any way to trigger a method in WCF REST at the start of the the Service - global-asax

Can we make any method to fire everytime when a service is started/called...irrespective of operation the service performs.
Just like Application_BeginRequest() in Global.asax in web applications


Where should I make API calls in a spring application, in the controller or service?

I have a spring application. It exposes an endpoint, which when hit, needs to make an call to some other API. So, where should I make this API call, inside my controller itself or should I do it in the service class?
Based on any Architectural style (DDD, Microservices, etc), we should follow separation of concerns.
Best practice would be to create a Rest Client class for the API you want to consume and make all rest calls inside that.
Then you create a Service class to call the method consuming the API, performing the operation, data filter, anything you want to do with data.
Next would be to inject your service class inside the controller and return the data you just consumed and did some operation on it.
It might not sound well in a small project/feature, but it is the best practice when things get complicated and grow.

If the web service A is down, how can you make the osb business service point to web service B

If the web service A is down, how can you make the osb business service point to web service B.
This is like a back up web service.
So, try invoking web service A, but if it is unavailable invoke web service B.
OSB supports multiple endpoint URLS with load balancing algorithm, and you can provide retry count there so in case if the service is not available on one endpoint then it will be tried to second endpoint.
You will need to handle it with Stage (or Route) Error Handler in the Proxy Service
If it is truly the same Business Service (same WSDL), then look at the Load Balancing Algorithm and the Endpoint URI list on the Business Service properties.

Attempting to use WCF Data Service as a relay for another OData Service

I have an ASP.NET Web API 2.0 OData service project which I am trying to relay via a service reference + WCF Data Service (5.6) through an ASP.NET MVC project—the reason I am doing this is so users browsers’ can access the service without worrying about CORS for IE8 and IE9— so they will have the same host.
After some tinkering, this setup mostly works however there are some problems, my setup:
Service Project
1) ASP.NET Web API 2.0 OData endpoint
2) WCF Data Services 5.6 OData endpoint + Entity Framework 6.0.2 (EntityFrameworkDataService<DBContext>) using WCF Data Services Entity Framework Provider (1.0.0-alpha-2)
When I directly access both of these services they perform flawlessly with whatever I throw at them—both through a service reference, LINQPad, and raw URLs. Then I setup the ASP.NET MVC project:
ASP.NET MVC Project (relaying service references above): WCF Data Services 5.6, (DataService<ServiceReference-1-or-2>)
The problems come when I try to perform the same queries on the WCF Service acting as a relay:
Relaying (1) with $inlinecount=allpages gives me: “An error occurred while processing this request.”
Relaying (1) and (2) with $select=... both give me: “Not Implemented”.
When I relay a dummy POCO context through the reflection provider all of the operations work flawlessly on the relay WCF Data Service, which leads me to suspect that the problem is in the combination of WCF Data Services and the Service Reference, as they both work without problems independently… Perhaps the WCF Data Service is examining the LINQ Provider for the service reference and arbitrarily deciding that it does not support the operations?
I could live without $select but not having $inlinecount is a deal-breaker. There are a couple of alternate solutions I could take but I would really like to make this approach work: any ideas?
This was very similar to: WCF Data Service - Proxy mid-tier service
In a nutshell: you can have a relay by either
1) Making the service believe it is at a different URL than it is (so it is effectively broken for all access except through the proxy).
2) By writing another service which manually does the relaying to the service reference...
I chose none of the above and restructured my service as Web API Owin middleware. I lost the ability to have a separate service deployment but can easily swap in another piece of middlware and it makes CORS issues non-existent.

Are there limitations converting a WCF OData Service to a Web API OData Service?

We have some legacy OData service code in our application which is written using a WCF Data Service.
Everything else in our system now uses Web API as the data interface so I am wanting to port our WCF OData Service to a Web API service with the OData annotations.
My question is, we currently use the OData service for standard CRUD statements and also a lot of Service Operations. Are there any limitations with Web API OData that would limit it compared to WCF Data Services (i.e relationship chains, service operation calls, etc.)? I'm wanting to get away with updating the service so the client side of things doesn't have to change at all.
I've started working on a similar port from WCF to WebAPI for OData with the recent release of Web API 2 and its support for $select and $expand - until then I could not really replace the data service. Service operations can be added as actions

Should we use a WCF service as our service layer facade in nTier application

So we've decided to rebuild an application in our business since it's been sitting in Sharepoint for no apparent reason other than to make use of its document indexing feature.
We've decided to create our new app in ASP.NET MVC3 using C#. We're trying to decide on the overall architecture.
I was thinking something like the following:
Core - domain objects (poco's)
Data - Entity Framework (Code First) or nHibernate exposed as Repositories
Service - This layer would encapsulate any business logic and act as a facade. This could be broken down into further modules.
UI (MVC) - Controllers and Views.
This would all be tied together using a DI container such as Autofac.
We also want to be able to write unit tests so we need to be able to mock our service layer and data repositories for testing our controllers etc.
So - does the above sound like a good overall architectural pattern for a pretty standard business application?
The idea being that data, service, ui can reference Core but the UI would only really talk to the service level components and not know about the implementation details of data etc.
My next question is that at some point we're going to want to expose some functionality outside our application i.e. WCF Services/ASP.NET Web API.
What, in your view, would be the best option. Build the service layer in WCF and call this from our Controllers in MVC? If so would this be testable or would we need to write a wrapper around the web service? Could this be time consuming?
Continue writing a service layer (i.e. Service1.CreateObject(object obj);) in C# classes and create a web service as a separate entity exposing just the functionality we need that calls our service layer?
Any thoughts would be really helpful as I don't know what best route would be.
Should we use a WCF service as our service layer facade in nTier application
Depends on if any other application than the MVC application is going to talk to the service.
MVC3 is the only app: You aint gonno need it
Other apps too: Sure. Do it.
What, in your view, would be the best option. Build the service layer in WCF and call this from our Controllers in MVC? If so would this be testable or would we need to write a wrapper around the web service? Could this be time consuming
Don't use the concrete service classes. Use the service interfaces. Problem solved.
My next question is that at some point we're going to want to expose some functionality outside our application i.e. WCF Services/ASP.NET Web API
I hope that you mean the same WCF service.
Continue writing a service layer (i.e. Service1.CreateObject(object obj);) in C# classes and create a web service as a separate entity exposing just the functionality we need that calls our service layer?
ehh. What kind of method is Service1.CreateObject(object obj)? That looks just wrong.
Using WCF Service is the right approach. (As you need to host this as web-api and web-api is over http).
In your mvc application you can consume the service by endpoint url.
Time factor depends on the connectivity between your servers(WebServer for MVC app and the Server to host WCFservices).ideally it should not be a bottle neck.
Still you can do unit testing of MVC code (as service layer call can be mocked.(using Moq/NMock?RhinoMock...))
