Magento redirect / - magento

I bought after the installation of magento template, uploading demo database and a few time later, the site URL / / domain name is directed. I delete and re-install again I have to. Magento is in line with our demo pages bring our own? This problem can be solved with a regulation or in?

If your magento is redirected on another website (that is how i understand your question), you can do those steps:
check your basic secure and unsecure URL configuration, there should be your server adress
if you cant not login to admin during redirect, fo to the database to table named core_config_data and make sure there is right set up web/unsecure/base_url and web/secure/base_url both will have to value http://www.something.ok/ the last "/" is important
Reindex / fush cached data (delete magento/var folder if you cannot pass admin)
Refresh data in your browser (or use another one / anonymous mode)
and ... thats all


Prestashop Url change

I have a problem,
I changed the url of my prestashop because I have a new url.
But now i have the Problem that i tipped in the wrong path, and if i want to log in as admin then the shop directs me everytime to the wrong path so I can't change anything...
Does anybody know in which folder of the FTP Server I can change it in the data?
I tired to delete the htaccess data but this didn't help me.
Or is it another option to go back to where I started, before i changed the Url?
I think that your problem occurred not from a .htaccess but from your database. Prestashop keeps domain URL in the DB and if you changed it you better to check table configuration fields PS_SHOP_DOMAIN, PS_SHOP_DOMAIN_SSL and table shop_url. I think that the problem is over there.
When you want to migrate to another server, you have to
Update the _DB_... constants in config/ file
Since your database does not changed, this step is not necessary.
Update PS_SHOP_DOMAIN and PS_SHOP_DOMAIN_SSL fields in configuration database table
Update the domain, domain_ssl and physical_uri fields in the shop_url database table
Now you can log in to the admin page. When you did it, your first step has to go to Preference -> SEO & URLs, then turn off and on again the Friendly URLs switch to update the .htaccess files.
These steps are works on Prestashop 1.6, but not tested on 1.7.
See the official blog post for additional details:

magento Every Product detail page showing 404

I have shifted from live site to local site, the product detail page is showing a 404 page. I tired re-index multiple time.clear cache. check database also but it still displays a 404 page.
There can be several things you can check:-
1. Check for url in core_config_data and also check cookie url.
2. Check on server for mod_rewrite module may be this is not enabled on local, this can also be the reason if you were using SEO friendly url.
Clear the cache once you are done with these. It will be great if you can tell how url for PDP page is been generated on local.
my url is like this
same it working on existing live site
Run below sql query
SELECT * FROM `core_config_data` WHERE path = "web/seo/use_rewrites";
See whether the value 1 or not, if the value is 1, try to change it to 0.
This value is for SEO friendly url, which removes index.php from your store url.
Also, you can replace your .htaccess file with default one in Magento root folder.
Your server may have problem with mod_rewrite module or its configuration, you may re-install it.

*some* magento links pointing to old domain

I have just moved a magento site from one domain to the new one. Steps so far...
Backup the database and restore the database on the new domain. Change the core_config_base table for secure and unsecure base urls
Upload source files
Update the local.xml with new database information
Cleared cache
Now I can go to the site and everything is showing up fine on the new domain. The main navigation is working as it should. When I click on a product, however, it goes to the old domain. Does anyone know why this might be happening?
Can you verify the links when you hover products are correct or in correct consistently? Is old base URL in all links I mean. Also check htaccess file for any directives containing the old domain. Also check to make sure no custom URL rewrites exist in the Magento admin Catalog → URL Rewrite Management .Once you verify htaccess or custom URL rewrites in Magento admin are not causing it, I can suggest other procedures to fix.
Probably your previous developer didn't follow all Magento standards while coding.
My suggestion is download your code and search for strings that equates to your previous domain.Also check in data base, as use of CMS blocks too might result in previous domain links.
Btw make sure you delete all caches
Rm -rf var/cache/*
Verify base URL and secure URL are correct in all scopes via drop down in Magento system configuration.

Magento Front-end "404 Not Found 1"

We have a domain name pointing to our old windows server. We purchased a linux server. I wish to build our new webstore on the Linux server. Once I am ready, I will redirect our domain name to the Linux server.
Up to now:
We have Magento installed on the back end. Now I need to have the front-end working
I edited the url to be our domain name. I have edited my host file to have the domain name ignore the windows server ip and get directed to the linux server (the one with Magento installed). The page shows up with links and text in a big mess, and the title of the web page says "404 Not Found 1". I get this problem with both the back-end & the front-end.
I am able to access the PHPadmin and edit the url. I tried making the url the Linux server's IP. If I do that, Magento's back-end works but then I get a completely blank page for the front-end. Any suggestion is welcomed.
To make your site visible:
1) Change the links web/unsecure/base_url and web/secure/base_url of the table core_config_data to or whatever you have.
2) Go to app->etc->local.xml and change your database username,password, host to the right one.
3) if it is still not working go to var and media folders and change the permissions to 777 for all folders and subfolders.If it works you know it is permission problem.
Read this after that and make your decision magento permissions

Magento Admin login kicks me out back to the Admin login

After I enter my username and password and click "Login" it sends me back to the Login page with NO error messages. The URL changes to include a session key and that's it. Everytime I click Login again, the session key is regenerated and I still can't log into the admin interface.
I just encountered this problem on one of my servers (not a localhost installation). Turns out the system account was over quota, so I presume Magento was unable to create the necessary temporary files. (I noticed this when trying to create a directory on the server over ssh.)
So... maybe check to make sure the account under which Magento is running isn't over quota on your server? At the very least, it might not be a Magento problem directly.
Clear the contents of the directory var/cache and try again.
If that doesn't help check the table core_config_data in the database for records with a path value of "web/secure/base_url", "web/unsecure/base_url" and "admin/url/custom". These should match the page you are trying to log into (but without "index.php/admin/" at the end)
Finally check your browser's cookie settings and that the server's PHP is able to set cookies.
I was having the same problem running Magento 1.5.1 on my production server. I would log in to the admin, the url would show the address for the dashboard (with the secure key), but the screen would still be the login screen. There was no error. This happened with FF, Safari, and Chrome.
I fixed it by manually setting two core_config_data values in the database. They are as follows:
web/cookie/cookie_path = /
web/cookie/cookie_domain = ""
clear out var/cache and try to log in. For me, it worked.
Version I have been moving my magento store from on server to another one, and I had the same problem. Use phpamdin to edit your database on new server, search for web/cookie/cookie_domain in 'config path row', the value is probably your old domain name:, change that to your new domain name OR to your new IP address (new server). If you attend to use your old domain on new server environment you will probably want to set your story ready before you switch your name servers. That was the case for me, after I added my new server IP to web/cookie/cookie_domain instead of domain I was finally able to log into my magento backend.
I had some problems when on a local server. It was on http://server/username/ and so didn't have dots in it. If we changed the settings to be the IP address of the server then it was fine.
There can be several things that cause this behavior. This is my checklist. One of them will eventually fix it.
Click the "forgot password link" and then the "back" link. This will remove any possibly misplaced params in the URL as well as make sure you're on the right server (some installations have separate admin servers)
Clear cookies or use an incognito window
Try another browser
Local installations: Try using instead of localhost (and update the base URL in the core_config_data table)
Clear Magento cache, full_page_cache, and session directories in the magento/var/ directory (and repeat 1 and 2)
Truncate the core_session table
Verify your Magento has correct memory settings
Check Magento system.log and exception.log files and debug
Check PHP's error logs and debug
I've experienced this issue using Opera, while in other browsers it worked fine.
Also, make sure to set correct cookie options in:
System > Configuration > Web > Cookie Settings
Also, make sure that your system time / time zone on the server and php and magento match up.
