Kendo UI - Grid questions - kendo-ui

I am evaluating Kendo UI for use of it in our project. I would be using the Kendo UI JS (not the ASP.Net MVC one).
I stumbled upon a couple of things Kendo grid does not support. I just want clarification on some of the functionalities (some of the questions may sound very basic. Sorry I am just evaluating on the basis of demos provided and trying to fit in our requirement). I do not require any code but just require your help in evaluating kendo UI
Kendo Grid does not support Grouping of Headers ?
|-----------Header Master------------------|
|--Sub Header-------|-----Sub Header----|
Kendo Grid does not support Frozen Columns ?
Does Kendo Grid support multiple summary columns with custom aggregate(that would be pulled from data source and hence not calculated on client side) ? How can we achieve this ? By Customer Footer template ?
I could not find any example on the website, which shows how kendo ui grid deals with large data. say 10,000 rows ?

Answers to the questions at the current moment (28/10/2013):
Kendo Grid does not support grouped Headers ( you can search the
forums for some feasible work-arounds)
Kendo Grid does not
supported frozen-columns, however it should be implemented for the
future releases.
What is supported as footer templates is
demonstrated here.
What do you mean by larget data? If you
enable server paging only the records for a specific page will be
send to the client, so you can use it with as many records as you
want. Also check virtualization (please notice it still works
the same as a paging mechanism, so you can use it again the same way
as in a regular paging scenario)


Use hierarchical tables in SlickGrid

We have a request from our designers to build tables something like this, with rows that expand to show essentially another sub-table underneath. In KendoUI documentation, this is called "Hierarchy."
We use SlickGrid v2.3 with a few additional plugins. We currently have tables with a similar row expand/collapse like this: . That does not allow for a completely different set of columns in the sub-table.
The question is, can this be done in SlickGrid or not?
It might be hard to do with current SlickGrid, there's no code that handles the hierarchical part itself so that would be lot of work to implement in SlickGrid. However it is implemented in Slickgrid-Universal, which is a wrapper on top of SlickGrid. You can see Example 5 and Example 6 which shows 2 types of Tree Data grids (hierarchical or parentId refs). We use it in production for a project that we have. Also note that this is not a grid within a grid, it's rather an expand/collapse the same as what you found in example5-collapsing.html, the only differences with SlickGrid is that Slickgrid-Universal has the code to deal with hierarchical data (filtering/sorting) while SlickGrid itself doesn't and also another nice to know thing is that expand/collapse is actually using data filtering behind the scene and you can see that in the total items displayed when you have the footer enabled.
Please note that I'm the author of Slickgrid-Universal and also a major contributor to SlickGrid as well
At the moment, it can't be done. In order to achieve its speed, Slickgrid enforces a fixed row height and a single scrolling canvas. It's just a different approach than used by HTML display grids.
You could put together a workaround using mutiple slickgrids or an embedded slickgrid in a group row, I suppose, but it would be messy.
One thing I have done is develop a SlickCombo, which is essentially a grid presented as a multi-column dropdown. It's a full grid and can offer editing.
That's probably as close as you'd get.
A comment: the MLeibman repo is long dead - you should be using:

Kendo MVC: editable grid with local data

I want to create editable Kendo MVC grid bound to local data(some IEnumerable<>).
I found this and this. But first is only for js and second is not ediatable.
Is it possible?
I have tried all modes of Editable. But Editable() requires to specify related actions and it's impossible to prevent its execution.
As far as I know, editing is not supported with server side binding. In the past, I have used a Template column with links to edit the items. An example:

Is paging possible in kendo-ui pivot grid?

I'm trying to get paging in Telerik's kendo-ui pivot grid control.
Is this possible? I did some research to find about this. I found this, which says The PivotDataSource component does not support paging. There's another link which shows paging in Telerik's ASP.NET Pivot Table which is called RadPivotGrid. I got little confused, whether paging is available in Kendo-UI pivot grid control. Any thoughts? Please help me understand.
Telerik's kendo-ui pivot grid is a front-end solution. It does not have paging.
RadPivotGrid is a back-end solution and it has paging.
Actually, RadPivotGrid needs paging because only part of the grid that should be displayed is sent to the browser. In this case there is not enough data in the browser to allow users to use smooth and natural live scrolling. They provide paging instead. I, personally, consider paging as a limitation, when a component cannot afford to have live scrolling.
Telerik's kendo-ui pivot grid holds multidimensional query response in browser's memory. Hence, there is no need for paging. You can simply scroll vertically and horizontally to access the data you need. As it is written on Telerik's website in features description:
Telerik Kendo UI Pivot Grid lets your end-users manipulate huge amounts of data. In case this data cannot fit on one page, the widget also supports scrolling and frozen header rows."

Extensible MVC web grids , with the ability to do sort, filter & paging on the database level

Currently I am working on an mvc 4 web application, and on the index views I have wrote the sorting & paging code manually , which gives me the ability to control how the paging and sorting works. so in my case if I have 10,000 records and the paging size is 50 then only the 50 records will be retrieved from the database, so my current approach can be considered extensible.
But currently I am looking to use web grids because it can save me time and efforts. But I need to know if there are any web grids that have the following main features:-
Provide Ajax-base sort, filter and paging
All the sort, filter and paging need to be done on the database level.
The ability for the users to change the number of records displayed, such as show me 100 records, 200 records , etc
The ability to easily change the look and feel of the web grid.
So can anyone advice on available web grids that have the above 4 main features?
I have almost the same requirements for an upcomming project and found Kendoo UI Grid during my research. If you follow the link you will find a demo including the sourcecode.
Some features according to their webpage:
Responsive and Adaptive HTML5 Grid
Page, Sort, Filter or Group Data in ASP.NET MVC Grid
MVC Grid Templates

Telerik MVC Grid sever binding with ajax editing

I have an application that is making extensive use of telerik controls and am looking for an example/demo of Telerik MVC grid that uses server binding to display the initial grid and then allow inline editing using ajax. I have a selection that is returning a lot of data and erroring out at the maxJsonLength. The code to configure the grid would be helpful and I should be able to fiigure out the rest. I think I saw an example somewhere of an ajax bound grid that used server binding for the initial load but I can't find it.
Having a server-side bound grid with ajax editing is possible. However you first need to solve the maxJsonLength problem. The grid needs to serialize the first page of data (which is initially displayed server-side) as JSON so it can be then edited on the client-side. It seems that you are serializing too much data which hits the maxJsonLength limit. I can think of two ways to deal with this:
Use a ViewModel and serialize only the properties which are bound to the grid. This will reduce the total JSON size.
Increase the maxJsonLength. This however is not easy as setting it from web.config does not work in ASP.NET MVC. You need to create a custom JsonResult object with its own JsonSerializer. This code library project shows how.
You have mentioned Telerik in your title but not in main question, so I assume that you are okay with other grid controls.
In that case you can try Jq grid, it's very flexible and easy to use. I have been using it for some time now and find it very useful.
For your particular case see below link
