What is the logic behind this C Program? - algorithm

Here is a small piece of program (14 lines of program) which counts the number of bits set in a number.
Input-Output --> 0-->0(0000000), 5-->2(0000101), 7-->3(0000111)
int CountBits (unsigned int x)
static unsigned int mask[] = { 0x55555555,
} ;
int i ;
int shift ; /* Number of positions to shift to right*/
for (i =0, shift =1; i < 5; i ++, shift *= 2)
x = (x & mask[i ])+ ( ( x >> shift) & mask[i]);
return x;
Can someone explain the algorithm used here/why this works?

This post, by Ian Ashdown, explains it in more detail:
Freed's numbers are members of a sequence, where the Nth number of the
sequence is itself an infinite sequence from right to left of 2*N 1's
followed by 2*N 0's, followed 2**N 1's, and so on. The initial
numbers are:
For a word size of 16 bits then, we have four "B-constants":
B[1] = 0101010101010101
B[2] = 0011001100110011
B[3] = 0000111100001111
B[4] = 0000000011111111
So that's what those numbers in mask[] are, eg. 0x55555555 is the hexadecimal representation of the bit pattern 1010101010101010101010101010101.
The algorithm itself does this:
Interpret adjacent bits as numbers (0 or 1) and add them. The results are numbers that can be represented with two bits (ie. 0 to 3).
Interpret adjacent pairs of bits as numbers (0 to 3) and add them. The results can be represented with four bits (ie. 0 to 15).
Interpret adjacent groups-of-4 bits as numbers (0 to 15) and add them. The results can be represented with eight bits (ie. 0 to 255).
...and so on, until you have a result that is as wide as however many bits you need.
I suggest that you try it on paper, by hand, with a few numbers using the binary masks above. Then you might get a feel for the algorithm being expressed by that code.


Finding a number of maximally different binary vectors from a set

Consider the set, S, of all binary vectors of length n where each contains exactly m ones; so there are n-m zeros in each vector.
My goal is to construct a number, k, of vectors from S such that these vectors are as different as possible from each other.
As a simple example, take n=4, m=2 and k=2, then a possible solution is: [1,1,0,0] and [0,0,1,1].
It seems that this is an open problem in the coding theory literature (?).
Is there any way (i.e. algorithm) to find a suboptimal yet good solution ?
Is Hamming distance the right performance measure to use in this case ?
Some thoughts:
In this paper, the authors propose a couple of algorithms to find the subset of vectors such that the pairwise Hamming distance is >= a certain value, d.
I have implemented the Random approach as follows: take a set SS, which is initialized by any vector from S. Then, I consider the remaining vectors
in S. For each of these vectors, I check if this vector has at least a distance d with respect to each vector in SS. If so, then it is added to SS.
By taking the maximal possible d, if the size of SS is >= k, then I consider SS as an optimal solution, and I choose any subset of k vectors from SS.
Using this approach, I think that the resulting SS will depend on the identity of the initial vector in SS; i.e. there are multiple solutions(?).
But how to proceed if the size of SS is < k ?
From the proposed algorithms in the paper, I have only understood the Random one. I am interested in the Binary lexicographic search (section 2.3) but I don't know how to implement it (?).
Maybe you find this paper useful (I wrote it). It contains algorithms that efficiently create permutations of bitstrings.
For example, the inc() algorithm:
long inc(long h_in , long m0 , long m1) {
long h_out = h_in | (~m1); //pre -mask
h_out ++;
// increment
h_out = (h_out & m1) | m0; //post -mask
return h_out;
It takes an input h_in and return the next higher value that is at least 1 larger than h_in and 'matches' the boundaries m0 and m1. 'Matching' means: the result has a 1 whereever m0 has a 1, and the result has a 0 whereever m1 has a 0. Not that h_in MUST BE a valid value with regards to mo and m1! Also, note that m0 has to be bitwise smaller than m1, which means that m0 cannot have a 1 in a position where m1 has a 0.
This could be used to generate permutations with a minimum edit distance to a given input string:
Let's assume you have 0110, you first NEGATE it to 1001 (edit distance = k).
Set 'm0=1001' and 'm1=1001'. Using this would result only on '1001' itself.
Now to get all values with edit distance k-1, you can do the following, simply flip one of the bits of m0 or m1, then inc() will return an ordered series of all bitstring that have a difference of k or k-1.
I know, not very interesting yet, but you can modify up to k bits, and inc() will always return all permutations with the maximum allowed edit difference with regard to m0 and m1.
Now, to get all permutations, you would have to re-run the algorithm with all possibly combinations of m0 and m1.
Example: To get all possible permutations of 0110 with edit distance 2, you would have to run inc() with the following permutations of m0=0110 and m1=0110 (to get permutations, a bit position has to be expanded, meaning that m0 is set to 0 and m1 is set to 1:
Bit 0 and 1 expanded: m0=0010 and m1=1110
Bit 0 and 2 expanded: m0=0100 and m1=1110
Bit 0 and 3 expanded: m0=0110 and m1=1111
Bit 1 and 2 expanded: m0=0000 and m1=0110
Bit 1 and 3 expanded: m0=0010 and m1=0111
Bit 2 and 3 expanded: m0=0100 and m1=0111
As starting value for h_0 I suggest to use simply m0. Iteration can be aborted once inc() returns m1.
The above algorithm generates in O(x) all x binary vectors that differ in at least y bits (configurable) from a given vector v.
Using your definition of n=number of bits in a vector v, setting y=n generates exactly 1 vector which is the exact opposite of the input vector v. For y=n-1, it will generate n+1 vectors: n vectors which differ in all but one bits and 1 vector that differs in all bits. And so on different values of y.
**EDIT: Added summary and replaced erroneous 'XOR' with 'NEGATE' in the text above.
I don't know if maximizing the sum of the Hamming distances is the best criterion to obtain a set of "maximally different" binary vectors, but I strongly suspect it is. Furthermore I strongly suspect that the algorithm that I'm going to present yields exactly a set of k vectors that maximizes the sum of Hamming distances for vectors of n bits of with m ones and n - m zeroes. Unfortunately I don't have the time to prove it (and, of course, I might be wrong – in which case you would be left with a “suboptimal yet good” solution, as per your request.)
Warning: In the following I'm assuming that, as a further condition, the result set may not contain the same vector twice.
The algorithm I propose is the following:
Starting from a result set with just one vector, repeatedly add one of
those remaining vectors that have the maximum sum of Hamming distances
from all the vectors that are already in the result set. Stop when the
result set contains k vectors or all available vectors have been
Please note that the sum of Hamming distances of the result set does not depend on the choice of the first or any subsequent vector.
I found a “brute force” approach to be viable, given the constraints you mentioned in a comment:
n<25, 1<m<10, 10<k<100 (or 10<k<50)
The “brute force” consists in precalculating all vectors in “lexicographical” order in an array, and also keeping up-to-date an array of the same size that contains, for each vector with the same index, the total Hamming distance of that vector to all the vectors that are in the result set. At each iteration the total Hamming distances are updated, and the first (in “lexicographical” order) of all vectors that have the maximum total Hamming distance from the current result set is chosen. The chosen vector is added to the result set, and the arrays are shifted in order to fill in its place, effectively decreasing their size.
Here is my solution in Java. It's meant to be easily translatable to any procedural language, if needed. The part that calculates the combinations of m items out of n can be replaced by a library call, if one is available. The following Java methods have a corresponding C/C++ macro that uses fast specialized processor instructions on modern CPUs:
Long.numberOfTrailingZeros→__builtin_ctzl, Long.bitCount→__builtin_popcountl.
package waltertross.bits;
public class BitsMain {
private static final String USAGE =
"USAGE: java -jar <thisJar> n m k (1<n<64, 0<m<n, 0<k)";
public static void main (String[] args) {
if (args.length != 3) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(USAGE);
int n = parseIntArg(args[0]); // number of bits
int m = parseIntArg(args[1]); // number of ones
int k = parseIntArg(args[2]); // max size of result set
if (n < 2 || n > 63 || m < 1 || m >= n || k < 1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(USAGE);
// calculate the total number of available bit vectors
int c = combinations(n, m);
// truncate k to the above number
if (k > c) {
k = c;
long[] result = new long[k]; // the result set (actually an array)
long[] vectors = new long[c - 1]; // all remaining candidate vectors
long[] hammingD = new long[c - 1]; // their total Hamming distance to the result set
long firstVector = (1L << m) - 1; // m ones in the least significant bits
long lastVector = firstVector << (n - m); // m ones in the most significant bits
result[0] = firstVector; // initialize the result set
// generate the remaining candidate vectors in "lexicographical" order
int size = 0;
for (long v = firstVector; v != lastVector; ) {
// See http://graphics.stanford.edu/~seander/bithacks.html#NextBitPermutation
long t = v | (v - 1); // t gets v's least significant 0 bits set to 1
// Next set to 1 the most significant bit to change,
// set to 0 the least significant ones, and add the necessary 1 bits.
v = (t + 1) | (((~t & -~t) - 1) >>> (Long.numberOfTrailingZeros(v) + 1));
vectors[size++] = v;
assert(size == c - 1);
// chosenVector is always the last vector added to the result set
long chosenVector = firstVector;
// do until the result set is filled with k vectors
for (int r = 1; r < k; r++) {
// find the index of the new chosen vector starting from the first
int chosen = 0;
// add the distance to the old chosenVector to the total distance of the first
hammingD[0] += Long.bitCount(vectors[0] ^ chosenVector);
// initialize the maximum total Hamming distance to that of the first
long maxHammingD = hammingD[0];
// for all the remaining vectors
for (int i = 1; i < size; i++) {
// add the distance to the old chosenVector to their total distance
hammingD[i] += Long.bitCount(vectors[i] ^ chosenVector);
// whenever the calculated distance is greater than the max,
// update the max and the index of the new chosen vector
if (maxHammingD < hammingD[i]) {
maxHammingD = hammingD[i];
chosen = i;
// set the new chosenVector to the one with the maximum total distance
chosenVector = vectors[chosen];
// add the chosenVector to the result set
result[r] = chosenVector;
// fill in the hole left by the chosenVector by moving all vectors
// that follow it down by 1 (keeping vectors and total distances in sync)
System.arraycopy(vectors, chosen + 1, vectors, chosen, size - chosen - 1);
System.arraycopy(hammingD, chosen + 1, hammingD, chosen, size - chosen - 1);
// dump the result set
for (int r = 0; r < k; r++) {
dumpBits(result[r], n);
private static int parseIntArg(String arg) {
try {
return Integer.parseInt(arg);
} catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(USAGE);
private static int combinations(int n, int m) {
// calculate n over m = n! / (m! (n - m)!)
// without using arbitrary precision numbers
if (n <= 0 || m <= 0 || m > n) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
// possibly avoid unnecessary calculations by swapping m and n - m
if (m * 2 < n) {
m = n - m;
if (n == m) {
return 1;
// primeFactors[p] contains the power of the prime number p
// in the prime factorization of the result
int[] primeFactors = new int[n + 1];
// collect prime factors of each term of n! / m! with a power of 1
for (int term = n; term > m; term--) {
collectPrimeFactors(term, primeFactors, 1);
// collect prime factors of each term of (n - m)! with a power of -1
for (int term = n - m; term > 1; term--) {
collectPrimeFactors(term, primeFactors, -1);
// multiply the collected prime factors, checking for overflow
int combinations = 1;
for (int f = 2; f <= n; f += (f == 2) ? 1 : 2) {
// multiply as many times as requested by the stored power
for (int i = primeFactors[f]; i > 0; i--) {
int before = combinations;
combinations *= f;
// check for overflow
if (combinations / f != before) {
String msg = "combinations("+n+", "+m+") > "+Integer.MAX_VALUE;
throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
return combinations;
private static void collectPrimeFactors(int n, int[] primeFactors, int power) {
// for each candidate prime that fits in the remaining n
// (note that non-primes will have been preceded by their component primes)
for (int i = 2; i <= n; i += (i == 2) ? 1 : 2) {
while (n % i == 0) {
primeFactors[i] += power;
n /= i;
private static void dumpBits(Long bits, int nBits) {
String binary = Long.toBinaryString(bits);
System.out.println(String.format("%"+nBits+"s", binary).replace(' ', '0'));
The algorithm's data for n=5, m=2, k=4:
00011 00101 00110 01001 01010 01100 10001 10010 10100 11000 vectors
0→2 0→2 0→2 0→2 0→4 0→2 0→2 0→4 0→4 hammingD
^ chosen
00011 00101 00110 01001 01010 10001 10010 10100 11000
01100 2→4 2→4 2→4 2→4 2→6 2→6 4→6 4→6
00011 00101 00110 01001 01010 10010 10100 11000
01100 4→6 4→8 4→6 4→8 6→8 6→8 6→8
10001 ^
00011 00101 01001 01010 10010 10100 11000
01100 6 6 8 8 8 8
Sample output (n=24, m=9, k=20):
[wtross ~/Dropbox/bits]$ time java -jar bits-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar 24 9 20
real 0m0.269s
user 0m0.244s
sys 0m0.046s
The toughest case within your constraints (n=24, m=9, k=99) takes ~550 ms on my Mac.
The algorithm could be made even faster by some optimization, e.g., by shifting shorter array chunks. Remarkably, in Java I found shifting "up" to be considerably slower than shifting "down".
Looking at the example output of Walter Tross's code, I think that generating a random solution can be simplified to this:
Take any vector to start with, e.g. for n=8, m=3, k=5:
A: 01001100
After every step, sum the vectors to get the number of times each position has been used:
SUM: 01001100
Then, for the next vector, place the ones at positions that have been used least (in this case zero times), e.g.:
B: 00110001
to get:
A: 01001100
B: 00110001
SUM: 01111101
Then, there are 2 least-used positions left, so for the 3 ones in the next vector, use those 2 positions, and then put the third one anywhere:
C: 10010010
to get:
A: 01001100
B: 00110001
C: 10010010
SUM: 11121111 (or reset to 00010000 at this point)
Then for the next vector, you have 7 least-used positions (the ones in the sum), so choose any 3, e.g.:
D: 10100010
to get:
A: 01001100
B: 00110001
C: 10010010
D: 10100010
SUM: 21221121
And for the final vector, choose any of the 4 least-used positions, e.g.:
E: 01000101
To generate all solutions, simply generate every possible vector in each step:
A: 11100000, 11010000, 11001000, ... 00000111
Then, e.g. when A and SUM are 11100000:
B: 00011100, 00011010, 00011001, ... 00000111
Then, e.g. when B is 00011100 and SUM is 11111100:
C: 10000011, 01000011, 00100011, 00010011, 00001011, 00000111
Then, e.g. when C is 10000011 and SUM is 21111111:
D: 01110000, 01101000, 01100100, ... 00000111
And finally, e.g. when D is 01110000 and SUM is 22221111:
E: 00001110, 00001101, 00001011, 00000111
This would result in C(8,3) × C(5,3) × C(8,1) × C(7,3) × C(4,3) = 56 × 10 × 8 × 35 × 4 = 627,200 solutions for n=8, m=3, k=5.
Actually, you need to add a method to avoid repeating the same vector, and avoid painting yourself into a corner; so I don't think this will be simpler than Walter's answer.
(I will assume than m is not greater than n/2, i.e. the number of ones is not greater than the number of zeros. Otherwise, use a symmetrical approach.)
When k×m is not greater than n, there obviously are optimal solutions, e.g.:
n=10, m=3, k=3:
A: 1110000000
B: 0001110000
C: 0000001110
where the Hamming distances are all 2×m:
|AB|=6, |AC|=6, |BC|=6, total=18
When k×m is greater than n, solutions where the difference in Hamming distances between consecutive vectors are minimized offer the greatest total distance:
n=8, m=3, k=4:
A: 11100000
B: 00111000
C: 00001110
D: 10000011
|AB|=4, |AC|=6, |AD|=4, |BC|=4, |BD|=6, |CD|=4, total=28
n=8, m=3, k=4:
A: 11100000
B: 00011100
C: 00001110
D: 00000111
|AB|=6, |AC|=6, |AD|=6, |BC|=2, |BD|=4, |CD|=2, total=26
So, practically, you take m×k and see how much greater it is than n, let's call it x = m×k−n, and this x is the number of overlaps, i.e. how often a vector will have a one in the same position as the previous vector. You then spread out the overlap over the different vectors as evenly as possible to maximize the total distance.
In the example above, x = 3×4−8 = 4 and we have 4 vectors, so we can spread out the overlap evenly and every vector has 1 one in the same position as the previous vector.
To generate all unique solutions, you could:
Calculate x = m×k−n and generate all partitions of x into k parts, with the lowest possible maximum value:
n=8, m=3, k=5 -> x=7
22111, 21211, 21121, 21112, 12211, 12121, 12112, 11221, 11212, 11122
(discard partitions with value 3)
Generate all vectors to be used as vector A, e.g.:
A: 11100000, 11010000, 11001000, 11000100, ... 00000111
For each of these, generate all vectors B, which are lexicographically smaller than vector A, and have the correct number of overlapping ones with vector A (in the example that is 1 and 2), e.g.:
A: 10100100
B: 10011000, 10010010, 10010001, 10001010, 10001001, 10000011, 01110000, ... 00000111
B: 10100010, 10100001, 10010100, 10001100, 10000110, 10000101, 01100100, ... 00100101
For each of these, generate all vectors C, and so on, until you have sets of k vectors. When generating the last vector, you have to take into account the overlapping with the previous as well as the next (i.e. first) vector.
I assume it's best to treat the partitions of x into k as a binary tree:
1 2
11 12 21 22
111 112 121 122 211 212 221
1112 1121 1122 1211 1212 1221 2111 2112 2121 2211
11122 11212 11221 12112 12121 12211 21112 21121 21211 22111
and traverse this tree while creating solutions, so that each vector only needs to be generated once.
I think this method only works for some values of n, m and k; I'm not sure it can be made to work for the general case.

Truncate integer using bit twiddling

Is there a way to "truncate" an integer using bit twiddling, as if it floor-divided and then multiplied back, as in:
z = floor(x / y) * y
I know it is possible to do so if y is of power of two, for example:
z = floor(x / 4) * 4 == x & ~3
But what trick does one use when y is some general positive integer?
For each individual y, there is a sequence of operations (addition, subtraction, and binary shift) which divides x by y faster than the (x86) division instruction.
Finding that sequence however is not straightforward, and must be done in advance (feasible when you divide by the same y a lot).
A simple example: to divide an arbitrary uint32 x by 3, we can instead calculate x * M in uint64 type and shift it to the right by 33 bits, where M is a magic constant equal to 233 / 3 rounded up.
The following code (C) tries 20 random uint32 values with the above algorithm and checks that the result is equal to just dividing by 3:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
int main ()
int step;
unsigned x, y1, y2;
unsigned const M = (1ULL << 33) / 3 + 1;
srand (time (NULL));
for (step = 0; step < 20; step++)
x = (rand () << 30) | (rand () << 15) | rand ();
y1 = x / 3;
y2 = (x * 1ULL * M) >> 33;
printf ("%10u %10u %10u %s\n", x, y1, y2, y1 == y2 ? "true" : "false");
return 0;
For further information, see Hacker's Delight book in general, and the freely available addition - chapter 10 here: hackersdelight.org/divcMore.pdf.
The reason this works for powers of 2 is the way binary representations works. Dividing by 2 (or powers of 2) is identical to bit shifting. Shifting right and then back left the same amount is identical to floor-division as you put it.
Consider an arbitrary binary number: 110101010111. If you'd bit shift it 3 times to the right (division by 8), and then back again it would turn to 110101010000 which is identical to ANDing it with 111111111000. Now lets consider division by 3 of the (decimal) number 16: start with 10000. Division (not shifting!) by 3 would be 5 (101) and multiply by 3 again is 15 (1111). No bit shifting can do that.
The obvious thing to do is to convert to whatever base you are trying to work with, and then basically make the last digit 0. (Or if you are working with a kth power, then make the last k digits 0). However you asked about bit (base-2) operations. It turns out that for any desired base B (at least, that is odd), you can come up with a number in binary so that the first M digits in base B are anything you want, for any M. Thus, how could you possibly have a general method for what you want (with an odd base), that just works on bits (binary)? At the very least it would probably be a lot more complicated than simply converting your number to your desired base and setting however many last digits to 0 and then converting back to natural base-2 integer representation.

Finding if a random number has occured before or not

Let me be clear at start that this is a contrived example and not a real world problem.
If I have a problem of creating a random number between 0 to 10. I do this 11 times making sure that a previously occurred number is not drawn again, if I get a repeated number,
I create another random number again to make sure it has not be seen earlier. So essentially I get a a sequence of unique numbers from 0 - 10 in a random order
e.g. 3 1 2 0 5 9 4 8 10 6 7 and so on
Now to come up with logic to make sure that the random numbers are unique and not one which we have drawn before, we could use many approaches
Use C++ std::bitset and set the bit corresponding to the index equal to value of each random no. and check it next time when a new random number is drawn.
Use a std::map<int,int> to count the number of times or even simple C array with some sentinel values stored in that array to indicate if that number has occurred or not.
If I have to avoid these methods above and use some mathematical/logical/bitwise operation to find whether a random number has been draw before or not, is there a way?
You don't want to do it the way you suggest. Consider what happens when you have already selected 10 of the 11 items; your random number generator will cycle until it finds the missing number, which might be never, depending on your random number generator.
A better solution is to create a list of numbers 0 to 10 in order, then shuffle the list into a random order. The normal algorithm for doing this is due to Knuth, Fisher and Yates: starting at the first element, swap each element with an element at a location greater than the current element in the array.
function shuffle(a, n)
for i from n-1 to 1 step -1
j = randint(i)
swap(a[i], a[j])
We assume an array with indices 0 to n-1, and a randint function that sets j to the range 0 <= j <= i.
Use an array and add all possible values to it. Then pick one out of the array and remove it. Next time, pick again until the array is empty.
Yes, there is a mathematical way to do it, but it is a bit expansive.
have an array: primes[] where primes[i] = the i'th prime number. So its beginning will be [2,3,5,7,11,...].
Also store a number mult Now, once you draw a number (let it be i) you check if mult % primes[i] == 0, if it is - the number was drawn before, if it wasn't - then the number was not. chose it and do mult = mult * primes[i].
However, it is expansive because it might require a lot of space for large ranges (the possible values of mult increases exponentially
(This is a nice mathematical approach, because we actually look at a set of primes p_i, the array of primes is only the implementation to the abstract set of primes).
A bit manipulation alternative for small values is using an int or long as a bitset.
With this approach, to check a candidate i is not in the set you only need to check:
if (pow(2,i) & set == 0) // not in the set
else //already in the set
To enter an element i to the set:
set = set | pow(2,i)
A better approach will be to populate a list with all the numbers, shuffle it with fisher-yates shuffle, and iterate it for generating new random numbers.
If I have to avoid these methods above and use some
mathematical/logical/bitwise operation to find whether a random number
has been draw before or not, is there a way?
Subject to your contrived constraints yes, you can imitate a small bitset using bitwise operations:
You can choose different integer types on the right according to what size you need.
bitset code bitwise code
std::bitset<32> x; unsigned long x = 0;
if (x[i]) { ... } if (x & (1UL << i)) { ... }
// assuming v is 0 or 1
x[i] = v; x = (x & ~(1UL << i)) | ((unsigned long)v << i);
x[i] = true; x |= (1UL << i);
x[i] = false; x &= ~(1UL << i);
For a larger set (beyond the size in bits of unsigned long long), you will need an array of your chosen integer type. Divide the index by the width of each value to know what index to look up in the array, and use the modulus for the bit shifts. This is basically what bitset does.
I'm assuming that the various answers that tell you how best to shuffle 10 numbers are missing the point entirely: that your contrived constraints are there because you do not in fact want or need to know how best to shuffle 10 numbers :-)
Keep a variable too map the drawn numbers. The i'th bit of that variable will be 1 if the number was drawn before:
int mapNumbers = 0;
int generateRand() {
if (mapNumbers & ((1 << 11) - 1) == ((1 << 11) - 1)) return; // return if all numbers have been generated
int x;
do {
x = newVal();
} while (!x & mapNumbers);
mapNumbers |= (1 << x);
return x;

Generate all binary strings of length n with k bits set

What's the best algorithm to find all binary strings of length n that contain k bits set? For example, if n=4 and k=3, there are...
I need a good way to generate these given any n and any k so I'd prefer it to be done with strings.
This method will generate all integers with exactly N '1' bits.
From https://graphics.stanford.edu/~seander/bithacks.html#NextBitPermutation
Compute the lexicographically next bit permutation
Suppose we have a pattern of N bits set to 1 in an integer and we want
the next permutation of N 1 bits in a lexicographical sense. For
example, if N is 3 and the bit pattern is 00010011, the next patterns
would be 00010101, 00010110, 00011001, 00011010, 00011100, 00100011,
and so forth. The following is a fast way to compute the next
unsigned int v; // current permutation of bits
unsigned int w; // next permutation of bits
unsigned int t = v | (v - 1); // t gets v's least significant 0 bits set to 1
// Next set to 1 the most significant bit to change,
// set to 0 the least significant ones, and add the necessary 1 bits.
w = (t + 1) | (((~t & -~t) - 1) >> (__builtin_ctz(v) + 1));
The __builtin_ctz(v) GNU C compiler intrinsic for x86 CPUs returns the number of trailing zeros. If you are using Microsoft compilers for
x86, the intrinsic is _BitScanForward. These both emit a bsf
instruction, but equivalents may be available for other architectures.
If not, then consider using one of the methods for counting the
consecutive zero bits mentioned earlier. Here is another version that
tends to be slower because of its division operator, but it does not
require counting the trailing zeros.
unsigned int t = (v | (v - 1)) + 1;
w = t | ((((t & -t) / (v & -v)) >> 1) - 1);
Thanks to Dario Sneidermanis of Argentina, who provided this on November 28, 2009.
import itertools
def kbits(n, k):
result = []
for bits in itertools.combinations(range(n), k):
s = ['0'] * n
for bit in bits:
s[bit] = '1'
return result
print kbits(4, 3)
Output: ['1110', '1101', '1011', '0111']
Essentially we need to choose the positions of the 1-bits. There are n choose k ways of choosing k bits among n total bits. itertools is a nice module that does this for us. itertools.combinations(range(n), k) will choose k bits from [0, 1, 2 ... n-1] and then it's just a matter of building the string given those bit indexes.
Since you aren't using Python, look at the pseudo-code for itertools.combinations here:
Should be easy to implement in any language.
Forget about implementation ("be it done with strings" is obviously an implementation issue!) -- think about the algorithm, for Pete's sake... just as in, your very first TAG, man!
What you're looking for is all combinations of K items out of a set of N (the indices, 0 to N-1 , of the set bits). That's obviously simplest to express recursively, e.g., pseudocode:
combinations(K, setN):
if k > length(setN): return "no combinations possible"
if k == 0: return "empty combination"
# combinations including the first item:
return ((first-item-of setN) combined combinations(K-1, all-but-first-of setN))
union combinations(K, all-but-first-of setN)
i.e., the first item is either present or absent: if present, you have K-1 left to go (from the tail aka all-but-firs), if absent, still K left to go.
Pattern-matching functional languages like SML or Haskell may be best to express this pseudocode (procedural ones, like my big love Python, may actually mask the problem too deeply by including too-rich functionality, such as itertools.combinations, which does all the hard work for you and therefore HIDES it from you!).
What are you most familiar with, for this purpose -- Scheme, SML, Haskell, ...? I'll be happy to translate the above pseudocode for you. I can do it in languages such as Python too, of course -- but since the point is getting you to understand the mechanics for this homework assignment, I won't use too-rich functionality such as itertools.combinations, but rather recursion (and recursion-elimination, if needed) on more obvious primitives (such as head, tail, and concatenation). But please DO let us know what pseudocode-like language you're most familiar with! (You DO understand that the problem you state is identically equipotent to "get all combinations of K items out or range(N)", right?).
This C# method returns an enumerator that creates all combinations. As it creates the combinations as you enumerate them it only uses stack space, so it's not limited by memory space in the number of combinations that it can create.
This is the first version that I came up with. It's limited by the stack space to a length of about 2700:
static IEnumerable<string> BinStrings(int length, int bits) {
if (length == 1) {
yield return bits.ToString();
} else {
if (length > bits) {
foreach (string s in BinStrings(length - 1, bits)) {
yield return "0" + s;
if (bits > 0) {
foreach (string s in BinStrings(length - 1, bits - 1)) {
yield return "1" + s;
This is the second version, that uses a binary split rather than splitting off the first character, so it uses the stack much more efficiently. It's only limited by the memory space for the string that it creates in each iteration, and I have tested it up to a length of 10000000:
static IEnumerable<string> BinStrings(int length, int bits) {
if (length == 1) {
yield return bits.ToString();
} else {
int first = length / 2;
int last = length - first;
int low = Math.Max(0, bits - last);
int high = Math.Min(bits, first);
for (int i = low; i <= high; i++) {
foreach (string f in BinStrings(first, i)) {
foreach (string l in BinStrings(last, bits - i)) {
yield return f + l;
One problem with many of the standard solutions to this problem is that the entire set of strings is generated and then those are iterated through, which may exhaust the stack. It quickly becomes unwieldy for any but the smallest sets. In addition, in many instances, only a partial sampling is needed, but the standard (recursive) solutions generally chop the problem into pieces that are heavily biased to one direction (eg. consider all the solutions with a zero starting bit, and then all the solutions with a one starting bit).
In many cases, it would be more desireable to be able to pass a bit string (specifying element selection) to a function and have it return the next bit string in such a way as to have a minimal change (this is known as a Gray Code) and to have a representation of all the elements.
Donald Knuth covers a whole host of algorithms for this in his Fascicle 3A, section Generating all Combinations.
There is an approach for tackling the iterative Gray Code algorithm for all ways of choosing k elements from n at http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20081208224633AA0gdMl
with a link to final PHP code listed in the comment (click to expand it) at the bottom of the page.
One possible 1.5-liner:
$ python -c 'import itertools; \
print set([ n for n in itertools.permutations("0111", 4)])'
set([('1', '1', '1', '0'), ('0', '1', '1', '1'), ..., ('1', '0', '1', '1')])
.. where k is the number of 1s in "0111".
The itertools module explains equivalents for its methods; see the equivalent for the permutation method.
One algorithm that should work:
generate-strings(prefix, len, numBits) -> String:
if (len == 0):
print prefix
if (len == numBits):
print prefix + (len x "1")
generate-strings(prefix + "0", len-1, numBits)
generate-strings(prefix + "1", len-1, numBits)
Good luck!
In a more generic way, the below function will give you all possible index combinations for an N choose K problem which you can then apply to a string or whatever else:
def generate_index_combinations(n, k):
possible_combinations = []
def walk(current_index, indexes_so_far=None):
indexes_so_far = indexes_so_far or []
if len(indexes_so_far) == k:
indexes_so_far = tuple(indexes_so_far)
if current_index == n:
walk(current_index + 1, indexes_so_far + [current_index])
walk(current_index + 1, indexes_so_far)
if k == 0:
return []
return possible_combinations
I would try recursion.
There are n digits with k of them 1s. Another way to view this is sequence of k+1 slots with n-k 0s distributed among them. That is, (a run of 0s followed by a 1) k times, then followed by another run of 0s. Any of these runs can be of length zero, but the total length needs to be n-k.
Represent this as an array of k+1 integers. Convert to a string at the bottom of the recursion.
Recursively call to depth n-k, a method that increments one element of the array before a recursive call and then decrements it, k+1 times.
At the depth of n-k, output the string.
int[] run = new int[k+1];
void recur(int depth) {
if(depth == 0){
for(int i = 0; i < k + 1; ++i){
recur(depth - 1);
public static void main(string[] arrrgghhs) {
recur(n - k);
It's been a while since I have done Java, so there are probably some errors in this code, but the idea should work.
Are strings faster than an array of ints? All the solutions prepending to strings probably result in a copy of the string at each iteration.
So probably the most efficient way would be an array of int or char that you append to. Java has efficient growable containers, right? Use that, if it's faster than string. Or if BigInteger is efficient, it's certainly compact, since each bit only takes a bit, not a whole byte or int. But then to iterate over the bits you need to & mask a bit, and bitshift the mask to the next bit position. So probably slower, unless JIT compilers are good at that these days.
I would post this a a comment on the original question, but my karma isn't high enough. Sorry.
Python (functional style)
Using python's itertools.combinations you can generate all choices of k our of n and map those choices to a binary array with reduce
from itertools import combinations
from functools import reduce # not necessary in python 2.x
def k_bits_on(k,n):
one_at = lambda v,i:v[:i]+[1]+v[i+1:]
return [tuple(reduce(one_at,c,[0]*n)) for c in combinations(range(n),k)]
Example usage:
In [4]: k_bits_on(2,5)
[(0, 0, 0, 1, 1),
(0, 0, 1, 0, 1),
(0, 0, 1, 1, 0),
(0, 1, 0, 0, 1),
(0, 1, 0, 1, 0),
(0, 1, 1, 0, 0),
(1, 0, 0, 0, 1),
(1, 0, 0, 1, 0),
(1, 0, 1, 0, 0),
(1, 1, 0, 0, 0)]
Well for this question (where you need to iterate over all the submasks in increasing order of their number of set bits), which has been marked as a duplicate of this.
We can simply iterate over all the submasks add them to a vector and sort it according to the number of set bits.
vector<int> v;
for(ll i=mask;i>0;i=(i-1)&mask)
auto cmp = [](const auto &a, const auto &b){
return __builtin_popcountll(a) < __builtin_popcountll(b);
v.sort(v.begin(), v.end(), cmp);
Another way would be to iterate over all the submasks N times and add a number to the vector if the number of set bits is equal to i in the ith iteration.
Both ways have complexity of O(n*2^n)
Best and Easy Solution
This is an easy problem. We just need to use Dynamic Programming.
I can give my solution which stores integeres. After that you can convert integers to bitwise strings.
List<Long> dp[]=new List[m+1];
for(int i=0;i<=m;i++) dp[i]=new ArrayList<>();
// dp[i] stores all possible bit masks of n length and i bits set
for(int i=1;i<=m;i++){
// transitions
for(int j=0;j<dp[i-1].size();j++){
long num=dp[i-1].get(j);
for(int p=0;p<n;p++){
if((num&(1l<<p))==0) dp[i].add(num|(1l<<p));
// dp[m] contains all possible numbers having m bits set of len n
But dp[m] contains duplicates because adding 1 to 10 or 01 gives 11 two times. To handle that we can use HashSet
Set<Long> set=new HashSet<>();
for(int i=0;i<dp[m].size();i++) set.add(dp[m].get(i));
if you want to solve this problem recursively, you can do this by a D&C algorithm :
def binlist(n,k,s):
if n==0:
if s.count('1')==k:
the output will be :

Convert string to integer (not atoi!)

I want to be able to take, as input, a character pointer to a number in base 2 through 16 and as a second parameter, what base the number is in and then convert that to it's representation in base 2. The integer can be of arbitrary length. My solution now does what the atoi() function does, but I was curious purely out of academic interest if a lookup table solution is possible.
I have found that this is simple for binary, octal, and hexadecimal. I can simply use a lookup table for each digit to get a series of bits. For instance:
0xF1E ---> (F = 1111) (1 = 0001) (E = 1110) ---> 111100011110
0766 ---> (7 = 111) (6 = 110) (6 = 110) ---> 111110110
1000 ---> ??? ---> 1111101000
However, my problem is that I want to do this look up table method for odd bases, like base 10. I know that I could write the algorithm like atoi does and do a bunch of multiplies and adds, but for this specific problem I'm trying to see if I can do it with a look up table. It's definitely not so obvious with base 10, though. I was curious if anyone had any clever way to figure out how to generate a generic look up table for Base X -> Base 2. I know that for base 10, you can't just give it one digit at a time, so the solution would likely have to lookup a group of digits at a time.
I am aware of the multiply and add solution but since these are arbitrary length numbers, the multiply and add operations are not free so I'd like to avoid them, if at all possible.
You will have to use a look up table with an input width of m base b symbols returning n bits so that
n = log2(b) * m
for positive integers b, n and m. So if b is not a power of two, there will be no (simple) look up table solution.
I do not think that there is a solution. The following example with base 10 illustrates why.
65536 = 1 0000 0000 0000 0000
Changing the last digit from 6 to 5 will flip all bits.
65535 = 0 1111 1111 1111 1111
And almost the same will hold if you process the input starting from the end. Changing the first digit from 6 to 5 flips a significant number of bits.
55535 = 0 1101 1000 1111 0000
This is not possible in bases that aren't powers of two to convert to base-2. The reason that it is possible for base 8 (and 16) is that the way the conversion works is following:
octal ABC = 8^2*A + 8^1*B + 8^0*C (decimal)
= 0b10000000*A + 0b1000*B + C (binary)
so if you have the lookup table of A = (0b000 to 0b111), then the multiplication is always by 1 and some trailing zeros, so the multiplication is simple (just shifting left).
However, consider the 'odd' base of 10. When you look at the powers of 10:
10^1 = 0b1010
10^2 = 0b1100100
10^3 = 0b1111101000
10^4 = 0b10011100010000
You'll notice that the multiplication never gets simple, so you can't have any lookup tables and do bitshifts and ors, no matter how big you group them. It will always overlap. The best you can do is have a lookup table of the form: (a,b) where a is the digit position, and b is the digit (0..9). Then, you are only reduced to adding n numbers, rather than multiplying and adding n numbers (plus the cost of the memory of the lookup table)
How big are the strings? You can potentially convert the multiply-and-add to a lookup-and-add by doing something like this:
Store the numbers 0-9, 10, 20, 30, 40, ... 90, 100, 200, ... 900, 1000, 2000, ... , 9000, 10000, ... in the target base in a table.
For each character starting with the rightmost, index appropriately into the table and add it to a running result.
Of course I'm not sure how well this will actually perform, but it's a thought.
The algorithm is quite simple. Language agnostic would be:
total = 0
base <- input_base
for each character in input:
total <- total*base + number(char)
In C++:
// Helper to convert a digit to a number
unsigned int number( char ch )
if ( ch >= '0' && ch <= '9' ) return ch-'0';
ch = toupper(ch);
if ( ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'F' ) return 10 + (ch-'A');
unsigned int parse( std::string const & input, unsigned int base )
unsigned int total = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < input.size(); ++i )
total = total*base + number(input[i]);
return total;
Of course, you should take care of possible errors (incoherent input: base 2 and input string 'af12') or any other exceptional condition.
Start with a running count of 0.
For each character in the string (reading left to right)
Multiply count by base.
Convert character to int value (0 through base)
Add character value to running count.
How accurate do you need to be?
If you're looking for perfection, then multiply-and-add is really your only recourse. And I'd be very surprised if it's the slowest part of your application.
If order-of-magnitude is good enough, use a lookup table to find the closest power of 2.
Example 1: 1234, closest power of 2 is 1024.
Example 2: 98765, closest is 65536
You could also drive this by counting the number of digits, and multiplying the appropriate power of 2 by the leftmost digit. This can be implemented as a left-shift:
Example 3: 98765 has 5 digits, closest power of 2 to 10000 is 8192 (2^13), so result is 9 << 13
I wrote this before your clarifying comment so it probably isn't quite is applicable. I'm not sure if a lookup table approach is possible or not. If you really don't need arbitrary precision, then take advantage of the runtime.
If a C/C++ solution is acceptable, I believe that the following is what you are looking for is something like the following. It probably contains bugs in edge cases, but it does compile and work as expected at least for positive numbers. Making it really work is an exercise for the reader.
* convert_num - convert a numerical string (str) of base (b) to
* a printable binary representation
* int convert_num(char const* s, int b, char** o)
* Generates a printable binary representation of an input number
* from an arbitrary base. The input number is passed as the ASCII
* character string `s'. The input string consists of characters
* from the ASCII character set {'0'..'9','A'..('A'+b-10)} where
* letter characters may be in either upper or lower case.
* The number of characters from the input string `s' which were
* consumed by this operation. The output string is placed into
* newly allocated storage which is pointed to by `*o' upon successful
* completion. An error is signalled by returning `-1'.
convert_num(char const *str, int b, char **out)
int rc = -1;
char *endp = NULL;
char *outp = NULL;
unsigned long num = strtoul(str, &endp, b);
if (endp != str) { /* then we have some numbers */
int numdig = -1;
rc = (endp - str); /* we have this many base `b' digits! */
frexp((double)num, &numdig); /* we need this many base 2 digits */
if ((outp=malloc(numdig+1)) == NULL) {
return -1;
*out = outp; /* return the buffer */
outp += numdig; /* make sure it is NUL terminated */
*outp-- = '\0';
while (numdig-- != 0) { /* fill it in from LSb to MSb */
*outp-- = ((num & 1) ? '1' : '0');
num >>= 1;
return rc;
