Maven Assembly PlugIn with Shade for produce one Jar - maven

i have this problem,
this is my POM build part
<transformer implementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.ManifestResourceTransformer">
<!-- START per maven 3.0 -->
<dependency><!-- add support for ssh/scp -->
And i produce 1 JAR with dependencies included.
But when i generate a ZIP file with Assembly into the zip. i have 2 JAR (MyProject and POI)
this is my Assembly PART:
How i configure it to produce 1 JAR with Assembly plugIn?
Many Thanks.


combination of shade, proguard and appassembler maven plugins

I'm trying to build and obfuscate a multi module project using maven. I use the shade plugin to create a fat jar containing all of my own class files(every module) so that I could obfuscate the fat jar using proguard-maven-plugin and then create executable build output using appassembler plugin. everything works except that the other module dependencies also appear in the appassembler repo dir, which is wrong because the obfuscated classes already exist in the shaded jar.
I've tried defining the other module dependencies as provided and then adding the dependencies for the shade plugin, but the shade plugin seems to ignore them.
this is the relevant part of pom.xml:
Any ideas are welcome.
I found a solution which is not as convenient as I'd like but its better than removing the other module jars manually. I used assembly plugin to exclude the jars from the build distribution zip.
<assembly xmlns:xsi=""
I think your issue comes from the fact that the shaded jar and the appassembler are ran during the same phase, package.
I think you should try to modify the phase of the appassembler plugin to:

While generating test coverage jenkins sends me errors and does not generate the folder or file

I generated this error: coverage results were found using the pattern '**/target/site/cobertura/coverage.xml
here is my pom.xml
<artifactId>cobertura-maven-plugin </artifactId>
<configuration >
<formats >
<format> xml </format>
Am I wrong or is the error in the handle part?
A hint:
Could not find goal 'coverage' in plugin org.codehaus.mojo:cobertura-maven-plugin:2.6 among available goals cobertura, instrument, clean, check, help, dump-datafile -> [Help 1]
Use this :

Maven: Build tar.gz file with externally downloaded files

What I'm trying to do with maven is build a project.tar.gz file with some data in the ./data folder downloaded from some location on the web.
Currently I'm trying to approach this using the assembly plugin, so far without much success.
So far the following works: I download a file to target/data
But now I need that file packaged in a tar file.
I ended up using
<version>2.2-beta-5</version> <!-- Old -->
<execution> <!-- Build tar.gz archive. -->
</execution> <!-- /NewStuff -->
using tar.xml:
I personally wouldn't use Maven for this; Maven is a tool for standard processes. What you want to do is very special.
Have a look at the Maven AntRun Plugin or use Ant directly. That way, you can create a script which does exactly what you want without fighting with Maven's conventions all the time.

Maven: Reporting warnings during regular compile, but not for generated sources

We have a Maven project that uses WSDL files that are turned into Java source files and later compiled.
When this project used Ant, we compiled the generated Java source file and the normal developer written Java source files separately. This allowed me to turn on deprecation and warnings on compiling the developer written Java files, but off for compiling the WSDL generated Java files. I want the developers to fix their warnings and deprecations, but I can't hold the developers responsible for code that the WSDLs generated.
Now, we've moved the project over to Maven, and I would like to do the same thing: Compile the WSDL generated Java source code without the warnings and compile the developer written Java source code with the warnings. Is it possible to do with Maven? (I mean without writing it in Ant and embedding that in the pom.xml).
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""
<version>2.0.4</version> <!--package version-->
<!-- COMPILE -->
Okay, I figured out how to do this, but I am not enamored with the solution:
Define two separate maven-compiler-plugin executions. One called default-compile where I compile the WSDL code, and one called main-compile where I compile the rest of the code.
Use <includes/> and <excludes> in the main-compiler-plugin execution configurations to include and exclude the code I want to compile.
I still need the build-helper-maven-plugin to define two separate source.
The default-compile is always executed (I couldn't figure out a way to turn it off) even if I don't have a configuration default-compile. That would automatically compile everything before looking at my two defined maven-compile-plugin plugin executions. To get around this, I named the WSDL compile default-compile.
Here's the mavin-compiler-plugin configuration:
I found David W.'s answer very useful. Unfortunately, I could not find an easy way to separate generated-sources for my current project using <includes>/<excludes> (and <testIncludes>/<testExcludes> for default-testCompile), since they appear to be checked against paths relative to compileSourceRoots.
The solution that worked best for me is to specify <compileSourceRoots> for each <execution>:
This has the advantage of no longer requiring build-helper-maven-plugin (since ${project.compileSourceRoots} is ignored), but the disadvantage that since ${project.compileSourceRoots} is ignored, compileSourceRoot for each generator plugin must be added to an <execution> explicitly or it will not be compiled.

multiple assemble results

I need to keep a status created during an artifact proceeding. So I've got the idea to bundle these state into an own zip and unpacking it in the prepare phase. Additional shall be the real result deployed as well. This result is a bundle to created files, valuable within a next artifact.
I'm trying create two result zips, but during deploy the second assembly name is ignored and always is deployed.
Whats wrong?
Thanks in advance,
my pom looks like:
<project ...>
... proceeding generation
The assemblies are:
<assembly ... >
<assembly ... >
You can use the attach-artifact goal of build helper maven plugin to achieve this.
This allows me attaching the status file only to the current artifact. But then I'm getting a dependency cycle, when trying to add the status artifact.
<project ...>
