Subtracting two float variables and comparing shell script - shell

I have two floating-point variables, time and prev_time, and I need to subtract them, and check if less than 0. I've looked up in dozens of forums, but can't seem to find an answer that works. I need to do something similar to:
if [[ `expr $time-$prev_time | bc` -lt 0 ]]
Any help is appreciated

From your use of [[ ... ]], I'll assume you are using bash. If you only care that the difference is less than 0, you only care that $time is less than $prev_time. You can split the floating point values into its integer parts, then compare them separately:
IFS=. read time_int time_frac <<< $time
IFS=. read prev_in prev_frac <<< $prev_time
if (( time_int < prev_int || (time_int == prev_int && time_frac < prev_frac) )); then
Or, you can use bc this way (plus, it's POSIX compliant):
if [ "$( echo "$time - $prev_time < 0" | bc )" = 1 ];
bc outputs 1 if the comparison is true, 0 if false.


how can I generate random numbers in specific range in bash using $RANDOM? [duplicate]

I need to generate a random port number between 2000-65000 from a shell script. The problem is $RANDOM is a 15-bit number, so I'm stuck!
PORT=$(($RANDOM%63000+2001)) would work nicely if it wasn't for the size limitation.
Does anyone have an example of how I can do this, maybe by extracting something from /dev/urandom and getting it within a range?
shuf -i 2000-65000 -n 1
Edit: The range is inclusive.
On Mac OS X and FreeBSD you may also use jot:
jot -r 1 2000 65000
According to the bash man page, $RANDOM is distributed between 0 and 32767; that is, it is an unsigned 15-bit value. Assuming $RANDOM is uniformly distributed, you can create a uniformly-distributed unsigned 30-bit integer as follows:
Since your range is not a power of 2, a simple modulo operation will only almost give you a uniform distribution, but with a 30-bit input range and a less-than-16-bit output range, as you have in your case, this should really be close enough:
PORT=$(( ((RANDOM<<15)|RANDOM) % 63001 + 2000 ))
and here's one with Python
randport=$(python -S -c "import random; print random.randrange(2000,63000)")
and one with awk
awk 'BEGIN{srand();print int(rand()*(63000-2000))+2000 }'
The simplest general way that comes to mind is a perl one-liner:
perl -e 'print int(rand(65000-2000)) + 2000'
You could always just use two numbers:
PORT=$(($RANDOM + ($RANDOM % 2) * 32768))
You still have to clip to your range. It's not a general n-bit random number method, but it'll work for your case, and it's all inside bash.
If you want to be really cute and read from /dev/urandom, you could do this:
od -A n -N 2 -t u2 /dev/urandom
That'll read two bytes and print them as an unsigned int; you still have to do your clipping.
If you're not a bash expert and were looking to get this into a variable in a Linux-based bash script, try this:
VAR=$(shuf -i 200-700 -n 1)
That gets you the range of 200 to 700 into $VAR, inclusive.
Here's another one. I thought it would work on just about anything, but sort's random option isn't available on my centos box at work.
seq 2000 65000 | sort -R | head -n 1
Same with ruby:
echo $(ruby -e 'puts rand(20..65)') #=> 65 (inclusive ending)
echo $(ruby -e 'puts rand(20...65)') #=> 37 (exclusive ending)
Bash documentation says that every time $RANDOM is referenced, a random number between 0 and 32767 is returned. If we sum two consecutive references, we get values from 0 to 65534, which covers the desired range of 63001 possibilities for a random number between 2000 and 65000.
To adjust it to the exact range, we use the sum modulo 63001, which will give us a value from 0 to 63000. This in turn just needs an increment by 2000 to provide the desired random number, between 2000 and 65000. This can be summarized as follows:
port=$((((RANDOM + RANDOM) % 63001) + 2000))
# Generate random numbers and print the lowest and greatest found
test-random-max-min() {
for i in {1..10000}; do
port=$((((RANDOM + RANDOM) % 63001) + 2000))
echo -en "\r$port"
[[ "$port" -gt "$max" ]] && max="$port"
[[ "$port" -lt "$min" ]] && min="$port"
echo -e "\rMax: $max, min: $min"
# Sample output
# Max: 64990, min: 2002
# Max: 65000, min: 2004
# Max: 64970, min: 2000
Correctness of the calculation
Here is a full, brute-force test for the correctness of the calculation. This program just tries to generate all 63001 different possibilities randomly, using the calculation under test. The --jobs parameter should make it run faster, but it's not deterministic (total of possibilities generated may be lower than 63001).
test-all() {
start=$(date +%s)
find_start=$(date +%s)
total=0; ports=(); i=0
rm -f ports/ports.* ports.*
mkdir -p ports
while [[ "$total" -lt "$2" && "$all_found" != "yes" ]]; do
port=$((((RANDOM + RANDOM) % 63001) + 2000)); i=$((i+1))
if [[ -z "${ports[port]}" ]]; then
total=$((total + 1))
if [[ $((total % 1000)) == 0 ]]; then
echo -en "Elapsed time: $(($(date +%s) - find_start))s \t"
echo -e "Found: $port \t\t Total: $total\tIteration: $i"
find_start=$(date +%s)
echo "Job $1 finished after $i iterations in $(($(date +%s) - start))s."
[[ "$1" != "0" ]] && out="ports/$out"
echo "${ports[#]}" > "$out"
say-total() {
generated_ports=$(cat "$#" | tr ' ' '\n' | \sed -E s/'^([0-9]{4})$'/'0\1'/)
echo "Total generated: $(echo "$generated_ports" | sort | uniq | wc -l)."
total-single() { say-total "ports.0.txt"; }
total-jobs() { say-total "ports/"*; }
[[ "$1" != "--jobs" ]] && test-all 0 63001 && total-single && exit
for i in {1..1000}; do test-all "$i" 40000 & sleep 1; done && wait && total-jobs
For determining how many iterations are needed to get a given probability p/q of all 63001 possibilities having been generated, I believe we can use the expression below. For example, here is the calculation for a probability greater than 1/2, and here for greater than 9/10.
$RANDOM is a number between 0 and 32767. You want a port between 2000 and 65000. These are 63001 possible ports. If we stick to values of $RANDOM + 2000 between 2000 and 33500, we cover a range of 31501 ports. If we flip a coin and then conditionally add 31501 to the result, we can get more ports, from 33501 to 65001. Then if we just drop 65001, we get the exact coverage needed, with a uniform probability distribution for all ports, it seems.
random-port() {
while [[ not != found ]]; do
# 2000..33500
port=$((RANDOM + 2000))
while [[ $port -gt 33500 ]]; do
port=$((RANDOM + 2000))
# 2000..65001
[[ $((RANDOM % 2)) = 0 ]] && port=$((port + 31501))
# 2000..65000
[[ $port = 65001 ]] && continue
echo $port
while true; do
i=$((i + 1))
printf "\rIteration $i..."
printf "%05d\n" $(random-port) >> ports.txt
# Then later we check the distribution
sort ports.txt | uniq -c | sort -r
You can do this
cat /dev/urandom|od -N2 -An -i|awk -v f=2000 -v r=65000 '{printf "%i\n", f + r * $1 / 65536}'
If you need more details see Shell Script Random Number Generator.
PORT=$(($RANDOM%63000+2001)) is close to what you want I think.
PORT=$(($RANDOM$RANDOM$RANDOM%63000+2001)) gets around the size limitation that troubles you. Since bash makes no distinctions between a number variable and a string variable, this works perfectly well. The "number" $RANDOM can be concatenated like a string, and then used as a number in a calculation. Amazing!
Or on OS-X the following works for me:
$ gsort --random-sort
Generate random numbers in the range [$floor,$ceil), no dependence:
$(((RANDOM % $(($ceil- $floor))) + $floor))
Generate 100 numbers between 2000 to 65000:
for i in $(seq 100); do echo $(((RANDOM % $((65000 - 2000))) + 2000));done
You can get the random number through urandom
head -200 /dev/urandom | cksum
3310670062 52870
To retrieve the one part of the above number.
head -200 /dev/urandom | cksum | cut -f1 -d " "
Then the output is
To meet your requirement,
head -200 /dev/urandom |cksum | cut -f1 -d " " | awk '{print $1%63000+2001}'
This is how I usually generate random numbers. Then I use "NUM_1" as the variable for the port number I use. Here is a short example script.
echo 'Choose how many digits you want for port# (1-5)'
read PORT
NUM_1="$(tr -dc '0-9' </dev/urandom | head -c $PORT)"
echo "$NUM_1"
if [ "$PORT" -gt "5" ]
echo -e "\x1b[31m Choose a number between 1 and 5! \x1b[0m"
sleep 3
exit 0
This works for me:
you can add 1 if you want it to start from 1 instead of 0.
Generating 50 numbers in Bash from a range 100000000000-999999999999 and saving them into a file filename.csv
shuf -i 100000000000-999999999999 -n 50 -o filename.csv
If you need a range bigger than 15 bit, dont use the slow unsecure and outdated 15 bit RANDOM, use the fast and secure 32 bit SRANDOM.
SRANDOM are available since about 2021 bash 5.1 roll out.
"one interesting addition to note with Bash 5.1 is the new SRANDOM variable. The SRANDOM variable provides random data from the system's entropy engine and cannot be reseeded. In particular, the SRANDOM variable provides a 32-bit random number that relies upon getrandom/getentropy -- with fall-backs to /dev/urandom or arc4random or even another fallback after that if necessary."
See what are the different of RANDOM and SRANDOM in bash:
Difference between RANDOM and SRANDOM in Bash
Feel free to improve this answer.

(standard_in) 1: syntax error, comparing floating point no using bc in bash [duplicate]

I have this script that should make sure that the users current PHP version is between a certain range, though it SHOULD work, there is a bug somewhere that makes it think that the version is out of range, could someone take a look and tell me what I can do to fix it?
function version { echo "$#" | gawk -F. '{ printf("%d.%d.%d\n", $1,$2,$3); }'; }
phpver=`php -v |grep -Eow '^PHP [^ ]+' |gawk '{ print $2 }'`
if [ $(version $phpver) > $(version 5.2.13) ] || [ $(version $phpver) < $(version 5.2.13) ]; then
echo "PHP Version $phpver must be between 5.2.13 - 5.3.15"
Here's how to compare versions.
using sort -V:
function version_gt() { test "$(printf '%s\n' "$#" | sort -V | head -n 1)" != "$1"; }
example usage:
if version_gt $first_version $second_version; then
echo "$first_version is greater than $second_version !"
solid way to compare fancy version strings:
support any length of sub-parts (ie: 1.3alpha.2.dev2 > 1.1 ?)
support alpha-betical sort (ie: 1.alpha < 1.beta2)
support big size version (ie: 1.10003939209329320932 > 1.2039209378273789273 ?)
can easily be modified to support n arguments. (leaved as an exercise ;) )
usually very usefull with 3 arguments: (ie: 1.2 < my_version < 2.7 )
uses a lot of various calls to different programs. So it's not that efficient.
uses a pretty recent version of sort and it might not be available on your
system. (check with man sort)
without sort -V:
## each separate version number must be less than 3 digit wide !
function version { echo "$#" | gawk -F. '{ printf("%03d%03d%03d\n", $1,$2,$3); }'; }
example usage:
if [ "$(version "$first_version")" -gt "$(version "$second_version")" ]; then
echo "$first_version is greater than $second_version !"
quicker solution as it only calls 1 subprocess
much more compatible solution.
quite specific, version string must:
have version with 1, 2 or 3 parts only. (excludes '')
each parts must be numerical only (excludes '3.1a')
each part can't be greater than 999 (excludes '1.20140417')
Comments about your script:
I can't see how it could work:
as stated in a comment > and < are very special shell character and you should replace them by -gt and -lt
even if you replaced the characters, you can't compare version numbers as if they where integers or float. For instance, on my system, php version is 5.5.9-1ubuntu4.
But your function version() is quite cleverly written already and may help you by circumventing the classical issue that sorting alphabetically numbers won't sort numbers numerically ( alphabetically 1 < 11 < 2, which is wrong numerically). But be carefull: arbitrarily large numbers aren't supported by bash (try to keep under 32bits if you aim at compatibility with 32bits systems, so that would be 9 digit long numbers). So I've modified your code (in the second method NOT using sort -V) to force only 3 digits for each part of the version string.
EDIT: applied #phk amelioration, as it is noticeably cleverer and remove a subprocess call in the first version using sort. Thanks.
There is possibility for deb-distributions:
dpkg --compare-versions <version> <relation> <version>
For example:
dpkg --compare-versions "0.0.4" "gt" "0.0.3"
if [ $? -eq "0" ]; then echo "YES"; else echo "NO"; fi
It is doing a lexical comparison. Use one of these:
if [ $(version $phpver) -gt $(version 5.2.13) ] || [ $(version $phpver) -lt $(version 5.2.13) ]; then
if [[ $(version $phpver) > $(version 5.2.13) ]] || [[ $(version $phpver) < $(version 5.2.13) ]]; then
if (( $(version $phpver) > $(version 5.2.13) )) || (( $(version $phpver) < $(version 5.2.13) )); then
Or do it all in awk or some other tool. It is screaming for some optimisation. It also seems you're not producing numbers either, so you have a pretty odd design. Usually the version substrings are multiplied by 1000 and then all summed up to get a single comparable scalar.
Here's another solution that:
does not run any external command apart from tr
has no restriction on number of parts in version string
can compare version strings with different number of parts
Note that it's Bash code using array variables.
local v1=( $(echo "$1" | tr '.' ' ') )
local v2=( $(echo "$2" | tr '.' ' ') )
local len="$(max "${#v1[*]}" "${#v2[*]}")"
for ((i=0; i<len; i++))
[ "${v1[i]:-0}" -gt "${v2[i]:-0}" ] && return 1
[ "${v1[i]:-0}" -lt "${v2[i]:-0}" ] && return 2
return 0
The function returns:
0 if versions are equal (btw: 1.2 == 1.2.0)
1 if the 1st version is bigger / newer
2 if the 2nd version is bigger / newer
However #1 -- it requires one additional function (but function min is quite usable to have anyway):
local m="$1"
for n in "$#"
[ "$n" -lt "$m" ] && m="$n"
echo "$m"
However #2 -- it cannot compare version strings with alpha-numeric parts (though that would not be difficult to add, actually).
A much safer option for testing the PHP CLI version is to use PHP's own version_compare function.
PHP_VERSION=`php -r 'echo PHP_VERSION;'`
function version_compare() {
RESULT=$(php -r 'echo version_compare(PHP_VERSION, "'${TEST_VERSION}'", "'${COMPARE_OP}'") ? "TRUE" : "";')
test -n "${RESULT}";
if ( version_compare "<" "${MIN_VERSION}" || version_compare ">" "${MAX_VERSION}" ); then
echo "PHP Version ${PHP_VERSION} must be between ${MIN_VERSION} - ${MAX_VERSION}";
exit 1;
echo "PHP Version ${PHP_VERSION} is good!";
The following solution should more accurately addresses your exact need. It can be used to test whether the CURRENT version string falls between MIN and MAX. I am assuming that MIN and MAX are acceptable version numbers (i.e. MIN <= CURRENT <= MAX rather than MIN < CURRENT < MAX).
# Usage: version MIN CURRENT MAX
local h t v
[[ $2 = "$1" || $2 = "$3" ]] && return 0
v=$(printf '%s\n' "$#" | sort -V)
h=$(head -n1 <<<"$v")
t=$(tail -n1 <<<"$v")
[[ $2 != "$h" && $2 != "$t" ]]
For example...
if ! version 5.2.13 "$phpver" 5.3.15; then
echo "PHP Version $phpver must be between 5.2.13 - 5.3.15"
If you're on Bash 3 with an older version of sort (lookin at you macOS...), then I created the following helper script you can source in (can also be ran as a command):
I wrote this inelegant function a while back for a similar problem. vers_limit will return 0 if arg1 is less than or equal to arg2, non-0 otherwise:
while :
if [[ $PARTNEW -lt $PARTLMT ]]
elif [[ $PARTNEW -gt $PARTLMT ]]
if [[ $NXTNEW == $CHKNEW ]]
if [[ $NXTNEW == $CHKLMT ]]
if [[ $NXTLMT == $CHKLMT ]]
test "$PASSED"
This is not as compact as some of the other solutions here, nor does it provide 3-way status (i.e., less, equal, greater), though I believe one can order the arguments, interpret the pass/fail status, and/or call twice to accomplish any desired result. That said, vers_limit does have certain virtues:
No calls to external utilities such as sort, awk, gawk, tr, etc.
Handles numeric versions of arbitrary size (up to the shell's
limit for integer calculations)
Handles an arbitrary number of "dotted" parts.
v_php="$(php -v | head -1 | awk '{print $2}')"
[ ! "$v_php" = "$(echo -e "$v_php\n$v_min\n$v_max" | sort -V | head -2 | tail -1)" ] && {
echo "PHP Version $v_php must be between $v_min - $v_max"
This puts v_min, v_max and v_php in version order and tests if v_php is not in the middle.
I found my way to this page because I had the same problem. The other answers did not satisfy me, so I wrote this function.
So long as the 2 versions have the same number of periods in them this will compare the versions correctly.
It does a c style for loop, setting $i incrementally from 0 to # of numbers in the version string.
for each #:
if new - old is neg we know the first version is newer.
If new - old is pos we know the first version is older.
If new - old is 0 then it is the same and we need to continue checking.
We run false after to set exit status of the function for the case where $1 == $2 the versions are totally identical.
# $1 = new version
# $2 = installed version
IFS='.' read -r -a nver <<< "$1"
IFS='.' read -r -a iver <<< "$2"
for ((i = 0 ; i < "${#nver[#]}" ; i++)) ;do
case "$((${nver[i]}-${iver[i]}))" in
-*) return 1 ;;
0) ;;
*) return 0 ;;
checkupdate "$newver" "$installedver" && echo yes || echo no
Another method for SH
After I tried to implement my above function on Android I realized that I would not always have bash, so the above function did not work for me. Here is the version I wrote using awk to get around needing bash:
# $1 = new version
# $2 = installed version
#we start at 1 and go until number of . so we can use our counter as awk position
places=$(awk -F. '{print NF+1}' <<< "$1")
while (( "$i" < "$places" )) ;do
npos=$(awk -v pos=$i -F. '{print $pos}' <<< "$1")
ipos=$(awk -v pos=$i -F. '{print $pos}' <<< "$2")
case "$(( $npos - $ipos ))" in
-*) return 1 ;;
0) ;;
*) return 0 ;;

Unix - Count line inside two files and sum the value

I want to count how much line within 2 files. I create function to get the value for each file, and sum it.
Here is the code :
wc -l < ${SCRIPTDIR}/output/${OUTPUTFILE1}_${DATE}.csv
wc -l < ${SCRIPTDIR}/output/${OUTPUTFILE2}_${DATE}.csv
if [$(count_sus_pop)+$(count_waive_pop) -gt 2];
If the summation result greater than 2, assign "[POPULATION]" to variable pop, else pop is empty.
My code doesn't work. Please give me your suggestion
My suggestion is to just use:
total_lines=$(cat "${SCRIPTDIR}/output/${OUTPUTFILE1}_${DATE}.csv" "${SCRIPTDIR}/output/${OUTPUTFILE2}_${DATE}.csv" | wc -l)
if [[ $total_lines -gt 2 ]]; then
You have some basic syntax errors in your script - I would suggest using ShellCheck to fix those.
In terms of counting the combined number of lines, I would suggest this approach:
total_lines=$(cat "${SCRIPTDIR}/output/${OUTPUTFILE1}_${DATE}.csv" "${SCRIPTDIR}/output/${OUTPUTFILE2}_${DATE}.csv" | wc -l)
That is, use cat to combine the two files and use wc -l to obtain the total number of lines.
Your test would then be if [ "$total_lines" -gt 2 ] - note that the spaces are important.
you need spaces around [ and ]. And the test operator doesn't perform arithmetic, so you need to use the shell arithmetic operator $(( ))
if [ $(( $(count_sus_pop)+$(count_waive_pop) )) -gt 2 ]
or you can use bash's built-in `[[ ]]`` operator:
if [[ $(count_sus_pop)+$(count_waive_pop) -gt 2 ]];

Random number from a range in a Bash Script

I need to generate a random port number between 2000-65000 from a shell script. The problem is $RANDOM is a 15-bit number, so I'm stuck!
PORT=$(($RANDOM%63000+2001)) would work nicely if it wasn't for the size limitation.
Does anyone have an example of how I can do this, maybe by extracting something from /dev/urandom and getting it within a range?
shuf -i 2000-65000 -n 1
Edit: The range is inclusive.
On Mac OS X and FreeBSD you may also use jot:
jot -r 1 2000 65000
According to the bash man page, $RANDOM is distributed between 0 and 32767; that is, it is an unsigned 15-bit value. Assuming $RANDOM is uniformly distributed, you can create a uniformly-distributed unsigned 30-bit integer as follows:
Since your range is not a power of 2, a simple modulo operation will only almost give you a uniform distribution, but with a 30-bit input range and a less-than-16-bit output range, as you have in your case, this should really be close enough:
PORT=$(( ((RANDOM<<15)|RANDOM) % 63001 + 2000 ))
and here's one with Python
randport=$(python -S -c "import random; print random.randrange(2000,63000)")
and one with awk
awk 'BEGIN{srand();print int(rand()*(63000-2000))+2000 }'
The simplest general way that comes to mind is a perl one-liner:
perl -e 'print int(rand(65000-2000)) + 2000'
You could always just use two numbers:
PORT=$(($RANDOM + ($RANDOM % 2) * 32768))
You still have to clip to your range. It's not a general n-bit random number method, but it'll work for your case, and it's all inside bash.
If you want to be really cute and read from /dev/urandom, you could do this:
od -A n -N 2 -t u2 /dev/urandom
That'll read two bytes and print them as an unsigned int; you still have to do your clipping.
If you're not a bash expert and were looking to get this into a variable in a Linux-based bash script, try this:
VAR=$(shuf -i 200-700 -n 1)
That gets you the range of 200 to 700 into $VAR, inclusive.
Here's another one. I thought it would work on just about anything, but sort's random option isn't available on my centos box at work.
seq 2000 65000 | sort -R | head -n 1
Same with ruby:
echo $(ruby -e 'puts rand(20..65)') #=> 65 (inclusive ending)
echo $(ruby -e 'puts rand(20...65)') #=> 37 (exclusive ending)
Bash documentation says that every time $RANDOM is referenced, a random number between 0 and 32767 is returned. If we sum two consecutive references, we get values from 0 to 65534, which covers the desired range of 63001 possibilities for a random number between 2000 and 65000.
To adjust it to the exact range, we use the sum modulo 63001, which will give us a value from 0 to 63000. This in turn just needs an increment by 2000 to provide the desired random number, between 2000 and 65000. This can be summarized as follows:
port=$((((RANDOM + RANDOM) % 63001) + 2000))
# Generate random numbers and print the lowest and greatest found
test-random-max-min() {
for i in {1..10000}; do
port=$((((RANDOM + RANDOM) % 63001) + 2000))
echo -en "\r$port"
[[ "$port" -gt "$max" ]] && max="$port"
[[ "$port" -lt "$min" ]] && min="$port"
echo -e "\rMax: $max, min: $min"
# Sample output
# Max: 64990, min: 2002
# Max: 65000, min: 2004
# Max: 64970, min: 2000
Correctness of the calculation
Here is a full, brute-force test for the correctness of the calculation. This program just tries to generate all 63001 different possibilities randomly, using the calculation under test. The --jobs parameter should make it run faster, but it's not deterministic (total of possibilities generated may be lower than 63001).
test-all() {
start=$(date +%s)
find_start=$(date +%s)
total=0; ports=(); i=0
rm -f ports/ports.* ports.*
mkdir -p ports
while [[ "$total" -lt "$2" && "$all_found" != "yes" ]]; do
port=$((((RANDOM + RANDOM) % 63001) + 2000)); i=$((i+1))
if [[ -z "${ports[port]}" ]]; then
total=$((total + 1))
if [[ $((total % 1000)) == 0 ]]; then
echo -en "Elapsed time: $(($(date +%s) - find_start))s \t"
echo -e "Found: $port \t\t Total: $total\tIteration: $i"
find_start=$(date +%s)
echo "Job $1 finished after $i iterations in $(($(date +%s) - start))s."
[[ "$1" != "0" ]] && out="ports/$out"
echo "${ports[#]}" > "$out"
say-total() {
generated_ports=$(cat "$#" | tr ' ' '\n' | \sed -E s/'^([0-9]{4})$'/'0\1'/)
echo "Total generated: $(echo "$generated_ports" | sort | uniq | wc -l)."
total-single() { say-total "ports.0.txt"; }
total-jobs() { say-total "ports/"*; }
[[ "$1" != "--jobs" ]] && test-all 0 63001 && total-single && exit
for i in {1..1000}; do test-all "$i" 40000 & sleep 1; done && wait && total-jobs
For determining how many iterations are needed to get a given probability p/q of all 63001 possibilities having been generated, I believe we can use the expression below. For example, here is the calculation for a probability greater than 1/2, and here for greater than 9/10.
$RANDOM is a number between 0 and 32767. You want a port between 2000 and 65000. These are 63001 possible ports. If we stick to values of $RANDOM + 2000 between 2000 and 33500, we cover a range of 31501 ports. If we flip a coin and then conditionally add 31501 to the result, we can get more ports, from 33501 to 65001. Then if we just drop 65001, we get the exact coverage needed, with a uniform probability distribution for all ports, it seems.
random-port() {
while [[ not != found ]]; do
# 2000..33500
port=$((RANDOM + 2000))
while [[ $port -gt 33500 ]]; do
port=$((RANDOM + 2000))
# 2000..65001
[[ $((RANDOM % 2)) = 0 ]] && port=$((port + 31501))
# 2000..65000
[[ $port = 65001 ]] && continue
echo $port
while true; do
i=$((i + 1))
printf "\rIteration $i..."
printf "%05d\n" $(random-port) >> ports.txt
# Then later we check the distribution
sort ports.txt | uniq -c | sort -r
You can do this
cat /dev/urandom|od -N2 -An -i|awk -v f=2000 -v r=65000 '{printf "%i\n", f + r * $1 / 65536}'
If you need more details see Shell Script Random Number Generator.
PORT=$(($RANDOM%63000+2001)) is close to what you want I think.
PORT=$(($RANDOM$RANDOM$RANDOM%63000+2001)) gets around the size limitation that troubles you. Since bash makes no distinctions between a number variable and a string variable, this works perfectly well. The "number" $RANDOM can be concatenated like a string, and then used as a number in a calculation. Amazing!
Or on OS-X the following works for me:
$ gsort --random-sort
Generate random numbers in the range [$floor,$ceil), no dependence:
$(((RANDOM % $(($ceil- $floor))) + $floor))
Generate 100 numbers between 2000 to 65000:
for i in $(seq 100); do echo $(((RANDOM % $((65000 - 2000))) + 2000));done
You can get the random number through urandom
head -200 /dev/urandom | cksum
3310670062 52870
To retrieve the one part of the above number.
head -200 /dev/urandom | cksum | cut -f1 -d " "
Then the output is
To meet your requirement,
head -200 /dev/urandom |cksum | cut -f1 -d " " | awk '{print $1%63000+2001}'
This is how I usually generate random numbers. Then I use "NUM_1" as the variable for the port number I use. Here is a short example script.
echo 'Choose how many digits you want for port# (1-5)'
read PORT
NUM_1="$(tr -dc '0-9' </dev/urandom | head -c $PORT)"
echo "$NUM_1"
if [ "$PORT" -gt "5" ]
echo -e "\x1b[31m Choose a number between 1 and 5! \x1b[0m"
sleep 3
exit 0
This works for me:
you can add 1 if you want it to start from 1 instead of 0.
Generating 50 numbers in Bash from a range 100000000000-999999999999 and saving them into a file filename.csv
shuf -i 100000000000-999999999999 -n 50 -o filename.csv
If you need a range bigger than 15 bit, dont use the slow unsecure and outdated 15 bit RANDOM, use the fast and secure 32 bit SRANDOM.
SRANDOM are available since about 2021 bash 5.1 roll out.
"one interesting addition to note with Bash 5.1 is the new SRANDOM variable. The SRANDOM variable provides random data from the system's entropy engine and cannot be reseeded. In particular, the SRANDOM variable provides a 32-bit random number that relies upon getrandom/getentropy -- with fall-backs to /dev/urandom or arc4random or even another fallback after that if necessary."
See what are the different of RANDOM and SRANDOM in bash:
Difference between RANDOM and SRANDOM in Bash
Feel free to improve this answer.

In bash shell script how do I convert a string to an number [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How can I compare two floating point numbers in Bash?
(22 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
Hey I would like to convert a string to a number
#I would like to convert x to 0.80 to compare like such:
if[ $x -gt 0.70 ]; then
echo $x >> you_made_it.txt
Right now I get the error integer expression expected because I am trying to compare a string.
you can use bc
$ echo "0.8 > 0.7" | bc
$ echo "0.8 < 0.7" | bc
$ echo ".08 > 0.7" | bc
therefore you can check for 0 or 1 in your script.
If your values are guaranteed to be in the same form and range, you can do string comparisons:
if [[ $x > 0.70 ]]
echo "It's true"
This will fail if x is ".8" (no leading zero), for example.
However, while Bash doesn't understand decimals, its builtin printf can format them. So you could use that to normalize your values.
$ x=.8
$ x=$(printf %.2 $x)
$ echo $x
For some reason, this solution appeals to me:
if ! echo "$x $y -p" | dc | grep > /dev/null ^-; then
echo "$x > $y"
echo "$x < $y"
You'll need to be sure that $x and $y are valid (eg
contain only numbers and zero or one '.') and,
depending on how old your dc is, you may need to
specify something like '10k' to get it to
recognize non-integer values.
Here is my simple solution:
if [ $string \> $BaseLine ]
echo $string
echo "TOO SMALL"
use awk
result=$(awk -vx=$x -vy=$y 'BEGIN{ print x>=y?1:0}')
if [ "$result" -eq 1 ];then
echo "x more than y"
The bash language is best characterized as a full-featured macro processor, as such there is no difference between numbers and strings. The problem is that test(1) works on integers.
