarray -t files reads stdin input (<) line by line into array variable files.
Note: readarray requires Bash v4+; on Bash 3.x, such as on macOS, replace this part with
IFS=$'\n' read -d '' -ra files
<(...) is a Bash process substitution that, loosely speaking, presents the output from the enclosed command as if it were (self-deleting) temporary file.
This technique allows readarray to run in the current shell (as opposed to a subshell if a pipeline had been used), which is necessary for the files variable to remain defined in the remainder of the script.
The awk command breaks down as follows:
-v idList="$*" passes the space-separated list of all command-line arguments as a single string to Awk variable idList.
Note that this assumes that the arguments have no embedded spaces, which is indeed the case here and also generally the case with identifiers.
BEGIN { ... } is only executed once, before the individual lines are processed:
split(idList, idArr) splits the input ID list into an array by whitespace and stores the result in idArr.
for (i in idArr) idDict[idArr[i]]++ } then converts the (conceptually regular) array into associative array idDict (dictionary), whose keys are the input IDs - this enables efficient lookup by ID later, and also allows storing the lookup result for each ID.
$1 in idDict { idDict[$1] = $2 } is processed for every input line:
Pattern $1 in idDict returns true if the line's first whitespace-separated field ($1) - e.g., 6 - is among the keys (in) of associative array idDict, and, if so, executes the associated action ({...}).
Action { idDict[$1] = $2 } then assigns the second field ($2) - e.g., - to the iDict entry for key $1.
END { ... } is executed once, after all input lines have been processed:
for (i=1; i<=count; ++i) print idDict[idArr[i]] loops over all input IDs in order and prints each ID's lookup result, which is the value of the dictionary entry with that ID.

Want to sort a file based on another file in unix shell

I have 2 files refer.txt and parse.txt
refer.txt contains the following
parse.txt contains
Now my output.txt should list the files in parse.txt based on the order specified in refer.txt
ex of output.txt should be:
i have tried the following code:
sort -nru refer.txt parse.txt
but no luck.
please assist me.TIA
You can do that using gnu-awk:
awk -F/ -v RS=',|\n' 'FNR==NR{a[$1] = (a[$1])? a[$1] "," $0 : $0 ; next}
{s = (s)? s "," a[$1] : a[$1]} END{print s}' parse.txt refer.txt
-F/ # Use field separator as /
-v RS=',|\n' # Use record separator as comma or newline
NR == FNR { # While processing parse.txt
a[$1]=(a[$1])?a[$1] ","$0:$0 # create an array with 1st field as key and value as all the
# records with keys julie, remo, rob etc.
{ # while processing the second file refer.txt
s = (s)?s "," a[$1]:a[$1] # aggregate all values by reading key from 2nd file
END {print s } # print all the values
In pure native bash (4.x):
# read each file into an array
IFS=, read -r -a values <parse.txt
IFS=, read -r -a ordering <refer.txt
# create a map from content before "/" to comma-separated full values in preserved order
declare -A kv=( )
for value in "${values[#]}"; do
if [[ ${kv[$key]} ]]; then
kv[$key]+=",$value" # already exists, comma-separate
# go through refer list, putting full value into "out" array for each entry
out=( )
for value in "${ordering[#]}"; do
out+=( "${kv[$value]}" )
# print "out" array in comma-separated form
printf '%s\n' "${out[*]}" >output.txt
If you're getting more output fields than you have input fields, you're probably trying to run this with bash 3.x. Since associative array support is mandatory for correct operation, this won't work.
tr , "\n" refer.txt | cat -n >person_id.txt # 'cut -n' not posix, use sed and paste
cat person_id.txt | while read person_id person_key
print "$person_id" > $person_key
tr , "\n" parse.txt | sed 's/(^[^\/]*)(\/.*)$/\1 \1\2/' >person_data.txt
cat person_data.txt | while read foreign_key person_data
print "$person_id" " " "$person_data" >>merge.txt
sort merge.txt >output.txt
A text book data processing approach, a person id table, a person data table, merged on a common key field, which is the first name of the person:
[person_key] [person_id]
- person id table, a unique sortable 'id' for each person (line number in this instance, since that is the desired sort order), and key for each person (their first name)
[person_key] [person_data]
- person data table, the data for each person indexed by 'person_key'
[person_id] [person_data]
- a merge of the 'person_id' table and 'person_data' table on 'person_key', which can then be sorted on person_id, giving the output as requested
The trick is to implement an associative array using files, the file name being the key (in this instance 'person_key'), the content being the value. [Essentially a random access file implemented using the filesystem.]
This actually adds a step to the otherwise simple but not very efficient task of grepping parse.txt with each value in refer.txt - which is more efficient I'm not sure.
NB: The above code is very unlikely to work out of the box.
NBB: On reflection, probably a better way of doing this would be to use the file system to create a random access file of parse.txt (essentially an index), and to then consider refer.txt as a batch file, submitting it as a job as such, printing out from the parse.txt random access file the data for each of the names read in from refer.txt in turn:
# 1) index data file on required field
cat person_data.txt | while read data
key="$(print "$data" | sed 's/(^[^\/]*)/\1/')" # alt. `cut -d'/' -f1` ??
print "$data" >>./person_data/"$key"
# 2) run batch job
cat refer_data.txt | while read key
print ./person_data/"$key"
However having said that, using egrep is probably just as rigorous a solution or at least for small datasets, I would most certainly use this approach given the specific question posed. (Or maybe not! The above could well prove faster as well as being more robust.)
while read line; do
grep -w "^$line" <(tr , "\n" < parse.txt)
done < <(tr , "\n" < refer.txt) | paste -s -d , -
Key points
For both files, newlines are translated to commas using the tr command (without actually changing the files themselves). This is useful because while read and grep work under the assumption that your records are separated by newlines instead of commas.
while read will read in every name from refer.txt, (i.e julie, remo, etc.) and then use grep to retrieve lines from parse.txt containing that name.
The ^ in the regex ensures matching is only performed from the start of the string and not in the middle (thanks to #CharlesDuffy's comment below), and the -w option for grep allows whole-word matching only. For example, this ensures that "rob" only matches "rob/..." and not "robby/..." or "throb/...".
The paste command at the end will comma-separate the results. Removing this command will print each result on its own line.
