how to detect all caps word in a string - methods

I am new using java. I wanted to ask, if I have a text file containing different words per line and I want to read that file as a string in order to detect if there are certain words that are written in all caps (abbreviations). The exception being that if the word starts with "#" or and "#" it will ignore counting it. For example I have:
OMG terry is cute #HAWT SMH
The result will be:
Abbreviations = 2.
terry likes TGIF parties #ANDERSON
The result will be:
Abbreviations = 1.
Please help

Try to use the .split(String T) method, and the .contains(char C) methods .....
I think they will help you a lot ....
Function split:
Function contains:

String str1 = "OMG terry is cute #HAWT SMH";
String str2 = "terry likes TGIF parties #ANDERSON";
Pattern p = Pattern.compile("(?>\\s)([A-Z]+)(?=\\s)");
Matcher matcher = p.matcher(" "+str1+" ");//pay attention! adding spaces
// before and after to catch potentials in
// beginning/end of the sentence
int i=0;
while (matcher.find()) {
i++; //count how many matches were found
System.out.println("matches: "+i); // prints 2
matcher = p.matcher(" "+str2+" ");
while (matcher.find()) {
System.out.println("matches: "+i); // prints 1
matches: 2
matches: 1

Here is a bazooka for your spider problem.
(mystring+" ").split("(?<!#|#)[A-Z]{2,}").length-1;
Pad the string with a space (because .split removes trailing empty strings).
Split on the pattern "behind this is neither # nor #, and this is two or more capital letters". This returns an array of substrings of the that are not part of abbreviations.
Take the length of the array and subtract 1.
mystring = "OMG terry is cute #HAWT SMH";
String[] arr = (mystring+" ").split("(?<!#|#)[A-Z]{2,}").length-1;
//arr is now {"", " terry is cute #HAWT ", " "}, three strings
return arr.length-1; //returns 2


Need explanation of the short Kotlin solution for strings in Codewars

I got a task on code wars.
The task is
In this simple Kata your task is to create a function that turns a string into a Mexican Wave. You will be passed a string and you must return that string in an array where an uppercase letter is a person standing up.
Rules are
The input string will always be lower case but maybe empty.
If the character in the string is whitespace then pass over it as if it was an empty seat
wave("hello") => []string{"Hello", "hEllo", "heLlo", "helLo", "hellO"}
So I have found the solution but I want to understand the logic of it. Since its so minimalistic and looks cool but I don't understand what happens there. So the solution is
fun wave(str: String) = { str.take(it) + str.drop(it).capitalize() }.filter { it != str }
Could you please explain?
str.indices just returns the valid indices of the string. This means the numbers from 0 to and including str.length - 1 - a total of str.length numbers.
Then, these numbers are mapped (in other words, transformed) into strings. We will now refer to each of these numbers as "it", as that is what it refers to in the map lambda.
Here's how we do the transformation: we first take the first it characters of str, then combine that with the last str.length - it characters of str, but with the first of those characters capitalized. How do we get the last str.length - it characters? We drop the first it characters.
Here's an example for when str is "hello", illustrated in a table:
Lastly, the solution also filters out transformed strings that are the same as str. This is to handle Rule #2. Transformed strings can only be the same as str if the capitalised character is a whitespace (because capitalising a whitespace character doesn't change it).
Side note: capitalize is deprecated. For other ways to capitalise the first character, see Is there a shorter replacement for Kotlin's deprecated String.capitalize() function?
Here's another way you could do it:
fun wave2(str: String) = str.mapIndexed { i, c -> str.replaceRange(i, i + 1, c.uppercase()) }
.filter { it.any(Char::isUpperCase) }
The filter on the original is way more elegant IMO, this is just as an example of how else you might check for a condition. replaceRange is a way to make a copy of a string with some of the characters changed, in this case we're just replacing the one at the current index by uppercasing what's already there. Not as clever as the original, but good to know!

How can I filter() stream method using regexp and predicate to get negated list

I am trying to filter anything not in the regexp.
So what I am trying to express is write anything to a list that has characters other than a-z,0-9 and -, so I can deal with these city names with invalid characters afterwards.
But whatever I try I either end up with a list of valid cities or an IllegalArgumentException where the list contains valid character cities.
String str;
List<String> invalidCharactersList =
// Check for invalid names
if (!invalidCharactersList.isEmpty()) {
str = (inOut) ? "c" : "q";
throw new IllegalArgumentException("City name characters "
+ str + ": for city name " + invalidCharactersList.get(0)
+ ": fails constraint city names [a-z, 0-9, -]");
I am try to filter anything not in the regexp
Following is some test data which fails on the first list, I want it to fail on last
List<String> c = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList("fastcity", "bigbanana", "xyz"));
List<Integer> x = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(23, 23, 23));
List<Integer> y = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(1, 10, 20));
List<String> q = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList("fastcity*", "bigbanana", "xyz&"));
Following is output:
Thanks this works fine.

LINQ: select rows where any word of string start with a certain character

I want extract from a table all rows where in a column (string) there is at least one word that starts with a specified character.
Row 1: 'this is the first row'
Row 2: 'this is th second row'
Row 3: 'this is the third row'
If the specified character is T -> I would extract all 3 rows
If the specified character is S -> I would extract only the second column
Please help me
Assuming you mean "space delimited sequence of characters, or begin to space or space to end" by "word", then you can split on the delimiter and test them for matches:
var src = new[] {
"this is the first row",
"this is th second row",
"this is the third row"
var findChar = 'S';
var lowerFindChar = findChar.ToLower();
var matches = src.Where(s => s.Split(new[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Any(w => w.ToLower()[0] == lowerFindChar));
The LINQ Enumerable.Any method tests a sequence to see if any element matches, so you can split each string into a sequence of words and see if any word begins with the desired letter, compensating for case.
Try this:
rows.Where(r => Regex.IsMatch(r, " [Tt]"))
You can replace the Tt with Ss (both assuming you want either upper case or lower case).
The problem of course is, what is a "word"?
Is the character sequence 'word' in the sentence above a word according to your definition? It doesn't start with a space, not even a white-space.
A definition of a word could be:
Define wordCharacter: something like A-Z, a-z.
Define word:
- the non-empty sequence of wordCharacters at the beginning of a string followed by a non-wordcharacter
- or the non-empty sequence of wordCharacters at the end of a string preceded by a non-wordcharacter
- any non-empty sequence of wordCharacters in the string preceded and followed by a non-wordcharacter
Define start of word: the first character of a word.
String: "Some strange characters: 'A', 9, äll, B9 C$ X?
- Words: Some, strange characters, A
- Not Words: 9, äll, B9, C$ X?
So you first have to specify precisely what you mean by word, then you can define functions.
I'll write it as an extension method of IEnumerable<string>. Usage will look similar to LINQ. See Extension Methods Demystified
bool IsWordCharacter(char c) {... TODO: implement your definition of word character}
static IEnumerable<string> SplitIntoWords(this string text)
// TODO: exception if text null
if (text.Length == 0) return
int startIndex = 0;
while (startIndex != text.Length)
{ // not at end of string. Find the beginning of the next word:
while (startIndex < text.Length && !IsWordCharacter(text[startIndex]))
// now startIndex points to the first character of the next word
// or to the end of the text
if (startIndex != text.Length)
{ // found the beginning of a word.
// the first character after the word is either the first non-word character,
// or the end of the string
int indexAfterWord = startWordIndex + 1;
while (indexAfterWord < text.Length && IsWordCharacter(text[indexAfterWord]))
// all characters from startIndex to indexAfterWord-1 are word characters
// so all characters between startIndexWord and indexAfterWord-1 are a word
int wordLength = indexAfterWord - startIndexWord;
yield return text.SubString(startIndexWord, wordLength);
Now that you've got a procedure to split any string into your definition of words, your query will be simple:
IEnumerabl<string> texts = ...
char specifiedChar = 'T';
// keep only those texts that have at least one word that starts with specifiedChar:
var textsWithWordThatStartsWithSpecifiedChar = texts
// split the text into words
// keep only the words that start with specifiedChar
// if there is such a word: keep the text
.Where(text => text.SplitIntoWords()
.Where(word => word.Length > 0 && word[0] == specifiedChar)
var yourChar = "s";
var texts = new List<string> {
"this is the first row",
"this is th second row",
"this is the third row"
var result = texts.Where(p => p.StartsWith(yourChar) || p.Contains(" " + yourChar));
Alternative way (I'm not sure it works in linq query)
var result = texts.Where(p => (" " + p).Contains(" " + yourChar));
you can use .ToLower() if you want Case-insensitive check.

How to detect the difference between ' as used in an abbreviation and as quotation markers

I'm attempting to parse blocks of text and need a way to detect the difference between apostrophes in different contexts. Possession and abbreviation in one group, quotations in the other.
"I'm the cars' owner" -> ["I'm", "the", "cars'", "owner"]
"He said 'hello there' " -> ["He","said"," 'hello there' "]
Detecting whitespace on either side won't help as things like " 'ello " and " cars' " would parse as one end of a quotation, same with matching pairs of apostrophes. I'm getting the feeling that there's no way of doing it other than an outrageously complicated NLP solution and I'm just going to have to ignore any apostrophes not occurring mid-word, which would be unfortunate.
Since writing I have realised this is impossible. Any regex-ish based parser would have to parse:
'ello there my mates' dogs
in 2 different ways, and could only do that with understanding of the rest of the sentence. Guess I'm for the inelegant solution of ignoring the least likely case and hoping it's rare enough to only cause infrequent anomalies.
Hm, I'm afraid this won't be easy. Here's a regex that kinda works, alas only for stuff like "I'm" and "I've":
>> s1 =~ /[\w\s]*((?<!I)'(?:[^']+)')[\w\s]*/
=> nil
>> s2 =~ /[\w\s]*((?<!I)'(?:[^']+)')[\w\s]*/
=> 0
>> $1
=> "'hello there'"
If you play around with it a bit more, you may be able to eliminate some other common contractions, which might still be better than nothing.
Some rules to think about:
Quotes will start with an apostrophe with a whitespace character or nothing before it.
Quotes will end with an apostrophe with punctuation or a whitespace character after it.
Some words may look like the end of quotes, e.g., peoples'.
Quote delimiting apostrophes will never have letters directly before and after them.
Use a very simple two-phase process.
In pass 1 of 2, start with this regular expression to break the text down into alternating segments of word and non-word characters.
Store the matches in a list like this (I'm using AS3-style pseudo-code, since I don't work with ruby):
class MatchedWord
var text:String;
var charIndex:int;
var isWord:Boolean;
var isContraction:Boolean = false;
function MatchedWord( text:String, charIndex:int, isWord:Boolean )
this.text = text; this.charIndex = charIndex; this.isWord = isWord;
var match:Object;
var matched_word:MatchedWord;
var matched_words:Vector.<MatchedWord> = new Vector.<MatchedWord>();
var words_regex:RegExp = /(\w+)|(\W+)/gi
words_regex.lastIndex = 0; //this is where to start looking for matches, and is updated to the end of the last match each time exec is called
while ((match = words_regex.exec( original_text )) != null)
matched_words.push( new MatchedWord( match[0], match.index, match[1] != null ) ); //match[0] is the entire match and match[1] is the first parenthetical group (if it's null, then it's not a word and match[2] would be non-null)
In pass 2 of 2, iterate over the list of matches to find contractions by checking to see if each (trimmed, non-word) match ENDS with an apostrophe. If it does, then check the next adjacent (word) match to see if it matches one of only 8 common contraction endings. Despite all the two-part contractions I could think of, there are only 8 common endings.
Once you've identified such a pair of matches (non-word)="'" and (word)="d", then you just include the preceding adjacent (word) match and concatenate the three matches to get your contraction.
Understanding the process just described, one modification you must make is expand that list of contraction endings to include contractions that start with apostrophe, such as "'twas" and "'tis". For those, you simply don't concatenate the preceding adjacent (word) match, and you look at the apostrophe match a little more closely to see if it included other non-word character before it (that's why it's important it ends with an apostrophe). If the trimmed string EQUALS an apostrophe, then merge it with the next match, and if it only ENDS with an apostrophe, then strip off the apostrophe and merge it with the following match. Likewise, conditions that will include the prior match should first check to ensure the (trimmed non-word) match ending with an apostrophe EQUALS an apostrophe, so there are no extra non-word characters included accidentally.
Another modification you may need to make is expand that list of 8 endings to include endings that are whole words such as "g'day" and "g'night". Again, it's a simple modification involving a conditional check of the preceding (word) match. If it's "g", then you include it.
That process should capture the majority of contractions, and is flexible enough to include new ones you can think of.
The data structure would look like this.
Condition(Ending, PreCondition)
where PreCondition is
"*", "!", or "<exact string>"
The final list of conditions would look like this:
new Condition("d","*") //if apostrophe d is found, include the preceding word string and count as successful contraction match
new Condition("l","*");
new Condition("ll","*");
new Condition("m","*");
new Condition("re","*");
new Condition("s","*");
new Condition("t","*");
new Condition("ve","*");
new Condition("twas","!"); //if apostrophe twas is found, exclude the preceding word string and count as successful contraction match
new Condition("tis","!");
new Condition("day","g"); //if apostrophe day is found and preceding word string is g, then include preceding word string and count as successful contraction match
new Condition("night","g");
If you just process those conditions as I explained, that should cover all of these 86 contractions (and more):
'tis 'twas ain't aren't can't could've couldn't didn't doesn't don't
everybody's g'day g'night hadn't hasn't haven't he'd he'll he's how'd
how'll how's I'd I'll I'm I've isn't it'd it'll it's let's li'l
might've mightn't mustn't needn't nobody's nothing's shan't she'd
she'll she's should've shouldn't that'd that'll that's there's they'd
they'll they're they've wasn't we'd we'll we're we've weren't what'll
what're what'd what's what've when'd when'll when's where'd where'll
where's who's who'll who're who'd who'll who's who've why'd why'll
why's won't would've wouldn't you'd you'll you're you've
On a side note, don't forget about slang contractions that don't use apostrophes such as "gotta" > "got to" and "gonna" > "going to".
Here is the final AS3 code. Overall, you're looking at less than 50 lines of code to parse the text into alternating word and non-word groups, and identify and merge contractions. Simple. You could even add a Boolean "isContraction" variable to the MatchedWord class and set the flag in the code below when a contraction is identified.
//Automatically merge known contractions
var conditions:Array = [
["d","*"], //if apostrophe d is found, include the preceding word string and count as successful contraction match
["twas","!"], //if apostrophe twas is found, exclude the preceding word string and count as successful contraction match
["day","g"], //if apostrophe day is found and preceding word string is g, then include preceding word string and count as successful contraction match
for (i = 0; i < matched_words.length - 1; i++) //not a type-o, intentionally stopping at next to last index to avoid a condition check in the loop
var m:MatchedWord = matched_words[i];
var apostrophe_text:String = StringUtils.trim( m.text ); //check if this ends with an apostrophe first, then deal more closely with it
if (!m.isWord && StringUtils.endsWith( apostrophe_text, "'" ))
var m_next:MatchedWord = matched_words[i + 1]; //no bounds check necessary, since loop intentionally stopped at next to last index
var m_prev:MatchedWord = ((i - 1) >= 0) ? matched_words[i - 1] : null; //bounds check necessary for previous match, since we're starting at beginning, since we may or may not need to look at the prior match depending on the precondition
for each (var condition:Array in conditions)
if (StringUtils.trim( m_next.text ) == condition[0])
var pre_condition:String = condition[1];
switch (pre_condition)
case "*": //success after one final check, include prior match, merge current and next match into prior match and delete current and next match
if (m_prev != null && apostrophe_text == "'") //EQUAL apostrophe, not just ENDS with apostrophe
m_prev.text += m.text + m_next.text;
m_prev.isContraction = true;
matched_words.splice( i, 2 );
case "!": //success after one final check, do not include prior match, merge current and next match, and delete next match
if (apostrophe_text == "'")
m.text += m_next.text;
m.isWord = true; //match now includes word text so flip it to a "word" block for logical consistency
m.isContraction = true;
matched_words.splice( i + 1, 1 );
{ //strip apostrophe off end and merge with next item, nothing needs deleted
//preserve spaces and match start indexes by manipulating untrimmed strings
var apostrophe_end:int = m.text.lastIndexOf( "'" );
var apostrophe_ending:String = m.text.substring( apostrophe_end, m.text.length );
m.text = m.text.substring( 0, m.text.length - apostrophe_ending.length); //strip apostrophe and any trailing spaces
m_next.text = apostrophe_ending + m_next.text;
m_next.charIndex = m.charIndex + apostrophe_end;
m_next.isContraction = true;
default: //conditional success, check prior match meets condition
if (m_prev != null && m_prev.text == pre_condition)
m_prev.text += m.text + m_next.text;
m_prev.isContraction = true;
matched_words.splice( i, 2 );

Ruby - Abbreviating a string containing a name to first name last initial

Fairly simple question I need to take a string containing, for example, "Bob Smith" and return "Bob S." - or "Javier de Luca" and return "Javier de L.". In other words, abbreviate the last word in a string to just the first initial and add a period.
Here's what I have - it works, but it seems clumsy.
str = str.split(' ')
str[str.length - 1] = "#{str.last[0]}."
str = str.join(' ')
Surely, there's a more elegant way.
>> "Bob Smith".sub(/(.+\b.).+\z/, '\1.')
=> "Bob S."
>> "Javier de Luca".sub(/(.+\b.).+\z/, '\1.')
=> "Javier de L."
This regular expression captures the entire string until the second character of the last word. It then replaces this string with the capture plus a period ala \1.
What about this:
name = 'Javier de Luca'
name.sub!(/(\w)\w+$/, '\1.')
You could use tap in 1.9:
str = str.split(/\s+/).tap { |a| a[-1].sub!(/(.).+/) { "#{$1}." } }.join(' ')
Using a[-1].sub! will modify the last element in-place so the tap block modifies a as well as passing it through to the join call. And, the .+ takes care of leaving strange names like Joe B alone; if you want that to become Joe B. them use .* instead of .+.
