In windows, what does the CPU do while blocking - windows

One has blocking calls whenever the CPU is waiting for some system to respond, e.g. waiting for an internet request. Is the CPU literally wasting time during these calls (I don't know whether there are machine instructions other than no-op that would correspond to the CPU literally wasting time). If not, what is it doing?

The thread is simply skipped when the operating system scheduler looks for work to hand off to a core. With the very common outcome that nothing needs to be done. The processor core then executes the HLT instruction.
In the HALT state it consumes (almost) no power. An interrupt is required to bring it back alive. Most typically that will be the clock interrupt, it ticks 64 times per second by default. It could be a device interrupt. The scheduler then again looks for work to do. Rinse and repeat.

Basically, the kernel maintains run queues or something similar to schedule threads. Each thread receives a time slice where it gets to execute until it expires or it volontarily yields its slice. When a thread yields or its slice expires, the scheduler decides which thread gets to execute next.
A blocking system call would result in a yield. It would also result in the thread being removed from the run queue and placed in a sleep/suspend queue where it is not eligible to receive time slices. It would remain in the sleep/suspend queue until some critiera is met (e.g. timer tick, data available on socket, etc.). Once the criteria is met, it'd be placed back into the run queue.
Sleep(1); // Yield, install a timer, and place the thread in a sleep queue.
As long as there are tasks in any of the run queues (there may be more than one, commonly one per processor core), the scheduler will keep handing out time slices. Depending on scheduler design and hardware constraints, these time slices may vary in length.
When there are no tasks in the run queue, the core can enter a powersaving state until an interrupt is received.
In essence, the processor never wastes time. Its either executing other threads, servicing interrupts or in a powersaving state (even for very short durations).

While a thread is blocked, especially if it is blocked on an efficient wait object that puts the blocked thread to sleep, the CPU is busy servicing other threads in the system. If there are no application threads running, there is always system threads running. The CPU is never truly idle.


OS thread scheduling and cpu usage relations

As I know, for threads scheduling, Linux implements a fair scheduler and Windows implements the Round-robin (RR) schedulers: each thread has a time slice for its execution (correct me if I'm wrong).
I wonder, is the CPU usage related to the thread scheduling?
For example: there are 2 threads executing at the same time, and the time slice for system is 15ms. The cpu has only 1 core.
Thread A needs 10ms to finish the job and then sleep 5ms, run in a loop.
Thread B needs 5ms to finish the job and then sleep 10ms, also in a loop.
Will the CPU usage be 100%?
How is the thread scheduled? Will thread A use up all its time and then schedule out?
One More Scenario:
If I got a thread A running, that is then blocked by some condition (e.g network). Will the CPU at 100% affect the wakeup time of this thread? For example, a thread B may be running in this time window, will the thread A be preempted by the OS?
As i know that Linux implements a fair scheduler and Windows System
implements the Round-robin (RR) schedulers for threads scheduling,
Both Linux and Windows use priority-based, preemptive thread schedulers. Fairness matters but it's not, strictly speaking, the objective. Exactly how these scheduler work depends on the version and the flavor (client vs. server) of the system. Generally, thread schedulers are designed to maximize responsiveness and alleviate scheduling hazards such as inversion and starvation. Although some scheduling decisions are made in a round-robin fashion, there are situations in which the scheduler may insert the preempted thread at the front of the queue rather than at the back.
each thread has a time slice for its execution.
The time slice (or quantum) is really more like a guideline than a rule. It's important to understand that a time slice is divisible and it equals some variable number of clock cycles. The scheduler charges CPU usage in terms of clock cycles, not time slices. A thread may run for more than a time slice (e.g., a time slice and a half). A thread may also voluntarily relinquish the rest of its time slice. This is possible because the only way for a thread to relinquish its time slice is by performing a system call (sleep, yield, acquire lock, request synchronous I/O). All of these are privileged operations that cannot be performed in user-mode (otherwise, a thread can go to sleep without telling the OS!). The scheduler can change the state of the thread from "ready" to "waiting" and schedule some other ready thread to run. If a thread relinquishes the rest of its time slice, it will not be compensated the next time it is scheduled to run.
One particularly interesting case is when a hardware interrupt occurs while a thread is running. In this case, the processor will automatically switch to the interrupt handler, forcibly preempting the thread even if its time slice has not finished yet. In this case, the thread will not be charged for the time it takes to handle the interrupt. Note that the interrupt handler would be indeed utilizing the CPU. By the way, the overhead of context switching itself is also not charged towards any time slice. Moreover, on Windows, the fact that a thread is running in user-mode or kernel-mode by itself does not have an impact on its priority or time slice. On Linux, the scheduler is invoked at specific places in the kernel to avoid starvation (kernel preemption implemented in Linux 2.5+).
So the CPU usage will be 100%? And how is the thread scheduled? Will
thread A use up all its time and then schedule out?
It's easy to answer these questions now. When a thread goes to sleep, the other gets scheduled. Note that this happens even if the threads have different priorities.
If i got a thread running, and blocked by some
condition(e.g network). Will the CPU 100% will affect the wakeup time
of this thread? For example, another thread may running in its time
window and will not schedule out by the OS?
Linux and Windows schedulers implement techniques to enable threads that are waiting on I/O operations to "wake up quickly" and get higher chances of being scheduled soon. For example, on Windows, the priority of a thread waiting on an I/O operation may be boosted a bit when the I/O operation completes. This means that it can preempt another running thread before finishing its time slice, even if both threads had the same priorities initially. When a boosted-priority thread wakes up, its original priority is restored.
So the CPU usage will be 100%?
Ideally speaking, the answer would be yes and by ideally I mean , you are not considering the time wasted in doing performing a context switch. Practically , the CPU utilization is increased by keeping it busy all of the time but still there is some amount of time that is wasted in doing a context switch(the time it takes to switch from one process or thread to another).
But I would say that in your case the time constraints of both threads are aligned perfectly to have maximum CPU utilization.
And how is the thread scheduled? Will thread A use up all its time and
then schedule out?
Well it really depends, in most modern operating systems implementations , if there is another process in the ready queue, the current process is scheduled out as soon as it is done with CPU , regardless of whether it still has time quantum left. So yeah if you are considering a modern OS design then the thread A is scheduled out right after 10ms.

Waiting for GUI events and IOCP notifications at once

Can I wait for GUI events — that is, pump a message loop — and on an I/O completion port at the same time? I would like to integrate libuv with the Windows GUI.
There are two solutions that I know of. One works on all versions of Windows, but involves multiple threads. The other is faster, but only supports Windows 10+ (thank you #RbMm for this fact).
Another thread calls GetQueuedCompletionStatusEx in a loop, and sends messages to the main thread with SendMessage. The main thread reads the messages from it's message loop, notes the custom message type, and dispatches the I/O completions.
This solution works on all versions of Windows, but is slower. However, if one is willing to trade latency for throughput, one can increase the GetQueuedCompletionStatusEx receive buffer to recover nearly the same throughput as the second solution. For best performance, both threads should use the same CPU, to avoid playing cache ping-pong with the I/O completions.
The main thread uses MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx to wait for the completion port to be signaled or user input to arrive. Once it is signaled, the main thread calls GetQueuedCompletionStatusEx with a zero timeout.
This assumes that an IOCP that is used by only one thread becomes signaled precisely when an I/O completion arrives. This is only true on Windows 10 and up. Otherwise, you will busyloop, since the IOCP will always be signaled. On systems that support this method, it should be faster, since it reduces scheduling overhead.

How are sleeping threads woken, at the lowest level?

I've wondered about this for a very long time.
I understand that GUI programming is event-driven. I understand that most GUI programms will feature an event loop which loops through all events on the message queue. I also understand that it does so by calling some kind of Operating System method like "get_message()", which will block the thread until a message is received. In this sense, when no events are happening, the thread is sleeping peacefully.
My question, however, is: how does the Operating System check for available messages?Somewhere down the stack I assume there must be a loop which is continually checking for new events. Such a loop cannot possibly feature any blocking, because if so, there must be another looping thread which is 'always-awake', ready to wake the first. However, I also appreciate that this cannot be true, because otherwise I would expect to see 100% of at least one processor core in use at all times, checking over and over and over and over....
I have considered that perhaps the checking thread has a small sleep between each iteration. This would certainly explain why an idle system isn't using 100% CPU. But then I recalled how events are usually responded to immediately. Take a mouse movement for example: the cursor is being constantly redrawn, in sync with the physical movements.
Is there something fundamental, perhaps, in CPU architectures that allows threads to be woken at the hardware level, when certain memory addresses change value?
I'm otherwise out of ideas! Could anyone please help to explain what's really happening?
Yes there is: hardware interrupts.
When a key is pressed or the mouse is moved, or a network packet arrives, or data is read from some other device, or a timer elapses, the OS receives a hardware interrupt.
Threads or applications wanting to do I/O have to call a function in the OS, which returns the requested data, or, suspends the calling thread if the data is not available yet. This suspension simply means the thread is not considered for scheduling, until some condition changes - in this case, the requested data must be available. Such threads are said to be 'IO blocked'.
When the OS receives an interrupt indicating some device has some data, it looks through it's list of suspended threads to see if there is one that is suspended because it is waiting for that data, and then removes the suspension,
making it eligible for scheduling again.
In this interrupt-driven way, no CPU time is wasted 'polling' for data.

I/O Completion Ports vs. RegisterWaitForSingleObject?

What's the difference between using I/O completion ports, versus just using RegisterWaitForSingleObject to have a thread pool thread wait for I/O to complete?
Is one of them faster, and if so, why?
IOCP's are generally the fastest performing IO turn-around mechanism you will find for one reason above all else: blocking detection.
The simple example of this is a server that is responsible for serving up files from a disk. An IOCP is generally made up of three primary things:
The pool of N threads for servicing the IOCP requests.
A limit of M threads (M is always < N) the tells the IOCP how many concurrent, non-blocked threads to allow.
A completion-status loop that all threads run on.
The difference between N and M in this is very important. The general philosophy is to configure M to be the number of cores on the machine, and N to be larger. How much larger depends on the amount of time your worker threads spend in a blocked-state. If you're reading disk files, your threads will be bound to the speed of the disk IO channel. When you make that call to ReadFile() you've just introduced a blocking call. If M == N, then as soon as you hit all threads reading disk files, you're utterly stalled, with all threads on the disk IO channel.
But what if there was a way for some fancy scheduler to "know" that this thread is (a) participating in an IOCP thread pool, and (b) just stalled because it issued an API call that will be time consuming? What if, when that happens, that fancy scheduler could temporarily "move" that thread into a special "running-but-stalled" group, and then "release" an extra thread that has volunteered to work while there are threads stalled?
That is exactly what IOCP brings. When N is greater than M, The IOCP will put the thread that just issued the stall into a special running-but-stalled state, and then temporarily "borrow" an additional thread from your pool of N. It will continue to do this until the N pool is exhausted, or threads that were stalled begin returning from their blocking requests.
So under that light, an IOCP configured to have, say 8 threads concurrently running on an 8-core machine could actually have a few hundred threads in the real pool. Only 8 will ever be "allowed" to be concurrently running in non-blocked state, though you may pop over that temporarily when blocked threads return from their blocks and you already have borrowed threads servicing additional requests.
Finally, though not as important for your cause, it is still important: An IOCP thread will NOT block, nor context switch, if there is pending work on the queue when it finishes its current work and issues its next GetQueueCompletionStatus() call. If there is work waiting, it will pick it up and continue executing with no mandated preemption. Of course the OS scheduler may preempt anyway, but only as part of the general scheduler; not because of the specific call to GetQueueCompletionStatus(). The lone exception to this is if there are already over M threads running and non-blocked. In that case, GetQueueCompletionStatus() will block the calling thread until it is needed again for slack-work when enough threads once-again become blocked.
The description you gave indicates you will be heavily disk-io-bound. For absolute performance-critical io-server architectures, it is near-impossible to beat the benefits of IOCP, especially the OS-level block-detection that allows the scheduler to know it can temporarily release extra threads from your master-pool to keep things pumping while other threads are stalled.
You simply cannot replicate that specific feature of IOCPs using Windows thread pools. If all of your threads were number crunchers with little or no IO, I would say thread-pools would be a better fit, but your specificity of disk-IO tells me you should be using an IOCP instead.

How to reserve a core for one thread on windows?

I am working on a very time sensitive application which polls a region of shared memory taking action when it detects a change has occurred. Changes are rare but I need to minimize the time from change to action. Given the infrequency of changes I think the CPU cache is getting cold. Is there a way to reserve a core for my polling thread so that it does not have to compete with other threads for either cache or CPU?
Thread affinity alone (SetThreadAffinityMask) will not be enough. It does not reserve a CPU core, but it does the opposite, it binds the thread to only the cores that you specify (that is not the same thing!).
By constraining the CPU affinity, you reduce the likelihood that your thread will run. If another thread with higher priority runs on the same core, your thread will not be scheduled until that other thread is done (this is how Windows schedules threads).
Without constraining affinity, your thread has a chance of being migrated to another core (taking the last time it was run as metric for that decision). Thread migration is undesirable if it happens often and soon after the thread has run (or while it is running) but it is a harmless, beneficial thing if a couple of dozen milliseconds have passed since it was last scheduled (caches will have been overwritten by then anyway).
You can "kind of" assure that your thread will run by giving it a higher priority class (no guarantee, but high likelihood). If you then use SetThreadAffinityMask as well, you have a reasonable chance that the cache is always warm on most common desktop CPUs (which luckily are normally VIPT and PIPT). For the TLB, you will probably be less lucky, but there's nothing you can do about it.
The problem with a high priority thread is that it will starve other threads because scheduling is implemented so it serves higher priority classes first, and as long as these are not satisfied, lower classes get zero. So, the solution in this case must be to block. Otherwise, you may impair the system in an unfavorable way.
Try this:
create a semaphore and share it with the other process
block on the semaphore
in the other process, after writing data, call SignalObjectAndWait on the semaphore with a timeout of 1 (or even zero timeout)
if you want, you can experiment binding them both to the same core
This will create a thread that will be the first (or among the first) to get CPU time, but it is not running.
When the writer thread calls SignalObjectAndWait, it atomically signals and blocks (even if it waits for "zero time" that is enough to reschedule). The other thread will wake from the Semaphore and do its work. Thanks to its high priority, it will not be interrupted by other "normal" (that is, non-realtime) threads. It will keep hogging CPU time until done, and then block again on the semaphore. At this point, SignalObjectAndWait returns.
Using the Task Manager, you can set the "affinity" of processes.
You would have to set the affinity of your time-critical app to core 4, and the affinity of all the other processes to cores 1, 2, and 3. Assuming four cores of course.
You could call the SetProcessAffinityMask on every process but yours with a mask that excludes just the core that will "belong" to your process, and use it on your process to set it to run just on this core (or, even better, SetThreadAffinityMask just on the thread that does the time-critical task).
Given the infrequency of changes I think the CPU cache is getting cold.
That sounds very strange.
Let's assume your polling thread and the writing thread are on different cores.
The polling thread will be reading the shared memory address and so will be caching the data. That cache line is probably marked as exclusive. Then the write thread finally writes; first, it reads the cache line of memory in (so that line is now marked as shared on both cores) and then it writes. Writing causes the polling thread CPU's cache line to be marked as invalid. The polling thread then comes to read again; if it reads while the writing thread still has the data cached, it will read from the second cores cache, invalidating its cache line and taking ownership for itself. There's a lot of bus traffic overhead to do this.
Another issue is that the writing thread, if it doesn't write often, will almost certainly lose the TLB entry for the page with the shared memory address. Recalculating the physical address is a long, slow process. Since the polling thread polls often, possibly that page is always in that cores TLB; and in that sense, you might well do better, in latency terms, to have both threads on the same core. (Although if they're both compute intensive, they might interfere destructively and that cost could be much higher - I can't know, as I don't know what the threads are doing).
One thing you could do is use a hyperthread on the writing thread core; if you know early on you're going to write, get the hyperthread to read the shared memory address. This will load the TLB and cache while the writing thread is still busy computing, giving you parallelism.
The Win32 function SetThreadAffinityMask() is what you are looking for.
