How to compile Qt 5.2 from git on OS X Mavericks - macos

I cloned the QT source repo and checked out branch stable.
Then I followed this manual until I got to the point I have to do ./configure:
The test for linking against libxcb and support libraries failed!
You might need to install dependency packages, or pass -qt-xcb.
See src/plugins/platforms/xcb/README.
and when I enter ./configure -qt-xcb:
Running configuration tests...
The test for linking against Xlib failed!
You might need to install dependency packages.
See src/plugins/platforms/xcb/README.
Now I'm stuck. I couldn't find out what Xlib is, where I can find it or how to install it. Any help is greatly appreciated!

add -no-xcb to configure params

You need to install XQuartz.
Some extra text to get past the filter, please ignore


couldn't open `' when install protobuf

I want to install protobuf, but as soon as i input "./",it has the error like this:
aclocal: couldn't open `': No such file or directory
autoreconf: aclocal failed with exit status: 2
I have search for the answer for nearly one day.
I have tried to install many versions of protobuf ,but the error is still on , and i have tried to touch an empty file named "",it has been i will appreciate if someone can help me ,thanks very very much.
It sounds like your system has a very, very old version of autoconf installed. These days the input to autoconf is usually called, and it has been that way for at least a decade, maybe longer. You could try renaming to, but you'll probably run into other problems with such an old autoconf. I recommend updating autoconf to a newer version (and automake and libtool, too).
Alternatively, if you compile protobuf from a release package instead of from git, you can skip the step entirely, and go directly to running ./configure. It's usually better to use release versions anyway.

Apache Mesos configured failed on OS X Yosemite

I am following the doc ( and trying to install Mesos on my mac. When I try to configure it, it gives me the error:
checking python extra linking flags... -u _PyMac_Error Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Python
checking consistency of all components of python development environment... no
configure: error: in `/Users/syang/Desktop/git/mesos/build':
configure: error:
Could not link test program to Python. Maybe the main Python library has been
installed in some non-standard library path. If so, pass it to configure,
via the LDFLAGS environment variable.
Example: ./configure LDFLAGS="-L/usr/non-standard-path/python/lib"
You probably have to install the development version of the Python package
for your distribution. The exact name of this package varies among them.
I use Python 2.7.8 and I am trying to install Mesos 0.23.0. I did some search, it looks like after installing command tools using xcode, the linking problem should get handled. However, it doesn't look like that to me. Is there anyone who has similar experience and can help me?
Thank you.
The easiest way of running Mesos on local machine is to use (Docker) or (Vagrant)
There are a bit different when build it in OSX. You could use "brew install mesos" to install it directly. also show how to build mesos in osx.
I dont know if you have resolved this issue but for future reference I would like to suggest the below steps based on this blog
$ cd mesos-0.x./build/
$ PYTHON=/usr/bin/python ../configure
Moreover in case that you receive any errors like libapr-1 is required for mesos to build. or libsubversion-1 is required for mesos to build. then you could do the following, assuming that apr and subversion libs are installed with brew.
$ PYTHON=/usr/bin/python ../configure -with-svn=/usr/local/Cellar/subversion/1.8.13/ -with-apr=/usr/local/Cellar/apr/1.5.2/libexec/
To verify why the Python path is not correct and the compile fails in the first place please go once through the blogpost.

Building libzmq with libsodium

Edit as of ZMQ version 4.1:
Configure automatically looks for libsodium, so this is no longer required. If for some reason you wish to build it WITHOUT libsodium and you have it built and installed, configure libzmq with '--without-libsodium'.
So I'm having problems building/making zeromq with libsodium.
im using msys2 as the shell - specifically the mingw32_shell - , and zmq 4.1.0 rc1 with libsodium 1.0.1 and mingw-w64 32bit (gcc 4.9.2).
im currently able to compile libsodium like this
cd .../libsodium
bash configure
make check
make install
and everything is fine, all the tests pass and the libs and includes end up in the /usr/local/ folders that msys2 seems to know about.
then when i try to build zeromq with these commands
cd .../zeromq
bash configure --with-libsodium
make check
make install
i never get past the configure stage, as configure returns
checking for sodium_init in -lsodium... no
configure: error: libsodium is not installed. Install it or don't pass --with-libsodium to configure script
i have tried the methods suggested in this post - ZeroMQ doesn't spot libsodium - but to no success.
therefore my question is thus: how do i either set the locations for zeromq's configure to look for libsodium to spot, whether with --with-libsodium, --with-libsodium-include-dir= and --with-libsodium-lib-dir=, or have them 'installed' in a location that msys2's shell is able to find?
I assume you tried it already since the link you provided mentions it:
I tried this and it worked for me. However, I don't recommend this because for MSYS2, it is cleaner if /usr/local is used only for MSYS2 software, and not MinGW-w64 software. For MinGW-w64 i686 software, the 'right' prefix for 'local' is /mingw32/local
I've just now added libsodium as a dependency on the zeromq package.
Github MinGW-w64 zeromq PKGBUILD commit e32ae0
I will ask Alexey to rebuild and repackage it tomorrow.

Error during RNNLib configuration: netcdfcpp.h cannot be found

When attempting to compile RNNLib, I got an error in NetcdfDataset.hpp:26:24 saying that Netcdfcpp.h could not be found. I looked around and found a bug report from 2011 that suggested that this was a bug, but it claimed to have been fixed. I have tried everything I can think of, including rebuilding NetCDF (a dependency of RNNLib) with various different flags, and have been unable to fix this bug. Can anyone give me a hand?
I had some trouble on a virtual machine building rnnlib.
I had to install the C and C++ version of NetCDF to get it to work.
The C version can be installed via sudo apt-get install libnetcdf-dev
I had to install the C++ version by building it.
Hope it will help. It's quite a difficult lib to install.
Maybe this helps someone: you can avoid some of the pain by installing packages from APT, and access the correct version mentioned by user3620756, which contains the netcdfcpp.h header file
. This happens through a legacy package, available on Ubuntun 16.04 (Xenial universe, see APT repository).
First install libnetcdf for C, then install libnetcdf-cxx-legacy-dev which should depend on libnetcdf-c++4 and install required C++ libraries on the go:
sudo apt install libnetcdf-dev libnetcdf-cxx-legacy-dev
The newest version doesn't have this netcdfcpp.h file anymore.
I had to use to get it working.
I have also followed the same process and it worked for me
"The newest version doesn't have this netcdfcpp.h file anymore. I had to use to get it working."
After downloading the folder, I had to build it by entering into the netcdf folder. I used simple command for the task :
sudo make install
But in the file named as "NetcdfDataset.hpp", I have to give the complete path of the netcdfcpp.h file. For my case the path of the include file is :
#include "/Volumes/Macintosh_HD_2/WordSpottingProj/trunk/CODE C++/rnnlib_source_forge_version/netcdf-cxx-4.2/cxx/netcdfcpp.h"
I had this problem in the context of trying to use a makefile that called for netcdfcpp.h:
$ make -f makefile_MAC
c++ -O2 -o burn7.x burn7.cpp -I/opt/local/include -L/opt/local/lib -lm -lnetcdf_c++
burn7.cpp:31:10: fatal error: 'netcdfcpp.h' file not found
#include <netcdfcpp.h>
1 error generated.
make: *** [burn7.x] Error 1
I'm on a Mac, so I used Homewbrew to install the NetCDF package, but version didn't appear to have netcdfcpp.h:
brew install homebrew/science/netcdf
However, I found that installing it with an additional flag resulted in this version being included:
brew install homebrew/science/netcdf --with-cxx-compat
I assume that the same is true of other installation/compilation methods, and not that this file has been taken out of versions since 4.2 as others answers state. Maybe it was a default option before and now it isn't?

How can I install gcc-libc6-dev in opensolaris?

when I am doing ./configure in opensolaris in an attempt to install software. I've got the following error:
error:C compiler cannot create executables
Then I check up on the net and find its due to a missing module call gcc-lib6-dev. But how can I install it?
Sounds like you found an answer for a completely different OS that doesn't apply to opensolaris (lib6 sounds like an old Linux release). Look in the generated config.log
for more detailed error messages that give better information as to the actual problem.
