VBA Control of IE - In explicable behavior - windows

Bizarre problem.
I am using Excel VBA to control IE and download data from web sites. Pretty vanilla.
I experience an error that only happens when I am running Windows 8.1 and IE 10. On a second PC, which is running Windows 7 and IE 8, the code works fine.
Here is the behavior.
I call the following code to open a web page:
Set appIE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
With appIE
.navigate sURL 'Where sURL is a valid web address
End With
This works fine, and opens a browser.
Shortly afterwards, I call the following:
With appIE
.navigate sURL'a different valid web address
End With
An error message pops up at the .navigate line. The message says:
Run-time Error '-2147024726(800700aa)'
Method 'Navigate' of object 'IEWebBrowser2' Failed
I have looked up this error message and the only thing that I can find is that it may relate to spyware. But I completely reinstalled the OS and all apps on the system and the same thing happened.
Another very strange phenomenon is that if I put a trace point in-between the above two sections and pause the code, then manually start the code again, everything works fine. But if, instead of me putting in a trace point I put in a wait loop, I get the same failure. That is, if I manually pause and then resume the code, the code works, but if I automate a pause and resume, the code does not work.
As you consider this situation, please remember that everything works fine under Windows 7 and IE 8, and everything works fine if I manually pause and restart.
Does any of this make sense?

1- Please Check sURL (if you check, please check again compiled folder)
2- Delete WebBrowser Control and Add New
Me forget copy original file App.Path + "\error.html" and see this problem.


VBS script issue loading a IE frame without address bar

I've got a very strange issue.
I'm trying to open a URL through Citrix called through a VBS script.
Here is the code:
Set oIE = WScript.CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
Do While (oIE.Busy)
This loads fine for most users but on two specific users the script fails to work and just displays the command prompt. At that point no other user can load the script until that user either closes the command prompt or waits for it to time out.
I'm calling the script using the following:
c:\windows\system32\cscript.exe \\servername\share\script.vbs
I tried copying the user accounts so they have the same permissions but it loads fine on the test account.
I'm trying to achieve a URL 'published application' which loads an IE frame with address bar. If there's a better solution than the above code please let me know.
I have seen an error once which said it failed to call InternetExplorer.application
Hope this helps.
Kind Regards,
Resolved the issue :)
Turned out that the Internet explorer browsers for each user needed resetting to defaults, this sorted the issue for both users.
Hope this information helps someoene.

Start Internet Explorer 8 in a separate process using vbscript

Due to the recently added "feature" in IE8 where new windows are automatically associated with a single session, some of our code is behaving erratically.
This is because a separate app would launch a new IE window when it was activated, and once the user was finished, close the window. This worked fine in IE7 because the session information in the windows stayed separate. However in IE8, since the session is shared among IE windows, we find that the "pop up" app would corrupt the session on the first app.
I have read about the nomerge switch, so that is a workaround, but I was wondering if there was a way of working the solution into the "CreateObject" of vbscript; i.e:
Dim ieWin As Object
Set ieWin = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
Is there a way of sending parameters when calling the CreateObject function?
No, there's no way to use COM to create an IE instance that specifies this behavior (or any of the others, e.g. InPrivate, No Add-ons, etc). The only thing you can do is create an automation instance that defaults to MediumIL using the CLSID provided for that purpose. http://blogs.msdn.com/b/ieinternals/archive/2011/08/03/internet-explorer-automation-protected-mode-lcie-default-integrity-level-medium.aspx
If you have control over the web application you are loading with your IE window you can set it's session to "cookieless" (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa479314.aspx) which will avoid the issues you're having with multiple instances.
The solution we ended up going with, although it's more a work around than anything else - was assigning a new url to the popped up window.
Previously, it worked as follows:
Call centre agents would be using our internal app for other duties
e.g. "http://internalsite/somepage.faces" on a day to day basis.
When they got a phone call, a third party app would fire up
"http://internalsite/customerdetails.faces". This caused the issues mentioned above.
The solution we went with:
We assigned "http://internalsite/customerdetails.faces" it's own url e.g."http://customerdetailminisite/customer.faces".
This way the call center agent could keep their main window open for other stuff and still be able to handle calls when they came in.

VB6 IE frame / WebBrowser causing NT.dll error

We have a legacy VB6 application which has worked just fine on Windows XP Professional SP 3 until just recently when we added an IE frame control so that we could display static local HTML files on a form. And, it works fine until I go to close the application. And, then it reports the following error message (consistently):
Faulting module ntdll.dll, version 5.1.2600.5755, stamp 49901d48
Here's the reference in the Visual Basic project file:
Object={EAB22AC0-30C1-11CF-A7EB-0000C05BAE0B}#1.1#0; ieframe.dll
And we use it by performing the following actions:
Development machine is running Win7 + Vb6 IDE.
Add a component reference to the "Microsoft Internet Controls" located at C:\Windows\SysWow64\ieframe.dll
Place a control on the form at design time.
Show that form modally by calling Form.Show vbModal The error happens when I use the default form instance frmMyForm.Show vbModal as well as when I use a local instance Dim MyForm as New frmMyFormMyForm.Show vbModal
Call WebBrowser.Navigate "staticPage.html"
When the user presses a button, the button click event returns the user choice and the form is disposed of.
Exit the application -- Here's where I get the error.
I've been looking all over the web, and haven't been able to find a whole lot of people still trying to use VB6 in this way. So, I'm wondering if someone might be able to help me on stackoverflow. Any help is much appreciated!
[Update] And, the plot thickens. I made a sample application with just that web component in order to make sure that it was causing the error. But, I didn’t experience the error when it closed like I was when exiting our existing/legacy vb6 application. I'll do a bit more investigating.
A follow up to this in case any runs into the same issue (the original poster and I were coworkers at the time)...
The application was using the VBCorLib library, and some of its string manipulation classes utilized direct memory access incorrectly. Read more at this VBCorLib forum post.
It turns out that the issue was that I was trying to delete the temporary file that the browser had loaded. It works now that I've moved that delete file code to the form unload event.

Internet Explorer 8 64bit and Selenium Not working

I am trying to get selenium tests to run. Yet every time I try to run a tests that should run IE I get a error on line 863 of htmlutils.js It says that I should disable my popup blocker. The thing is I went to IE tools-> turn of popup block.
So it is disabled and I get this error.
Is there something else I need to disable. I actually don't even know what version of Internet explorer it is running since I am using Windows 7 Pro 64bit version. So when I do use IE I use 64bit version but I am under the understanding if the site or something like that does not support 64bit it goes to 32bit.
So not sure what I need to do it to make it work.
This is the lines where it does
function openSeparateApplicationWindow(url, suppressMozillaWarning) {
// resize the Selenium window itself
window.resizeTo(1200, 500);
window.moveTo(window.screenX, 0);
var appWindow = window.open(url + '?start=true', 'selenium_main_app_window');
if (appWindow == null) {
var errorMessage = "Couldn't open app window; is the pop-up blocker enabled?"
throw new Error("Couldn't open app window; is the pop-up blocker enabled?");
Where is this log.error message stored? Maybe I can post that too.
I had a similar problem on Vista and IE8
I would get the same error message
Couldn't open app window; is the pop-up blocker enabled?"
Running my remote control as Admin wasn't an option for me, and also a poor idea from a security perspective.
So in the end I manage to solved this by changeing browser from "*ietha" to "*iexploreproxy"
port: 4444
- name: "Internet Explorer 8 on Vista"
browser: "*iexploreproxy"
Alternatively, you can change browser string from the code:
ISelenium selenium = new DefaultSelenium("localhost", 4444, "*iexploreproxy", "http://www.google.com/");
Works like a charm.
The only question remaing is if this somehow affects the outcome of the test cases. So far no, but I'll update this answer in case that would happen.
I ran into this on Windows 7 64bit.
My solution was:
Disable popup block. - Select "Tools/Popup Blocker/Turn off pop-up blocker"
Disable IE protected mode. - Untick "Tools/Internet Options/Security/Enable protected mode"
It'd be better just to disable protected modes for known trusted hosts/addresses. I'll leave that as an exercise for the reader.
I was experiencing the same problem. I ran the Selenium RC server as an administrator and everything worked fine.
I, too, am experiencing this very problem on a Windows 7 64bit box, trying to run Selenium on it to test and ASP .Net MVC application, written in C#.
I am still trying to work out the answer for myself, but I thought I'd post here to tell you of a little progress I have made in getting something to work, albeit in Firefox instead of IE.
Here's the line I changed:
selenium = new DefaultSelenium("localhost", 4444, "*chrome C:/Program Files (x86)/Mozilla Firefox/firefox.exe", "http://www.bbc.co.uk/");
I would ideally like for this to work in Internet Explorer 8, but if for the moment, I can begin getting tests working and later change over to use IE again, then great.
Hope this helps for your problem with it all.
I had the same problem on Windows 7 64bit IE8. The first step was to disable the IE popup blocker. Then, I got a message in the status bar saying that "Pop-ups were blocked on this page. Press the 'Ctrl' key to allow the pop-ups".
It turns out that the Google Toolbar was providing this feature. Disabling it solved the problem. View > Toolbars > Google to toggle.
If you happen to be doing this from JavaScriptMVC, there is a reference you need to change in \jmvc\plugins\test\drivers\selenium.js:
1) Change iexplore to iexploreproxy and you should get better results:
msie : (/iexploreproxy/i).test(browserStartCommand),
2) At this point, you'll find that you still get the popup error, but a separate instance of IE has started. Leave that IE window open and restart the tests, but not Selenium.
3) Next, the windows should show up in the right place, but IE gives the annoying block active content warning. Allow the content to run and restart the tests, but not Selenium itself.
This is super clunky, but it at least gets you past that part. If I find more methodical ways to do these things I'll update as needed.
I have had the same problem and have found another solution which works for me. Just use the *iexploreproxy setting in the browserString.
I used:
selenium = new DefaultSelenium("localhost", 4444, "*iexploreproxy C:/Program Files/Internet Explorer/iexplorer.exe", "http://www.bbc.co.uk/");
I hope that works for others too :)
You can start the test when you disable the Security mode of Internet. Don´t know the correct name for it, but in dutch it is beveiligde modus.
I tried modifiing the security settings to dublicate this security mode, but couldn´t find the correct setting for it. It must therefor block more then you can set manually.

webbrowser disable script debugging in Visual Basic 6

I want to disable script errors from popping up in a VB6 application. (I have VB6 installed on this machine).
Currently, if I navigate to a particular page, it pops up saying "INternet Explorer Script Error: An error has ocurred in the script on this page" ... "Do you want to continue running scripts on this page?"
Setting the webbrowser1.silent to 'true' does not work. Instead all that happens, is instead of displaying an error message, it starts up the actual 'script' debugger, and then exits the program. On a machine without the (visual studio) debugger, it still pops up a message asking to use the debugger, i.e., on Vista, (when silent is set to true).
Manually changing the 'disable script debugging (other)' (and regular one), doesn't seem to working in MSIE (also testing version 6.0 for xp users).
How do I disable script errors?
Thanks in advance!
WebBrowser.ScriptErrorsSuppressed = True
(The above code will Not work in VB6)
(Try this instead)
WebBrowser1.Silent = True
The webbrowser.silent can be reset to true when the application is run if you've set it in the design window. You may have to reset it to true when starting the application (ie: at runtime) and see if that works.
I Think It's That You Need
Write This Code In Your Form_Load Or Everywhere You Want
WebBrowser.ScriptErrorsSuppressed = True
