NSView does not resize when window changes to full screen - macos

When the cocoa application starts, the NSWindow automatically change to full screen resolution. However, the custom view in the window does not resize at all. I am using auto layout so I thought it should change automatically.
I tried to resize the frame in this function but it does work still:
-(void)windowDidResize:(NSNotification *)notification{
// windowView - is custom view in NSWindow
[self.windowView setFrame:self.window.frame];
Here is the screenshot: (view not in full size mode.)
Here is the view in full size mode. I have no idea why the view does not enlarge with window.

I think you will need to select these views in Interface Builder, and check the 'Size Inspector' as below.


macOS, changing the size of a view controller by dragging

The user clicks a button and I present a new viewController as show.
Inside that VC there is a AVPlayerView, the same size as the VC.
The app itself can change size if the user drags any of its corners but the VC displaying the movie cannot.
Why things like that that should work by default, don't work as expected? What can be done to make this work?
This is the main app.
I can drag its corners and make it bigger or small. I can click on the green semaphore and make it full screen and it works fine.
When I press the Help icon, this "window" appears. It is a viewController that was added the story board.
This cannot be scaled. It "appears" to be a window, because it contains a semaphore. I cannot scale this but I can make it full screen by the green semaphore.
Note: I have added the view to a WindowController and now when the user presses the Help button this window controller is launched and the video appears. No change. Video cannot be scaled.
Found the problem.
I had to add a window controller controlling that View Controller.
View controller was not resizing even after #1.
Then I found that I could not have
self.preferredContentSize = CGSize(width: 940,height: 504)
inside awakeFromNib.
Now it works perfectly.
"The app itself can change size" –– what you're saying is that the window can be resized by the user.
"but the VC displaying the movie cannot" –– Again in this case, you're not trying to resize a view controller, you're trying to resize a window. The window contains your view controller.
The reason the window can't be resized is probably due to the layout constaints. I imagine there must be constraints somewhere in the view hierarchy which specifies that the video player (or some other view) has a specific width and height. Because it's a constant value, the window can't resize.

NSScroller inside a NSScrollView does not change position when resizing the window (in Swift)

I have created a NSView with Interface Builder (Xcode 6.1). The NSView has constraints for each direction. When changing the window-size with the mouse manually, the NSView is getting a new size and the NSScroller gets a new position at the correct right border of the window, as expected.
When I set the window size manually (before it is made visible) with
or with
Then the window resizes well (as soon as it becomes visible), the NSTextView resizes also but the NSScroller (which is automatically part of the NSTextview and has not been created or modified seperately) does not move but stands in the middle of the ScrollView at its old position. The Text entered in the NSScrollView uses the full size and floats behind the NSScroller, which seams to stand in top of the text.
In the case, the Window is visible before setting the Window Size, then the scroll-view is truncated at the right side or bottom side.
When I change the window manually, after settzing the size and getting this behaviour, the NSScroller jumps to it's right position and the NSTextView is not longer truncated. So changing the Window Size manually does something more that I do programmatically.
What must I do, that the Scroller moves with the NSView, like changing the Size of the Window with the Mouse?
This is a typically problem when calling UI-functions from a background thread.
It can besolved, when calling from main-thread or forcing to called by the main-thread with this command:
// Place the UI Functions here
Please have a look at: Open File Dialog crashes in Swift

How to place an NSButton over an NSTableView

1) No table behind button
2) Table loaded
3) After scrolling
If I place a button over an NSTableView I get artifacts being left behind after scrolling. Does anyone know how to fix this?
My current solution is just to split the section with the table into 2. The lower portion is a disabled button in the background.
Try the NSScrollView method
- (void)addFloatingSubview:(NSView *)view forAxis:(NSEventGestureAxis)axis
All tableviews should normally be inside a ScrollView.
I had a similar problem and solved it, see Why does an NSTextField leave artifacts over an NSTableView when the table scrolls?. Essentially OSX will draw the contents of the table and let the parent scroll view move the cached contents avoiding redraws to be performant. By subclassing the parent scroll view it can be forced to refresh the table hooking the reflectScrolledClipView: method. Then the whole table, including overlays, will be redrawn with each scroll.
That's because the scroll view is set to copy its contents when scrolling and only redraw the newly-uncovered part as a performance optimization. To turn that off, use
myTableView.enclosingScrollView.contentView.copiesOnScroll = NO;
though that will make scrolling use more CPU (you can also do this in the XIB, look for a 'copies on scroll' checkbox).
Probably a better approach would be to switch the scroll view and the button to be layer-backed:
myTableView.enclosingScrollView.wantsLayer = YES;
myButtonView.wantsLayer = YES;
(Again, you can set this in the 'Layers' inspector of the XIB file, where you can click a checkbox next to each view to give it a layer) Now, the scroll view will only copy stuff from its own layer (which no longer includes your button). Also, now all the compositing of the text view will be done using in the graphics card. This works fine with an opaque push button, however, if you put text on a transparent background in its own layer (e.g. if you have a transparent pushbutton with a title), you lose sub-pixel anti-aliasing.

Autoresize the root view when device is rotated

I am developing PDF reader. I am facing problem while rotating the simulator. What I am doing is, when view is loaded by the ViewController(i.e. in the loadView), I am creating the UIScrollView which contains UIImageView and UIView of the same size(i.e. size of the PDF page). It is working perfectly in the portrait mode. But when I rotate the simulator in the landscape mode, the view is not autoresized according to device. I have tried
self.view.autoresizesSubviews = YES;
self.view.autoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth | UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleHeight;
in the viewDidLoad() of the ViewController
But it's not working. I am confused how the above two properties work. I guess these properties will autoresize the UIScrollView to the size of root view in which I am loading UIScrollView. But what should be done to autoresize the main view in which UIScrollView is loaded??
I've experienced the same problem when trying to utilise the auto resizing methods. So, I hope this will help. (P.S. I'm assuming you're creating the UI programmatically and not via IB)
So have you tried this?
Inside your viewcontroller add the following:
// Set the View Controller to fit the whole screen.
return YES;
Inside the loadView method amend your scrollView to:
// set the initial size of your scrollView object.
[scrollView setFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, self.view.frame.size.width, self.view.frame.size.height)];
// Set the auto resizing attributes.
[scrollView setAutoresizingMask:UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth | UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleHeight];
In addition to this you might need to set the autoresizingmask margins for either the UIView or UIImageView depending on the type of layout you require when the device is rotated.
This is late reply... It may help if you didn't Fix it yet.
When you create any app in portraid mode and if you want it to rotate (resize) to landscape mode, you should do it in User Interface Builder or .xib (or in Storyboard iPad or iPhone)file.
So to check or to check rotate in the Simulator:
Go to "USER INTERFACE BUILDER", or ".XIB" (or "Storyboard iPad or iPhone") file.
Then select "UIImageView" and go to "SHOW THE ATTRIBUES INSPECTOR".
In the fourth tab (Attributes Inspector) set the mode to “Aspect Fit”, and in the third tab (Size Inspector) and in the fifth tab (Size Inspector) set the autosizing attributes to the following:
Set the arrows to all directions. Sorry can't load image.
Do the same for "UIView" (3).
Before you move on, you can double check that you’ve gotten all of the autosizing attributes right by selecting the Detail View Controller, and changing the orientation from Portrait to Landscape: Sorry can't load image for now...
You can Check or Change to "Landscape or Portrait" on the top right side "Simulated Metrics" select under "Size" the "Orientation".
If something isn’t right, don't worry: Just change it back to Portrait and double check the settings.

How to change the height of an NSWindow titlebar?

I want to change the height of an NSWindow titlebar.
Here are some examples:
I could use an NSToolbar, but the problem is that I can't place views very height (For example: I can't place the segmentedControl higher than in the picture because there is still the titlebar)
If I remove the titlebar I can't place a NSToolbar and the window isn't movable.
Have you any ideas?
This is much easier than one would think. I too went on a quest to do something similar for my app.
Real App Store app:
My App Store app look-alike:
No disrespect to INAppStoreWindow, it is a very good implementation and solid. The only draw back I saw from it though was that there was a lot of drawing code along with hardcoded settings for the TitleBar colors which Apple can adjust at anytime.
So here is how I did it:
A) Create a standard window with a Title Bar, Close, Minimize, Shadow, Resize, Full Screen - Primary Window all set.
Note: You do not need a textured window nor should you set a title
B) Next add a standard toolbar with these settings:
Icon Only
Visible at Launch - ON
Customizable - OFF
Separator - ON
Size - Regular
Remove all the Toolbar Items and add only these in the following order
NSSegmentControl (51 x 24) -- | Flexible Space | -- NSSearchField (150 x 25)
C) In your content View directly under the toolbar add a regular sized NSButton set like so:
Bordered - OFF
Transparent - OFF
Title -
Image -
Position - Text below the button
Font - System Small 11
Ok, pretty easy so far, right?!
In your Window Controller or app delegate....
setup IBOutlet(s) to your NSButton(s)
Note: Remember to hook up your IBOutlet in interface builder
Ok don't be scared we have to write a tiny bit of code now:
In awakeFromNib or windowDidLoad....
Get the content views' superview (aka NSThemeView)
Remove your button from its superView
Set the frame of your button
Add the button back to the theme view
So the code would look similar to this:
NSView *themeView = [self.contentView superview];
NSUInteger adj = 6;
[self.btnFeatured removeFromSuperview];
self.btnFeatured.frame = NSMakeRect( self.btnFeatured.frame.origin.x,
self.window.frame.size.height - self.btnFeatured.frame.size.height - adj,
self.btnFeatured.frame.size.width, self.btnFeatured.frame.size.height);
[themeView addSubview:self.btnFeatured];
That's it! You can use your outlet to enable/disable your button, setup a mask image when selected, enable/disable the toolbar or even hide everything and add a window title. All of this without worry if Apple changes their standard Window Titlebars.
P.S. No private frameworks were used in this posting whatsoever!
INAppStoreWindow is a NSWindow subclass, it tell you how to change the height of title bar.
This example tells you how to add buttons in the title bar.
You'd have to subclass NSWindow and do a custom window frame drawing. It's not only about a titlebar. It's about whole window frame (so you can, actually, put close/minimize/zoom buttons at the bottom if you wish).
A good starter is at "Cocoa with love" website.
There are a few new solutions based on INAppStoreWindow and without warning and log message, for anyone who wants to change the height of NStitlebar, change the position of traffic light, add an item(e.g. a NSbutton) on NStitlebar and change its position, please check below.
