Marionette itemViewEvents; event dispatching and binding - marionette

I'm having some trouble understanding how event dispatching and binding to events between children parents work in the awesomeness that is Marionette.
Is it correct that I can trigger a custom event from an itemView like this:
var Item = Marionette.ItemView.extend({
events: {
"click .foo": "do:something"
var itemCollection = Marionette.CollectionView.extend({
itemView: item,
initialize: function () {
this.on("itemview:do:something", this.onSomething, this);
Is there some shortcut to binding to the itemView events like I would DOM events:
var itemCollection = Marionette.CollectionView.extend({
itemView: item,
itemviewevents: {
"itemview:do:something": "onSomething"
Thanks :).

You're confusing triggers and events. Your code should be
var Item = Marionette.ItemView.extend({
triggers: {
"click .foo": "do:something"
Use the events hash to have a function called when an event takes place, use the triggers hash to have a trigger executed.


Kendo UI droppable drop event not firing

I have a simple application that binds to a view model using Knockout JS. It uses a foreach loop that fires the Knockout afterAdd event when a new item is added to the view model. The result is supposed to be a Kendo draggable that can be dropped on a target. For some reason I can't get the drop event on the target to fire.
<button data-bind="click: $root.add">Add</button>
Drop target
var ViewModel = function () {
this.operations = ko.observableArray([]);
this.add = function () {
this.bind = function () {
hint: function (e) {
$("#console").append("<li>firing hint</li>");
return e.clone();
drop: function (e) {
$("#console").append("<li>firing drop</li>");
ko.applyBindings(new ViewModel());
The problem is that you're instantiating the KendoDropTarget widget multiple times. If I click the Add button in your example kendoDropTarget() is invoked three times. If I add a guard against this (see the drop event works as expected.

Listen to sub-sub views in Backbone Marionette

I have a collection view, and each item view is a composite view, which also has a item view. I want to listen to the events from this last (sub-sub) item view.
View.Block = Marionette.Layout.extend({
triggers: {
'click .content': 'block:click'
View.Category = Marionette.CompositeView.extend({
itemView: View.Block
View.Categories = Marionette.CollectionView.extend({
itemView: View.Category
In my controller I only have a reference to View.Categories:
var categories_view = new View.Categories({
collection: categories
Is it possible to listen to click events from View.Block using Marionette's built-in view events? I tried categories_view.on('itemview:block:click') but that won't work as View.Block isn't an item view of View.Categories, but of View.Category.
You'll need to use a module- or application-level event aggregator to achieve your objective:
events: {
"click .something": "triggerEvent"
triggerEvent: function(e){
myApp.trigger("something:clicked", e);
(myApp is the instance of your Marionette application.)
Then listen for that event:
myApp.on("something:clicked", function(e){
console.log("something was clicked");

backbone click event fires as many times as there is views

I searched info on this topic but found only info about getting event element.
Yes, I can get an element of clicked div, but why it's fired all 19 times? (it's the number of views total). Info of clicked event is same - of the clicked div.
Here is what divs look like:
Here is console.log:
Here is the code of index.js
$(function () {
var Table = new Backbone.Collection;
var TrModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
defaults: {
id: '0',
name: 'defaultName'
initialize: function () {
this.view = new Tr({model: this, collection: Table});
this.on('destroy', function () {
var Tr = Backbone.View.extend({
el: $('.pop-tags').find('.container'),
template: _.template($('#td_template').html()),
events: {
'click .tag': 'clicked'
clicked: function (event) {
initialize: function () {
render: function () {
return this;
for (var i = 0, size = 19; i < size; i++) {
var trModel = new TrModel({id: i, name: 'name_' + i});
How can I avoid all elements from firing an event and fire only one that clicked and only 1 time?
el: $('.pop-tags').find('.container'),
Don't do that. You are attaching every view instance to the same DOM node. Each backbone view needs a distinct DOM node or, as you see, delegate events become complete chaos. In your view, set tagName: 'tr', then when creating your views, create them, call .render() and then append them to the DOM with something like $('.table-where-views-go').append(trView.el);.
You also may want to brush up on the basic MVC concept because Tables and Rows are view-related notions, not model-related, so a class called TrModel is a code smell that you aren't clear on Model vs View.
I would use a slightly different approach to solve your problem.
Instead for one view for every tr I would create one view for the entire table.
When I create the view I would pass the collection containing the 19 models to the view and in view.initialize use the collection to render the rows.
I created a jsbin with a working example.

emberjs: how to trigger a custom event in a View

I would like to turn a primitive event (a click) into a semantic event, like "deleteTodo"
This is described here, but not how to implement :(
I have the following code:
App.TodoView = Em.View.extend({
click: function(e) {
}); {
App.IndexRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
deleteTodo: function(e) {
// this code is never executed :(
}) ;
After I perform the 'click', I see that the TodoView click function is called, but not the deleteTodo function from the IndexRoute. Any suggestions what might go wrong here ?
You can use this.get("controller").send("deleteTodo"). This will send a message to the controller, if the controller doesn't handle deleteTodo it will bubble to the router and be handled there.
click: function(e) {
In your router you will also need to define the event:
events: {
doStuff: function(e) {
alert("Do stuff") ;
I would typically do record deletion in the controller. Seems like putting that in a router event would not be ideal.

Backbone click event fires events for all collection rather than model

Can't figure out what's wrong. When I click on a model title, it fetches all models in collection at once rather than fetch one model. If I move this event from logView to logsView it works properly but doesn't have access to model, well I can find this model using index or ant other model's ID but don't think this is a nice way.
var Log = Backbone.Model.extend({});
window.LogsList = Backbone.Collection.extend({
url:function (tag) {
this.url = '/logs/' + tag;
return this;
window.colList = new LogsList();
window.logView = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize:function () {
this.model.bind('add', this.render, this);
"click .accordion-toggle" :"getLogBody"
render:function () {
return this.template(this.model.toJSON());
getLogBody:function () {
window.LogsView = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize:function (options) {
colList.bind('reset', this.addAll, this);
addOne:function (model) {
var view = new logView({model:model});
addAll:function () {
window.listView = new LogsView({data:"Visa_Cl"});
The problem is caused by your el in the LogView: el:$('.accordion')
Backbone's view events are scope to the view's el. In this case, you've specified the view's el as ALL HTML elements with a class of "accordion". Therefore, when you click on any of your HTML elements with this class, the code runs for all of them, which is why you are seeing this behavior.
This article will show you a few options for doing what you want, correctly:
Backbone.js: Getting The Model For A Clicked Element
I would also recommend reading this one, to better understand the use of el in Backbone, and a few of the tricks and traps of it:
Backbone.js: Object Literals, Views Events, jQuery, and el
