Pig installation not working - hadoop

I have installed Pig 0.12.0 on my box. I have also installed Java and Hadoop and have set JAVA_HOME and HADOOP_HOME paths. When Igo to the bin directory of pig installation and type the following command on my command prompt:
pig -help
it errors out with the following message:
The system cannot find the path specified.
'-Xmx1000M' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Whats wrong?
Should I be using cygwin? (that didnt work either)

I just installed Pig 0.12.1 on Windows 7 without Hadoop installed. I also got this error message and resolved it by setting the "JAVA" environment variable to point to the java.exe executable.
In my case, I set JAVA=C:\Progra~1\Java\jdk1.8.0_05\bin\java.exe
I also set:
PIG_HOME=C:\pig-0.12.1 (This is where I extracted pig-0.12.1.tar.gz)
and added C:\pig-0.12.1\bin to my PATH environment variable.
Hope this helps anyone else with this issue!

I know this is a very late reply, but hope this will help someone to configure pig
Using OS Windows 8.1 ProN x64
Note -> Life will be easier in configuration, if your directory path doesn't contains a whitespace.
Steps to configure Pig with Hadoop
java path location (jdk1.8.0_151)
JAVA_HOME C:\Java\jdk1.8.0_151
python path location (Python27)
ant path location (apache-ant-1.10.1)
ANT_HOME F:\Hadoop\apache-ant-1.10.1
hadoop path location (hadoop-2.8.2)
HADOOP_HOME F:\Hadoop\hadoop-2.8.2
pig path location (pig-0.17.0)
PIG_HOME F:\Hadoop\pig-0.17.0
System Variables Path
explore winutils-master.zip on github, pull and download, extract to %HADOOP_HOME%\bin directory
open %PIG_HOME%\bin\pig.cmd using notepad/notepad++ (recommended notepad++)
change the below said line and later save it, close it -
so now the pig will access hadoop-config.cmd inside %HADOOP_HOME% path as we configured earlier.
start-all.cmd from hadoop to start the cluster with all dependencies.
go to %PIG_HOME%/bin, check with pig -help (if results are as parameterized).
pig (Enter to grunt shell.)
Note -> there are much possibilities to get below exception, if you don't configure as above.
'F:\Hadoop\hadoop-2.8.2\bin\hadoop-config.cmd' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
'-Xmx1000M' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
hope, these illustrated steps will help you to configure and start the pig grunt shell, thanks.

This will solve your problem...
1.Download PIG ->http://mirrors.estointernet.in/apache/pig/pig-0.16.0/
2.Set properties->
core-site.xml,mapred-site.xml are present)
->open the file pig.cmd(From bin directory of PIG)
->look for the line set HADOOP_BIN_PATH=%HADOOP_HOME%\bin
->replace this with set HADOOP_BIN_PATH=%HADOOP_HOME%\libexec
4.Now in command prompt give->pig `enter code here`


xmx1000m is not recognized as an internal or external command: pig on windows

I am trying to setup pig on windows 7. I already have hadoop 2.7 single node cluster running on windows 7.
To setup pig, I have taken following steps as of now.
Downloaded the tar: http://mirror.metrocast.net/apache/pig/
Extracted tar to: C:\Users\zeba\Desktop\pig
Have set the Environment (User) Variable to:
PIG_HOME = C:\Users\zeba\Desktop\pig
PATH = C:\Users\zeba\Desktop\pig\bin
PIG_CLASSPATH = C:\Users\zeba\Desktop\hadoop\conf
Also changed HADOOP_BIN_PATH in pig.cmd to %HADOOP_HOME%\libexec as suggested by (Apache pig on windows gives "hadoop-config.cmd' is not recognized as an internal or external command" error when running "pig -x local") as was getting the same error
When I enter pig, I encounter the following error:
xmx1000m is not recognized as an internal or external command
Please help!
The error went away by installing pig-0.17.0. I was working with pig-0.16.0 previously.
Finally i got it. I changed HADOOP BIN PATH in pig.cmd to "HADOOP_HOME%\hadoop-2.9.2\libexec", as you can see "hadoop-2.9.2" is a subfile where "libexec" from my hadoop version is located..
Fix your "HADOOP_HOME" according to given image don't provide bin path only provide hadoop path.

spark-shell throws error in Apache spark

I have installed hadoop on ubuntu on virtual box(host os Windows 7).I have also installed Apache spark, configured SPARK_HOME in .bashrc and added HADOOP_CONF_DIR to spark-env.sh. Now when I start the spark-shell it throws error and do not initialize spark context, sql context. Am I missing something in installation and also I would want to run it on a cluster (hadoop 3 node cluster is set up).
I have the same issue when trying to install Spark local with Windows 7. Please make sure the below paths is correct and I am sure I will work with you. I answer same question in this link So, you can follow the below and it will work.
Create JAVA_HOME variable: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_181\bin
Add the following part to your path: ;%JAVA_HOME%\bin
Create SPARK_HOME variable: C:\spark-2.3.0-bin-hadoop2.7\bin
Add the following part to your path: ;%SPARK_HOME%\bin
The most important part Hadoop path should include bin file before winutils.ee as the following: C:\Hadoop\bin Sure you will locate winutils.exe inside this path.
Create HADOOP_HOME Variable: C:\Hadoop
Add the following part to your path: ;%HADOOP_HOME%\bin
Now you can run the cmd and write spark-shell it will work.

Unable to run Hadoop on windows 7

I am new to Hadoop and trying to run it on Windows 7.
Whenever I am trying to run hadoop bash script, I get the following error :
'-Xmx32m' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Usage: hadoop [--config confdir] COMMAND
where COMMAND is one of:
fs run a generic filesystem user client
version print the version
jar <jar> run a jar file
checknative [-a|-h] check native hadoop and compression libraries availability
distcp <srcurl> <desturl> copy file or directories recursively
archive -archiveName NAME -p <parent path> <src>* <dest> create a hadoop archive
classpath prints the class path needed to get the
Hadoop jar and the required libraries
credential interact with credential providers
key manage keys via the KeyProvider
daemonlog get/set the log level for each daemon
CLASSNAME run the class named CLASSNAME
Most commands print help when invoked w/o parameters.
Also, when I run hdfs command ,
I get the following error :
-Xms1000m is not recognized as in internal or external command.
When I try to pass -Xmx and -Xms arguments, I get the following message :
Error occurred during initialization of VM
Could not reserve enough space for object heap
Can anyone help me out on this ?
The error message
is not recognized as an internal or external command
indicates that you attempted to run from the command line a program that Windows doesn't recognize. This likely has nothing to do with -Xms and -Xmx. The problem is Windows cannot find java.
Make sure you can ran java -version no matter what's the current folder you are in. If you can't, you need to add the java at the PATH environment variable.
This could also be an issue of installing java or hadoop in a folder that has spaces in the path e.g. C:\Program Files has a space in the folder and that can be a problem. If that's the cause then install java and hadoop on a different folder without spaces in the path.

Could not format the Namenode in hadoop 2.6?

I have installed the hadoop 2.6 on ubuntu 14.04.I just followed this blog.
While I am trying to format the namenode, I am hitting with below error:
hduser#data1:~$ hadoop namenode -format
DEPRECATED: Use of this script to execute hdfs command is deprecated.
Instead use the hdfs command for it.
/usr/local/hadoop/bin/hdfs: line 276: /home/hduser/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64/bin/java: No such file or directory
/home/hduser/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64/bin/java: No such file or directory
This error occurs because the JAVA_HOME you have provided does not have java.
Just add this line in hadoop-env.sh and /home/hduser/.bashrc:
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64
I think you have already set the $JAVA_HOME but you did it wrong (just a guess):
It would be :
You probably have added ~ before the path when you exported that JAVA_HOME and this added the home directory /home/hduser.
To check this out, type java -version and see if java is working. And type echo $JAVA_HOME and check the path manually.
I figured out. The entry we made was for amd64. it is really i386 computers. Please verify the path and that should fix the issue.

Failed to locate the winutils binary in the hadoop binary path

I am getting the following error while starting namenode for latest hadoop-2.2 release. I didn't find winutils exe file in hadoop bin folder. I tried below commands
$ bin/hdfs namenode -format
$ sbin/yarn-daemon.sh start resourcemanager
ERROR [main] util.Shell (Shell.java:getWinUtilsPath(303)) - Failed to locate the winutils binary in the hadoop binary path
java.io.IOException: Could not locate executable null\bin\winutils.exe in the Hadoop binaries.
at org.apache.hadoop.util.Shell.getQualifiedBinPath(Shell.java:278)
at org.apache.hadoop.util.Shell.getWinUtilsPath(Shell.java:300)
at org.apache.hadoop.util.Shell.<clinit>(Shell.java:293)
at org.apache.hadoop.util.StringUtils.<clinit>(StringUtils.java:76)
at org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.ResourceManager.main(ResourceManager.java:863)
Simple Solution:
Download it from here and add to $HADOOP_HOME/bin
For hadoop-2.6.0 you can download binaries from Titus Barik blog >>.
I have not only needed to point HADOOP_HOME to extracted directory [path], but also provide system property -Djava.library.path=[path]\bin to load native libs (dll).
If you face this problem when running a self-contained local application with Spark (i.e., after adding spark-assembly-x.x.x-hadoopx.x.x.jar or the Maven dependency to the project), a simpler solution would be to put winutils.exe (download from here) in "C:\winutil\bin". Then you can add winutils.exe to the hadoop home directory by adding the following line to the code:
System.setProperty("hadoop.home.dir", "c:\\\winutil\\\")
Source: Click here
If we directly take the binary distribution of Apache Hadoop 2.2.0 release and try to run it on Microsoft Windows, then we'll encounter ERROR util.Shell: Failed to locate the winutils binary in the hadoop binary path.
The binary distribution of Apache Hadoop 2.2.0 release does not contain some windows native components (like winutils.exe, hadoop.dll etc). These are required (not optional) to run Hadoop on Windows.
So you need to build windows native binary distribution of hadoop from source codes following "BUILD.txt" file located inside the source distribution of hadoop. You can follow the following posts as well for step by step guide with screen shot
Build, Install, Configure and Run Apache Hadoop 2.2.0 in Microsoft Windows OS
ERROR util.Shell: Failed to locate the winutils binary in the hadoop binary path
The statement
java.io.IOException: Could not locate executable null\bin\winutils.exe
explains that the null is received when expanding or replacing an Environment Variable. If you see the Source in Shell.Java in Common Package you will find that HADOOP_HOME variable is not getting set and you are receiving null in place of that and hence the error.
So, HADOOP_HOME needs to be set for this properly or the variable hadoop.home.dir property.
Hope this helps.
Winutils.exe is used for running the shell commands for SPARK.
When you need to run the Spark without installing Hadoop, you need this file.
Steps are as follows:
Download the winutils.exe from following location for hadoop 2.7.1
[NOTE: If you are using separate hadoop version then please download the winutils from corresponding hadoop version folder on GITHUB from the location as mentioned above.]
Now, create a folder 'winutils' in C:\ drive. Now create a folder 'bin' inside folder 'winutils' and copy the winutils.exe in that folder.
So the location of winutils.exe will be C:\winutils\bin\winutils.exe
Now, open environment variable and set HADOOP_HOME=C:\winutils
[NOTE: Please do not add \bin in HADOOP_HOME and no need to set HADOOP_HOME in Path]
Your issue must be resolved !!
I just ran into this issue while working with Eclipse. In my case, I had the correct Hadoop version downloaded (hadoop-2.5.0-cdh5.3.0.tgz), I extracted the contents and placed it directly in my C drive. Then I went to
Eclipse->Debug/Run Configurations -> Environment (tab) -> and added
variable: HADOOP_HOME
Value: C:\hadoop-2.5.0-cdh5.3.0
You can download winutils.exe here:
Then copy it to your HADOOP_HOME/bin directory.
In Pyspark, to run local spark application using Pycharm use below lines
os.environ['HADOOP_HOME'] = "C:\\winutils"
print os.environ['HADOOP_HOME']
winutils.exe are required for hadoop to perform hadoop related commands. please download
hadoop-common-2.2.0 zip file. winutils.exe can be found in bin folder. Extract the zip file and copy it in the local hadoop/bin folder.
I was facing the same problem. Removing the bin\ from the HADOOP_HOME path solved it for me. The path for HADOOP_HOME variable should look something like.
System restart may be needed. In my case, restarting the IDE was sufficient.
As most answers here refer to pretty old versions of winutils, I will leave a link to the most comprehensive repository, which supports all versions of Hadoop including the most recent ones:
(find the directory corresponding to your Hadoop version, or try the most recent one).
If you have admin permissions on you machine.
Put bin directory into C:\winutils
The whole path should be C:\winutils\bin\winutils.exe
Set HADOOP_HOME into C:\winutils
If you don't have admin permissions or want to put the binaries into user space.
Put bin directory into C:\Users\vryabtse\AppData\Local\Programs\winutils or similar user directory.
Set HADOOP_HOME value into path to this directory.
Set up HADOOP_HOME variable in windows to resolve the problem.
You can find answer in org/apache/hadoop/hadoop-common/2.2.0/hadoop-common-2.2.0-sources.jar!/org/apache/hadoop/util/Shell.java :
IOException from
public static final String getQualifiedBinPath(String executable)
throws IOException {
// construct hadoop bin path to the specified executable
String fullExeName = HADOOP_HOME_DIR + File.separator + "bin"
+ File.separator + executable;
File exeFile = new File(fullExeName);
if (!exeFile.exists()) {
throw new IOException("Could not locate executable " + fullExeName
+ " in the Hadoop binaries.");
return exeFile.getCanonicalPath();
// first check the Dflag hadoop.home.dir with JVM scope
String home = System.getProperty("hadoop.home.dir");
// fall back to the system/user-global env variable
if (home == null) {
home = System.getenv("HADOOP_HOME");
Download desired version of hadoop folder (Say if you are installing spark on Windows then hadoop version for which your spark is built for) from this link as zip.
Extract the zip to desired directory.
You need to have directory of the form hadoop\bin (explicitly create such hadoop\bin directory structure if you want) with bin containing all the files contained in bin folder of the downloaded hadoop. This will contain many files such as hdfs.dll, hadoop.dll etc. in addition to winutil.exe.
Now create environment variable HADOOP_HOME and set it to <path-to-hadoop-folder>\hadoop. Then add ;%HADOOP_HOME%\bin; to PATH environment variable.
Open a "new command prompt" and try rerunning your command.
Download [winutils.exe]
From URL :
Past it under HADOOP_HOME/bin
Note : You should Set environmental variables:
User variable:
Value: Hadoop or spark dir
I used "hbase-1.3.0" and "hadoop-2.7.3" versions. Setting HADOOP_HOME environment variable and copying 'winutils.exe' file under HADOOP_HOME/bin folder solves the problem on a windows os.
Attention to set HADOOP_HOME environment to the installation folder of hadoop(/bin folder is not necessary for these versions).
Additionally I preferred using cross platform tool cygwin to settle linux os functionality (as possible as it can) because Hbase team recommend linux/unix env.
I was getting the same issue in windows. I fixed it by
Downloading hadoop-common-2.2.0-bin-master from link.
Create a user variable HADOOP_HOME in Environment variable and assign the path of hadoop-common bin directory as a value.
You can verify it by running hadoop in cmd.
Restart the IDE and Run it.
I recently got the same error message while running spark application on Intellij Idea. What I did was, I downloaded the winutils.exe that is compatible with the Spark version I was running and moved it to the Spark bin directory. Then in my Intellij, I edited the configuration.
The 'Environment variables' area was empty. So, I entered HADOOP_HOME = P:\spark-2.4.7-bin-hadoop2.7
Since, the winutils.exe is in the P:\spark-2.4.7-bin-hadoop2.7\bin directory, it will locate the file while running.
So, by setting HADOOP_HOME, the null would be the HADOOP_HOME directory. Complete path would be P:\spark-2.4.7-bin-hadoop2.7\bin\winutils.exe
That was how I resolved it
