visual studio qt5 plugins not working on release - visual-studio-2010

I'm got this project where i'm showing images with a qt5 interface, i'm simply setting the Pixmap of a label with the qimage pixmap
The thing is, it's working on a debug build, but not on a release build and i dont understand why.
I already got a folder in my .Exe folder named "plugins" and a subfolder in it named "imageformats", and in this folder the file named "qjpeg.dll"
So i coming here to see if someone has an idea on why it doesn't work ?
Thanks in advance !

I'm assuming that you developed your app in Qt Creator, and that you're not using a .qrc file.
This is the folder structure that Qt expects (left side if you launch your app from Qt Creator, right side if you launch your app by double-clicking its icon):
[Dev]\pic.jpg => [App]\pic.jpg
[Dev]\release\app.exe => [App]\app.exe
[Qt]\bin\*.dll => [App]\*.dll
[Qt]\plugins\platforms\qwindows.dll => [App]\platforms\qwindows.dll
[Qt]\plugins\imageformats\qjpeg.dll => [App]\imageformats\qjpeg.dll
[Qt] = Folder where you installed Qt
[Dev] = Folder where you built your app
[App] = Folder where you want to deploy your app
Two common mistakes:
If you launch from Qt Creator, make sure your picture file is in [Dev] (different folders are used for Debug and Release mode)
If you launch by double-clicking, get rid of the "plugins" folder


How to set IIS to look for Debug build instead of Release

I'm trying to run the API project of my solution in IIS, and it looks for the exe file in the Project\bin\Release.... folder, but since I'm doing a debug build, there is no release path built. How do I get IIS to look at the build in the Project\bin\Debug... folder?
I'm in VS 2022, Windows 10/IIS 10, and building a .NET 5 API project.
Try to change the physical path of site on IIS directly.
I ended up editing the web.config file, and changing the processPath to the Debug folder rather than the Release folder. Additionally, I had to change hostingModel in that same line from "InProcess" to "outofprocess".

Missing assets in IPA when building Xamarin iOS app using msbuild on jenkins

When building the same app (on Mac VS2019) from the same prepared zip archive with removed bin and obj folders and cleaned solution right before build I get different IPA "archives".
The one from jenkins is missing and app icons so the app doesn't show home screen icon and splash during loading. During the _CopyResourcesToBundle target that should copy all required assets it gives:
Building target "_CopyResourcesToBundle" partially, because some output files are out of date with respect to their input files.
Because it runs into partial state it probably doesn't copy all the required files.
When building on the local machine with the same VS2019 (8.4.2) for Mac and the same Xcode (11.0) no matter when using IDE or the terminal it gives correct IPA file.
Building target "_CopyResourcesToBundle" completely.
Output file "bin/iPhone/Release/" does not exist.
Output file "bin/iPhone/Release/" does not exist.
Output file "bin/iPhone/Release/" does not exist.
The above part is obviously not present when building on jenkins.
This looks like several other threads when others were struggling with missing assets and they were clearing some misty Xamarin cache folders, adding and removing assets to the project with rebuild, cleaning and removing bin/obj folders.
This is not the same case as app is always built on the cleared workspace in the tmp location with removed bin and obj folders and cleaned before the build. Adding/removing and moving the location of the resource also doesn't help.
Apps cannot be built on symlink locations due to msbuild internal issue.

Why am I getting an Error 1309 : Error reading from file..... when attempting to use a .msi generated by InstallShield in VS 2013?

Error 1309 : Error reading from file.....
I am using VS2013 - with latest download of InstallShield Limited Edition
From VS2013 -> Solution Explorer -> Installshield Project -> Uninstall/Install: everything is fine.
If I run the installer file (right click .msi file->uninstall/install) from the directory it is compiled in everything is fine.
If I copy the .msi file anywhere else I get the above error UNLESS I copy the 'program files' directory that is also created in the DISK1 folder of installshield project.
I thought this was all supposed to be packaged into 1 file (isn't that the purpose of InstallShield?)
This question was originally posted on the flexera forum, but no one seems to be responding to questions on that forum:
Any thoughts on how to fix this?
I have solved it. When you have your InstallShield LE project ready to Build, Go into Build, Configuration Manager and change the build to SingleImage. Next do a Build. When you navigate the folders to where the CD_ROM folder is, you will see a new folder called SingleImage. As you go through that you will find the single MSI file that contains all folders. No more issues with Error 1309.
Hope that helps.
You should also ensure that the 254 character limit for the files' local url is not exceeded

ClickOnce : deploy files to different location

Using ClickOnce, is it possible to include a file (resource, dll, image, whatever) to be copied to a different location and NOT the app folder?
What I am trying to achieve exactly is to install Microsoft.Web.Publishing.Tasks.dll + Microsoft.Web.XmlTransform.dll and their .targets to C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v12.0\Web so those msbuild tasks can be used on workstations that do not have Visual Studio installed.
It was so easy using a Setup Project before VS 2013!!
I repeat: I do NOT want those files to be installed in the app folder (so please don't tell me to set the option Copy to Output = Always" on project files).
No. You can't do it with ClickOnce.
Either deploy the files and write code to copy files when your app starts. Or use some other deployment option, like msi.

Visual Studio problem with deploying all files of .NET Compact Framework application

My application consist of an executable project and a dll library. My executable project has added the reference to the library project.
The library project contains some "content" files like .ini .bmp. The problem is that these files are not copied to the device when I deploy the executable project. Only dll file is copied. The curious thing is that all files are copied to the \ExecutableProject\bin\Debug directory on the desktop machine.
To workaround this I've set the deployment path of dll project the same as executable project and I'm deploying them both, but this solution doesn't seem to be nice.
I'm using VS2008 and my device works on Windows CE.
There are a few things to check.
Double check that the "Build Action" is set to "Content"
Make sure that the "Copy to Output folder" is set to "Copy Always" or "Copy If Newer"
Make sure that the deployment folder for the library project is what you expect (Properties->Devices->Output File Folder)
Make sure that the library project is set to the same target device as the executable
Make sure the library project is set to deploy for your configuration (Build->Configuration Manager)
Remember that if the content files are in a subfolder in the project, they will end up in a subfolder on the device
