Does there exist some algorithm that allows for the creation of a mathematical model given an inclusive set?
I'm not sure I'm asking that correctly... Let me try again...
Given some input set...
int Set[] = { 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36 };
Does there exist an algorithm that would be able to deduce the pattern evident in the set? In this case being...
Set[x] = x^2
The only way I can think of doing something like this is some GA where the fitness is how closely the generated model matches the input set.
I should add that my problem domain implies that the set is inclusive. Meaning, I am finding the closest possible function for the set and not using the function to extrapolate beyond the set...
The problem of curve fitting might be a reasonable place to start looking. I'm not sure if this is exactly what you're looking for - it won't really identify the pattern so much as just produce a function which follows the pattern as closely as possible.
As others have mentioned, for a simple set there can easily be infinitely many such functions, so something like this may be what you want, rather than exactly what you have described in your question.
Wikipedia seems to indicate that the Gauss-Newton algorithm or the Levenberg–Marquardt algorithm might be a good place to begin your research.
A mathematical argument explaining why, in general, this is impossible:
There are only countably many computer programs that can be written at all.
There are uncountably many infinite sequences of integers.
Therefore, there are infinitely many sequences of integers for which no possible computer program can generate those sequences.
Accordingly, this is impossible in the general case. Sorry!
Hope this helps!
If you want to know if the given data fits some polynomial function, you compute successive differences until you reach a constant. The number of differences to reach the constant is the degree of the polynomial.
x | 1 2 3 4
y | 1 4 9 16
y' | 3 5 7
y" | 2 2
Since y" is 2, y' is 2x + C1, and thus y is x2 + C1x + C2. C1 is 0, since 2×1.5 = 3. C2 is 0 because 12 = 1. So, we have y = x2.
So, the algorithm is:
Take successive differences.
If it does not converge to a constant, either resort to curve fitting, or report the data is insufficient to determine a polynomial.
If it does converge to a constant, iteratively integrate polynomial expression and evaluate the trailing constant until the degree is achieved.
Given a sorted array, I believe an equation can be created to determine the index where any given number would be inserted.
For instance, given the sorted array of [ -1, 0, 1 ], there is an input/output table for my desired function like this:
x | f(x)
-2 | 0
-1.5| 0
-1 | 0, 1
-0.5| 1
0 | 1, 2
0.5| 2
1 | 2, 3
1.5| 3
2 | 3
I have chosen to use x as the number I wish to insert into the array, and the function would output the indices that an insert function could use to insert x into the array sorted.
What interests me is that given this simplification of the problem, I notice two things:
The output of the function must be an integer
There are cases where the function could return 2 different values
And this is where I leave my thoughts to those who have more experience than me...
My first thought is that the output reminds me of Karnaugh mapping. There are two values the output can be in cases, but it doesn't matter which result is chosen.
My second thought is of quantum computing. I am not experienced enough to be specific, but if two functional outputs can be mapped to the qubit and processed quantumly, what opportunities does that hold in such a context? Could a quantum computer help derive this formula I'm looking for?
My example is very simple, but I just wanted to share this here in case anyone was interested.
A polynomial of degree n can be uniquely defined by n+1 points. However, you'll want a polynomial that can be fit to your n+1 points, while remaining monotonic. I'm not entirely certain how to accomplish this, but I'm sure that curve fitting libraries have already solved it for us. It probably just means adding a few more degrees of freedom to the polynomial, and minimizing some constraints.
Regarding your note on superpositioning- I doubt it has many implications for the world of quantum computing. Actually, I would argue that F shouldn't map to more than one value- as that would violate the definition of a function. If there are two indices it could map to, its because the values are equal, and hence order doesn't matter, so you should just pick one (insert before, or insert after an equal value) as you'd have to do in the implementation anyways.
I'm looking at listing/counting the number of integer points in R^N (in the sense of Euclidean space), within certain geometric shapes, such as circles and ellipses, subject to various conditions, for small N. By this I mean that N < 5, and the conditions are polynomial inequalities.
As a concrete example, take R^2. One of the queries I might like to run is "How many integer points are there in an ellipse (parameterised by x = 4 cos(theta), y = 3 sin(theta) ), such that y * x^2 - x * y = 4?"
I could implement this in Haskell like this:
ghci> let latticePoints = [(x,y) | x <- [-4..4], y <-[-3..3], 9*x^2 + 16*y^2 <= 144, y*x^2 - x*y == 4]
and then I would have:
ghci> latticePoints
Which indeed answers my question.
Of course, this is a very naive implementation, but it demonstrates what I'm trying to achieve. (I'm also only using Haskell here as I feel it most directly expresses the underlying mathematical ideas.)
Now, if I had something like "In R^5, how many integer points are there in a 4-sphere of radius 1,000,000, satisfying x^3 - y + z = 20?", I might try something like this:
ghci> :{
Prelude| let latticePoints2 = [(x,y,z,w,v) | x <-[-1000..1000], y <- [-1000..1000],
Prelude| z <- [-1000..1000], w <- [-1000..1000], v <-[1000..1000],
Prelude| x^2 + y^2 + z^2 + w^2 + v^2 <= 1000000, x^3 - y + z == 20]
Prelude| :}
so if I now type:
ghci> latticePoints2
Not much will happen...
I imagine the issue is because it's effectively looping through 2000^5 (32 quadrillion!) points, and it's clearly unreasonably of me to expect my computer to deal with that. I can't imagine doing a similar implementation in Python or C would help matters much either.
So if I want to tackle a large number of points in such a way, what would be my best bet in terms of general algorithms or data structures? I saw in another thread (Count number of points inside a circle fast), someone mention quadtrees as well as K-D trees, but I wouldn't know how to implement those, nor how to appropriately query one once it was implemented.
I'm aware some of these numbers are quite large, but the biggest circles, ellipses, etc I'd be dealing with are of radius 10^12 (one trillion), and I certainly wouldn't need to deal with R^N with N > 5. If the above is NOT possible, I'd be interested to know what sort of numbers WOULD be feasible?
There is no general way to solve this problem. The problem of finding integer solutions to algebraic equations (equations of this sort are called Diophantine equations) is known to be undecidable. Apparently, you can write equations of this sort such that solving the equations ends up being equivalent to deciding whether a given Turing machine will halt on a given input.
In the examples you've listed, you've always constrained the points to be on some well-behaved shape, like an ellipse or a sphere. While this particular class of problem is definitely decidable, I'm skeptical that you can efficiently solve these problems for more complex curves. I suspect that it would be possible to construct short formulas that describe curves that are mostly empty but have a huge bounding box.
If you happen to know more about the structure of the problems you're trying to solve - for example, if you're always dealing with spheres or ellipses - then you may be able to find fast algorithms for this problem. In general, though, I don't think you'll be able to do much better than brute force. I'm willing to admit that (and in fact, hopeful that) someone will prove me wrong about this, though.
The idea behind the kd-tree method is that you recursive subdivide the search box and try to rule out whole boxes at a time. Given the current box, use some method that either (a) declares that all points in the box match the predicate (b) declares that no points in the box match the predicate (c) makes no declaration (one possibility, which may be particularly convenient in Haskell: interval arithmetic). On (c), cut the box in half (say along the longest dimension) and recursively count in the halves. Obviously the method can choose (c) all the time, which devolves to brute force; the goal here is to do (a) or (b) as much as possible.
The performance of this method is very dependent on how it's instantiated. Try it -- it shouldn't be more than a couple dozen lines of code.
For nicely connected region, assuming your shape is significantly smaller than your containing search space, and given a seed point, you could do a growth/building algorithm:
Given a seed point:
Push seed point into test-queue
while test-queue has items:
Pop item from test-queue
If item tests to be within region (eg using a callback function):
Add item to inside-set
for each neighbour point (generated on the fly):
if neighbour not in outside-set and neighbour not in inside-set:
Add neighbour to test-queue
Add item to outside-set
return inside-set
The trick is to find an initial seed point that is inside the function.
Make sure your set implementation gives O(1) duplicate checking. This method will eventually break down with large numbers of dimensions as the surface area exceeds the volume, but for 5 dimensions should be fine.
I recently saw a logic/math problem called 4 Fours where you need to use 4 fours and a range of operators to create equations that equal to all the integers 0 to N.
How would you go about writing an elegant algorithm to come up with say the first 100...
I started by creating base calculations like 4-4, 4+4, 4x4, 4/4, 4!, Sqrt 4 and made these values integers.
However, I realized that this was going to be a brute force method testing the combinations to see if they equal, 0 then 1, then 2, then 3 etc...
I then thought of finding all possible combinations of the above values, checking that the result was less than 100 and filling an array and then sorting it...again inefficient because it may find 1000s of numbers over 100
Any help on how to approach a problem like this would be helpful...not actual code...but how to think through this problem
This is an interesting problem. There are a couple of different things going on here. One issue is how to describe the sequence of operations and operands that go into an arithmetic expression. Using parentheses to establish order of operations is quite messy, so instead I suggest thinking of an expression as a stack of operations and operands, like - 4 4 for 4-4, + 4 * 4 4 for (4*4)+4, * 4 + 4 4 for (4+4)*4, etc. It's like Reverse Polish Notation on an HP calculator. Then you don't have to worry about parentheses, having the data structure for expressions will help below when we build up larger and larger expressions.
Now we turn to the algorithm for building expressions. Dynamic programming doesn't work in this situation, in my opinion, because (for example) to construct some numbers in the range from 0 to 100 you might have to go outside of that range temporarily.
A better way to conceptualize the problem, I think, is as breadth first search (BFS) on a graph. Technically, the graph would be infinite (all positive integers, or all integers, or all rational numbers, depending on how elaborate you want to get) but at any time you'd only have a finite portion of the graph. A sparse graph data structure would be appropriate.
Each node (number) on the graph would have a weight associated with it, the minimum number of 4's needed to reach that node, and also the expression which achieves that result. Initially, you would start with just the node (4), with the number 1 associated with it (it takes one 4 to make 4) and the simple expression "4". You can also throw in (44) with weight 2, (444) with weight 3, and (4444) with weight 4.
To build up larger expressions, apply all the different operations you have to those initial node. For example, unary negation, factorial, square root; binary operations like * 4 at the bottom of your stack for multiply by 4, + 4, - 4, / 4, ^ 4 for exponentiation, and also + 44, etc. The weight of an operation is the number of 4s required for that operation; unary operations would have weight 0, + 4 would have weight 1, * 44 would have weight 2, etc. You would add the weight of the operation to the weight of the node on which it operates to get a new weight, so for example + 4 acting on node (44) with weight 2 and expression "44" would result in a new node (48) with weight 3 and expression "+ 4 44". If the result for 48 has better weight than the existing result for 48, substitute that new node for (48).
You will have to use some sense when applying functions. factorial(4444) would be a very large number; it would be wise to set a domain for your factorial function which would prevent the result from getting too big or going out of bounds. The same with functions like / 4; if you don't want to deal with fractions, say that non-multiples of 4 are outside of the domain of / 4 and don't apply the operator in that case.
The resulting algorithm is very much like Dijkstra's algorithm for calculating distance in a graph, though not exactly the same.
I think that the brute force solution here is the only way to go.
The reasoning behind this is that each number has a different way to get to it, and getting to a certain x might have nothing to do with getting to x+1.
Having said that, you might be able to make the brute force solution a bit quicker by using obvious moves where possible.
For instance, if I got to 20 using "4" three times (4*4+4), it is obvious to get to 16, 24 and 80. Holding an array of 100 bits and marking the numbers reached
Similar to subset sum problem, it can be solved using Dynamic Programming (DP) by following the recursive formulas:
D(0,0) = true
D(x,0) = false x!=0
D(x,i) = D(x-4,i-1) OR D(x+4,i-1) OR D(x*4,i-1) OR D(x/4,i-1)
By computing the above using DP technique, it is easy to find out which numbers can be produced using these 4's, and by walking back the solution, you can find out how each number was built.
The advantage of this method (when implemented with DP) is you do not recalculate multiple values more than once. I am not sure it will actually be effective for 4 4's, but I believe theoretically it could be a significant improvement for a less restricted generalization of this problem.
This answer is just an extension of Amit's.
Essentially, your operations are:
Apply a unary operator to an existing expression to get a new expression (this does not use any additional 4s)
Apply a binary operator to two existing expressions to get a new expression (the new expression has number of 4s equal to the sum of the two input expressions)
For each n from 1..4, calculate Expressions(n) - a List of (Expression, Value) pairs as follows:
(For a fixed n, only store 1 expression in the list that evaluates to any given value)
Initialise the list with the concatenation of n 4s (i.e. 4, 44, 444, 4444)
For i from 1 to n-1, and each permitted binary operator op, add an expression (and value) e1 op e2 where e1 is in Expressions(i) and e2 is in Expressions(n-i)
Repeatedly apply unary operators to the expressions/values calculated so far in steps 1-3. When to stop (applying 3 recursively) is a little vague, certainly stop if an iteration produces no new values. Potentially limit the magnitude of the values you allow, or the size of the expressions.
Example unary operators are !, Sqrt, -, etc. Example binary operators are +-*/^ etc. You can easily extend this approach to operators with more arguments if permitted.
You could do something a bit cleverer in terms of step 3 never ending for any given n. The simple way (described above) does not start calculating Expressions(i) until Expressions(j) is complete for all j < i. This requires that we know when to stop. The alternative is to build Expressions of a certain maximum length for each n, then if you need to (because you haven't found certain values), extend the maximum length in an outer loop.
This is a homework question. I'm asked to find the coefficients of the line of best fit for a given set of n dots(2D). The coefficients are a b c in: ax+by=c.Say there're n dots, use linear programming to find the coefficients that leads to the smallest 'maximum absolute error', defined as: max(|a*xi+b*yi-c|), i ranges from 1-n.
Here's my thought process:
Let M denote the maximum absolute error. The objective of linear programming is to minimize M. Since M is the biggest of all |a*xi+b*yi-c|, it must be bigger than every one of them. So (a*xi+b*yi-c)<= M, and (a*xi+b*yi-c)>= -M, for all i (the second expression is to account for the absolute sign).
I thought this is sufficient to define the problem. When i put the conditions into a solver, it returned a b c all equal to 0, but in reality it shouldn't. I think I'm missing some conditions here. Can someone point it out to me?
You should add one extra statement that is: either a or b should not be 0. If both values are 0 you have a valid solution to your system but there is no line with both a and b equal to 0.
EDIT: improving Rerito's suggestion. Any line has either a or b not equal to 0. Alo the lines (k*a)*x + (k*b)* y + (k*c) and (a)*x + (b)* y + (c) are the same for any non-zero k. So I would say you need to run the solver twice- once when specifying a is 1 and once when specifying b is 1 and after than select the better solution. You have to run the solver twice because it might be the case that the best solution has a=0 or b=0(but not both).
How would I solve:
-x^3 - x - 4 = 0
You can't use quadratic, because it is to the 3rd power, right?
I know I it should come out to ~1.3788 but I'm not sure how I would derive that.
I started with:
f(x) = x + (4/(x^2 + 1)).
Solving for 0, moving the x over to the other side, multiplying by (x^2 + 1) on both sides, I end up with:
-x(x^2 + 1) = 4,
-x^3 - x - 4 = 0.
Finding roots of equations by using Newton's method or Fixed point iteration
Algebraically, you want to use Cardano's method:
Using this method, it's about as easy to solve as the quadratic.
Actually, this is possibly clearer:
Find a root by using newton iteration (see link below). Then divide the polynomial by (x-TheRootYouFound). The result will be a quadratic formula that you can plug into your quadratic root finder of your choice.
About Newton Iteration:
About Polynomial Division
This article may be interesting for you as well. It covers more robust ways to solve your problem at the expense of some additional complexity.
It's a cubic function. You're correct, the quadratic formula does not apply.
You gave one root, but in general there are three.
How did you arrive at that single value? Trial and error? That's legitimate. You don't need to "derive" anything.
x^3 + a2*x^2 + a1*x + a0 = 0 can be written as (x-x1)*(x-x2)*(x-x3) = 0, where x1, x2, and x3 are the three roots. If you know that the root you cited is correct, you can divide it out and leave (x-x2)*(x-x3) = 0, which is a quadratic that you can apply the usual techniques to.
This may not help from a programming viewpoint, but from a math perspective...
Note than in this particular cubic function you need to consider imaginary numbers, because when x = i then you have a denominator that is zero (in your original equation). Also, generally speaking you shouldn't multiply or divide by variables (adding and subtracting is fine though) when you move them to the other side of the equation because you'll generally forget of about the condition where the term you multiplied or divided by is zero. Those answers need to be excluded from the solution set.
x = i is an example of an excluded solution in the above cubic. You need to evaluate your excluded solutions before you manipulate the equation at all.