I have a command I execute in the bash which requires an environment variable. If I call it like this, everything works fine:
export MYVAR=value & my_first_command
But now I want to pipe the result to a second command, which requires the same environment variable. I tried this one:
export MYVAR=value & my_first_command | my_second_command
In that case, MYVAR seems not to be set for my_second_command. What's the correct syntax to make MYVAR available to my_second_command too?
The & is incorrect and should be ; instead.
Using & is syntactically valid, and runs a command in the background; but running export as a background task makes no sense at all.
I'm trying to make variables exits outside of a shell script without using source.
The variables are declared in shell script with
export varA=3
and I run the script with ./filename.sh
I want
echo $varA
in the terminal to return 3 (i.e. the value of varA). So extend the scope of the variable to outside of the script
To sum up: how do I make the variables inside a shell script exist outside.
Thank you in advance
You can run your script on this way:
. ./filename.sh
This mean when run it will not spawn new shell but run it in current. And variables you set in your script will be available in your shell. This is kind of "source" as mentioned in comments.
When I source my .cshrc file and run the Tcl script it is working fine:
$ source .cshrc-sample
$ tclsh invoke.tcl
Following is the .cshrc file:
setenv AUTOTEST "/auto/isbutest/frt"
setenv PATH "${AUTOTEST}/bin:${PATH}"
But when I tried setting the environment variable in Tcl itself and run the script,
I get the following error:
$ tclsh invoke.tcl
can't find package ha
while executing
"package require ha"
(file "invoke.tcl" line 8)
My Tcl script - invoke.tcl:
global env
set env(AUTOTEST) "/auto/isbutest/frt"
set env(ATS_EASY) "/auto/isbutest/frt"
set env(ATS_USER_PATH) "/auto/isbutest/frt"
set env(PATH) "$env(PATH):/auto/isbutest/frt/bin:";
package require ha
How can I run the script without sourcing the .cshrc?
The thing is setting environment variable is not possible using scripts, the lifetime of the variable is within the runtime of the script. When I tried printing the PATH variable it shows what is needed, but I don't know why it is not working. Is there any other workaround for this?
There's a few possibilities. The key things to look at are whether there are any other environment variables that you've missed out, whether the Tcl auto_path global variable is correct immediately before the package require, and whether there is anything else going on.
The easiest way from the Tcl side is to add:
puts "auto_path=$auto_path"
parray env
immediately before the package require that has the error. That should print out plenty of information. (Pay particular attention to if you are setting the TCL_LIBRARY or TCLLIBPATH environment variables differently.)
Aside from that, it's possible that there is something set in the ~/.tclshrc file, which is only sourced in interactive mode (it happens before you get your prompt). That could cause observable changes. Another option is if the ha package's pkgIndex.tcl script is written to use abbreviated commands, which only work when Tcl is in interactive mode. Errors in the package index definition script will make the code that describes how to actually load/source the package's implementation not register, and could give you the error state you see. If the script is assuming it can use abbreviations, fix it as that's always a bug. Abbreviations are a convenience when using Tcl interactively, and should never be put in proper saved code.
You might want to check whether the list of packages is complete. Use this code for that:
catch {package require NoSuchPackage}; # Force immediate population of the list of packages
puts Packages:\n\t[join [lsort -dictionary [package names]] \n\t]
Again, put this in after any setting of global variables and before the problem package require.
In side tcl script, you can simply do setenv as, setenv AUTOTEST="/auto/isbutest/frt".
if you want to set a variable, use set VARNAME "/auto/isbutest/frt".
if you want to get any environment variable, use $::env(AUTOTEST).
and any variable declared using set command can be accessed using $VARNAME.
I am trying to acces an environment variable set in ~/.bashrc
In ~/.bashrc I have set
export testdata = <some path>
without the <> of course.
I may add that I also tried adding
testdata=<some path>
to /etc/environment
When I am still in the shell I can do
echo $testdata
which gives as result
When in my script I can do
puts ENV['testdata']
which will print
So far so good. However I another script that was not written by me where there is a line like
if $testdata then
#some code
which is supposed to just execute the code when the environment varaible is set. However this code is not working for me. Only when I replace $ with ENV[] the code is correclty executed.
This is expected behavior. $var is a global variable in Ruby, and not an environment variable. To access environment variable, as you said, you need to use ENV['var'].
Can someone please tell me what's the correct way to set a bunch of environment variables in the fish shell?
In my ~/.config/fish/config.fish file, I have a function to setup my environment variables like so:
function setTESTENV
set -x BROKER_IP ''
set -x USERNAME 'foo'
set -x USERPASS 'bar'
When I type from the command prompt setTESTENV and do a env in the command line, I don't see this information.
Use Universal Variables.
If the variable has to be shared between all the current user Fish instances on the current computer and preserved across restarts of the shell you can set them using -U or --universal. For example:
set -Ux FOO bar
Using set with -g or --global doesn't set the variable persistently between shell instances.
Do not append to universal variables in config.fish file, because these variables will then get longer with each new shell instance. Instead, simply run set -Ux once at the command line.
Universal variables will be stored in the file ~/.config/fish/fish_variables as of Fish 3.0. In prior releases, it was ~/.config/fish/fishd.MACHINE_ID, where MACHINE_ID was typically the MAC address.
The variables you are declaring are keep in a local scope inside your function.
set -g -x
Here "g" is for global.
another option is to run:
export (cat env_file.txt |xargs -L 1)
where env_file.txt contains rows of the format VAR=VALUE
this has the benefit of keeping the variables in a format supported by other shells and tools
Environment Variables in Fish
I would like to add that, while #JosEduSol's answer is not incorrect and does help solve the OP problem, -g is only setting the scope to be global, while -x is causing the specified environment variable to be exported to child processes.
The reason the above fails, is because #cfpete is setting the env vars inside a function and the default scope will be local to that function.
I happen to run some commands blindly, in order to get things done.
I started to work with Jenkins recently, and then I had to use this export command to run the Jenkins WAR archive. What does the export command do in general, and why do we need to run this command, while running Jenkins (after the Jenkins home is set)?
export in sh and related shells (such as Bash), marks an environment variable to be exported to child-processes, so that the child inherits them.
export is defined in POSIX:
The shell shall give the export attribute to the variables corresponding to the specified names, which shall cause them to be in the environment of subsequently executed commands. If the name of a variable is followed by = word, then the value of that variable shall be set to word.
I guess you're coming from a Windows background. So I'll contrast them (I'm kind of new to Linux too). I found a user's reply to my comment, to be useful in figuring things out.
In Windows, a variable can be permanent or not. The term environment variable includes a variable set in the cmd shell with the SET command, as well as when the variable is set within the Windows GUI, thus set in the registry, and becoming viewable in new cmd windows.
E.g., the documentation for the set command in Windows "Displays, sets, or removes environment variables. Used without parameters, set displays the current environment settings."
In Linux, set does not display environment variables. It displays shell variables which it doesn't call/refer to as environment variables. Also, Linux doesn't use set to set variables (apart from positional parameters and shell options, which I explain as a note at the end), only to display them and even then only to display shell variables. Windows uses set for setting and displaying, e.g., set a=5, but Linux doesn't.
In Linux, I guess you could make a script that sets variables on bootup, e.g., /etc/profile or /etc/.bashrc, but otherwise, they're not permanent. They're stored in RAM.
There is a distinction in Linux between shell variables, and environment variables. In Linux, shell variables are only in the current shell, and environment variables, are in that shell and all child shells.
You can view shell variables with the set command (though note that, unlike Windows, variables are not set in Linux with the set command).
set -o posix; set (doing that set -o posix once first, helps not display too much unnecessary stuff). So set displays shell variables.
You can view environment variables with the env command.
Shell variables are set with, e.g., just a = 5.
Environment variables are set with export. Export also sets the shell variable.
Here you see shell variable zzz set with zzz = 5, and see it shows when running set, but it doesn't show as an environment variable.
Here we see yyy set with export, so it's an environment variable. And see it shows under both shell variables and environment variables:
$ zzz=5
$ set | grep zzz
$ env | grep zzz
$ export yyy=5
$ set | grep yyy
$ env | grep yyy
Other useful QnAs:
Note: One point which elaborates a bit and is somewhat corrective to what I've written, is that, in Linux bash, 'set' can be used to set "positional parameters" and "shell options/attributes", and technically both of those are variables, though the man pages might not describe them as such.
But still, as mentioned, set won't set shell variables or environment variables). If you do set asdf then it sets $1 to asdf, and if you do echo $1 you see asdf.
If you do set a=5 it won't set the variable a, equal to 5. It will set the positional parameter $1 equal to the string of "a=5". So if you ever saw set a=5 in Linux it's probably a mistake unless somebody actually wanted that string a=5, in $1.
The other thing that Linux's set can set, is shell options/attributes. If you do set -o you see a list of them. And you can do for example set -o verbose, off, to turn verbose on (by the way, the default happens to be off, but that makes no difference to this). Or you can do set +o verbose to turn verbose off. Windows has no such usage for its set command.
In simple terms, environment variables are set when you open a new shell session. At any time if you change any of the variable values, the shell has no way of picking that change. That means the changes you made become effective in new shell sessions.
The export command, on the other hand, provides the ability to update the current shell session about the change you made to the exported variable. You don't have to wait until new shell session to use the value of the variable you changed.