having problems publishing with web deploy with VS2013 but not VS2010 - visual-studio-2010

We have moved from Visual Studio 2010 to 2013 and take make thing more complicated, we moved tfs servers. I note the second part since that allows me to still test the 2010 code and see that I don't have any issues publishing. When I try to publish with 2013 I'm getting this message:
These are the settings I successfully deploy with on 2010:
These are the settings I attempt with 2013:
As you can see from the checkmark, it validates with these settings.
Initially 2013 brought over my profile from 2010. I ended up deleting that profile and creating a new one to see if that resolved it.
This is the settings screen in case if helps any:
Anyone have any suggestions? I'm stuck and I have no idea where to go from here.

Per this post: Visual Studio 2013 Web Deploy fails
I took a shot and renamed the Microsoft.Web.Publishing.Targets to .old and then reran the upload. I got past this error though I got another one not related to this issue.
Hope this helps someone!


Go to Definition not working Visual Studio 2019 Tried everything no luck

I have visual studio 2019 version 16.4.5 in C# and up until a few days ago, everything was working fine. However this week I just can't go to any step definition unless I do a find in the project which is very time consuming on such a large project. I used to be able to F12 into any step definition I wanted so not sure where it's gone wrong. I haven't downloaded anything new recently which I think could affect it.
I have Resharper and Specflow installed and ensured they were up to date and followed various guides to ensure these have been set up correctly with the right options.
I have tried deleting the hidden .vs folder in hopes that might help but nothing.
I'm unable to delete and reinstall visual studio 2019 as I do not have admin rights.
Everything checks out but I'm not sure what else to try. Any help would be much appreciated. TIA

TFS Error - Unexpected End of File

When I open Visual Studio and attempt to connect to TFS, I get the following error message:
Unexpected end of file.
I've found a handful of places online (like here and here) where people have run into similar situations but clearing the Team Foundation cache as recommended doesn't solve the issue.
I even completely uninstalled Visual Studio Enterprise 2015 and installed Visual Studio Enterprise 2017 and still get the same error.
I recently created a new TFS instance on another server for testing out some automated build features without messing with our current setup and can connect to the new TFS instance just fine.
What would cause this error?
First you could use another machine with VS installed to connect the same TFS under your account. This will narrow down if the issue only occurs on your local machine or not.
You could try to clear both TFS and VS cache issue.(You may not uninstalled the previous VS clearly).
For TFS cache:
close all instances of Visual Studio on the client machine,
manually delete the corresponding Tfs client cache folder, and then
start Visual Studio
The corresponding Tfs folders to manually delete are as follows:
Tfs 2017: "%localappdata%\Microsoft\Team Foundation\7.0\Cache\"
Tfs 2015: "%localappdata%\Microsoft\Team Foundation\6.0\Cache\"
For VS cache:
Delete the contents from the following folders
C:\Users\<<Your Alias>>\AppData\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio
C:\Users\<<Your Alias>>\AppData\Local\Microsoft\VSCommon
Moreover, also give a try with removing the tfs related credentials from Credential Manager, close all Visual Studio instances, deleting %LOCALAPPDATA%\.IdentityService, use another user account connect to the TFS server.
Update: Op ended up doing an OS reload and haven't had any issues since.
I ended up doing a full OS reload
It was likely overkill as I'm convinced there was a cached file somewhere I couldn't locate that was holding those settings but I didn't have the extra time to fiddle with it and I needed to move to Windows 10 at some point anyway.
I'd venture to guess #PatrickLu-MSFT's answer will work for most people but for whatever reason it didn't for me.
In my case I closed Visual Studio 2017, went to the solution's directory and deleted the .vssscc file.
The file was then regenerated and the problem was solved.

Errors while running Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition

I have recently installed Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition on my laptop.
Since the time of installation I have been facing a few issues.
I was not able to even access the New Project option itself.
Some of the times I will be able to access it however, sometimes it does not even allow me to access a single file of my solution in the startup itself it gives me an error.
I have attached a set of five screenshots in this query. There is some blank space after users path, I removed an extra folder name(username) from the path so dont get confused with that.
The detail of all the screenshots are as follows:
1) This is the image I get when I launch the Visual Studio on my laptop.
2) Once I click 'NO' option on the first dialog box I get a new one stating an error with the source code.
3) Once that is done, I move onto Solution Explorer to access the solution and I get this log.
4) When I try to access the tools tab to check for options I get this error message.
5) I had even tried to create a new project and the following error provided in this screenshot would appear.
I am not able to understand where I could have gone wrong or what happened that has corrupted the application to this extent. Is it an installation issue or are there some bugs in this version of Visual Studio, if there are any I would be more than happy to move to previous versions as I was a lot happier with them than this one.
If someone would help on this concern I would be really thankful.
First, I went ahead and uninstalled the current version of Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 from my system. Then, I searched and removed the data from the temporary files related to MS VS 2015 from the following paths:
Once this had been done, I went ahead and installed Visual Studio 2015. After installation, I installed the additional support directories for Visual C++. You can do the same for the platform you wish to work on.
Then I installed updates from the following link:
Once I started the solution it worked perfectly fine after that with no errors.

Visual Studio 2013 hanging on getting latest from TFS

In my Visual Studio 2013 I'm trying to get the latest version of a project from TFS but this hangs on until the timeout error occurs.
I've tried deleting the Team Explorer cache a couple of times, undo all the changes, restart, rebuild but still the same issue.
What's even more interesting is that there someone else in my team with a similar version of Visual Studio that hangs when getting the latest on the same project.
We're using VSO so I was expecting this will not have issues.
Any ideas?
Please make sure if you are running antivirus that your work space is excluded from the rules. Otherwise it has to check each and every file which is a major slow down. Also check your local work space to see if the files are getting copied. Check the event log on the TFS server it may have a reason. Also try using the VS command line to make the same request.

What's the reason for error message? I am using VS 2010 professional edition

What's the reason for error message "The snapshot is out of date and cannot be used anymore because type tree has been updated, A new snapshow needs to be acquired"?
This error appeared right after I launched VS2010 and added username/pwd to connect to TFS repository.
I am using VS 2010 professional edition.
It happened to me with VS2012 as well after loading the project without source control binding, a local simple WinForms project. All I needed to do was Clean & Rebuild. After that the problem was solved.
This is a bug in Visual Studio. According to http://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/details/742959/the-snapshot-is-out-of-date "We've taken a closer look at this problem and it isn't one that we'll be able to solve in the next release of Visual Studio."
They recommend waiting around until the background language parser service is done (or, in other words, don't try to be too productive there partner.) My experience is that closing all documents, cleaning the solution, rebuilding it and then closing and re-opening with a pause after does remove the error.
Until you do something silly, like edit code. Then all bets are off again as to when it reoccurs.
I had a similar issue with VS2012 and after rebuilding the solution twice, I still saw the same error message.
Following an advice from a post from this site, I closed the Designer tab, reopened it from the Solution Explorer, and the problem was resolved.
I got this error too, but after I unload project and reload project, the problem was resolved.
Simply restarting Visual Studio 2012 was a workaround for me, but it kept happening about every hour and having to restart visual studio that often was very annoying.
I also found this post which suggests that the Productivity Power Tools are the problem and to simply turn off the Automatic Brace Completion in Tools->Options->Productivity Power Tools. Since making this change I haven't seen the error message again :)
I'll note though that I am using Visual Studio 2012 and the OP is using Visual Studio 2010, but the Productivity Power Tools are available for VS 2010 too, so this may still fix the problem in VS 2010.
The same issue persists in VS2013, but no amount of Clean/Rebuild or restarting VS will help. The only way I can do a successful publish, is to disable the AutoT4MVC extension.
I got this error too. I closed Visual Studio 2012 and opened it again and the error was gone.
I got this error when I had conflicting class names / namespaces. I was referencing a UserControl from a different DLL in my XAML file which had the same name as my XAML file (class name). Maybe this helps.
I used Visual Studio 2012, and just faced this error on my Windows 8. It seems like Turning off the VM and restarting Visual Studio fixed the issue.
I just got this with VS2010.
I had a form with a user control (UCa) with a user control (UCa) from a different project on it. Made a change to the UCb then flicked to the designer for the form and boom! Snapshot error.
Resolved by a full clean and then rebuilding just the UCb project before building the rest of the project.
I'm using Visual Studio 2012, and I got this error when starting Visual Studio, letting TFS connect to the server, and THEN opening my solution. The fix was simply closing VS and launching the solution directly.
I'll throw my two cents in here as well.
I've tried every combination of Clean, Rebuild, Restart, etc. What I've found is that restarting Visual Studio usually makes the problem go away for at least one Publish. Here's the weird part, though. You can also fix the problem by doing absolutely nothing. If you just let Visual Studio sit for about a minute or two, and then publish, it will usually work just fine. There's some background voodoo going on here, and waiting for it to finish seems to do the trick.
I have a solution with two parts that need published. One is a WCF service application, and the other is the ASP.NET MVC5 website itself. Anytime I publish the services, and then try to publish the site I'll see this error. I can publish the services, restart VS, and then publish the site, OR I can publish the services, go get a drink, and then publish the site. As long as I give VS a chance to "settle" between any kind of rebuild and the publishing of the site, everything seems to work as expected.
Take a walk, come back, problem solved. OR if you don't have the time. Clean, Rebuild, Restart, Publish (lather, rinse, repeat).
