How to access a Jersey bean from Spring FactoryBean? - spring

I have a Spring BeanFactory and I need to inject httpHeaders to it.
public class SpecificFactoryBean extends SomeFactoryBean<Exception> {
private HttpHeaders httpHeaders;
protected SpecificFactoryBean() {
protected void doRegistration(RegistryBuilder<Exception> registryBuilder) {
registryBuilder.registerMapper(WebApplicationException.class, new ExceptionMapper<WebApplicationException>() {
public int map(WebApplicationException e) {
return 3;
Now #Context doesn't work, so how can I do this?


Is there a way to integrate Springs #ExceptionHandler with Joinfaces

i wanted to ask if there is a way to enable Springs #ExceptionHandler capabilities with Joinfaces/Primefaces.
For now i'm able to handle global #ControllerAdvice beans, but not if the #ExceptionHandler is inside the #Controller class.
Are there any suggestions on how to solve this topic?
Here is the code i wrote so far
public class SpringJsfExceptionHandler extends ExceptionHandlerWrapper {
public SpringJsfExceptionHandler(ExceptionHandler wrapped) {
public void handle() throws FacesException {
final Iterator<ExceptionQueuedEvent> queue = getUnhandledExceptionQueuedEvents().iterator();
while (queue.hasNext()) {
ExceptionQueuedEvent item =;
ExceptionQueuedEventContext exceptionQueuedEventContext = (ExceptionQueuedEventContext) item.getSource();
try {
Throwable throwable = exceptionQueuedEventContext.getException();
FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
handleException(context, (Exception) throwable);
} finally {
private void handleException(FacesContext context, Exception throwable) {
WebApplicationContext applicationContext = resolveApplicationContext(context);
Collection<HandlerExceptionResolver> exceptionResolvers = listExceptionHandlerResolvers(applicationContext);
for (HandlerExceptionResolver resolver : exceptionResolvers) {
resolver.resolveException(request(context), response(context), null, throwable);
private Collection<HandlerExceptionResolver> listExceptionHandlerResolvers(WebApplicationContext context) {
return context.getBeansOfType(HandlerExceptionResolver.class).values();
private HttpServletRequest request(FacesContext context) {
return (HttpServletRequest) context.getExternalContext().getRequest();
private HttpServletResponse response(FacesContext context) {
return (HttpServletResponse) context.getExternalContext().getResponse();
private WebApplicationContext resolveApplicationContext(FacesContext context) {
HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest) context.getExternalContext().getRequest();
return WebApplicationContextUtils.findWebApplicationContext(request.getServletContext());
public class SpringJsfExceptionHandlerFactory extends ExceptionHandlerFactory {
public SpringJsfExceptionHandlerFactory() {
public SpringJsfExceptionHandlerFactory(ExceptionHandlerFactory wrapped) {
public ExceptionHandler getExceptionHandler() {
return new SpringJsfExceptionHandler(getWrapped() != null ? getWrapped().getExceptionHandler() : null);
This works:
public class GlobalExceptionHandler {
public void handleCalculationException(CalculationException e) {
addMessage(null, new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, e.getMessage(), e.getMessage()));
This does not work:
public class CalculatorController implements Serializable {
public void handleCalculationException(CalculationException e) {
addMessage(null, new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, e.getMessage(), e.getMessage()));
Thanks in advance
#ExceptionHandler is part of Spring MVC.
Spring MVC and JSF are separate web frameworks.
Joinfaces allows you to use JSF in a Spring Application, and you can also use Spring MVC in the same application. Every request will however either be handled by Spring MVC (i.e. the DispatcherServlet) or JSF (i.e. the FacesServlet).

How to use HttpServletRequest in Spring boot 2.x?

I want to use HttpServletRequest in spring boot 2.x. Here are my example:
<a class="dropdown-item" th:href="${'?'+(#httpServletRequest.getParameter('categoryId')==null?'':('&categoryId='+#httpServletRequest.getParameter('categoryId')))
+(#httpServletRequest.getParameter('name')==null?'':('&name='+#httpServletRequest.getParameter('name')))}">Price ASC</a>
I use this config but it returns errors about templates. How can I config to use that?
public TomcatServletWebServerFactory containerFactory() {
return new TomcatServletWebServerFactory() {
protected void customizeConnector(Connector connector) {
int maxSize = 50000000;
if (connector.getProtocolHandler() instanceof AbstractHttp11Protocol) {
((AbstractHttp11Protocol <?>) connector.getProtocolHandler()).setMaxSwallowSize(maxSize);"Set MaxSwallowSize "+ maxSize);
* Fix bean cookie
* #return
public class CustomContainer implements
WebServerFactoryCustomizer<TomcatServletWebServerFactory> {
public void customize(TomcatServletWebServerFactory factory) {
you could Add HttpServletRequest as parameter to your controller
#RequestMapping(value="/") public String home(HttpServletRequest request){
System.out.println("My Attribute :: "+request.getAttribute("YourAttributeName"));
return "home"; }
you could access HttpServletRequest via injecting it in your class
private HttpServletRequest context;

Bean not getting overridden in Spring boot

I am trying to write and test an application that used spring-cloud with azure functions following this tutorial.
I am tryign to write a testcase and override the bean.
Here is the application class having function and handler Bean function.
#ComponentScan(basePackages = { "com.package" })
public class DataFunctions extends AzureSpringBootRequestHandler<GenericMessage<Optional<String>>, Data> {
public HttpResponseMessage addDataRun(
#HttpTrigger(name = "add", methods = {
HttpMethod.POST }, authLevel = AuthorizationLevel.FUNCTION) HttpRequestMessage<Optional<String>> request,
final ExecutionContext context) throws JsonParseException, JsonMappingException, IOException {
context.getLogger().info("Java HTTP trigger processed a POST request.");
try {
handleRequest(new GenericMessage<Optional<String>>(request.getBody()), context);
} catch (ServiceException ex) {
ErrorMessage em = new ErrorMessage();
return request.createResponseBuilder(handleException(ex, em)).body(em).build();
return request.createResponseBuilder(HttpStatus.CREATED).build();
MyService mService;
public Consumer<GenericMessage<Optional<String>>> addData() {
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
return req -> {
SomeModel fp = null;
try {
fp = mapper.readValue(req.getPayload().get(), SomeModel.class);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new ServiceException(e);
I want to test by overriding the above bean.
Cosmosdb spring configuration
public class CosmosDBConfig extends AbstractDocumentDbConfiguration {
private String uri;
private String key;
private String dbName;
private Boolean connectDirectly;
public DocumentDBConfig getConfig() {
ConnectionPolicy cp = ConnectionPolicy.GetDefault();
if (connectDirectly) {
} else {
return DocumentDBConfig.builder(uri, key, dbName).connectionPolicy(cp).build();
Here is the configuration
#PropertySource(value = "", encoding = "UTF-8")
public class TestConfig {
public Consumer<GenericMessage<Optional<String>>> addData() {
return req -> {
System.out.println("data mock");
public DocumentDBConfig getConfig() {
return Mockito.mock(DocumentDBConfig.class);
Finally the test class
//#SpringBootTest //Enabling this gives initialization error.
public class TempTest {
DataFunctions func;
MyService mService;
public void setup() {
private Optional<String> createRequestString(final String res) throws IOException {
InputStream iStream = TempTest.class.getResourceAsStream(res);
String charset="UTF-8";
try (BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(iStream, charset))) {
return Optional.of(br.lines().collect(Collectors.joining(System.lineSeparator())));
public void testHttpPostTriggerJava() throws Exception {
final HttpRequestMessage<Optional<String>> req = mock(HttpRequestMessage.class);
final Optional<String> queryBody = createRequestString("/test-data.json");
doAnswer(new Answer<HttpResponseMessage.Builder>() {
public HttpResponseMessage.Builder answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) {
HttpStatus status = (HttpStatus) invocation.getArguments()[0];
return new HttpResponseMessageMock.HttpResponseMessageBuilderMock().status(status);
final ExecutionContext context = mock(ExecutionContext.class);
// Invoke
final HttpResponseMessage ret = func.addDataRun(req, context);
// Verify
assertEquals(ret.getStatus(), HttpStatus.CREATED);
For this case instead of test configuration addData the actual bean is called from DataFunctions class. Also the database connection is also created when it should use the mocked bean from my test configuration. Can somebody please point out what is wrong in my test configuration?
I was able to resolve the first part of cosmos db config loading by marking it with
public class CosmosDBConfig extends AbstractDocumentDbConfiguration {
Also had to mark the repository bean as optional in the service.
public class MyService {
#Autowired(required = false)
private MyRepository myRepo;
Didn't use any spring boot configuration other than this.
public class FunctionTest {
For the second part of providing mock version of Mock handlers, I simply made the test config file as spring application as below.
#ComponentScan(basePackages = { "com.boeing.da.helix.utm.traffic" })
public class TestConfiguration {
public static void main(final String[] args) {, args);
public Consumer<GenericMessage<Optional<String>>> addData() {
return req -> {
System.out.println("data mock");
and made use of this constructor from azure functions library in spring cloud in my constructor
public class AppFunctions
extends AzureSpringBootRequestHandler<GenericMessage<Optional<String>>, List<Data>> {
public AppFunctions(Class<?> configurationClass) {
public AzureSpringBootRequestHandler(Class<?> configurationClass) {
Hope it helps someone.

Expose Togglz Admin console in Spring Boot on management-port

By default Togglz admin console runs on application port (configured by server.port property). I want to expose it on management.port. My question: is it possible?
If you use Togglz >= 2.4.0 then this feature is available out of the box.
For older releases solution is below:
I managed to expose a raw servlet on management.port by wrapping it with MvcEndpoint.
The easiest way to do it to use Spring Cloud module which does all the job for you (for example in the HystrixStreamEndpoint):
public class HystrixStreamEndpoint extends ServletWrappingEndpoint {
public HystrixStreamEndpoint() {
super(HystrixMetricsStreamServlet.class, "hystrixStream", "/",
true, true);
In the case of TogglzConsoleServlet there is unfortunately one more hack to do with path's due to the way it extracts prefix from request URI, so the whole solution looks a little bit ugly:
class TogglzConsoleEndpoint implements MvcEndpoint {
private static final String ADMIN_CONSOLE_URL = "/togglz-console";
private final TogglzConsoleServlet togglzConsoleServlet;
TogglzConsoleEndpoint(final ServletContext servletContext) throws ServletException {
this.togglzConsoleServlet = new TogglzConsoleServlet();
togglzConsoleServlet.init(new DelegatingServletConfig(servletContext));
public String getPath() {
public boolean isSensitive() {
return true;
public Class<? extends Endpoint> getEndpointType() {
return null;
public ModelAndView handle(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {
HttpServletRequestWrapper requestWrapper = new HttpServletRequestWrapper(request) {
public String getServletPath() {
togglzConsoleServlet.service(requestWrapper, response);
return null;
private class DelegatingServletConfig implements ServletConfig {
private final ServletContext servletContext;
DelegatingServletConfig(final ServletContext servletContext) {
this.servletContext = servletContext;
public String getServletName() {
return TogglzConsoleEndpoint.this.togglzConsoleServlet.getServletName();
public ServletContext getServletContext() {
return servletContext;
public String getInitParameter(final String name) {
return servletContext.getInitParameter(name);
public Enumeration<String> getInitParameterNames() {
return servletContext.getInitParameterNames();

Spring MVC with Atmosphere

I have recently started with Atmosphere. I need it to implement it in a Spring MVC application.
Till now I've managed to integrate it with Spring MVC.
I just need to perform a very simple task. I have a counter an instance variable as soon as it reaches 10, a response should be broadcasted to the UI.
Can anyone help me how do I write the code for that in the controller.
I've got the Atmosphere resource into the controller.
public class AtmosphereArgumentResolver implements HandlerMethodArgumentResolver {
public boolean supportsParameter(MethodParameter parameter) {
return AtmosphereResource.class.isAssignableFrom(parameter.getParameterType());
public Object resolveArgument(MethodParameter parameter, ModelAndViewContainer mavContainer, NativeWebRequest webRequest, WebDataBinderFactory binderFactory) throws Exception
HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest= webRequest.getNativeRequest(HttpServletRequest.class);
public class HomeController {
private int counter = 0;
private final BroadcasterFactory bf;
public BroadcasterFactory broadcasterFactory()
return BroadcasterFactory.getDefault();
for(int i=0; i<=15; i++)
counter ++;
// As soon as the counter reaches 10 I need to send a broadcast message to the UI.
Can anyone please help? A skeleton code would also help as in which Atmosphere method to use for this?
I will copy/past the code i use in my application :
Controller :
#ManagedService(path = "/websocket/*")
public class LanesWebSocket {
private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(LanesWebSocket.class);
// private ScheduledExecutorService scheduledExecutorService;
private Future<?> scheduleFixedBroadcast;
private final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
private SupervisionCenterService supervisionCenterService;
public void onReady(final AtmosphereResource resource) {
if (this.supervisionCenterService == null)
supervisionCenterService = SpringApplicationContext.getBean(SupervisionCenterService.class);
Broadcaster bc = BroadcasterFactory.getDefault().lookup("lanes",true);
scheduleFixedBroadcast = bc.scheduleFixedBroadcast(new Callable<String>() {
public String call() throws Exception {
try {
return mapper.writeValueAsString(supervisionCenterService.findCenterData());
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
}, 1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
And you also need to register the atmosphere servlet :
public class WebAppInitializer extends AbstractAnnotationConfigDispatcherServletInitializer {
protected void registerDispatcherServlet(ServletContext servletContext) {
private void initAtmosphereServlet(ServletContext servletContext) {
AtmosphereServlet servlet = new AtmosphereServlet();
Field frameworkField = ReflectionUtils.findField(AtmosphereServlet.class, "framework");
ReflectionUtils.setField(frameworkField, servlet, new NoAnalyticsAtmosphereFramework());
ServletRegistration.Dynamic atmosphereServlet =
servletContext.addServlet("atmosphereServlet", servlet);
atmosphereServlet.setInitParameter("org.atmosphere.cpr.packages", "com.myclient.theproduct.supervision.websocket");
atmosphereServlet.setInitParameter("org.atmosphere.cpr.broadcasterCacheClass", UUIDBroadcasterCache.class.getName());
atmosphereServlet.setInitParameter("org.atmosphere.cpr.broadcaster.shareableThreadPool", "true");
atmosphereServlet.setInitParameter("org.atmosphere.cpr.broadcaster.maxProcessingThreads", "10");
atmosphereServlet.setInitParameter("org.atmosphere.cpr.broadcaster.maxAsyncWriteThreads", "10");
servletContext.addListener(new org.atmosphere.cpr.SessionSupport());
public class NoAnalyticsAtmosphereFramework extends AtmosphereFramework {
public NoAnalyticsAtmosphereFramework() {
protected void analytics() {
// nothing
Don't ask me the reason of the NoAnalyticsAtmosphereFramework class, it could not work without.
Hope this will help you !
