Using SimpleTemplate in Bottle - template-engine

I'm new in Frameworks like Bottle and working through the Documentation/Tutorial.
Now I got a Problem with the Template-Engine:
I have a file called index.tpl in my folder views. (it's plain html)
When I use the following Code, it works to display my html:
from bottle import Bottle, SimpleTemplate, run, template
app = Bottle()
def index():
return template('index')
run(app, debug=True)
Now I want to implement this engine in my project and dont want to use template()
I want to use it as it stands in the documentation, like:
tpl = SimpleTemplate('index')
def index():
return tpl.render()
But if I do so, the Browser shows me just a white page with the word
written, instead of loading the template.
In the documentation, there is no further information on how I use this OO approach.
I just couldn't figure out why this happens and how I have to do it right...

Here's a nice, simple solution in the spirit of your original question:
tpl = SimpleTemplate(name='views/index.tpl') # note the change here
def index():
return tpl.render()


Django rest framework question: Using TestCase I'm not understanding using fixtures

I'm confused about factories.
def a_api_request_factory():
return APIRequestFactory()
class TestUserProfileDetailView(TestCase):
def test_create_userprofile(self, up=a_user_profile, rf=a_api_request_factory):
"""creates an APIRequest and uses an instance of UserProfile from a_user_profile to test a view user_detail_view"""
request = rf().get('/api/userprofile/') # the problem line
request.user = up.user
response = userprofile_detail_view(request)
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
self.assertEqual(['user'], up.user.username)
if I take out the parens from rf().get.... then I get
"function doesn't have a get attribute".
If I call it directly then it gives me:
"Fixture "a_api_request_factory" called directly. Fixtures are not
meant to be called directly, but are created automatically when test
functions request them as parameters. See for more information
about fixtures, and
about how to update your code."
I do believe I've hit every combination of with or without parens in all relevant locations. Where do the parens go for fixtures?
Or better yet is there a pattern to avoid this type of confusion completely?

How to check that a PDF file has some link with Ruby/Rspec?

I am using prawnpdf/pdf-inspector to test that content of a PDF generated in my Rails app is correct.
I would want to check that the PDF file contains a link with certain URL. I looked at yob/pdf-reader but haven't found any useful information related to this topic
Is it possible to test URLs within PDF with Ruby/RSpec?
I would want the following:
expect(urls_in_pdf(pdf)).to include ''
The contains a method for each page called text.
Do something like
pdf ="tmp/pdf.pdf")
assert pdf.pages[0].text.include? ''
assuming what you are looking for is at the first page
Since pdf-inspector seems only to return text, you could try to use the pdf-reader directly (pdf-inspector uses it anyways).
reader ="somefile.pdf")
reader.pages.each do |page|
puts page.raw_content # This should also give you the link
Anyway I only did a quick look at the github page. I am not sure what raw_content exactly returns. But there is also a low-level method to directly access the objects of the pdf:
reader ="somefile.pdf")
puts reader.objects.inspect
With that it surely is possible to get the url.

Avoid repeated calls to an API in Jekyll Ruby plugin

I have written a Jekyll plugin to display the number of pageviews on a page by calling the Google Analytics API using the garb gem. The only trouble with my approach is that it makes a call to the API for each page, slowing down build time and also potentially hitting the user call limits on the API.
It would be possible to return all the data in a single call and store it locally, and then look up the pageview count from each page, but my Jekyll/Ruby-fu isn't up to scratch. I do not know how to write the plugin to run once to get all the data and store it locally where my current function could then access it, rather than calling the API page by page.
Basically my code is written as a liquid block that can be put into my page layout:
class GoogleAnalytics < Liquid::Block
def initialize(tag_name, markup, tokens)
super # options that appear in block (between tag and endtag)
#options = markup # optional optionss passed in by opening tag
def render(context)
path = super
# Read in credentials and authenticate
cred = YAML.load_file("/home/cboettig/.garb_auth.yaml")
Garb::Session.api_key = cred[:api_key]
token = Garb::Session.login(cred[:username], cred[:password])
profile = Garb::Management::Profile.all.detect {|p| p.web_property_id == cred[:ua]}
# place query, customize to modify results
data = Exits.results(profile,
:filters => {:page_path.eql => path},
:start_date => Chronic.parse("2011-01-01"))
Full version of my plugin is here
How can I move all the calls to the API to some other function and make sure jekyll runs that once at the start, and then adjust the tag above to read that local data?
EDIT Looks like this can be done with a Generator and writing the data to a file. See example on this branch Now I just need to figure out how to subset the results:
To store the data, I had to:
Write a Generator class (see Jekyll wiki plugins) to call the API.
Convert data to a hash (for easy lookup by path, see 5):
result = Hash[data.collect{|row| [row.page_path, [row.exits, row.pageviews]]}]
Write the data hash to a JSON file.
Read in the data from the file in my existing Liquid block class.
Note that the block tag works from the _includes dir, while the generator works from the root directory.
Match the page path, easy once the data is converted to a hash:
Code for the full plugin, showing how to create the generator and write files, etc, here
And thanks to Sija on GitHub for help on this.

How do I load and cache data into a app that's accessible in multiple functions without using global variables?

I have a app that should load some data, parts of which get served depending on specific routes. (This is similar to memcached in principle, except the data isn't that big and I don't want the extra complexity.) I can load the data into global variables which are accessible from each function I write, but this seems less clean. Is there any way to load some data into a Bottle() instance during initialization?
You can do it by using bottle.default_app
Here's simple example. (used sample code from
import bottle
from bottle import route, run, template
app = bottle.default_app()
app.myvar = "Hello there!" # add new variable to app
def index(name='World'):
return template('<b>Hello {{name}}</b>!', name=name)
run(app, host='localhost', port=8080)
import bottle
def show_var_from_app():
var_from_app = bottle.default_app().myvar
return var_from_app

render individual file in middleman

I am writing a helper and I need to get a rendered file as String.
I see that the method that I need exists in the middleman's library:
How do I call this function from my helper class?
I tried:
require "middleman-core/lib/middleman-core/core_extensions/rendering.rb"
puts Middleman::CoreExtensions::Rendering::InstanceMethods.render_individual_file(filepath)
But it does not seem to find the file, any idea?
I'm not sure 3.0 beta is quite ready for primetime.
That said, it does sound like the partial method is what you're looking for.
Unless I'm missing something, the Middleman method seems like an overly-complex solution. For one of my sites I wanted to load entire text files into my templates, so I wrote this helper:
# Shortcut for loading raw text files. Obviously assumes that given file is in a valid format.
# #return [String] File contents
def load_textfile(filename) filename.to_s
Also, you should clarify if you are intending to use this within a template, or within Ruby code. It's not clear to me based on your question.
Here is an example of how one would use above helper:
Currently of note, Middleman is in the process of transitioning to version 4, and the conventions for loading helpers will change. The most straightforward way to define a helper is within a helper block in your config.rb file, as follows:
helpers do
# Define helper functions here to make them available in templates
I use Slim for templating. It really is the best. In slim you would appply helper as thus:
= load_textfile 'path'
p You can embed helper output in your page with interpolation, too: #{load_textfile 'path'}
