Cloudant add on Heroku not working - heroku

I am trying to install cloudant on my vulcan based app.
However when I try to add the free version of cloudant through the heroku addons I get the following error:
Could not communicate with vendor, please try again later
Want to confirm if this is a temporary vendor issue or is it something with my app?

I contacted Heroku support and was told Heroku is in the process of removing the add-on. I don't know any further details, but it looks like in order to have Cloudant work on Heroku you'll need to set the account up yourself.

This sounds like an error in the brokering between Heroku and Cloudant. If you can file a ticket with (including account information and time of the failure) we can track it down on our side and see if there's action we can take. Alternatively, you can always signup directly at as a short-term work around.


Is it possible to deploy a raw Java web app to Heroku?

Very inexperienced user here...please be patient!
I inherited maintenance of Heroku app from someone no longer with the company. Having to re-deploy an app update is probably a once-a-year event, and here we are.
The instructions I have include building a standalone jar file containing my app and then deploying it to Heroku. Specifically the procedure for this is to use the Heroku CLI with the following command:
heroku deploy:jar webapp.jar -a my-app
Easy enough. Except he had his own instance of the Heroku CLI, and when I went to download my own copy, it appears that the deploy command no longer exists! Is this the case? Is this a deprecated command? Do I need to go through the process of figuring out how to set up a git repository to deploy this? (We are in fact using git to manage the source for this app, but it's behind our company firewall, so I'm not sure how practical/difficult it will be to set this up for Heroku). I just want to make sure I'm not missing something simple before investing a significant amount of time re-inventing the deployment process. Thanks.
The most popular mechanism is indeed to push the code from git to Heroku, providing the necessary files (i.e. profcile) to deploy the runtime.
An alternative is to create a Docker image and push it to the Heroku Registry (which in your case would require more reworking).
Refer to Deploy with Git, the firewall should not be a problem as Heroku will not access your code, but you will need to perform the push (git push heroku master)
I have to answer my own question because I was able to find the solution.
It turns out there is a plugin available for the heroku CLI that provides the deploy command. Running heroku plugins:install java will install the plugin that provides the deploy command in the heroku CLI.
See for more information.

Heroku - access errors - how to select app

I am trying to get heroku setup locally on my new laptop to be able to access an existing heroku account that has two existing rails apps on it. I was able to install heroku cli locally and I was able to login to heroku. If I run "heroku apps" it lists my two apps. But two things I need help with:
1) I can't remember how to tell heroku which app the git repo in the current folder on my laptop should work with on heroku server. in other words, how do i "select" which app i want to current work with after logging into heroku.
2) when I tried running the "heroku config" command to list existing config vars after logging it it gave me some kind of error message. need some suggestions on what might be causing that too.
Sorry to not include screen shots of errors but on a different company right now. hopefully you can at least help me answer the first question.
ps. I found this Q&A, does the answer here apply to my question (1)?
How to link a folder with an existing Heroku app
The cause turned out to be that I needed to add the heroku app location as a remote repo using the heroku cli from within my local git repo I had created. I used the following command:
heroku git:remote -a thawing-inlet-61413
where "thawing-inlet-61413" is the name of the app. You can get this by running:
heroku apps
and it will list them.

Getting issue to add herokuconnect addon

Please have a look.
rails#rails-desktop:~/rails/app$ heroku addons:add herokuconnect
Adding herokuconnect on app... failed
! That add-on plan is only available to select users.
I am unable to add this add-on.
Please describe that what is the issue.
Actually looks like heroku-postgresql has been updated to heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev
liango#LENOVO-PC D:\lianxi\shouter
> heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev
Creating postgresql-globular-2767... done, (free)
Adding postgresql-globular-2767 to whispering-meadow-8682... done
Setting DATABASE_URL and restarting whispering-meadow-8682... done, v4
Database has been created and is available
! This database is empty. If upgrading, you can transfer
! data from another database with pg:copy
Use `heroku addons:docs heroku-postgresql` to view documentation.
liango#LENOVO-PC D:\lianxi\shouter
Give one try to add this addon from Heroku Addon Dashboard Interface.
This is because Heroku connect is available to selected business users.
And you have to tell business purpose to Heroku for using Heroku connect to get this addon.

Heroku: rogue transfer in progress

I started a migration on Heroku last night that gave me no feedback for hours, and which I eventually stopped because it wasn't clear if the system was even doing anything.
Ever since, it's been a nightmare. I cannot access the relevant database tables in heroku console, I can't migrate, rollback, or use pgbackups.
Helpfully, pgbackups gave me a one line explanation just now:
a transfer is currently in progress
This I assume is the migration I tried to execute hours ago. How can I stop whatever Heroku is doing so I can do a quick restore and get back up and running?
You can remove the problem backup stuck in the "a transfer is currently in progress" by finding the name of the backup and then destroying it. E.g.
heroku pgbackups
My problem backup was listed like this:
b210 | 2013/01/02 12:29.33 | unknown | DATABASE_URL
So to destroy it I just did:
heroku pgbackups:destroy b210
It removed the problem backup for me so I could get on with using pgbackups again properly.
I just had this problem too. Found an easier way of fixing it - briefly remove the pgbackups addon.
heroku addons:remove pgbackups
heroku addons:add pgbackups
WARNING as mentioned in the comments below, this will destroy all extant backups!
I accidentally did a transfer from my COLOR_URL database to my DATABASE_URL which was the same database. heroku pgackups:transfer let this happen which caused the main database to get stuck in
a transfer is currently in progress
I fixed it by looking at the process list pg:ps and killing all connections pg:killall
After doing this and looking at pg:ps the process list was empty and I was free to use the main database again with pgbackups.
NOTE this could be a destructive operation so make sure you have a snapshot before you do this.
The real solution is to contact Heroku support and have them kill the rogue process for you. They say they are re-architecting pgbackups to give users more control.
It never became clear what happened - after a day or so I was able to interact with heroku console, but I was never able to run another migration. This is what I did:
Renamed my app to something else.
Created a new app in its place, checking the stack was the same, and copying over all add-ons and domains.
I restored the database from pgbackups (highly recommended if you're not using this add-on).
This fixed the problem. Note: Be careful to check that your pgbackup doesn't cause unacceptable data loss.

How can i create a clone of an existing app on heroku from another heroku app as separate app?

I have a main app on heroku and another app A on git in location github:a.
I want to create, when it is necessary, copies of A as A1,A2,A3...AN as separate apps on heroku from my main app automatically with different parameters.
How can i do that?
Edit: This process should be done by my main app automatically.
Updating this answer due to Heroku command DEPRECATION:
heroku fork has been deprecated as a core command as of 12/01/2017.
You will need to install the heroku-fork plugin to continue using this command.
heroku plugins:install heroku-fork
Here is a link to the Github plugin repo.
Use heroku fork to copy an existing application, including add-ons, config vars, and Heroku Postgres data.
See this KB page: Forking Applications.
Heroku toolbelt now provides a fork method to clone an existing application, see my answer here :
how to clone a project on heroku
There is a new feature on Heroku called Review Apps. One can create copies of the app manually or set up automatic copies from new PRs on Github.
Read more at:
Simply create new applications and push your code to them. If you need to copy data, checkout the pgbackups transfers.
For management purposes, check out this dev center article.
To do this programatically, you'll need to look at the Heroku gem, and then figure out a way of getting something to git push to the appropriate remote. I would be surprised if this was possible to be honest.
