What does the Forms3 Version Number in Visual Basic 6.0 mean? - visual-studio

I have an old Visual Basic 6.0 Installation.
In the information window (? -> About MS VB...) the Version Number is shown:
Version 9782
VBA: Retail 6.0.9782
Forms3: 12.0.6604.100
Now my questions:
What does Forms3 mean?
And where can I find updates for it (does updates exist?)?
Many thanks in advance!

PDF: Chapter 2 Visual Basic 6 and Visual Basic .NET: Differences
The forms package found in Visual Basic 6 is local to that environment.
You can use Visual Basic 6 forms only in Visual Basic 6. Microsoft has tried in
the past to create a single, standard forms package that could be shared across
multiple products such as Visual Basic, C++, and Office. The initiative, called
Forms3 (pronounced Forms Cubed), never realized this goal. Forms3 is alive
and well in Office but was never made fully compatible with the Visual Basic
forms package.
This is VB6:
Version 9782
VBA: Retail 6.0.9782
Forms3: 12.0.6604.100
But the 12.0 Forms3 is from Office 2003. VB6 is tightly bound to Office in many regards and can even use the FM20 Forms Designer if you enable it. This gives you the option to "Add Microsoft Forms 2.0 Form" as well as native VB forms, primarily for creating Office add-in DLLs.


How to develop Windows 10 style apps like Mail or Powerpoint?

I'm new to Windows 10 and I absolutely love the Modern/Metro design. I'd love to create programs for Microsoft appstore that look like the Windows Mail or Office 365 Powerpoint but I don't know if I'm on the right track:
I downloaded and installed Microsoft Visual Studio Code, but it seems more for web development. Should I use Cordova and web technologies to create such apps? It is using WinJS(?) but I'm wondering if XAML is a better option?
I've also installed Visual Studio 2015 and put my Windows 10 in developer mode, but there is a bunch of options under C# projects: universal apps, windows forms apps, etc. Which one should I choose to do a native Windows app that looks like Microsoft Mail?
In general there is a whole bunch of options available and that is confusing. I know Java so picking up C# isn't hard for me. Also I've worked with Javascript/HTML/CSS for 4 years now and that is also comfortable for me.
I prefer performance and ease of maintenance.
The apps you mention are just regular Windows Universal apps so you can certainly do what you are asking.
1) No, VS Code is not for creating Windows Universal Apps, use Visual Studio 2015 instead (community edition is fine)
2) Your best starting point in terms of templates is Visual Studio 2015 > File > New Project >Installed > Templates > Visual C# > Windows > Universal > Blank App (Universal Windows)
It sounds like you could do with doing a few tutorials before diving into a real app. https://dev.windows.com/ is the main landing page for Windows app development. There are some great tutorials under the 'getting started' section, take the time to learn the basics now and you'll find writing your app much easier (and you'll probably produce a better app too).
https://dev.windows.com/en-us/design is also worth a look for design-specific resources.

Does the Visual Studio 2010/11 Beta Portable Class Library Project support INotifyPropertyChanged?

When creating a Portable Class Library in either Visual Studio 2010, or Visual Studio 11 Beta is INotifyPropertyChanged supported? If so which namespace can it be found in?
Or is it supported only in the Visual Studio 11 Beta?
You can download it for Visual Studio 2010 SP1 here:
I've seen people say you can use it online, but any MSDN documentation i've seen doesn't mention INotifyPropertyChanged, but does mention things such as INotifyCollectionChanged being supported.
The reason i'm wondering if there are two different implementations of this project type is that I know with .NET 4.5 beta you can target Metro style apps, which you can't do from VS2010 and .NET 4
Jeremy Likness wrote a nice series of three articles exploring the topic of making a portable library for MVVM XAML apps across the different platforms (Silverlight, WPF and Metro-style).
Part 1: Creating the Portable
Part 2: Portability in Silverlight and WPF: a Tale of Type Forwarders
Part 3: Portability in Metro: A CLR and WinRT Love Affair
This series primarily focuses on the ICommand interface, but the problems are similar.
To answer your other question, the Metro-style version of this interface is defined in the Windows.UI.Xaml.Data namespace.
Currently only VS 11 Beta supports INotifyPropertyChanged (unless targeting only SL + Phone), however, we'll be soon releasing an update to our VS2010 tools which will include the same support for .NET 4.5, Phone 7.x, SL & Metro.

VB6 error: Property OleObjectBlob in XXXXX could not be set

I am trying to run an .ocx library for a VB6 project that I have. However, every time that it calls the first object property, it generates the error below:
Line 937: Property OleObjectBlob in ICImagingControl1 could not be set.
Line 937: Cannot load control ICImagingControl1; license not found.
Some forums mention that the cause is using an old VB6 version, or a missing file FM20ENU.DLL in System32 (my case SYSWOW64). I already upgraded too the latest VB6 version (which is still quite old) and made sure the file was in the right folder. Neither of them worked for me, any ideas why is this issue happening?
I installed and uninstalled several times the software, which created a reference to the wrong ocx in the registry. To solve this, I uninstalled IC Imaging Control, proceeded to erase the references in the tree, and reinstalled the proper version.
I was asked by a client of mine to edit an old vb6 project and ran in the same problem.
Googled for a solution until I found this:
Downloaded and executed the program and the project could be perfectly edited.
Original text of this Microsoft article:
Q195353: FILE: VBUSC.EXE Provides Licensing for Discontinued Controls
Article: Q195353
Product(s): Microsoft Visual Basic for Windows
Version(s): 6.0
Operating System(s):
Keyword(s): kbfile kbusage kbCtrl kbLicensing kbVBp kbVBp500 kbVBp600 kbGrpDSVB kbFAQ kbVBp600FAQ k
Last Modified: 21-JUN-2002
The information in this article applies to:
- Microsoft Visual Basic Learning Edition for Windows, version 6.0
- Microsoft Visual Basic Professional Edition for Windows, version 6.0
- Microsoft Visual Basic Enterprise Edition for Windows, version 6.0
VBUSC.EXE is a file that installs the Design-Time Licenses for ActiveX controls
that shipped with earlier versions of Visual Basic, but are no longer supported
and have been discontinued with the current version.
The following file is available for download from the Microsoft Download
Release Date: August 15, 2000
For additional information about how to download Microsoft Support files, click
the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge
Q119591 How to Obtain Microsoft Support Files from Online Services
Microsoft scanned this file for viruses. Microsoft used the most current
virus-detection software that was available on the date that the file was
posted. The file is stored on secure servers that prevent any unauthorized
changes to the file.
FileName Size
The following controls are no longer supported by Microsoft Visual Basic:
ActiveX Control Name Filename
Desaware Animated Button Control ANIBTN32.OCX
Microhelp Gauge Control GAUGE32.OCX
Pinnacle-BPS Graph Control GRAPH32.EXE
Microsoft Grid Control GRID32.OCX
Microhelp Key State Control KEYSTA32.OCX
Microsoft Outline Control MSOUTL32.OCX
Outrider SpinButton Control SPIN32.OCX
Sheridan 3D Controls THREED32.OCX
The ActiveX controls listed above are no longer supported, but ship with the
Professional and Enterprise Editions of Microsoft Visual Basic for backward
compatibility when upgrading existing projects.
These controls do not ship with the Learning Edition of Microsoft Visual Basic.
For the Professional and Enterprise Editions, the controls are located on the
installation CDs at the following locations:
Microsoft Visual Basic Edition Location
Professional 6.0 \Common\Tools\VB\Controls
Enterprise 6.0 \Common\Tools\VB\Controls
Visual Studio Professional 6.0 \Common\Tools\VB\Controls (CD2)
Visual Studio Enterprise 6.0 \Common\Tools\VB\Controls (CD3)
Each of these directories contain a README.TXT with instructions on how to
install the controls for design-time use.
NOTE: Using the Learning Edition to upgrade a project developed in an earlier
version of Microsoft Visual Basic might result in licensing problems for these
The VBUSC.EXE installs the design-time licenses for the controls listed above if
Visual Basic is detected on the computer.
For additional information, please see the following articles in the Microsoft
Knowledge Base:
Q194784 INFO: Controls Shipped in Visual Basic 6.0
Q172193 INFO: List of VB 4.0 Custom Controls Discontinued in VB 5.0

VS2010 and non XNA/Silverlight Windows phone dev

Is it possible to devlop old school Windows Phone app with VS2010 ? Do I have to dowload the template as I couldn't find this kind of project when I start a new project.
I definitively want to devlop old .Net Compact Framework 3.5 app, and no XNA or Silverlight app.
Do I have to swith back to VS2008 ?
No. Studio 2010 doesn't have any of the project wizards or templates for general Smart Device Application programs like Studio 08 does. Microsoft has said that they will add Smart Device programming capabilities into VS10 later, but they've not yet announced when or even what (e.g. will they support both native and managed).

Visual Studio 2010 Release Candidate & Silverlight 4 Beta - compatibility

I didn't find out about this until I already upgraded VS2010, but according to Visual Studio Magazine :
In VS2010 Beta 2, many developers
reported issues when working with XAML
and Windows Presentation Foundation
and Silverlight. The VS2010 RC
supports Silverlight 3.0 apps.
Silverlight 4.0, still in beta, is not
supported in this release.
"We will be adding VS 2010 RC support
for SL4 with the next public
Silverlight 4 drop," explained
Guthrie. "If you are doing active
Silverlight 4 development today we
recommend staying with the VS10 Beta 2
build for now."
Being a developer, the paranoia set in....
Anyone know of any red flags or known issues to watch for?
Some of our developers have reported a high incidence of crashes working with Silverlight 4 in VS 2010 beta2.
One thing that helped was to view XAML in XAML mode not Design mode.
We also have seen issues using Blend in conjunction with VS 2010 beta2 as it can't handle solution folders.
FYI, the app crashes at least twice a day for me. Not all occurrences have been consistent. Those that were have been reported or previously identified. The main two that tends to crash it is switching between the XAML/Design view or attempting to deal with/switch back and forth between two instances of VS2010 open on the desktop at once.
Suggestion: Save and save often.
