View changeset locally via visual studio tfs - visual-studio-2010

I want to view all changes locally that have been checked into TFS.
Specifically, I want to take my laptop from work to home, and view all changeset other members checked in, but I cannot connect to my work's VPN tfs server.
Any idea would be very much appreciated.

You can use Git-tf to get a local Git repository (using it for read only). You can then look at the history without TFS connectivity, with Git command line, or visually with a GUI like Git extensions.
First, clone your TFS repo with git-tf.
If you want the entire history, use --deep, but it may take a very very long time. You may want to use --shallow instead to do a quick clone, but you won't have the entire history, just the history from this day on (like it was the first commit).
git tf clone --deep http://myserver:8080/tfs/mycollection $/TeamProjectA/Main
Then, whenever you want to update your repo, follow this step
git tf fetch --deep
It may take some time though (since git-tf is getting every single new commit, and TFS is not optimized for this scenario). You can make a script which run this command every hour.
Using Git will have another advantage : looking at many diff in TFS take some time (since there is a server connection for every file you want to compare with the previous version, and some clicks needed), but in Git extensions it's really quick, in the same window you can view the history of commits, the current commit files, and the current file diff, instantly (no server connection).

You can run the changeset report and save its output. Other than that you are going to need to be able to connect to TFS. It is possible if you have problems with vpn that you might either need to connect via ip address ot check your credential manager to make sure you are setup.

If you were using TFS 2013 and a Git repository you would be able to do this. In the non-git style TFS Source Control (TFVC, the only option before TFS 2013), everything is centralized on the TFS server and without connectivity you are extremely limited.


How to find changes on Gitlab that we did not upload (git push), just added (git add) and commented?

I am developing an application on React Native in Visual Studio code, When to upload work to Git I followed like this:
Stage all changes
And then the computer shuts down and I can no longer turn it on. I did not have enough time to do it(Push). I have now downloaded my app to another computer. Is it possible to somehow restore these changes?
Or via the "Visual Studio Code", Or maybe there may be cache left somewhere,Or another way?
All the unpushed changes are kept in the .git directory, unless you have access to that, I'm afraid there isn't a way.

TFS expired user

As usual I extensively searched for a solution before asking here, I'm really stuck.
I'm currently working on a customer TFS server and I have no administration rights whatsoever. Me and a colleague were using the same user account, which I know is a bad practice but again I had no choice here.
Today we found out that the account is expired and the customer is saying that it will not be reactivated. Instead they gave us a new account.
The problem is that in our local workspaces we had some uncommited changes. I'm trying to find a way to reassing the local workspace to a different user but every path I tried leads to a dead end.
One thing I tried was to access the current workspace and set it to "Public" so another user can work on it, but I can't access the current workspace as I am offline and the user is expired.
If I change TFS credentials and try to Get Latest Version or anything else I don't see the old workspace but only the workspace(s) of the new user, which has no "Use" access to my local workspace.
I also read that a manual merge of the changes (using KDiff or Winmerge) is discouraged as TFS doesn't see edits done outside VS so it wouldn't know the files have been modified. I personally noted this behaviour when I tried to change some nodes in .csproj files with Notepad++ and TFS didn't give me the file in the pending changes.
Anyone knows the proper way to work with a new user without losing the local changes?
1)Create a branch for the latest change set from the server
2) Check out the files to your workspace
3) Overwrite the files in worspace
4) Now the branch contains your changes
5) Merge the branch which contains your chnages with the latest.
You have three options:
If you are using TFS 2012+ and VS 2012+ you can create a new workspace as the new user and make it a 'local' workspace rather than a server workspace. Then just drop the changes in a VS will detect them.
If you are using an old version of TFS and/or VS you can use the 'go online' option (2010 only)
If you are using a really old version you may need to checkout the entire workspace before dropping the changes back in.
Update: In order to achieve a merge of the changes you could create a branch from the last/latest changeset that you 'got' from the server. Then just overwrite you files... You now have a branch with just your changes and you can then user the merge tool to stitch it back together.
note: Also note that you should check in code frequently (at least daily) to avoid this issue in the first place.

Best way to determine which party made code changes?

I have a scenario I am hoping someone will be able to help me think through and determine the best way to handle. The tools I am using are Visual Studio 2013 and TFS.
We had a developer leave our company abruptly, and he has a lot of code changes for a client project which were not yet checked in. We have the code base with his changes locally. We also have the client's TFS server with the latest code. I do not have documentation of his changes, so my goal is to find all the code changes he has made. Keep in mind I also do not have access to his machine, I just have access to the local code base which he was working on, which includes his changes.
I began by comparing his code with the client's code on TFS, and looking for changes. However the client has also made some changes to their code in the 2 months since this developer began working on this project. So within those two months he made some changes locally and the client also made some changes which were checked in on TFS.
When I compare his code to the latest copy of code on the server, I can see the differences, but I can't seem to tell who made the changes. If a method was modified, I see that different versions exist on TFS and in this local code, but I cannot tell who made the change. Did the client make the change to the code, and the newer version on TFS makes my version look out of date? Or did this developer make the change to the code, making the server code look out of date? As the changes done by our developer were not checked in, I do not have a history showing me who made the changes to the code. What would be the best way to determine the changes our local developer made?
So, to sum it up: I have compared his local code to server code, and have seen the differences, but the client has also made changes to code since he acquired it. So the differences between his code and server code could either be due to his changes or client changes, but I don't know which.
I see a few ways which could make your life easier, but it requires you to know which version your developer initially downloaded. With that version (Changeset, Label, Date) you can make a comparison against the local workspace and find all the changes to that version on the server.
Workspace version
You can initiate the diff from the commandline (as well as from Visual Studio, but command lines are much easier to post on Stack Overflow):
tf folderdiff c:\sources "$/TFSProject/Path/To/Sources;C12345" /recursive
In the place of C12345 you can either enter the Changeset number that was used to create the workspace on your developer's machine or the label (use Llabelname instead of Cnumber) or the (approximate) date (use D2014-12-20).
This will output a list of files that have changed locally against the version that was used to create the workspace. Now you can list each file individually using:
tf diff c:\sources\changedfile.cs /version:C12345
(or use the same version spec as above if you used Labels or a Date).
There is another option, if the workspace is still registered on the TFS server, and that is to compare against the workspace version:
tf folderdiff c:\sources "$/TFSProject/Path/To/Sources;Wworkspacename;owner" /recursive
Followed by:
tf diff c:\sources\changedfile.cs /version:Wworkspacename;owner
You do not need to own the workspace in order to do this, but the server must still have a record for that workspace on the server. You can try finding the workspace using the command:
C:\Sources\>tf workspaces /owner:avanade-corp\jesse.houwing /computer:jessehouwing
Workspace Owner Computer Comment
----------------------- ------------- ------------ ----------------------------
The example above would lead to:
tf folderdiff c:\sources "$/TFSProject/Path/To/Sources;WJESSEHOUWING;Jesse Houwing" /recursive
Create a shelfset
If you do have the option to get access to the system (even if logged on as a different user) you can take ownership of the workspace and create a Shelveset of the changes. You can then unshelve these changes on a more recent workspace and Visual Studio will prompt you to resolve merge conflicts. TFS will know which changes were made by the other party and will try to auto-merge the changes as best it can.

Git: don't update certain files on Windows

We work with a git respository that has over 20,000 files.
My group maintains local versions of about 100 or so of configuration and source files from this repository. THe original acts as a sort of base that several groups modify and tweak to their own needs (some core things are not allowed to be changed, but front end and some custom DB stuff are different between groups)
So we want to update to the latest version generally, but not have the git update overwrite the files that we keep local modifications for.
The machines we use are windows based. Currently the repository gets cloned to a windows server that then gets checked out/cloned to the development machines (which are also windows). The developers make changes as necessary and recommit to our local repo. The local repo updates against the master daily. We never commit back to the master.
So we want all the files that haven't been changed by our group to update, but any that have been changed (ever) won't get updated.
Is there a way to allow this to happen automatically, so the windows server just automatically updates daily, ignoring those files we keep modifications for. And if we want to add a new file to this "don't update" list its just a right-click (or even a flat file list away). I looked at git-ignore but it seems to be for committing, not for updating.
Even better would be a way to automatically download the vanilla files but have them renamed automatically. For example settings.conf is a file we want to keep changes on generally, but if they modify the way entries in that file are handled or add extra options it would be nice it it downloaded it as settings.conf.vanilla or something so we just run a diff on .vanilla files against ours and see what we want to keep. Though this feature is not absolutely necessary and seems unlikely.
If this cannot be accomplished on a windows machine (the software for windows doesn't support such features), please list some Linux options as well if available. We do have an option to use a Linux server for hosting the local git repo if needed.
It sounds like you're working with a third party code base that's under active development and you have your own customisations which you need to apply.
I think the answer you're looking for is rebase. You shouldn't need to write any external logic to achieve this, except for a job which regularly pulls in the third party changes and rebases your modifications on top of them.
This should also be more correct than simply ignoring the files you've modified, as you won't then accidentally ignore changes that the third party has made to those files (you may sometimes get a conflict, which could be frustrating, but better than silently missing an important change).
Assuming that your local repo is indeed simply a fork, maintain your changes on your own branch, and every time you update the remote repository, simply rebase your local branch on top of those changes:
git pull origin master
git checkout custom_branch
git rebase master
After you've done this, you'll end up with all the changes you made on your custom_branch sitting on top of master. You can then continue to make your customisations on your own branch, and development of the third party code can continue independently.
The next time you want to pull in the extra changes, you'll repeat the process:
Make sure you're on the master branch before pulling in changes to the third party code:
git checkout master
Pull in the changes:
git pull origin master
Change to your customised branch:
git checkout custom_branch
Move your changes on top of the third party changes:
git rebase master
This will then put all your own changes on top of master again. master itself won't be changed.
Remember that the structure of your repo just comes from a whole set of "hashes" which form a tree. Your branches are just like "post it" notes which are attached to a particular hash, and can be moved to another hash as your branch grows.
The rebase is like chopping off a branch and re-attaching it somewhere else. In this case, you're saying something like "chop off our changes and re-attach them on top of the main trunk".
If you can install a visual tool like GitX, it will really help to see how the branch tags move around when you rebase. The command line is ideal for working with but I find something like GitX is invaluable for getting a handle on the structure of your repo.

Have a SVN checkout location connected to Codeplex and propagate updates to another develpment location connected to another SVN repository

I would like to checkout a read only SVN projects (e.g. from Codeplex) to a folder on my local disk, open the solution (let's say I am getting Dotnetnuke and open it's solution, add some projects to the solution and possibly changing some files, previously making them writable.
I want to regularly update the changes coming from Codeplex and do code mergers to preserver my changes).
However I would like to copy all the files in this checkout location to another "developer" location where I would play extensively with the source code and have my local SVN repository to preserve history and allow other developers to do check ins/outs. I should be able to use TortoiseSVN from Windows explorer or Visual Studio SVN Add-on to do check ins/outs.
So check outs from Codeplex to the first location would be an intermediate location from which I would like to update
a development area in another location that will be connected to Read/Write SVN repository on my local machine.
So how to make updates/synchronizations between first and second location (direction is from first to second location).
Can I use Tortoise SVN to move changes from first location to second (after SVN update from Codeplex).
Since I am using GIT and Mercurial clients how would I propagate changes to my Development SVN location.
I would prefer solution that would work across source version software.
You can use SVN switch to switch between repositories, although that could be tricky thing to do...
Wouldn't adding the Codeplex' repository as an external to your R/W repository do the thing? See:
