How to replace nth field in a csv file with mapped value from another file? - bash

I have a csv file in the following format:
And a map file in the following format:
What I'm trying to accomplish is to replace the fields in columns 2,3 and 4 in the first csv files with the values they map to in the map file.
For example in the above case the final output I want is this:
What would be the best way to do this? I was trying to figure out a way using awk/sed but I'm not sure how to access multiple files inside awk, and if that is even the best way to do this. There will be a lot of repetitions since its a large file so I don't think checking for a mapping each time is the right way to do this.
Is there a way to store the map in to a hash table inside the shell script, and then replace using the hash mapping?

Try with:
awk '
BEGIN { FS = OFS = "," }
FNR == NR {
split($0, f, /:/)
map[f[1]] = f[2]
for (i=2; i<=4; i++) {
if ($i in map) { $i = map[$i] }
{ print }
' mapfile csvfile
It reads the map file first and saves data in an associative array that is compared with fields 2, 3 and 4 from the csv file. The result yields:

One pure Bash possibility (with Bash version≥4):
Slurp the map file in an associative array and process your csv file:
declare -A map=()
while IFS=: read -r k v; do
[[ -z "$k$v" ]] && continue # ignore empty lines
done < mapfile.txt
while read -r -a ary; do
[[ -z "${ary[#]}" ]] && continue # ignore empty lines
echo "${ary[*]}"
done < csvfile.txt
If the keys in your map file are non-negative integers, you don't need associative arrays, and just replace the line declare -A map=() with map=().
It might not be the most efficient since Bash is not the fastest to process data, but it works well!
Btw, there are no error checkings whatsoever, so be sure you apply this script to well-formated files.
On your example, this yields:

Perl solution. Hashes exist in the recent versions of bash, but I prefer a real programming language when working with them.
use warnings;
use strict;
open my $MAP, '<', '' or die $!;
my %map;
while (<$MAP>) {
my ($key, $value) = split /:/;
$map{$key} = $value;
open my $CSV, '<', '1.csv' or die $!;
while (<$CSV>) {
my #fields = split /,/;
s/(.*)/$map{$1}/ for #fields[1, 2, 3];
print join ',' => #fields;

Another awk
awk -F",|:" 'FNR==NR {a[$1]=$2;next} {print $1":"$2":"$3,a[$4],a[$5],a[$6],$7,$8,$9}' OFS=, map csv


how to replace delimiter value present within quotes as part of data in file

I want to replace delimiter which is part of data from each records. For Ex-
echo '"hi","how,are,you","bye"'|sed -nE 's/"([^,]*),([^,]*),([^,]*)"/"\1;\2;\3"/gp'
output -->
So, I am able to replace delimiter(comma in this case), which is present in data also with semi colon.
But the challenge is, in real time, we are not sure how many times delmiter will be present and also, it may come in multiple fields as well.
For Ex-
All these are valid records.
Can anyone help me out here. how can we write a generic code to handle this?
When working with anything but the most trivial CSV data, I prefer to use something that understands the format directly instead of messing with regular expressions to try to handle things like quoted fields. For example (Warning: Blatant self promotion ahead!), my tcl-based awk-like utility tawk, which I wrote in part to make it easier to manipulate CSV files:
 $ tawk -csv -quoteall '
line {
for {set n 1} {$n <= $NF} {incr n} {
set F($n) [string map {, \;} $F($n)]
}' input.csv
Or a perl approach using the Text::CSV_XS module:
$ perl -MText::CSV_XS -e '
my $csv = Text::CSV_XS->new({binary=>1, always_quote=>1});
while (my $row = $csv->getline(\*STDIN)) {
tr/,/;/ foreach #$row;
$csv->say(\*STDOUT, $row);
}' < input.csv
Assuming the data does not contain embedded double quotes ...
Sample data:
$ cat delim.dat
One awk idea whereby we replace , with ; in the even numbered fields:
awk '
BEGIN { FS=OFS="\"" }
{ for (i=2;i<=NF;i=i+2) gsub(",",";",$i) }
' delim.dat
This generates:

How to read excel file in shell script

I have an excel file which contains following values.I want to read those values from excel file and pass those values to execute my test.
Could you please anyone help how can i achieve that?
Using linux you have several choices, but none without using a script language and most likely installing an extra module.
Using Perl you could read Excel files i.e. with this module:
Using Python you might want to use:
And using Ruby you could go for:
So whatever you prefer, there are tools to help you.
CSV Format
If you can get your data as CSV (comma separated values) file, then it is even easier, because no extra modules are needed.
For example in Perl, you could use Split function. Now that i roughly know the format of your CSV file, let me give you a simple sample:
use strict;
use warnings;
# put full path to your csv file here
my $file = "/Users/daniel/dev/perl/test.csv";
# open file and read data
open(my $data, '<', $file) or die "Could not read '$file' $!\n";
# loop through all lines of data
while (my $line = <$data>) {
# one line
chomp $line;
# split fields from line by comma
my #fields = split "," , $line;
# get size of split array
my $size = $#fields + 1;
# loop through all fields in array
for (my $i=0; $i < $size; $i++) {
# first element should be user
my $user = $fields[$i];
print "User is $user";
# now check if there is another field following
if (++$i < $size) {
# second field should be loop
my $loop = $fields[$i];
print ", Loop is $loop";
# now here you can call your command
# i used "echo" as test, replace it with whatever
system("echo", $user, $loop);
} else {
# got only user but no loop
print "NO LOOP FOR USER?";
print "\n";
So this goes through all lines of your CSV file looks for User,Loop pairs and passes them to a system command. For this sample i used echo but you should replace this with your command.
Looks like i did you homework :D

Parse out key=value pairs into variables

I have a bunch of different kinds of files I need to look at periodically, and what they have in common is that the lines have a bunch of key=value type strings. So something like:
Version=2 Len=17 Hello Var=Howdy Other
I would like to be able to reference the names directly from awk... so something like:
cat some_file | ... | awk '{print Var, $5}' # prints Howdy Other
How can I go about doing that?
The closest you can get is to parse the variables into an associative array first thing every line. That is to say,
awk '{ delete vars; for(i = 1; i <= NF; ++i) { n = index($i, "="); if(n) { vars[substr($i, 1, n - 1)] = substr($i, n + 1) } } Var = vars["Var"] } { print Var, $5 }'
More readably:
delete vars; # clean up previous variable values
for(i = 1; i <= NF; ++i) { # walk through fields
n = index($i, "="); # search for =
if(n) { # if there is one:
# remember value by name. The reason I use
# substr over split is the possibility of
# something like Var=foo=bar=baz (that will
# be parsed into a variable Var with the
# value "foo=bar=baz" this way).
vars[substr($i, 1, n - 1)] = substr($i, n + 1)
# if you know precisely what variable names you expect to get, you can
# assign to them here:
Var = vars["Var"]
Version = vars["Version"]
Len = vars["Len"]
print Var, $5 # then use them in the rest of the code
$ cat file | sed -r 's/[[:alnum:]]+=/\n&/g' | awk -F= '$1=="Var"{print $2}'
Howdy Other
Or, avoiding the useless use of cat:
$ sed -r 's/[[:alnum:]]+=/\n&/g' file | awk -F= '$1=="Var"{print $2}'
Howdy Other
How it works
sed -r 's/[[:alnum:]]+=/\n&/g'
This places each key,value pair on its own line.
awk -F= '$1=="Var"{print $2}'
This reads the key-value pairs. Since the field separator is chosen to be =, the key ends up as field 1 and the value as field 2. Thus, we just look for lines whose first field is Var and print the corresponding value.
Since discussion in commentary has made it clear that a pure-bash solution would also be acceptable:
''|[0-3].*) echo "ERROR: Bash 4.0 required" >&2; exit 1;;
while read -r -a words; do # iterate over lines of input
declare -A vars=( ) # refresh variables for each line
set -- "${words[#]}" # update positional parameters
for word; do
if [[ $word = *"="* ]]; then # if a word contains an "="...
vars[${word%%=*}]=${word#*=} # ...then set it as an associative-array key
echo "${vars[Var]} $5" # Here, we use content read from that line.
done <<<"Version=2 Len=17 Hello Var=Howdy Other"
The <<<"Input Here" could also be <file.txt, in which case lines in the file would be iterated over.
If you wanted to use $Var instead of ${vars[Var]}, then substitute printf -v "${word%%=*}" %s "${word*=}" in place of vars[${word%%=*}]=${word#*=}, and remove references to vars elsewhere. Note that this doesn't allow for a good way to clean up variables between lines of input, as the associative-array approach does.
I will try to explain you a very generic way to do this which you can adapt easily if you want to print out other stuff.
Assume you have a string which has a format like this:
key1=value1 key2=value2 key3=value3
or more generic
With fs1 and fs2 two different field separators.
You would like to make a selection or some operations with these values. To do this, the easiest is to store these in an associative array:
array["key1"] => value1
array["key2"] => value2
array["key3"] => value3
array["key1","full"] => "key1=value1"
array["key2","full"] => "key2=value2"
array["key3","full"] => "key3=value3"
This can be done with the following function in awk:
function str2map(str,fs1,fs2,map, n,tmp) {
for (;n>0;n--) {
map[tmp[1]]=tmp[2]; map[tmp[1],"full"]=map[n]
delete map[n]
So, after processing the string, you have the full flexibility to do operations in any way you like:
awk '
function str2map(str,fs1,fs2,map, n,tmp) {
for (;n>0;n--) {
map[tmp[1]]=tmp[2]; map[tmp[1],"full"]=map[n]
delete map[n]
{ str2map($0," ","=",map) }
{ print map["Var","full"] }
' file
The advantage of this method is that you can easily adapt your code to print any other key you are interested in, or even make selections based on this, example:
(map["Version"] < 3) { print map["var"]/map["Len"] }
The simplest and easiest way is to use the string substitution like this:
echo "'$name' : '$value'"
The output is:
'' : '1234567890=='
Using bash's set command, we can split the line into positional parameters like awk.
For each word, we'll try to read a name value pair delimited by =.
When we find a value, assign it to the variable named $key using bash's printf -v feature.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
line='Version=2 Len=17 Hello Var=Howdy Other'
set $line
for word in "$#"; do
IFS='=' read -r key val <<< "$word"
test -n "$val" && printf -v "$key" "$val"
echo "$Var $5"
Howdy Other
an awk-based solution that doesn't require manually checking the fields to locate the desired key pair :
approach being avoid splitting unnecessary fields or arrays - only performing regex match via function call when needed
only returning FIRST occurrence of input key value. Subsequent matches along the row are NOT returned
i just called it S() cuz it's the closest letter to $
I only included an array (_) of the 3 test values for demo purposes. Those aren't needed. In fact, no state information is being kept at all
caveat being : key-match must be exact - this version of the code isn't for case-insensitive or fuzzy/agile matching
Tested and confirmed working on
- gawk 5.1.1
- mawk 1.3.4
- mawk-2/
- macos nawk
# gawk profile, created Fri May 27 02:07:53 2022
{m,n,g}awk '
function S(__,_) {
return \
! match($(_=_<_), "(^|["(_="[:blank:]]")")"(__)"[=][^"(_)"*") \
? "^$" \
: substr(__=substr($-_, RSTART, RLENGTH), index(__,"=")+_^!_)
BEGIN { OFS = "\f" # This array is only for testing
_["Version"] _["Len"] _["Var"] # purposes. Feel free to discard at will
} {
for (__ in _) {
print __, S(__) } }'
So either call the fields in BAU fashion
- $5, $0, $NF, etc
or call S(QUOTED_KEY_VALUE), case-sensitive, like
As a safeguard, to prevent mis-interpreting null strings
or invalid inputs as $0, a non-match returns ^$
instead of empty string
S("Version") to get back 2.
As a bonus, it can safely handle values in multibyte unicode, both for values and even for keys, regardless of whether ur awk is UTF-8-aware or not :
1 ✜
2 Version
3 Var
4 Len
5 ✜=🤡 Version=2 Len=17 Hello Var=Howdy Other
I know this is particularly regarding awk but mentioning this as many people come here for solutions to break down name = value pairs ( with / without using awk as such).
I found below way simple straight forward and very effective in managing multiple spaces / commas as well -
change="foo=red bar=green baz=blue"
#use below if var is in CSV (instead of space as delim)
change=`echo $change | tr ',' ' '`
for change in $changes; do
set -- `echo $change | tr '=' ' '`
echo "variable name == $1 and variable value == $2"
#can assign value to a variable like below
eval my_var_$1=$2;

Using sed on text files with a csv

I've been trying to do bulk find and replace on two text files using a csv. I've seen the questions that SO suggests, and none seem to answer my question.
I've created two variables for the two text files I want to modify. The csv has two columns and hundreds of rows. The first column contains strings (none have whitespaces) already in the text file that need to be replaced with the corresponding strings in same row in the second column.
As a test, I tried the script
sed -e "s/$find/$replace/g" $test1 > $test1.tmp && mv $test1.tmp $test1
This was successful, except that I need to do it once for every row in the csv, using the values given by the csv in each row. My hunch is that my while loop was used wrongly, but I can't find the error. When I execute the script below, I get the command line prompt, which makes me think that something has happened. When I check the text files, nothing's changed.
The two text files, this script, and the csv are all in the same folder (it's also been my working directory when I do this).
while IFS=, read f1 f2
sed -e "s/$f1/$f2/g" $textfile1 > $textfile1.tmp && \
mv $textfile1.tmp $textfile1
sed -e "s/$f1/$f2/g" $textfile2 > $textfile2.tmp && \
mv $textfile2.tmp $textfile2
done <'findreplace.csv'
It seems to me that this code should do what I want it to do (but doesn't); perhaps I'm misunderstanding something fundamental (I'm new to bash scripting)?
The csv looks like this, but with hundreds of rows. All a_i's should be replaced with their counterpart b_i in the next column over.
a_1 b_1
a_2 b_2
a_3 b_3
Something to note: All the strings actually contain underscores, just in case this affects something. I've tried wrapping the variable name in braces a la ${var}, but it still doesn't work.
I appreciate the solutions, but I'm also curious to know why the above doesn't work. (Also, I would vote everyone up, but I lack the reputation to do so. However, know that I appreciate and am learning a lot from your answers!)
If you are going to process lot of data and your patterns can contain a special character I would consider using Perl. Especially if you are going to have a lot of pairs in findreplace.csv. You can use following script as filter or in-place modification with lot of files. As side effect, it will load replacements and create Aho-Corrasic automaton only once per invocation which will make this solution pretty efficient (O(M+N) instead of O(M*N) in your solution).
use strict;
use warnings;
use autodie;
my $in_place = ( #ARGV and $ARGV[0] =~ /^-i(.*)/ )
? do {
my $backup_extension = $1;
my $backup_name = $backup_extension =~ /\*/
? sub { ( my $fn = $backup_extension ) =~ s/\*/$_[0]/; $fn }
: sub { shift . $backup_extension };
my $oldargv = '-';
sub {
if ( $ARGV ne $oldargv ) {
rename( $ARGV, $backup_name->($ARGV) );
open( ARGVOUT, '>', $ARGV );
$oldargv = $ARGV;
: sub { };
die "$0: File with replacements required." unless #ARGV;
my ( $re, %replace );
do {
my $filename = shift;
open my $fh, '<', $filename;
%replace = map { chomp; split ',', $_, 2 } <$fh>;
close $fh;
$re = join '|', map quotemeta, keys %replace;
$re = qr/($re)/;
while (<>) {
continue {print}
./ replace.csv < >file.out
as well as
./ replace.csv >file.out
or in-place
./ -i replace.csv file1.csv file2.csv file3.csv
or with backup
./ -i.orig replace.csv file1.csv file2.csv file3.csv
or with backup whit placeholder
./\*.original replace.csv file1.csv file2.csv file3.csv
You should convert your CSV file to a sed.script with the following command:
cat replace.csv | awk -F, '{print "s/" $1 "/" $2 "/g";}' > sed.script
And then you will be able to do a one pass replacement:
sed -i -f sed.script longfilename.txt
This will be a faster implementation of what you wanna do.
BTW, sorry, but I do not understand what is wrong with your script which should work except if your CSV file has more than 2 columns.

Bash script processing too slow

I have the following script where I'm parsing 2 csv files to find a MATCH the files have 10000 lines each one. But the processing is taking a long time!!! Is this normal?
My script:
sort -t';' $CSV_FILE1 >> Sorted_CSV1
sort -t';' $CSV_FILE2 >> Sorted_CSV2
echo "PATH1 ; NAME1 ; SIZE1 ; CKSUM1 ; PATH2 ; NAME2 ; SIZE2 ; CKSUM2" >> 'mapping.csv'
while read lineCSV1 #Parse 1st CSV file
PATH1=`echo $lineCSV1 | awk '{print $1}'`
NAME1=`echo $lineCSV1 | awk '{print $3}'`
SIZE1=`echo $lineCSV1 | awk '{print $7}'`
CKSUM1=`echo $lineCSV1 | awk '{print $9}'`
while read lineCSV2 #Parse 2nd CSV file
PATH2=`echo $lineCSV2 | awk '{print $1}'`
NAME2=`echo $lineCSV2 | awk '{print $3}'`
SIZE2=`echo $lineCSV2 | awk '{print $7}'`
CKSUM2=`echo $lineCSV2 | awk '{print $9}'`
if [[ $NAME1 == $NAME2 ]]; then
if [[ $CKSUM1 != $CKSUM2 ]]; then
echo $PATH1 ';' $NAME1 ';' $SIZE1 ';' $CKSUM1 ';' $PATH2 ';' $NAME2 ';' $SIZE2 ';' $CKSUM2 >> 'mapping.csv'
break #When its a match break the while loop and go the the next Row of the 1st CSV File
done < Sorted_CSV2 #Done CSV2
done < Sorted_CSV1 #Done CSV1
This is a quadratic order. Also, see Tom Fenech comment: You are calling awk several times inside a loop inside another loop. Instead of using awk for the fields in every line try setting the IFS shell variable to ";" and read the fields directly in read commands:
while read FIELD11 FIELD12 FIELD13; do
while read FIELD21 FIELD22 FIELD23; do
done <Sorted_CSV2
done <Sorted_CSV1
Though, this would be still O(N^2) and very inefficient. It seems you are matching 2 fields by a coincident field. This task is easier and faster to accomplish by using join command line utility, and would reduce order from O(N^2) to O(N).
Whenever you say "Does this file/data list/table have something that matches this file/data list/table?", you should think of associative arrays (sometimes called hashes).
An associative array is keyed by a particular value and each key is associated with a value. The nice thing is that finding a key is extremely fast.
In your loop of a loop, you have 10,000 lines in each file. You're outer loop executed 10,000 times. Your inner loop may execute 10,000 times for each and every line in your first file. That's 10,000 x 10,000 times you go through that inner loop. That's potentially looping 100 million times through that inner loop. Think you can see why your program might be a little slow?
In this day and age, having a 10,000 member associative array isn't that bad. (Imagine doing this back in 1980 on a MS-DOS system with 256K. It just wouldn't work). So, let's go through the first file, create a 10,000 member associative array, and then go through the second file looking for matching lines.
Bash 4.x has associative arrays, but I only have Bash 3.2 on my system, so I can't really give you an answer in Bash.
Besides, sometimes Bash isn't the answer to a particular issue. Bash can be a bit slow and the syntax can be error prone. Awk might be faster, but many versions don't have associative arrays. This is really a job for a higher level scripting language like Python or Perl.
Since I can't do a Bash answer, here's a Perl answer. Maybe this will help. Or, maybe this will inspire someone who has Bash 4.x can give an answer in Bash.
I Basically open the first file and create an associative array keyed by the checksum. If this is a sha1 checksum, it should be unique for all files (unless they're an exact match). If you don't have a sha1 checksum, you'll need to massage the structure a wee bit, but it's pretty much the same idea.
Once I have the associative array figured out, I then open file #2 and simply see if the checksum already exists in the file. If it does, I know I have a matching line, and print out the two matches.
I have to loop 10,000 times in the first file, and 10,000 times in the second. That's only 20,000 loops instead of 10 million that's 20,000 times less looping which means the program will run 20,000 times faster. So, if it takes 2 full days for your program to run with a double loop, an associative array solution will work in less than one second.
#! /usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use autodie;
use feature qw(say);
use constant {
FILE1 => "file1.txt",
FILE2 => "file2.txt",
MATCHING => "csv_matches.txt",
# Open the first file and create the associative array
my %file_data;
open my $fh1, "<", FILE1;
while ( my $line = <$fh1> ) {
chomp $line;
my ( $path, $blah, $name, $bather, $yadda, $tl_dr, $size, $etc, $check_sum ) = split /\s+/, $line;
# The main key is "check_sum" which **should** be unique, especially if it's a sha1
$file_data{$check_sum}->{PATH} = $path;
$file_data{$check_sum}->{NAME} = $name;
$file_data{$check_sum}->{SIZE} = $size;
close $fh1;
# Now, we have the associative array keyed by the data we want to match, read file 2
open my $fh2, "<", FILE2;
open my $csv_fh, ">", MATCHING;
while ( my $line = <$fh2> ) {
chomp $line;
my ( $path, $blah, $name, $bather, $yadda, $tl_dr, $size, $etc, $check_sum ) = split /\s+/, $line;
# If there is a matching checksum in file1, we know we have a matching entry
if ( exists $file_data{$check_sum} ) {
printf {$csv_fh} "%s;%s:%s:%s:%s:%s\n",
$file_data{$check_sum}->{PATH}, $file_data{$check_sum}->{NAME}, $file_data{$check_sum}->{SIZE},
$path, $name, $size;
close $fh2;
close $csv_fh;
(A good manpage always list issues!)
This assumes one match per file. If you have multiple duplicates in file1 or file2, you will only pick up the last one.
This assumes a sha256 or equivalent checksum. In such a checksum, it is extremely unlikely that two files will have the same checksum unless they match. A 16bit checksum from the historic sum command may have collisions.
Although a proper database engine would make a much better tool for this, it is still very well possible to do it with awk.
The trick is to sort your data, so that records with the same name are grouped together. Then a single pass from top to bottom is enough to find the matches. This can be done in linear time.
In detail:
Insert two columns in both CSV files
Make sure every line starts with the name. Also add a number (either 1 or 2) which denotes from which file the line originates. We will need this when we merge the two files together.
awk -F';' '{ print $2 ";1;" $0 }' csvfile1 > tmpfile1
awk -F';' '{ print $2 ";2;" $0 }' csvfile2 > tmpfile2
Concatenate the files, then sort the lines
sort tmpfile1 tmpfile2 > tmpfile3
Scan the result, report the mismatches
awk -F';' -f scan.awk tmpfile3
Where scan.awk contains:
origin = 3;
$1 == name && $2 > origin && $6 != checksum {
print record;
name = $1;
origin = $2;
checksum = $6;
sub(/^[^;]*;.;/, "");
record = $0;
Putting it all together
Crammed together into a Bash oneliner, without explicit temporary files:
(awk -F';' '{print $2";1;"$0}' csvfile1 ; awk -F';' '{print $2";2;"$0}' csvfile2) | sort | awk -F';' 'BEGIN{origin=3}$1==name&&$2>origin&&$6!=checksum{print record}{name=$1;origin=$2;checksum=$6;sub(/^[^;]*;.;/,"");record=$0;}'
If the same name appears more than once in csvfile1, then all but the last one are ignored.
If the same name appears more than once in csvfile2, then all but the first one are ignored.
