I need to upload approximately 1,700 images to the Quickblox site but I am not sure how to do this as it seems to upload only one at a time.
Is there a way to do bulk uploads?
You can try do this by writing a script. Here http://quickblox.com/developers/Authentication_and_Authorization#Python you can find example of auth on Python. Next, you need upload your images (consequentially or in parallel - as you wish). Example of uploading images - Send file using POST from a Python script.
Hope this help you.
I have gone through the documentation provided on https://developers.google.com/drive/api/v3/manage-uploads but i'm unable to found a way to upload multiple files by single api request. I have used multipart and resumable both but they need single file(source). But i want to select multiple images(in thousand) to upload with resumeable operation.
Please help me or guide me a better solution in any technology.
Many Thanks!
create a bundle from mutible files use 7z or winrar zip then upload it as a single file extract it later on drive
I have a use case where an angular front end will need to submit image and Django Rest Framework API will need to save it to filesystem during image upload calls. During image download scenario the image will need also be served up from filesystem.
If someone already figured out this usecase please post it. Help will be highly appreciated.
Django REST framework provides an ImageField that can handle the uploading of images using Django's file upload handlers. So you might be interested in learning how it is done in Django first: Need a minimal Django file upload example
This is my first time to post a question here. I was building a meteor app with image uploading functions. I found a cloudinary package for meteor https://github.com/Lepozepo/cloudinary and it works pretty well. The only and the biggest problem I have is the resizing of image. By default this package will upload the original image taken from phone, which is often 3 or 4 MB and whose size is around 2000x4000, but I only want image to a few KBs. And because of this problem, it takes so much storage and bandwidth for the app. What should I do to fix this problem ? Thank you very much.
I am not sure if anybody needs this but i was struggling with this for the past 2 days and could not find a solution. Finally i went to cloudinary dashboard and it was the simplest thing ever. Login to your cloudinary. Go to settings -> upload -> Upload presets: edit(on your project) -> upload manipulations -> Incoming Transformation: edit -> change the imcoming image as you like :D.
I uploaded an image 2mb in size and it came down to 30kb after applying incoming transformation.
Hope this helps someone :)
If you're performing client-side uploads (via Cloudinary's jQuery integration library), you can perform a client-side resize before the upload:
If you're performing server-side uploads, you can apply an incoming transformation to transform (resize) the image before storing it in your Cloudinary account.
Incoming transformations can be set in upload presets too:
Ok, there is a lot of tutorials on the net, how to upload images to express.js servers. But I couldn't find how to upload images while doing other things, e.g:
there is a form, in which I would like to create article. Users fill it with title, some content... after that, he have to upload images. I would like to give him ability to see thumbnails of those images before he create this article. Of course I can just push them through ajax post with jquery, and put them on the screen with javascript, but: when I upload them on to the server, and user closes browser before finishing creating this article, I still have does images on my server, even though no one will use them.
I'm sorry, I couldn't think of simpler explanation of what I want.
So how to handle such a situation?
You can upload image to a temporary folder first and move that image to desired location while actually saving article.
Set up a cron to cleanup the temp folder.
I have a requirement of bulk uploading images. More precisely, I want to upload all the images for a web site (static images like back ground, logo, corner images , images required by css etc..)
As I think uploading these images one after another is not looks like quite practical (As it might have 60-70 images). So my questions are..
What is the standard way of doing these kind of a staff ?
Is it possible to let users to upload a .zip (images) file and
extract it from the server side.
If 2 is possible, can i do it with Rails3 and standard shared host
thanks in advance
1) Assuming you are talking about allowing bulk uploads from the website not as a rake task the typical way for handling multiple uploads is to use Uploadify / SWFUpload for the frontend along with a gem such as Paperclip to handle the images on the Rails side.
A google search for "paperclip uploadify" or "paperclip swfupload" should give you some good reference material.
2) It is certainly possible to do this, I've mostly worked with it the other way around to offer zipped archives of files for download but processing zips and working with the included files is definitely do-able
3) The suggested methods I gave for (1) above work just fine on Rails 3 and I can't see any reason they wouldn't work on shared hosting. That approach will however need some additional work for environments such as Heroku which have no or transient direct storage