python slow to check if mongodb record found - performance

I have a python (3.2) request that goes to MongoDB and the request itself is running fast enough. When I then perform an if statement check to see if any records were found it takes 50 times as long:
Line # Hits Time Per Hit % Time Line Contents
58 27623 6475988 234.4 1.7 itemInDB = db.mainData.find({"x":item[x]}).limit(1)
60 #existing item in db
61 27623 293419802 10622.3 77.6 if itemInDB.count():
What on earth is the cause for that if statement taking so long?! I presume there must be a better way to check if a record was found but google has come up empty.
Thanks for the help.

Perhaps a Better Way
If you're only interested in returning one value, you might want to use find_one instead of find. It will stop looking for values after one has been found, as opposed to find, which has to run through the collection:
itemInDB = db.mainData.find_one({"x":item[x]})
if itemInDB:
print("Item found")
print("Item not found")
For Your Example
According to the PyMongo docs, when querying the count of a cursor, you can pass in a parameter (True or False) to take into account any skip or limit calls previously made to the cursor. The default for that parameter is False (namely, not taking those calls into account). That may be affecting the performance of your count query.
Gauging Query Performance
If you want to see how your query will be carried out by mongo, you can call explain on your cursor:
The explain function is also implemented in PyMongo.

Turns out it was due to the find() function and not the if statement. I created an index on "x" (as I should have anyway). Changed the find to find_one and removed the .count() from the if statement. Overall 75% faster.


Neo4j cypher query for updating nodes taking a long time

I have a graph with the following:
This is not limited to two customers but the depth does not exceed 5. The following also exists:
There is a label :Master that needs to be added to one customer node in a matching set depending on some criteria.
My query therefore needs to find all sets of matching customers where none have the label master and add that label to one node in the set. There are a large number of customer nodes and doing it all in one go causes the database to become very slow.
I have attempted to do it using apoc.periodic.commit:
CALL apoc.periodic.commit("MATCH (c:Customer)
WHERE NOT c:Master AND NOT (c)-[:MATCHES*0..5]-(:Master) WITH c limit {limit}
CALL apoc.path.expand(c, 'MATCHES', '+Customer', 0, -1)
YIELD path UNWIND NODES(path) AS nodes WITH c,nodes
order by nodes:Searchable desc, nodes.createdTimestamp asc
with c, head(collect(distinct nodes)) as collectedNodes
set collectedNodes:Master
return count(collectedNodes)", {limit:100})
However this still causes the database to become very slow even if the limit parameter is set to 1. I read that apoc.periodic.commit is a blocking process so this may be causing a problem. Is there a way to do this that is not so resource intensive and the DB can continue to process other transactions while this is running?
The slowest part of the query is the initial match:
MATCH (c:Customer)
WHERE NOT c:Master AND NOT (c)-[:MATCHES*0..5]-(:Master) WITH c limit {limit}
This takes around 3.5s and the entire query takes about 4s. There is very little difference between limit 1 and limit 20. Maybe if there is a way to rewrite this so it is faster, it might be a better approach?
Also, if it is of any use, the following returns ~70K
MATCH (c:Customer)
WHERE NOT c:Master AND NOT (c)-[:MATCHES*0..5]-(:Master)

how do i do an atomic update with etcd

I am trying to understand what an 'atomic' update is in terms on etcd.
When I think 'atomic', I think there is a 'before' and an 'after' (there isn't a during, and if the update fails, it is still 'before').
Here is an example:
curl -s -XPUT http://localhost:2379/v2/keys/message -d value='Hidee Ho'
So, at this point, anyone can access that message and get the current value:
curl -s http://localhost:2379/v2/keys/message
{"action":"get","node":{"key":"/message","value":"Hidee Ho","modifiedIndex":4748,"createdIndex":4748}}
Later on, I can modify this value, like this:
curl -s -XPUT http://localhost:2379/v2/keys/message -d value='Mr Hanky'
And the result can be fetched, just like before. Before my change the value 'Hidee Ho' comes back, after the change the value 'Mr Hanky' comes back. So, my question is am I guaranteed one or the other of the results? That is, I want to confirm that one or the other will be returned (and not a nil value between the result).
I don't particularly care about the timing. If I do the Mr Hanky update and subsequent fetchers of the value continue to get Hidee Ho for a (short) period of time, that's OK.
I am confused because there is an Atomic CompareAndSwap function in the protocol. As far as I can tell, it isn't so much Atomic as it is 'only do the update if the value is what I say it is'. In my case I don't much care what the value used to be. I just want to know that it is changed and that no readers will see anything other than the 'before' or 'after' values.
You are correct in that a plain PUT is atomic in that a client will only see the previous value or the new value.
The CompareAndSwap feature allows you to do optimistic locking so that you can write new values which depend on the prior value, e.g. a counter. If you were to implement a counter without using CompareAndSwap, you'd have something like write("count", 1 + read("count")) , in this case the read and write are separate, if 2 callers did this at the same time, then its possible they'd both see the same starting value, and you'd loose one of the increments. using CAS the caller can say set it to 12 only if the previous value is 11, now if this happens concurrently, one of the writes will fail, and it can then re-read and reapply its delta, so that you don't loose any increments.

Solr performance with commitWithin does not make sense

I am running a very simple performance experiment where I post 2000 documents to my application.
Who in tern persists them to a relational DB and sends them to Solr for indexing (Synchronously, in the same request).
I am testing 3 use cases:
No indexing at all - ~45 sec to post 2000 documents
Indexing included - commit after each add. ~8 minutes (!) to post and index 2000 documents
Indexing included - commitWithin 1ms ~55 seconds (!) to post and index 2000 documents
The 3rd result does not make any sense, I would expect the behavior to be similar to the one in point 2. At first I thought that the documents were not really committed but I could actually see them being added by executing some queries during the experiment (via the solr web UI).
I am worried that I am missing something very big. Is it possible that committing after each add will degrade performance by a factor of 400?!
The code I use for point 2:
SolrInputDocument = // get doc
SolrServer solrConnection = // get connection
Where as the code for point 3:
SolrInputDocument = // get doc
SolrServer solrConnection = // get connection
solrConnection.add(doc, 1); // According to API documentation I understand there is no need to call an explicit commit after this
According to this wiki:
the commitWithin is a soft-commit by default. Soft-commits are very efficient in terms of making the added documents immediately searchable. But! They are not on the disk yet. That means the documents are being committed into RAM. In this setup you would use updateLog to be solr instance crash tolerant.
What you do in point 2 is hard-commit, i.e. flush the added documents to disk. Doing this after each document add is very expensive. So instead, post a bunch of documents and issue a hard commit or even have you autoCommit set to some reasonable value, like 10 min or 1 hour (depends on your user expectations).

can't reproduce/verify the performance claims in graph databases and neo4j in action books

UPDATE I have put up a follow up question that contains updated scripts and and a clearer setup on neo4j performance compared to mysql (how can it be improved?). Please continue there./UPDATE
I have some problems verifying the performance claims made in the "graph databases" book (page 20) and in the neo4j (chapter 1).
To verify these claims I created a sample dataset of 100000 'person' entries with 50 'friends' each, and tried to query for e.g. friends 4 hops away. I used the very same dataset in mysql. With friends of friends over 4 hops mysql returns in 0.93 secs, while neo4j needs 65 -75 secs (on repeated calls).
How can I improve this miserable outcome, and verify the claims made in the books?
A bit more detail:
I run the whole setup on a i5-3570K with 16GB Ram, using ubuntu12.04 64bit, java version "1.7.0_25" and mysql 5.5.31, neo4j-community-2.0.0-M03 (I get a similar outcome with 1.9)
All code/sample data can be found on (to be used with 2.0.0). The resulting sample data in different formats can be found on
To use the scripts you need a python with mysql-python, requests and simplejson installed.
the dataset is created with and stored to friends.pickle
friends.pickle gets imported to neo4j using
friends.pickle gets imported to mysql using
I add indexes on t_user_friend.* in mysql
I added "create index on :node(noscenda_name) in neo4j
To make life a bit easier the friends.*.bz2 contain sql and cypher statements to create those datasets in mysql and neo4j 2.0 M3.
Mysql performance
I first warm mysql up by querying:
select count(distinct name) from t_user;
select count(distinct name) from t_user;
Then, for the real meassurment I do
python 4 10
This creates the following sql statement (with changing t_user.names):
t_user_friend as uf1,
t_user_friend as uf2,
t_user_friend as uf3,
t_user_friend as uf4
where'person8601' and = uf1.user_1 and
uf1.user_2 = uf2.user_1 and
uf2.user_2 = uf3.user_1 and
uf3.user_2 = uf4.user_1;
and repeats this 4 hop query 10 times. The queries need around 0.95 secs each. Mysql is configured to use a key_buffer of 4G.
neo4j performance testing
I have modified
and the neo4j-wrapper.conf:
To warm up neo4j I do
start n=node(*) return count(n.noscenda_name);
start r=relationship(*) return count(r);
Then I start using the transactional http endpoint (but I get the same results using the neo4j-shell).
Still warming up, I run
./bin/python 3 10
This creates a query of the form (with varying person ids):
{"statement": "match n:node-[r*3..3]->m:node where n.noscenda_name={target} return count(r);", "parameters": {"target": "person3089"}
after the 7th call or so each call needs around 0.7-0.8 secs.
Now for the real thing (4 hops) I do
./bin/python 4 10
{"statement": "match n:node-[r*4..4]->m:node where n.noscenda_name={target} return count(r);", "parameters": {"target": "person3089"}
and each call takes between 65 and 75 secs.
Open questions/thoughts
I'd really like see the claims in the books to be reproducable and correct, and neo4j faster then mysql instead of magnitudes slower.
But I don't know what I am doing wrong... :-(
So, my big hopes are:
I didn't do the memory settings for neo4j correctly
The query I use for neo4j is completely wrong
Any suggestions to get neo4j up to speed are highly welcome.
Thanks a lot,
2.0 has not been performance optimized at all, so you should use 1.9.2 for comparison.
(if you use 2.0 - did you create an index for n.noscenda_name)
You can check the query plan with profile start ....
With 1.9 please use a manual index or node_auto_index for noscenda_name.
Can you try these queries:
start n=node:node_auto_index(noscenda_name={target})
match n-->()-->()-->m
return count(*);
Fulltext indexes are also more expensive than exact indexes, so keep the exact auto-index for noscenda_name.
can't get your importer to run, it fails at some point, perhaps you can share the finished neo4j database
reading rels
reading nodes
delete old
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 9, in <module>
g.query('match n-[r]->m delete r;')
File "/Users/mh/java/neo/neo4j-experiements/", line 99, in query
File "/Users/mh/java/neo/neo4j-experiements/", line 71, in call
self.transactionurl = result.headers['location']
File "/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/requests-1.2.3-py2.7.egg/requests/", line 77, in __getitem__
return self._store[key.lower()][1]
KeyError: 'location'
Just to add to what Michael said, in the book I believe the authors are referring to a comparison that was done in the Neo4j in Action book - it's described in the free first chapter of that book.
At the top of page 7 they explain that they were using the Traversal API rather than Cypher.
I think you'll struggle to get Cypher near that level of performance at the moment so if you want to do those types of queries you'll want to use the Traversal API directly and then perhaps wrap it in an unmanaged extension.

Limitation in retrieving rows from a mongodb from ruby code

I have a code which gets all the records from a collection of a mongodb and then it performs some computations.
My program takes too much time as the "coll_id.find().each do |eachitem|......." returns only 300 records at an instant.
If I place a counter inside the loop and check it prints 300 records and then sleeps for around 3 to 4 seconds before printing the counter value for next set of 300 records..
coll_id.find().each do |eachcollectionitem|
puts "counter value for record " + counter.to_s
counter=counter +1
---- My computations here -----
Is this a limitation of ruby-mongodb api or some configurations needs to be done so that the code can get access to all the records at one instant.
How large are your documents? It's possible that the deseriaization is taking a long time. Are you using the C extensions (bson_ext)?
You might want to try passing a logger when you connect. That could help sort our what's going on. Alternatively, can you paste in the MongoDB log? What's happening there during the pause?
