How to prevent PHP's propagating session id from interfering ajax request - ajax

I am experimenting with PHP's use_trans_sid.
I set use_trans_sid to 1.
With that, PHP will propagate session id to urls and forms.
In my case, I have ajax requests. Each request being sent to a controller (Yii controller). The controller will respond in json objects.
If the json object contain a form, PHP will insert a hidden variable (input type hidden). Somehow, this insertion interfering the ajax request, it causes the ajax request to fail.
Is there a way to make ajax request success with such insertion?


Laravel Session data not written/update/availabe in View when using AJAX

When I add things to the Session with Session::put() in my controller action, then that data is not available in my view, with Session::get() when doing AJAX request.
The same problem goes for the Former package, which I use for nice form building. It relies on passing some info via the Session, which is used to mark fields as valid/invalid. This functionality is also not working when using AJAX.
I set a view like always, in my View:
$this->layout->content = View::make('account.login')
For AJAX requests, I do NOT render the normal way with layout, but instead get the specific "content" section of the template and return it:
When I do a "normal" request, then Session data works fine.
When I do an AJAX request, then Session data set in the controller DURING the AJAX call is ignored. Any Session data set BEFORE the AJAX call is available.
I'm wondering if Laravel has some issue with Session under AJAX calls, or with the the "renderSection()" method above?
I have checked all the obvious problems:
AJAX request uses the same session ID as non-AJAX request.
GET/POST verbs are used correctly etc.
In CONTROLLER action: Session:put('foo','bar');
In VIEW file (in the content part): Session:put('foo2','bar2');
In VIEW file (in the content part): var_dump(Session::get('foo','bar')); // Returns 'bar' in non-AJAX calls, but returns nothing for AJAX calls (!!!)
In VIEW file (in the content part): var_dump(Session::get('foo2')); // Returns 'bar2' in both AJAX and non-AJAX calls as expected.
It seems like the Session values set in the controller action ARE LOST when it renders the view. Therefore my question if this is 1) an AJAX vs. SESSION issue in Laravel, or 2) an Session vs. renderElement() problem that I am not aware of?
I had the same problem and just found a potential solution:
I found a similar problem relating to laravel 3. For the session to persist in an ajax call you need to return the response correctly.
return json_encode($response);
This is causing the problem. It's not it appears a valid response to enable the session to persist. Change it to:
return Response::json($response);
This enables the session to persist!
For some reason a normal form submit or call to the method allows the first one but ajax does not.
I've seen references elsewhere about echo statements in the method affecting the session - the return I suppose must behaving similar to an echo
This is the post that triggered the solution:

failed to return AJAX call when use_session_sid

I am trying to use php's use_trans_sid, so I will have phpsessid in all urls.
But, when I set use_trans_sid to 1, AJAX call did not get result properly.
Somehow the result truncated.
When I set use_trans_sid back to 0, AJAX call get result properly again.
What would be the problem?
I am using the Yii framework.
Check ajax url requests when use_trans_sid=1, if they haven't phpsessid var than you need manually add it to request url as GET parameter.
use_trans_sid=1 rewrites only page url, not js and ajax. When it using, PHP try to find session id in get parameter, if not found - created new session.
When you using use_trans_sid=0 ajax works, because PHP work over cookie session id
I have set php's use_trans_sid to 1.
With that, PHP will insert code to propagate session id.
In my case, PHP inserted a hidden variable in a form which has been encoded into json object.
As the result, ajax call get it as a request error (it did not get a json object).
I confirmed this by replacing the form with string like 'Hello'.
With that, PHP did not insert code to propagate session id. And ajax call get it as a good json object.
Now the problem has changed into 'how to make such interruption from PHP will not interfere ajax call?'

Codeigniter method ajax issue related to url

I have a controller where i have a method called index.
In this method i am retrieveing data from database and using a paging library setting variables for view for paging. When i add a new record i am hitting another function using ajax. There after insertion i call
Now in index i am checking a condition
//dont load header and footer
but the problem is that when i come to index from my save function it looses the ajax request and my condition in index function in not checked and header and footer is always loaded. I want the ajax request still be available even if i jump from one method of codeigniter to another? Any suggestion? Or alter native.
Because i dont want to create another function where create the paging again with header and footer ommited.
Something that might be useful is CodeIgniter's session class which has a flashdata method. Flashdata is a bit of session data that is only stored for the next server request, then it is deleted.
In your save function, you could have this at the end:
$this->session->set_flashdata('ajax', true);
and as part of the condition in your index function, you could have:
if($this->input->is_ajax_request() || $this->session->flashdata('item')){
//dont load header and footer
This would then check that the request was actually an ajax request OR that a session variable has been temporarily set to tell CodeIgniter that it should be treated like an ajax request.

Zend_Form csrf validation for ajax queries

Here is how I add the csrf to the form
$this->addElement('hash', 'csrf', array('ignore' => false));
When this happens the session is created, Then when the user sends an ajax request, the values in the request are validated by creating an instance of the form, and the form is always valid for the first ajax request since the beginning of initial request which created the html output,
When the ajax request has been sent for the second time something different happens,
That instance of the form has a different csrf value than the originally made one, and when my code is done, the originally created session is destroyed as well, so there is no session to check the received the values against, and hence the form doesn't validated and the following error occurs.
No token was provided to match against
Any ideas at which event, the csrf values of the form are automatically stored in the session?
The hash value is generated at render time and invalidated after the each request.
If you want to continue using Zend_Form_Element_Hash in your AJAX form where the form may submit several times, your AJAX response should include the new hash value. Upon receiving the response, you should update the form data.
There s a solution without any to render in the view : Totaly ajax !
How to use Zend Framework Form Hash (token) with AJAX

How to send a single Ajax request instead of two

I have a JSP page which has a form with an input text. When I submit, it goes to a servlet. The servlet processes and creates some objects and sets in request using request.setAttribute(). It then forwards to a page which has some custom JSP tags which use the objects set in servlet.
I want to replace this by Ajax. I have implemented it as follows:
First, the form is submitted through Ajax using POST, the objects which were set earlier using request.setAttribute() are converted to JSON string and sent as response. On success, there is another Ajax GET call to a JSP page which has my custom tags and the JSON string is passed as parameter. The response of this Ajax call is set inside a div.
But it are two Ajax requests. How can I make it a single Ajax request instead?
As per the comments, you just need to let the first request forward to the desired JSP instead of returning the JSON string which you in turn pass back to the JSP.
request.getRequestDispatcher("/WEB-INF/next.jsp?jsonstring=" + jsonstring).forward(request, response);
