Disable spring processing of #Named - spring

Is there a possibility to configure spring so that it doesn't initialize beans with #Named annotations?
My current work around is to make such beans #Lazy so they don't get initialized when the application context is created, but I would prefer to have nothing related to spring in such classes.
Note this two options are not good for me:
1. Suggesting to go back to a previous version of spring that didn't support JSR-299 is not an
2. Putting JSF beans in a package that is not auto-scanned by spring.

You can try to exclude #Named using a filter when configuring component scanning (in <context:component-scan> or #ComponentScan).
See also:
4.10.3 Using filters to customize scanning


Is an explicit CacheManager bean definition mandatory when using Spring Boot + Spring Cache?

From documentation Spring Boot uses ConcurrentMapCacheManager as CacheManager implementation by default if we don't define own CacheManager bean definition. But I keep getting 'No qualifying bean of type 'org.springframework.cache.CacheManager' available' error eventhough spring-boot-starter-cache and #EnableCaching is there.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Best regards,
Short answer... NO.
I suspect you are having problems while (integration) testing? If so, then you probably need to declare the appropriate "test slice annotation", that is #AutoConfigureCache; see Javadoc.
To demonstrate, I created a simple example with a test class contained in this module of my SO repository. You must declare the #AutoConfigureCache annotation in configuration (see here) even if your test is a #SpringBootTest.
As Spring Boot's documentation describes, all of Spring Boot's auto-configuration (which is quite extensive) can be a bit much for testing. As such, none of Spring Boot's auto-configuration is enabled by default. Therefore, you must explicitly enable what you want, or, alternatively, you can declare that you want Spring Boot's entire auto-configuration enabled, by replacing the #AutoConfigureCache annotation declaration with Spring Boot's #EnableAutoConfiguration annotation instead.
You are correct that Spring Boot will auto-configure a "Simple" caching provider (i.e. the ConcurrentMapCacheManager, or in other words, a Spring CacheManager implementation backed by a java.util.concurent.ConcurrentHashMap; see here) when no other cache provider implementation (e.g Redis) is present or explicitly declared.
However, Spring Boot auto-configuration is only in effect when your Spring Boot application is an "application", which I have shown here.
Of course, it is also true that if your #SpringBootApplication annotated class is found (in the classpath component-scan) by your test as described, then it will also enable caching without any explicit annotations, such as, no need to explicitly declare the #AutoConfigureCache test slice annotation, even.
NOTE: In my example, I deliberately did not package the source according to the suggested structure. So, if I were to replace the #AutoConfigureCache annotation declaration in my test configuration with #Import(SpringBootDefaultCachingApplication.class) and comment out this assertion from the application class, then the test would also pass. Using the #Import annotation in this way works similarly as if the test class and application class were in the same package, or the application class were in a parent package relative to the test class.
1 last tip... you can always enable Spring Boot debugging (see Baeldung's blog) to see what auto-configuration is applied while running your application, or even while running tests.

<context:annotation-config> vs <context:component-scan>

I was going through some of the Spring documentation and from there I got to know that <context:annotation-config> is subset of <context:component-scan>, which means that what we can achieve with the help of the <context:annotation-config> , we can achieve the same using the <context:component-scan> with some add on functionality (i.e, scanning the specified basePackage for any defined component). So my question is what are the uses of these two?
in simple words: annotation-config: Annotation config main job is to activate all the annotations that are present in java beans and those are already registered either by defining in your application context file or being registered while component scanning. Important point is they need to be registered.
component-scan: Component scan can do everything that annotation config does,in addition to it,it also registers the java classes as spring bean those are annotated with #Component , #Service ,#Repository etc.

Spring + Liquibase

I've got spring application. And recently added Liquibase bean. It's necessary to run it before all beans, including annotated beans like (#Component, #Service etc.). How can I do it without using depends-on.
Thanks a lot!
The options are the same as in Spring: Make sure a particular bean gets initialized first
Depends-on appears to be the standard pattern, but perhaps using the Liquibase ServletListener would work better in your case?

create beans with annotation spring

In struts2 i almost did not use any xml configs and used much of annotations for MVC. I build a small application in that way using struts2. Now i want to develop same project using spring 3.2. Now i want to use annotation to create beans and request mapping (this i used). I want a clear example of using bean annotations and is it possible to set properties using annotations. I am getting confused because the documentation is too large, and many annotations. providing a simple list of annotations and their usage with simple example will be a great help.
Iam doing sample project on Spring 3.1.
I have used some annotations to create beans.Below are the annotations i have used.
#Component - Annotation used to create a bean given by Spring
JSR Annotations: #Controller,#Repository, #Service
If you are annotating your class with above annotations Spring Container will create beans for you.
Your properties will be set with help of #Autowired annotation.

How to #autowire into jsf managed beans

In order to use the #Autowire annotation, the object where you use the annotation must come from the spring context.
JSF managed beans are created by JSF's IOC not Springs, therefor i cannot use #Autowire inside of them must must use faces-config.xml and managed properties.
I already setup an EL resolver that lets be have spring beans as managed properties, i want to take it one step further and get rid of the need to go into the faces-config.xml every time i need to autowire something. Is this possible?
Just annotate your managed beans with #Controller (or #Component), and #Scope("request") (or session) and add <context:component-scan> (if you haven't), and managed beans will automatically be detected as spring beans. And since you are already using the ELResolver, that should be it - you should be able to use #Autowired (or better - #Inject, if using spring 3.0).
You can use #ManagedProperty(#{'someBean'}) for autowire other beans in jsf bean
