Warning thrown by script - oracle

I have written a script to update a table by passing the parameters to the script. It appears to run just fine but throws the following warnings upon execution :
*** Warning:
Problem resolving parameter "ORACLE_CLIENT_VERSION" of "/abinitio/apps30/ste-uat/CitiTech/stdenv/.project.pset":
Parameter:`ORACLE_CLIENT_VERSION' referenced before being defined in pset:`/abinitio/apps30/ste-uat/CitiTech/stdenv/.sandbox.pset'.
Can anyone tell me why these warnings are displayed or how to suppress/hide these warnings ??

I'm not sure but such a variable ("ORACLE_CLIENT_VERSION") is defined in ruby apps. For example, look here at the config.rb file.
If I were you, I would make just a search in your project for such a config file, and define the ORACLE_CLIENT_VERSION there.


sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kustomize/v3#v3.8.7 (in sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kustomize/v3#v3.8.7):

I was setting up kubearmor developement environment, I used make deploy command and it started downloading sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kustomize/v3#v3.8.7
and the following error was shown in command line. What should i do?
go: sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kustomize/v3#v3.8.7 (in sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kustomize/v3#v3.8.7): The go.mod file for the module providing named packages contains one or more exclude directives. It must not contain directives that would cause it to be interpreted differently than if it were the main module. make: *** [Makefile:142: kustomize] Error 1
i didn't try anything yet

go-swagger restapi/configure_todo_list.go - api.TodoGetHandler undefined error

I am a newbie in go and go-swagger. I am following steps in Simple Server tutorial in goswagger.io.
I am using Ubuntu 18.04, swagger v0.25.0 and go 1.15.6.
Following the same steps, there are a few differences of the files generated. For instance, goswagger.io's has find_todos_okbody.go and get_okbody.go in models but mine does not. Why is that so?
Link to screenshot of my generated files vs
Link to screenshot of generated files by swagger.io
Starting the server as written in the tutorial go install ./cmd/todo-list-server/ gives me the following error. Can anyone please help with this?
# my_folder/swagger-todo-list/restapi
restapi/configure_todo_list.go:41:8: api.TodosGetHandler undefined (type *operations.TodoListAPI has no field or method TodosGetHandler)
restapi/configure_todo_list.go:42:6: api.TodosGetHandler undefined (type *operations.TodoListAPI has no field or method TodosGetHandler)
The first step in goswagger.io todo-list is swagger init spec .... Which directory should I run this command in? I ran it in a newly created folder in my home directory. However, from the page, it shows the path to be ~/go/src/github.com/go-swagger/go-swagger/examples/tutorials/todo-list. I am not sure whether I should use go get ..., git clone ... or create those folders. Can someone advise me?
This is likely the documentation lagging behind the version of the code that you are running. As long as it compiles, the specific files the tool generates isn't so crucial.
This is a compilation error. When you do go install foo it will try to build the foo package as an executable and then move that to your GOPATH/bin directory. It seems that the generated code in restapi/configure_todo_list.go isn't correct for the operations code generated.
All you need to run this tutorial yourself is an empty directory and the swagger tool (not its source code). You run the commands from the root of this empty project. In order not to run into GOPATH problems I would initialise a module with go mod init todo-list-example before doing anything else.
Note that while the todo-list example code exists inside the go-swagger source, it's there just for documenting example usage and output.
What I would advice for #2 is to make sure you're using a properly released version of go-swagger, rather than installing from the latest commit (which happens when you just do a go get), as I have found that to be occasionally unstable.
Next, re-generate the entire server, but make sure you also regenerate restapi/configure_todo_list.go by passing --regenerate-configureapi to your swagger generate call. This file isn't always refreshed because you're meant to modify it to configure your app, and if you changed versions of the tool it may be different and incompatible.
If after that you still get the compilation error, it may be worth submitting a bug report at https://github.com/go-swagger/go-swagger/issues.
Thanks #EzequielMuns. The errors in #2 went away after I ran go get - u -f ./... as stated in
For this generation to compile you need to have some packages in your GOPATH:
* github.com/go-openapi/runtime
* github.com/jessevdk/go-flags
You can get these now with: go get -u -f ./...
I think it's an error of swagger code generation. You can do as folloing to fix this:
delete file configure_todo_list.go;
regenerate code.
# swagger generate server -A todo-list -f ./swagger.yml
Then, you can run command go install ./cmd/todo-list-server/, it will succeed.

getResource return null url in context of module

I am new to Java Modularity. I am using Java 9.
The program compiles without complaint. It also runs perfectly well from the "exploded module" folder, but with one exception: it throws an exception whose cause originates with the following line of code:
URL introURL = AboutPanel.class.getResource("help.html");
introURL is being assigned null.
When running the program in Eclipse, or from a jar file exported from Eclipse, the URL is populated correctly with the address of a resource file (help.html) that is in the same directory as the calling class.
Here is the command I use to run the program from the "exploded module" that is in the "out" folder:
java -p out/ -m moduleTCD/com.adonax.tanpura.TCDLaunch
The project consists of two packages that I am bundling together in a single module.
The "main" class (entry point) is tanpura.TCDLaunch.
Here is the module-info.java class contents:
module moduleTCD {
exports com.adonax.tanpura;
requires java.base;
requires java.desktop;
The error statement, when trying to run from the command line:
java.io.IOException: invalid url
at java.desktop/javax.swing.JEditorPane.setPage(Unknown Source)
at moduleTCD/com.adonax.tanpura.documentation.AboutPanel.<init>(AboutPanel.java:28)
at moduleTCD/com.adonax.tanpura.panels.ControlPanel.initializeHelpPanel(ControlPanel.java:525)
at moduleTCD/com.adonax.tanpura.panels.ControlPanel.<init>(ControlPanel.java:163)
at moduleTCD/com.adonax.tanpura.TCDLaunch.main(TCDLaunch.java:43)
This exception is thrown in a try/catch for IOException at the point where the JEditorPane method setPage is called with null as an argument.
At first, I didn't have an exports line in my module-info.java, but added it when I read the following from the API for Class.getResource:
A URL object; null if no resource with this name is found, the resource cannot be located by a URL, the resource is in a package that
is not open to at least the caller module, or access to the resource
is denied by the security manager.
This raised the possibility that the package might be needed by Class in the module Java.base. The exports command there now is the broadest possible. But adding it did not change the error. I'm wondering if there is something wrong with how I did this, or if there is something else I am overlooking.
Classic error on my part. I made assumptions about the error being related to tech that is new and unfamiliar to me, rather than first verifying the obvious.
The fail was due to not realizing that the javac command did not move required resources into the target folder system.
I also verified that an "exports" statement is NOT needed in module-info in order to allow the loading of the resource.
So, in fact, this was not a java-module issue at all, just an oversight which I credit in part to a lack of chops using shell-level Java commands.
Big thank you to Alan Bateman!

wxWidget C1189 #error: "wxUSE_ACTIVEX must be defined."

I use VS2015+ wxwideget 3.10 to run a very simple example from wxwidget examples
Yesterday this example was able to run properly but today the example starts to display "Error C1189 #error: "wxUSE_ACTIVEX must be defined." when building it. I didn't change the configuration settings so this thing is quite confusing. Where could be the bugs?
the place where error occured(in chkconf.h):
f/* ensure that MSW-specific settings are defined */
#ifndef wxUSE_ACTIVEX
# error "wxUSE_ACTIVEX must be defined."
# else
# define wxUSE_ACTIVEX 0
# endif
#endif /* !defined(wxUSE_ACTIVEX) */
my property settings:
additional include directories: $(WXWIN)\include; $(WXWIN)\include\msvc;
additional library directories: $(WXWIN)\lib\vc_x64_lib
First of all, it's completely impossible that something that worked yesterday stopped working today without anything else. You did change something and, of course, only you know what it was.
Second, all wxUSE_XXX constants are defined in include/wx/msw/setup.h which is copied to lib/vc_x64_lib/mswu/wx (or another similar directory depending on debug/release, lib/DLL build settings) during the library build and is found there by by include/msvc/wx/setup.h. So if it's not defined, the first thing to do is to check that this file didn't get changed somehow (maybe accidentally, although I have trouble imagining how this could happen).

How to address the error has both : and :: entries while using gnu make

I am trying to port a new module into my project. The module has its own make file. I have no background or experience with the make build system, so I decided to use the following command:
make -f Makefile -f ../newmodule/tbt/makefile
But I get the following errors:
../newmodule/tbt/makefile:14: make/macros.mk: No such file or
../newmodule/tbt/makefile:66: *** target file `all' has both : and :: entries. Stop.
Please correct me if I am wrong; it is my understanding that my first error is because I issued make from my main project, and I need to somehow configure it to look into the directory of ../newmodule/tbt/make to find macros.mk. Would anyone be able to suggest an effective way of addressing this issue? What is the best way to include the contents of ../newmodule/tbt/make folder?
My 2nd error seems to be exactly what make complains about, which is having : and :: in the two make files for the target "all". I can not follow the 2nd make file very closely, but there is not much to the lines that have this target. I am thinking of changing it to My_all, and configure this new variable as the default target of the new module. I am not even sure if my terminology is correct. "all" is called the default target for make right? I have reviewed most of the make file document, but it is 5 am, and I do not recall some things.
I came across this error during compilation of some package under OpenWrt. The problem was in the VERSION declaration in the Makefile.
So, check if you have declared anything with unnecessary spaces or comments after some variable.
Removing the comment or space after variables should work.
Try running two separate make -f myMakefile commands, one from each module directory so that the relative paths work out properly as you have already observed that you current directory when executing make may be part of the problem.
