Magento getPost empty array - magento

I have the following code (please excuse the bad coding, it's like that to debug):
$postData = Mage::app()->getRequest()->getPost();
$postData = $this->getRequest()->getPost();
$postData = $_POST;
As you can see, I am simply trying to get the HTTP POST values.
Here's the scenario:
From a HTTP POST Simulator, the data comes through
From the Shopify webhook, nothing comes through (just "Array()")
Shopify posting to PostCatcher shows a lot of data
Shopify is posting in JSON format.
Any ideas as to ahy I can't catch the POST array?

You cant get JSON post values by using simply $_POST or Mage::app()->getRequest()->getPost();. Just try this,
$value = json_decode(file_get_contents('php://input'));

In one of my project I got the same error
Mage::app()->getRequest()->getPost(); was giving the blank values.
I was using one extension when I was submitting the form there was one description field for the manufacturer.
If it was having text content like from , select or some content similar to SQL commands.
It was not posting the form data.
The reason was the hosting provider had some settings for sanitizing the data to prevent the SQL injection.
I raised the ticket to the hosting provider and the problem was solved.
Before this I tried lot of coding stuff which was not required.

Mage::app()->getRequest()->getPost(); and $this->getRequest()->getPost(); are the same if you are in a controller.
They are also the same thing with $_POST with some additional filtering on the values.
So if you receive an empty array in any case you should receive an empty array for all cases.
Make sure the data is sent through POST.
Also try to see how $this->getRequest()->getParams() look like. Maybe Magento considers that the parameters are sent through _GET


Laravel - retrieve data inside controller – POST x PATCH

First important information: I’m new to laravel, so your patience is appreciated.
I’m currently migrating a framework of mine to laravel, so I’m in the early stages.
Currently, I’m trying to set up an API endpoint to make small changes on some records. I’ve already managed to set up a API for inserting records and works perfectly. However, for setting up an API for small changes (patch), I’m having difficulties, probably because I’m not fully familiar with laravel’s Request class.
My successful insert set up looks like this:
Route::post('/categories/',[ApiCategoriesInsertController::class, 'insertCategories'], function($insertCategoriesResults) {
return response()->json($insertCategoriesResults);
// some code
public function insertCategories(Request $req): array
$this->arrCategoriesInsertParameters['_tblCategoriesIdParent'] = $req->post('id_parent');
// some code
With this set up, I’m able to retrieve “id_parent” data set through POST.
So, I tried to do exactly the same architecture for patch, but doesn’t seem to work:
Route::patch('/records/',[ApiRecordsPatchController::class, 'patchRecords'], function($patchRecordsResults) {
return response()->json($patchRecordsResults);
// some code
public function patchRecords(Request $req): array
$this->arrRecordsPatchParameters['_strTable'] = $req->post('strTable');
// some code
In this case, I´m using postman (PATCH request), testing the data in the "Body tab" with key "strTable" and value "123xxx" and I´m receiving “strTable” as null.
Any idea of why this is happening or if I should use another method in the Request class?
You can access parameters on the Request object using one of the following methods:
// or
The input method also accepts a second parameter which will be used as the default return value if the key is not present in the Request.
If you want to check whether or not the Request contains a value before you attempt to access it, you can use filled:
if ($req->filled('strTable')) {
// The request contains a value
Turns out that the way I had set up was in fact working and retrieving data:
The problem was in how I was testing it. In postman, there are several options to configure:
I had already switched to x-www-form-urlencoded to test it, but I forgot to fill the “key” and “value” information again. I didn’t realize that the fields blank as we switch between them.
Summing it up: It works when x-www-form-urlencoded selected but doesn’t work with form-data selected. Don’t know what the difference between them yet, but I’ll research it further.
By the way, it worked also with the suggestion from Rube Hart:

Laravel route query get email address from query value instead of key

I have encountered an issue regarding Laravel 8 routes.
And I am unable to find a solution to this problem.
For example, I have this route format in Laravel:
Where it will look like this:
I am aware that query parameters have ?key=value format. However in my case, the provided route format is what is expected (by client). Not the conventional key=value way. Also, the url link is clicked from an email. Wherein the link in the email uses the exact route format given (not url-encoded).
The sample request query that is fetched in the controller is as follows:
If you would notice, the email became a key (which is expected). And since it is a key, . has been changed to _. Instead of it became gmail_com.
Would there be a better solution to get the exact email address from the url (not url-encoded) in this route format? Hopefully someone can help me with this. Thank you very much in advanced!
You should get the request query and parse it yourself:
[$path, $query] = explode('?',$request->fullUrl())
In the exemple above $query should hold everything after ? on the URL.
Alternativelly you can just get the key of the array you already have:
$email = array_keys($request->all())[0]

Laravel $request->all() correctly returns data, but $_POST completely empty

I am making an ajax post request to the server, posting json data. In firebug I can see the network post call going through along with the json data.
In Laravel I was trying to do a simple var dump of the $_POST data and have just wasted a fair bit of time being confused as to why this should be completely empty. However, when I use the Request facade, my data is there.
ie. this just gives me an empty array:
public function test(){
...yet this prints my data, as I expect:
public function test(Request $request){
Thanks, #Webdesigner. The http verb is definitely post, as my method is called in my routes file via
Route::post('/image-upload', 'EntryController#test'); // Note "post" verb
I don't think $request->post() is valid in Laravel 5.4 as this throws an BadMethodCallException: Method post does not exist. error. However, I can confirm that
Log::info($request->method()); // POST
also tells me the method is post.
Very strange. I guess you're right that some part of the app is overwriting the $_POST global, though I have no idea why/where/how. Probably not relevant, but this call is being made from Angular 4.
Thanks for your help anyway!
This is not the normal behavior of Laravel. I tested this on a fresh Laravel 5.5 site and just did a Form submit and an Ajax POST request to the same Route.
Both give me the same result. A POST Request should have at least the CSRF Token as _token with a value.
One other point is $request->all() is not only the the content of $_POST so to have a fair compression you should try $request->post().
BTW only because you did a POST request do not mean that the data is send by the POST Method, it could be that the data you see in $request->all() is from $_GET and $_COOKIE, etc and only the Method was a POST.
Last but not least there it the option that some part of your APP is deleting the content of the Superglobal Variables. $_POST and the others are not like constants, so they can be changed during runtime e.g. $_POST = [];
I don't thing that there is a difference in Laravel 5.4.27.

request post open cart to codeigniter

I am trying to find out what is similar to the open cart $this->request->post['permission'] method and what is the same in codeigniter.
I know you have $this->input->post(); which is posting data.
But then I think you have $this->input->get();
Would the input get in codeigniter be closest to $this->request->post['permission']
In every request codeIgniter wraps the $_POST array and you can get values by calling $this->input->post('myKey'). And the same behaviour with $_GET array - $this->input->get('myKey').
So, if you want to get values of posted data, you need to call $this->input->post('myKey').

Backbone.js PUT/DELETE problems with Codeigniter REST server

NOTE: This question is related to CodeIgniter-RestServer
When I call from backbone the function where the put request is routed doesn't gets any PUT data. Firebug shows right PUT parameters being sent. However $this->put('keyname') always returns false. Which means CI's REST Server can't find PUT data as it should.
On the other hand, If I set:
Backbone.emulateJSON = true;
I can work, as then Backbone will send all PUT data under a single attribute named "model", using this way $this->put('model'); works
Then the extra effor involved is:
$data = json_decode($this->put('model'),true); // to get normal behavior #sucks
I was running into this issue as well and pushed a few changes that fix the problem:
have been through this problem already in the past. Solution to this problem is to use this inside your functions:
$data = $this->request->body;
echo $data['id'];
Hope that solves it. Cheers!
