Arcgis field calculations, get last dits of number - vbscript

I want get 2 last digits of numbers, this digits also can be string not int
VB script function: Right(CStr( [tracts.Shape_Area] ),2)
What I get:
What I want get
What is wrong in my function ?

This code is correct:
Right(CStr( [Shape_Area] ),2)
When you import a FeatureClass in a geodatabase, the Shape_Area created as a Double field that can have many decimal places! (By default 8 decimal places)
But in Attribute Table, you can see 6 decimal places by default. To see all the decimal places of your numbers try this:
CStr( [Shape_Area] )


how to limit 00 to 99 counter to 60

For a simple starter project I was putting together a 2-7segement display 00 to 99 counter coded on sketch.
//The line below is the array containing all the binary numbers for the digits on a SSD from 0 to 9
const int number[11] = {0b1000000, 0b1111001, 0b0100100, 0b0110000, 0b0011001, 0b0010010, 0b0000010, 0b1111000, 0b0000000, 0b0010000};
I believe that my solution is either to change this part of the code or add another line, I'm just unsure.
Any advice?
I have tried adding another line to set one of the displays to stop at 6 but it didn't compile with the rest of the code.

Use null.Time values in a golang template

I'm using to get some data from a Postgres DB and the results are coming back fine, and I can put them into json format and the world is happy... however, I'm trying to email the results using a template and have hit a problem.
The structure is (partially)
type DataQuery struct {
Date null.Time `json:"DateTime"`
The template is
{{define "plainBody"}}
Here are the results for the check run for today.
The number of rows returned is {{.Rows}}
The data is
{{ range .Data}}
And the results of running that template are
Here are the results for the check run for today.
The number of rows returned is 57
The data is
{{2021-09-13 00:00:00 +0000 +0000 true}}
{{2021-08-16 00:00:00 +0000 +0000 true}}
{{2021-09-19 00:00:00 +0000 +0000 true}}
{{2021-09-18 00:00:00 +0000 +0000 true}}
I tried using {{.Date.EncodeText}} and ended up with
[50 48 50 49 45 48 57 45 49 51 84 48 48 58 48 48 58 48 48 90]
[50 48 50 49 45 48 56 45 49 54 84 48 48 58 48 48 58 48 48 90]
[50 48 50 49 45 48 57 45 49 57 84 48 48 58 48 48 58 48 48 90]
For the datetime fields (which might be a []byte of the strings but I'm not sure.
If I use {{Date.Value}} I get
2021-09-13 00:00:00 +0000 +0000
The other field types (string, int, float) all work fine with
I think I'm close.. but can't quite crack it for the date time fields
First, you are using html/template which provides context-sensitive escaping, that's why you're seeing those + sequences. If you want text output, use text/template instead. For details, see Template unnecessarily escaping `<` to `<` but not `>`
Next, null.Time is not just a simple time.Time value, it wraps other fields too (whether the time is valid). When simply outputting it, that valid field will also be rendered (the true texts in your output).
You may render only its Time field: {{.Date.Time}}.
With these changes output will be for example:
Here are the results for the check run for today.
The number of rows returned is 2
The data is
2021-09-20 12:10:00 +0000 UTC
2021-10-11 13:50:00 +0000 UTC
Try it on the Go Playground.

Different Code 128 barcode symbols representing the same data

I'm currently using software called LineView. It generates downtime reason codes for our factory lines. An operator scans the barcodes with an RS232 scanner and it goes into our XL board system.
The software itself generates the barcodes within an internet browser, but I am trying to make it so our own labeling machine can also print out the barcodes. However, the barcodes that are produced by the labeler (and the many online barcode generators I've tried) look longer and do not work.
The data for the example 128 barcode that I am trying to replicate is [SOH]1[STX]65;1067[ETX].
According to the manual:
- The Start of Header character (ASCII 0x01) starts the XL Command packet.
1 - The Serial Address of the XL device (the default is 1).
- The Start of Transmission character (ASCII 0x02) marks the start of the actual command.
65; - The ID of the Production State > Set Reason Code command.
The Reason Code ID (which can range from 1 to 999 for system reasons or 1000 to 1999 for user defined reasons). In my case it is 1067
- The End of Transmission character (ASCII 0x03) ends the XL Command packet.
I have attatched the pictures of what LineView produces (which is what I want it to look like) and what it is currently printing like on our labeller.
When I scan them they both come up with the [SOH]1[STX]65;1067[ETX] code despite them looking different.
Any help with this would be very much appreciated.
Your intended barcode is constructed internally using the following series of Code 128 codewords which correctly represent the ASCII control characters:
103 Start-in-Mode-A (Upper-case and control characters)
65 [SOH] (ASCII 1)
17 1
66 [STX] (ASCII 2)
22 6
21 5
27 ;
99 Switch-to-Mode-C (Double-density numeric)
10 10
67 67
101 Switch-to-Mode-A
67 [ETX] (ASCII 3)
67 Check-digit
106 Stop
Your label printer is printing a barcode representing the literal string [SOH]1[STX]65;1067[ETX] with no ASCII control characters (i.e. left-bracket, S, O, H, right-bracket, ...) using the following internal codewords:
104 Start-in-Mode-B (Mixed-case)
59 [
51 S
47 O
40 H
61 ]
17 1
59 [
51 S
52 T
56 X
61 ]
22 6
21 5
27 ;
99 Switch-to-Mode-C (Double-density numeric)
10 10
67 67
100 Switch-to-Mode-B
59 [
37 E
52 T
56 X
61 ]
57 Check-digit
106 Stop
So you need to work out how to correctly specify ASCII control characters in the input to your labelling machine.

Pig Scripting - Cast STRING to INT

Beginner in Pig, Need help
For all NON - AlphaNumeric, Cast the STRING TO INT
- To be handled without passing each field name separately.
Sample data -
00013425731998101620140402300032736901 00000000AAA001200X111685V00000000
00283335542006120920131010300030003105 00000000AAA001200X117407 00000000
00000000331998101620140402300033128107 00000000AAA001200X111685 00000000
00003902331999090620140402300032545208 00000000AAA001200X111685 00000000
Its a fixedwidth file, mapping details as follow -
orderNumber 1 9
origin 10 10
Startdate 11 18
ModDate 19 26
Identifier 27 36
Code 37 38
CodeType 39 40
Number 41 48
Num 49 114
Either use substr to extract the parts and then cast them or use a regexp. For example for the first two fields:
input = load ... as (line:chararray);
a = foreach input generate SUBSTRING(line, 0, 9) as orderNumber:long, SUBSTRING(line, 9, 10) as origin:chararray;
This way you should be able to convert each part of the input line into the desired components.
Alternatively you could write a UDF that takes a string as input and does the splitting and returns a bag or tuple.

reading in a text file with a SUB (1a) (Control-Z) character in R on Windows

Following on from my query last week reading badly formed csv in R - mismatched quotes, these same CSV files also have embedded control characters such as the ASCII Substitute Character which is decimal 26 or 0x1A. Unfortunately readLines() seems to truncate the line at this character, so I am having difficulty in matching quotes - apart from losing the later fields in these lines!
I have tried to readBin() but I can't get it to read this file. I'm afraid I can't cleanly read this into R to give you an example and I'm having difficulty in creating these in R. Sorry not to be able to demonstrate with a clean example. Thoughts?
Now I'm confused - when I use the code
h3 <- paste('1,34,44.4,"', rawToChar(as.raw(c(as.integer(k1), 26, 65))), '",99')
identical(readLines(textConnection(h3)), h3)
I get TRUE which I find quite surprising!
Update 2
[1] "1,34,44.4,\" HIJK\032A \",99"
> writeLines(h3, 'h3.txt')
> h3a <- readLines('h3.txt')
Warning message:
In readLines("h3.txt") : incomplete final line found on 'h3.txt'
> h3a
[1] "1,34,44.4,\" HIJK"
So readLines() reacts differently when coming from a textConnection() and it silently truncates at the SUB character.
I would be surprised if it makes a difference but I'm on 2.15.2 on Windows-64.
Update 3
Some vague success in solving this...
zb <- file('h3.txt', "rb")
tmp <- readBin(zb, raw(), size=1, n=400) # raw is always of size =1
# [1] 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
# [1] 31 2c 33 34 2c 34 34 2e 34 2c 22 20 48 49 4a 4b 1a 41 20 22 2c 39 39 0d 0a
# [1] "1,34,44.4,\" HIJK\032A \",99\r\n"
i.e. if I read in the file as binary and convert to character() afterwards it seems to work... this will be tedious for large CSV files...
Could there be a bug in R in incorrectly detecting a Control-Z as end of file on windows??
I think I've figured out a solution - because there appears to be a problem reading a Control-Z in the middle of a file on Windows, we need to read the file in binary / raw mode.
fnam <- 'h3.txt'
tmp.bin <- readBin(fnam, raw(), size=1, n=max(2*$size, 100))=1
tmp.char <- rawToChar(tmp.bin)
txt <- unlist(strsplit(tmp.char, '\r\n', fixed=TRUE))
[1] "1,34,44.4,\" HIJK\032A \",99"
The following better answer was posted by Duncan Murdoch to R-Devel refer. Converting it into a function I get:
sReadLines <- function(fnam) {
f <- file(fnam, "rb")
res <- readLines(f)
I also ran into this problem when I used read.csv with a csv file that contained the SUB or CTRL-Z in the middle of the file.
Solved it with the readr package (if your file is comma separated)
If you have a ; as a separator, then use:
